The Imperial Shipyards
Imperial Creative Engineering => Dioramas => Topic started by: RCWCreations on March 22, 2017, 03:12:14 AM
Today I finally started a new project. This year I am going try my hands at other genre's other than Star Wars, which I focused very heavily on. With this project I am going to base this around the 6" DC figures, taking influence from Arkham City. I am gong to create a derelict shop (either a complete enclosed building or front face with two rooms inside-Not sure yet). Today I started with the front of the building, taking a piece of foamboard and cutting it in half.
I sketched the second floor windows, front door and bottom windows. I cut out the door, above the door will be a sign, either side of that will be brick work. To accomplish this, I cut around the areas, stripping off the top layer of board and using a 1 by 2 piece of Lego. I pressed it into the board to give the impression of bricks.
I think it worked rather well.
I have been wondering what you have been up too!
Good to see you started on a new project.
Sorry I disappeared. I started a new job in January and then next thing I know, its the end of March!
Thats how life is sometimes. It is just good to see you back around.
Thanks Tamer
I'm liking what I see so far mate and look forward to seeing more WIP pics.
Thanks Ron, I will not disappoint you ;D
I cut the 1st floor windows out, I also carefully removed the top lay of card from the board from around the windows. Using my 2x1 piece of lego, I started to press the Lego into the card to simulate brick work.
It's not much of an update but believe me that it was a couple of hours work.
Looks good to me. Off to share.
Last night, I had the evening to myself and was able to crack on. Using my special piece of Lego, I imprinted more bricks. Up by the windows I have given the impression there is still a layer of concrete covering the bricks, to give it the impression that it is a building in disrepair.
The windows have been cut out and the top layer card has been removed from underneath windows. Using a wire brush, I ran the brush straight down the foam under one of the windows. I'm trying to give the impression of a wood, not too sure that it will work or I might turn it to concrete but it's still early days.
To show the scale of this so far, here is my 6" Flash stood in the doorway.
Damn impressive mate and I love the look of the brick work.
Thanks Ron, I've got at least two more walls to build with bricks and if I feel stupid enough, the inside to do as well but still undecided on that right now.
Very nice. Off to share the update.
I finally found some time to work on my building. With the front wall, I cut out the door frame, then cut out lengths of foam board to make the door frame, window ledge and frame. I used PVA glue to stick them in place.
For the inner wall, I cut another piece of foam board because we all know how easily foam board bends. Having cut the other piece to match the reverse of the front wall, I stripped the entire inner wall of its top layer of card as I have previously done with outer wall. Taking out my Lego tool, I have started to carve into the foam board the brick work needed. As you can tell from the pictures, it is going to be the entire wall.
More to follow!
I finally finished creating the brick work on the inside wall, my clamps have turned up so I have PVA glued the two sides together. 2-3 more wall to do like this.
Nice off to share.
Last night I started work on the 2nd wall, I have decided to make the building angular making this walk the corner wall.
Like the main wall, I have stripped off the top layer of card. Getting out my Lego tool I started carving my brick work. This morning I have glued both sides together and cut out the third wall.
Looking good. Off to share the update.
Coming great buddy and that vid you did was excellent.
Hi all
People have been asking me how I have been doing the brick work on my Facebook page, this spurred me to do a quick tutorial to which I wanted to share with the Yard.
I start by pulling the top layer of paper off the foam board. Picking off the excess that doesn't want to come off.
Then taking my Lego tool (a single piece of 1x2) and wearing protective gloves (believe me these help).
I slowly work my way across the board, line by line until I reach the end.
It's a slow and tedious process but I think we can all agree it does the trick.
I hope this proves useful to everyone.
Looks pretty good to me. Off to share.
With the 3rd wall half completed, I wanted to see how it looks so far. I still need to do the inside of the 3rd wall before doing both ground and first floors.
In the mean time Batman is taking on Harley, the Joker and Killer Croc, just to check out the scale of this dio (honest!)
This is the first time I've ever made anything for 6 inch figures, I hope I have somewhere big enough to show this off.
Looks great to me so far. Off to share.
That's a real good bit of info thanks for sharing that ! May come in handy one day ! Great work
Looking great buddy.
Last night, I trimmed the all the walls so they all stood flush with one another. I have marked out the corner stones, which I will carve out over the next couple of days before applying a coat of paint to building before starting on the floors.
