Here you can find Episodes 61 to 66. Just find the date you want and click the play button. If there is anything you would like us to feature on a future podcast be sure to let us know at chad.cafnpodcast@yahoo.com or tamer@imperialshipyards.net. You never know, you could be our next guest. Don't forget to hit the RSS Icon on the left to get automatic updates! We have also added a Forum Thread where you can ask our next customizer to be interviewed a question or share one of your custom techniques. You could hear your question of technique featured on the next Cast! We have also created a Facebook page and would really appreciate a like if you feel can do so. Please also be sure to check out our Libsyn Page where you can also listen and interact. |
Frank Diorio is well known to customizing fans across the world and definitely a well known guest to CAFN. Chad and I were looking for a reason to podcast anyhow and used this special podcast episode with Diorama Workshop.com to announce a few things that I think all will like to hear. It was also great fun to hear Frank talk about his experiences for Celebration 6 and hear what irons he has in the fire for the future. Download here! |
Well it was great catch up with Daniel aka Tankster last night and even though we lost him a few times we still had a great interview. Listen to him talk about his great Desolation Verse and learn a rather interesting sculpting and casting technique as well as cover everything new since we last talked with Daniel. Of course Chad and I also got Daniel's take on some of the news item of day including his take on Retaliation and the current Hasbro and SW situations. Download here! |
We just had an absolute blast last night talking with Darksider80 of Korriban Customs on 3-28-13. We covered quite a few customizing techniques from accessorizing your figures with soft goods to the types of JOE and SW Parts that mesh well to of course some of the recipes and back stories behind some of his awesome work. I also had great fun watching the new social stream feature an interacting with our live guests. That was so cool! Download here! |
We revist our roundtable on the State of Collecting on 3-14-13. It was absolutey a blast to talk with Paul Harrison from Jeditemplearchives.com and Dan Curto from Curtoburns.com about the current state of the proverbial collecting health of Star Wars. We definitely didn't hold back on Hasbro and Chad and I want to thank Paul and Dan for giving up their evening so we could discuss this. Of course we ran out of time, but did cover most of the outline which you can find, along with show notes, here. We also want to give you the Download here! |
We celebrated our 50th Podcast with special guest Dayton Allen aka Sith Fire 30 Creations on 3-01-13. Needless to say, it was another enjoyable session as we were updated on all of Dayton's new projects; especially where it came to new molding and casting materials. I was furiously taking notes during that section. Be sure to see our Show Notes Page in the ISY Forums for more on that. As always talking with Dayton is just a pleasure. Download here! |
We were joined by Whit Anderson from DBSW.Net and Stephen Scott from Flyguy.Net. Together that dynamic duo make up Boring Conversation Anyway: a most excellent Star Wars Podcast where they cover it all. Chad and I just had a blast covering all the new reveals from Toy Fair 2013 and the current news of the day on 2-24-13. I must say it was also pretty daggone cool to see Chad get in-depth with the JOE Reveal too. Download here! |