I have done my usual of sticking the sides together with masking tape to feel for the size.
It is looking good!
Buddy your killing it, this is going to be awesome.
You are totally killing it ! Stunning work Love the attention to the detail
Thanks guys! I've just purchased a can of limestone spray paint as a base coat for this, if anyone has any ideas on colour then please let know.
Worked on the corner stones of both the side walls this evening. Using my rotary tool to carve in between each stone, then sanded them with corse sandpaper which removed the top layer of card. Just need to do the same with the facing wall before I can fix the pieces together.
Outstanding work mate, this is going to be awesome once completed.
Looks great. Off to share the latest in all the right places.
Major update!
Today I managed to get a lot of work done on the building. I started by carving out the corner stones for the front of the building, using the same technique as the other two walls but making sure that they lined up with the adjacent walls.
After completing this task, I sanded them down, curving the edges and removing the top layer of card from the foam. Taking my glue gun, I glued both sides on, making sure ther blocks where alignred with each other. Then sanded down each side, blending in both side, trying to blend in the join.
Once the sides had been glued on I then cut out a piece of card and started working on the floor. Taking the strips of bolsa wood, I glued them onto the board to act as floor boards. This will probably be the same the next floor. Once it has dried, I am thinking of coffee staining the floor, to darken it.
While this was drying, I sprayed the building with a limestone spray, this has come up a little lighter than I had imagined but a couple of grey washes should do the trick.
Time to let it all dry, I hope you like the progress!
Picture's of the floor
First coat of paint applied
Now that is sweet. Looking great and off to share.
Last night I coffee stained the floor which I think turned out rather well. Before I could fit the floor to the walls, I had to apply another coat of paint to darken out the walls. I created an acrylic wash made up from white, black and a little burnt umber and went over all the brick work. Not sure whether to do a second wash before i start work on the first floor? I will be going over the corner stones with a grey to match the brick work.
More pictures.
This is really coming along now! Great update.
Thanks Tamer
Time to get this on the front pages.
Been busy today, what started as fixing the ground floor to the walls ended up being by fitting in the second floor as well. After fitting the floor, I cut 6 supports and glued them to the corners and either side of the door. I cut a piece of foam core and slid it into grooves I cut into the walls, then glued it into place. This pulled the walls back in, squaring of the middle. Using strips of bolsa, I covered both sides of the foamboard floor before coffee staining all the wood I had applied today. I cut a strip of foam board, sprayed painted and glued it to the bottom of the door as a step.
Now I have completed these floors, I still have to:
1) The windows and door.
2) The roof.
2) The base (sidewalk/pavement & road).
3) Another wall to create an alley down the side of the building.
4) All internal accessories.
Still a long way to go before I can say this is completed.
A couple more pictures.
Started working on the roof last night. I cut the base and then five strips to act as a boarder. As usual, it’s held together with masking tape while I’m working and developing the roof. Once I’ve finished developing this, I will be using a piece of black foam board for top of the roof
Wow, this is really coming a long since I last viewed it. Off to share!
Thanks Tamer
Looking awesome mate, I love Batman & Robin on the roof it gives a good scale to the building.
Thanks Ron. Its a little on the large size and have no idea where I am going to put it lol.
This evening I carried on working on the roof, I thought I had finished with doing brick work but my design had other ideas for me lol.
As you can see, the construction on the roof is now completed. All that is needed to do it sand it, paint it, glue the black foam board into place and then glue the roof into place. Then I can start with the roof accessories.
Just so you get an idea if the size of this, I put my 1999 Rancor in front of it. As you can see he doesn't even reach the top windows.
Over the weekend I will start adding the windows before attaching the roof into the place.
Wow, this is really coming along nicely. Off to share the latest.
Thanks Tamer, really appreciate it.
Before I carry on working on the roof, I thought it was about time I turned my hand to making the windows.
I cut out 6 pieces from the plastic sheet, then using bolsa wood I made front and back window frames. Once completed I stuck them into place with hot glue.
Next job is to do the bottom two windows and putting the second coat of paint on the roof.
Looks good. Off to share.
First coat of paint has been applied to the roof, need to mix up the darker colour for the brick work before glueing the black foam board into place.
Tonight, I got a bit carried away!
What started as only wanting to apply a base coat of limestone to the underneath of the roof (which I did). Ended up by adding beams to the ceiling, to straighten out the bending board and then having the bright idea of gluing the roof to the base! The black board has been placed back in but not glued in place yet. But I am now at a conundrum as to
1) Do I paint the top brick work as I have the others
2) Leave the roof as is and stick the black core in place before I add the extra rooftop garnish?
Thoughts please.
I also still need to add the base, first floor windows/door and accessories for inside before saying this is completed.
Wow, looking good. Off to share. Lets see if we can get you some answers to your question. I kinda like the way it looks now.
Thanks Tamer, I was kinda thinking the same but was also wondering if I should paint the corner stones a grey colour because the limestone seems a bit to bright for Gotham. ???
I think that would look good too. I really like what you are doing though. Perfect Gotham building or any city scape for that matter.
Wow, thank you Tamer.
Wow, this building is looking really fantastic. I'm sure whatever decision you make will be great. Personally I like a dark art deco Gotham, like in the '89 Batman, and Returns.
Thanks JD, I'm thinking I should go that way with it, it still looks too clean lol!
This is looking better and better with each update buddy, it's going to look amazing.
Thanks Ron.
Today I managed to get time to apply another coat of paint, as you can see I applied a darker coat on to the external brick work and then a grey coat to the corner stones. Once its dry, I'll glue the black foam board down. You probably have noticed that I have removed top layer of card ftom the black foam board, the texture I think works better without the top layer on. Need to build a roof shed and air con units for the roof and also add the downstairs windows and doors.
I think its starting to look more like a building in Gotham!
Oh yeah, looks good. Off to share the update.
Looking good! The dark brickwork definitely gives it a dark Gotham look.
This is looking awesome and yep that black brick work is perfect.
Today I got back to work on the building, I decided to work on the doorway to roof and an air condition unit. Both units are made with foam board, the first attempt of the doorway to the roof I thought was a little too large for the building. I ended up by taking an inch from the height and the width, at the moment I have placed a make shift door with a piece of black foam board. The air con unit again made from white foam board, the air vents are rectangles cut into the board and then using a flat piece of metal to push tops of the vents in and pull the underneath's out.
I have decided to fill the inside space with some furniture and will make up a few boxes and palettes. To start off with, I now have the beginnings of an L shaped desk.
A shot of the door and air con unit in place and shots of the L shaped desk.
Very nice. Off to share in all the right places.
Today I have done a little more work on the building. I started by going over the brick work with a black was. Then painting the rooftop doorway grey, then a black wash. For the door a coat of bergandy with both a black and a white wash, I have ordered a 1:12 door handle for it. The air con unit, I gave it a white coat, then a black wash, finished off with a gentle white wash to smooth out the black, then glued both onto the roof.
The desk I have added a front and sides to it, sanded it down and a waiting to be stained.
I decided to add the personnal touch to this building and added my logo to it, the building is now the Gotham branch of Richard's Creative Workshop.
I have started to measure up for the groundfloor windows and door, once they are fitted, then on to the street and side.
It's slowly starting to come together!
Some shots of the rooftop door.
Final shots.
Nice, time to share.
This afternoon I got one of the windows fitted and framed. I also cut a piece for the door, then using a piece of acrylic sheeting I cut a whole into the door and placed the glass into it. What I will be doing next will be to sculpt the door, adding a little more detail into it and then adding the other window.
The bottom piece of foam board will be the pavement around the building.
This is really looking great.
Thanks Shawn.
Today I finally fitted the last window into place and put its frame on. After recently purchasing a mouse sander, I went over the floors making them even. I also sanded the counter, this just needs to be either stained or painted.
Tonight I started working on the surrounding area to the building. Cutting a single piece of foam board I have carved the surrounding area with 1"X1" squares for paving stones. Next job with this is to sand down the top layer before spraying. I might cut out the flagged area to the right side and replace it with a single piece of board for the alleyway. It was pointed out to me after cutting the squares, that alleyways aren't flagged. Oh well!
More great work. Off to share.
Last night I got work on the base for my diorama. I started by cutting two pieces of black foam board and gluing them together. Once dried, I used my steam cleaner with the window scrapper attachment and removed the top layer of card from both sides of the soon to be wall. Once the foam had been revealed I took my Lego tool and carved bricks into both sides of the wall.
The pavement\sidewalk, I sanded down the top shinny layer of card off to leave the roof imperfections of underneath. Taking another sheet of board, it was glued to the underneath of the pavement to create a second, stronger layer.
The aim of tonight was to test out magnetic strip for a commission I've been asked to. Once the pavement had dried and I had finished the sanding, I glued a strip of magnetic tape to the underside of the wall and then another strip to the pavement and ta-da I have a removable freestanding wall to act as an alleyway or remove it for close up action shots like Batman scaling the wall.
Next job, is to paint the sidewalk and then add a bit of road to it.
In the meantime please enjoy some action shots!
Looks great. Off to the latest.
Today, I cracked on with getting the pavement spray painted. While that was drying I got a couple of wooden kabab spikes and painted the aluminium, then gave them a chrome coating.
While they are drying, I sanded the door, gave the window a fresh foam board frame, then applied a coat of white acrylic.
I have coffee stained the table.
I cut a piece of corrugated card and painted it silver, this is to be used as a security barrier for the front door.
Once the pavement had dried, I have applied a grey wash and then a black dry wash. Then using the grey and a thin brush, I have gone over every pavement slab.
When the spikes have dried, I will tie them on to mesh and make a fence for the back of the alley.
Almost there!
This morning I woke up and fixed my mesh fencing to the top of the wall and at the end of the alleyway.
Not too shabby!
That is looking awesome mate and I'm loving the details you are putting into it.
Thanks Ron
Very nice update. Man you really have a nice city scape here. So many uses besides DC, but right on! Off to share.
Thanks Shawn, what started as a simple front and top has just exploded into an all rounder dio. My daughter is eager to play with this!
To morn the passing of Adam West over the weekend, I had to put my diorama to use in its unfinished state.
I hope you like pictures.
Pretty cool tribute. You need a helicopter hanging over with some shark repellent. I so remember that episode for some reason. Off to share.
Ha ha ha, that was the Batman movie (not Lego) opening scene. What a film! 8)
Oh forgot to mention this. I put together a couple of boxes and bin bags to sit in the alleyway as random clutter.
The removable wall work great for side on shots of the alley.
Oh yeah, you had to have some trash. Looks ultra realistic. Hard to believe at such a smaller scale.
Thanks bro, got a couple of little things I want to do with this before having to put it to one side for a bit. I've been commissioned to do The Pit from Mortal Kombat for 3.75" figures and if I don't start it soon ......
This evening was all about sticking decals over the exterior of this building in Gotham, taking reference from different Batman genres.
Along with a few action shots from DCEU Batman vs Deadshot.
Looks pretty nice to me. Off to share.
Excellent work mate.
Thanks Ron.
Finally got around to painting the door and adding the door handles on the other day, even gave the corner desk a coat of paint too.
You are really covering all your bases with this one.
I am having to do a time out with this for a moment, I have been commissioned to do create The Pit from Mortal Kombat 3.75" figures. I will be carrying doing the last finishing details with my diorama but for now, here it is housing my Batman Animated collection. I'll do the finishing pictures later on this weekend.
Here are the beginnings of the my commissioned piece The Pit from Mortal Kombat scaled for 3.75" figures. Excuse the The Flash and Weather Wizard, I don't own any MK figure's lol.
Pretty cool, time to share.
The Gotham dio looks very good.
I really like the bin bags in the alleyway.
Excellent work!
Thank you FialaFernbrugg.
This morning I cracked on with bridge towers, while still in the development phase they are held together with masking tape. The bridge will fit securely into each tower and rest onto of the three pillars.
I am considering changing the three pillars from cardboard tubes and replacing them with three pillars of foam.
Once the development phase is complete, the next phase will be to strip the top layer of card off all the foam and carve stone slabs into them.
Looking good. This is really gonna be awesome when complete. I am sure the person you are building it for is pretty happy!
I really think your DC Dio is gonna be hard to beat for any city-scape. It has myriad uses. About the only new city dio I would make if I were you is a bombed out version after all the combat has happened.
Thanks Tamer.
I had considered doing a bombed out building but I remember how disappointed you where when I did that with Max's castle and just couldn't do it to you again ;D I might do that a bombed out version but animated style to house my Batman Animated figures
If I hadn't have covered it in in Gotham style decals it really would be multi genre. But for now I'll let The Batman make his mark on it.
Thanks Tamer.
I had considered doing a bombed out building but I remember how disappointed you where when I did that with Max's castle and just couldn't do it to you again ;D I might do that a bombed out version but animated style to house my Batman Animated figures
If I hadn't have covered it in in Gotham style decals it really would be multi genre. But for now I'll let The Batman make his mark on it.
Works for me. All you need now is the bat signal light on top of that building.
Ha ha, funnily enough I'm currently looking for a Bat signal for my next piece.
The Pit is coming along nicely. Today was a succesful day, I stripped off the top layer of card from towers, bridge andf floor. Once removed, I've started adding in the detail. Removing the top layer, makes the foam board bow, to stop this, I have added a second layer of board to the bridge.
The next part is turning the foam into stone pillars, to do this I have added a layer of modroc over each piece of foam and the wooden scure place through the middle of each to keep them straight. Just need these parts to dry before adding details to the tops of the towers and a back wall.
Looks good to me. Off to share.
Coming together great and keep posting those WIP pics mate.
Thanks Tamer and Ron.
Don't worry Ron, I'll keep WIP's coming. ;D
It's been a busy couple of weeks with work, grabbing time to work on this project has been difficult recently but when I have, my problems with work have melted away.
As you can see, I have made three grooves into the Pits floor for the pillars to sit into. For the top of each tower, a wall which each side of the bridge will now slot comfortably into.
All that is needed before painting this is to finish off the pillars and a back wall with a skyline.
Using customizing to relieve stress. I like it and your update. Off to share.
Thanks Tamer. You're right, its a great way to forget about the world.
Thanks Tamer. You're right, its a great way to forget about the world.
Thats the way I view this site as sometimes. It is so therapeutic to just get in here and see great artwork and imagination and the cares of the world just go away; if only for a little while.
Update to the Pit
This evening I waded a layer of modroc on the bridge, which will not only strengthen it but give it some wonderful definition of concrete. Then cutting strips of modroc and applying them to each pillar.
Once they are dry, I will sand down the bridge to fine within the enclave at the top of each tower, then workout a way to fit the pillars in place. But also making it shippable to the US.
Looks pretty good.
Hi, not much of an update but ...
With the modroc still a little damp I have been able to trim off a little of the excess to fit into the a
alcoves of the towers. Unfortunately I have created a half a centimetre gap between the bridge and the top of the pillars. I think three foam board disks and a little modroc might be in order!
Its looking great. I can't wait to see it with some paint on it!
Damn this is looking amazing buddy and yeah customizing is the best way to distress and forget about real life for a while.
Thanks Ron and Tamer
The Pit looks fantastic.
I can't wait to see some paint on it.
Just got some final touches to do before paint goes on but its not that far away.
Over the past couple of days I have slowly tweaking my build. The alcoves have been glued to the top of the towers, then magnetic strips added to keep the bridge in place. The bridge has been sanded to fit into the alcoves with magnetic strips added to meet the strips in the towers.
I cut three foam disks, stuck them on top of each pillar and then covered them with modroc.
Cutting into the base, where the towers stand and removing a layer of foam for the towers to sit embedded. I have also added magnetic strips to help keep them in place.
Finally I have started to add a little paint to this, with the bridge and pillars dry I have coated them with a coat of stone grey spray paint.
The paint work has started!
After the pillars and bridge first coat added
Looks good. Off to share.
I've been looking at the towers and the way they are joined together and have not been particularly happy about it, so today I crafted some edging to cover the join.
I have applied the first coat of paint to base, both towers and also to pillars to give them two tones.
I have placed nails (loosely) into the base and once paint work is complete on the pillars, it will start to look more like the Pit.
This morning I woke up at 6:30 and cracked on with paint work. Emphasised the brick work on both towers and then went over them with a black wash.
The bridge I used a black and a white wash and applied a second coat to the pillars before going over them with a black wash.
Wow, you are really bringing this one home. I am liking it. Off to share.
I saw that wal mart was selling a mortal kombat flawless victory tank top and I thought of your work.
Very cool! I like the stonework. Looks good.
Awesome work mate especially on the stone work.
Thanks guys, time to crack on with floor, will post pictures in bit.
This morning was another 6:30 start but with great results. Mixing up a grey with a hint of blue, went around each flag stone, washed over the imperfections in the foam board, then went over the entire base with a black wash.
From what I remember of Mortal Kombat, it's a very bloody game, so this set would not be complete without stains of blood covering the floor. Mixing up a combination of deep red and burnt umber, I went over floor, paying attention to the areas where the spikes are on the floor and on the pillars. Even staining the bridge with a little blood.
For its transportation to the States, the nails will not be going with it but I had to place nails into the pillars, just to know where to place the blood. Not just to see how it all looks 😉.
I have gone over the base with a black acrylic to try and keep the base from bowing. I just need to check with the client if he still wants the back wall creating or if he's happy with it being open plan.
Some more pictures before being told by my client whether he wants a back wall or not.
very nice. Look for the update on the front page soon.
Final shots of my commissioned piece.
I hope you like them.
Now that is one awesome looking dio. I am sure your customer is very happy. Off to share in all the right places.
With my eldest daughter visiting me for 3 weeks I thought I would take a little time off, or so I thought. My daughter asked if she could help me construct a diorama or two while she is here and this is what we did.
Taking black foam board and cutting it into three wall, we marked out the brick on three of the pieces and the carved into board. The other three pieces were used as a second layer to strengthen the boards. We then cut in between some of the bricks and then pulled then apart to destroy parts of the walls and use them as rubble for the floor.
I used two pieces of balsa wood for the floor, scoring the wood gently to make it look like floor boards.
Over the next couple of days, I will be teaching my daughter to coffee stain, spray paint the walls, put a Perspex window with window frame.
This is a wonderful surprising father and daughter project. Can't wait to see what we come up with next!
Looks awesome! Sounds like great quality time.
It was JD, she is with me for another 2 weeks and would like to do a couple more before she goes home. It's been a long time since we did anything like this.
Now that is pretty cool. Awesome to see other family members, especially kids get involved with customizing. Off to share.
Thanks Tamer, I had the biggest smile on my face watching her working with one of the walls.
Great dio work. I really think the Mortal Kombat space looks fantastic. I also really think the wok you did with your daughter looks great - way to go getting her involved!
Thanks Starchaser.
I did a little solo work last night on this wall, scored out the brick work, added a couple of bullet holes. Two more walls to do before adding paint to it.
I received my new Steve Trevor for the latest DC Multiverse range and couldn't resist seeing how he fitted into it. Worked rather well!
Looking good, looking real good. The brick damage is awesome!
Thanks JD
Looks good.
This morning I woke up at 5am and decided to make use of this time. I glued the sides together, made a grey wash and applied a second darker coat.
Mixing up a darker grey, I am now in the process of highlighting the cracks, broken brick and bullet holes.
Looks very nice to me. Off to share.
Looking good mate.
Finally finished my first father & daughter piece. Very proud of this one! Thank you my daughter, it's great fun working with you.
Final washes completed, rubble stuck to the floor and while it is still trying it is being modelled for you by Wolverine, followed by New 52 Batman.
Once it's completely dry I'll do the final photos.
While watching Wonder Woman, this seemed the more appropriate scene to do.
pretty nice dio. Off to share it.
Final pictures done.
Very nice and you got your daughter involved. My wife really enjoyed WW and enjoyed this dio too. It would go good with any line though. Off to share.
Wow! That's really awesome. The brick work and coloring ate fantastic.
Thanks JD, I'll be using the brick work for my next diorama.
Inspired by my daughter who has sketched out the front door for me. It was decided that my next diorama would be GCPD HQ, taken inspiration from the Batman Animated series. What was going to be just front of the building is now taking on a life of its own!
I can already see the potential in this one. Off to share.
Thanks Tamer
It's been a brick sort of a day! Marking up the brick work on either side of decided to add in a garage door, using corrugated card for the door. I have also cut out two windows and carved the brick work. Undecided on what to do for the final wall though.
It's coming along VERY nicely. Well done.
This morning, I finished off the carving out the brick work and the door frame. I've cut holes out to add windows to the door and the top of the door frame. For the steps I cut a half centimetre indent around the front to give them a defined look.
With base, I couldn't resist but to add a manhole cover and glue the sides around the door together.
It's starting to come together, hopefully today I'll add the first layers of paint to it.
More pictures.
I've had a productive day with this diorama, first coat of paint applied to the base, then a mix of burnt umber and deep red for bricks. I was going to use a base coat of limestone spray but I ran out after doing one wall.
Fellow builders as you probably know I'm red/green colour blind and would value your option of the first coat before I wipe up another batch and carry on.
Wow, tons of progress. Looks good on the front pages.
Thanks Tamer, was at a loose end yesterday and one thing led to another.
I've also launched my website today It is a portfolio of my my diorama and custom figure works over the past couple of years and I'd love it if fellow Yarders would have a look and let me know your thoughts..
Many thanks
Last night I mixed up another burnt umber and deep red mix and painted the last two walls but as you can see it is a little darker than the original. While the paint was drying, I added black to it and using a fine brush I went in between all bricks and cracks.
I mixed up a little grey to go over the front door frame, then a black wash over the steps.
My next step is to make up another umber/red mix and go over the bricks around the front door and round each brick.
Looks really nice to me. Off to share the latest.
Thank you Tamer
I've had an advent full time with my diorama, I made up a darker burnt umber/red mix and applied a second coat to the door section of brick work. Then using a fine brush I went in between every brick, blending in any excess.
I used a grey around the windows, painted silver onto wooden BBQ squires which were then used as bars for them.
A watered down grey wash was applied to the base and a metal silver wash was used over the manhole cover.
The door and doorframe had second coats applied to them and the front steps glued to the front. The sign above the door was painted in a sand stone colour and using a fine brush, I filled in the lettering.
A black wash has also been applied to the back as well.
I have a few more finishing touches to do before declaring this project finished.
This is looking awesome mate.
Thanks Ron.
I spent this morning cutting out windows and gluing them to my diorama.
Very nice, ran out of internet time this morning, but will definitely be sporting this on the front page soon. Awesome work on this.
Wow! That looks great. The brick work is very realistic. Great job.
Thanks JD
Yesterday I had the idea to put two lights at the bottom of the steps leading into the station. These are made using polystyrene balls, with a base coat of white and then a yellow wash once dry.
Light blue tissue paper has been used and glued over the backs of the windows and another coat of black paint has been added to the rears of each wall.
Finally each peace has been glued to the base, all I have to do are the final little touches to this before declaring it finished.
What can I say. It looks great. I made time to put this at the top of the page this morning. I really like the lights. Off to share.
The final touches added and final shots are in!
Some more.
A few more
And finally, in true Batman style!
Pretty sweet if you ask me. It turned out great. Let me go share this in all the right places.
As sun sets on Gotham's GCPD Precinct, the sun rises on the Arashikage dojo. Scaled for Gi Joes 3.75" figures.
So far I cut out my centre piece (if someone can give me the correct name I would very grateful!) Using Snake Eyes to model for me this evening, it's perfect size for meditation. Now my thoughts are do I have this positioned central or to size. I bought some cheap bamboo place mats to use as flooring but seeing these, I'm not sure whether to use them for some type of wall covering?
Wow, already at work on a new one. Looking good already. Off to share.
LOVE IT! the Torii gate you made looks really good. I like the bamboo mat idea. Can't wait to see more.
Gotham Police Station turned out brilliant mate and I can't wait to see what you do with the new dio.
Thank you Ron, JD and Tamer.
I got a little sidetracked this weekend! I recently acquired a G.I Joes 1986 Cobra Stun, the vehicle is in good condition but in need of clean. The hatches had been supplied but they had been broken into pieces and it had one wheel trim. It is missing two trims, both flags and the rear swivel gun. After looking through sites eBay and forums on Facebook, I decided to cast some of the parts I needed, help improve my casting skills.
To start, boiled water was used to wash the entire vehicle. I using the parts of the hatches which had been supplied, I was able to piece together a whole one. I made up a couple of moulds using Blu-Stuff, the first mould of the repaired hatch, the second mould of the remaining wheel trim.
The first set of casts where made with sculpting putty, the wheel trims worked out well but the hatches weren’t working out the way I wanted.
The next set, I used Epoxy Resin, poured the mixture into the moulds and the results were fantastic, both hatches and trims turned out better than I could have asked for.
Next part of this project will be to paint the new accessories, either locate of make the flags and locate another rear swivel canon.
Doing this has helped me improve my casting skills, which I will be using when it comes to making the weapons for the dojo.
Wow, that turned out fantastic. Great casting work! Off to share.
Thanks Tamer.
Last night I went back to working on the dojo. I cut the sides out and within every join I have placed magnetic tape, this holds the sides together and makes it completely collapsible. I have place the bamboo flooring down to see how it looks and work. I might place another layer on top of the bamboo to act as mats.
Nice idea, off to share.
This weekend has been mad with my daughters birthday but I was up early enough that I was able to squeeze in time to work on dojo.
Using bolsa wood for the wood trim around the room after spray painting the inside white and outside black. Normally I would have left this until further along but I couldn't progress with adding the wood until a coat of paint was added.
I have decided against using the bamboo place mat as the floor. Thinking of shaping it to look like a wooden floor with mats on it.
I decided to also work on the Stun I had started working on and it's flags.
Using Apoxy sculpt, I have take sculpt of the base for each flag. While waiting for it to cure, I cut off the original polls and attached the flags onto two pieces of wire. The wire was then inserted into each of the new base.
When the apoxy sculpt has cured then I can paint then and house them into the Stun.
First layer of paint added to cast while the flags are curing.
All kinds of new work. Let me go share some of this before my morning leaves me.
Loving what your doing with the Joe's mate and can't wait to see more.
Thanks Tamer and Ron.
Last night I applied a burnt sienna wash was applied to beams on the walls, then a burnt umber wash was applied to the rim of the base.
Look real to me. Off to share the latest.
After completing the restore of the Cobra Stun, I can now go back to the Dojo.
The Shinto Shrine needs another coat of paint, the top of the shrine needs a layer of burnt umber.
A boarder of vermillion has been applied, when it's dry the mats will be painted and then the weapon racks need to be built.
Exciting news!
I came home from work tonight to find the last missing piece of my Stun had arrived! The package was ripped open and yes the swivel canon had arrived. Now all the pieces have dried and been added to the Stun.
I hope you enjoy the final photos of the completely restored 1986 Cobra Stun, where I have casted two wheel trims and adapted two original broken flags with picture wire to restore this vehicle to its former glory.
I hope I have done it justice!
Looks awesome to me. Great casting work here. Off to share the latest.
Wow! That dojo is looking amazing. I really mean it. Wow.
Thanks guys
I've had a busy day today, touched up the edge of the floor and the wood work of the walls with another coat of burnt umber. A coat of black paint has been applied to exterior walls.
While all this is drying, I cut a piece of foam board, applied a coat of white paint. When that had dried I painted on the Arashikage logo, after it dried it was applied the centre of the back wall, centred for the Shinto shrine to fit around it.
Using bolsa wood I made up a sword rack, which fills the gap on the right wall.
Yesterday morning I was able to apply a black wash I've the shrine, a black boarder to floor and the walls and then apply a coat of black to the weapons the rack.
Just need to add another layer of white to the walls and black to the weapons rack and cast another couple of swords before saying that this is completed.
Looks pretty good to me. Off to share the latest update
Last night the second coat of paint was applied to walls.
Using Blu Stuff I made molds of 2 weapons to be used as wall hangings, the swords will be used in the rack. Making up the mixture, poured it into the molds and waited for them to start to cure.
Took them out of the mold, cut off the excess and Snake Eyes seems very pleased with the results. Just need to make 4 more now!
Very nice. Looks like you are getting molding down almost pat. Off to share.
Thanks Tamer, I've got so much to learn about molding.
This is looking awesome and yeah got to agree with Shawn, your molding looks perfect.
Thanks Ron ;D
Last night was all about casting katana's and tiger claw swords. I now have 4 of each, which I'll paint up and fix the katana's into the sword rack and the tiger swords to a piece of wood each, which will then be mounted to the back wall, either side of the Shinto shrine.
You can see that Slice and Dice both approve of the tiger claws swords!
Nice. Off to share yet again. Like I said, you are getting good.
Thanks Tamer, my next step is to create a full mold and do a complete cast.
Just need to paint these and mount the Tiger Claws and then this will be completed.
You ought to be pretty pleased with this one, it looks great!
I am actually, I did this as a dummy run before I built one for a client who's mad on Gi Joe and Mortal Kombat.
Last nights was all about painting the weapons and racks. A coat of silver has been applied to all the swords and a coat of gloss black to the racks.
While that is drying I've started another project!
While the swords are drying, time to start the next piece.
Back in 1984 & 1986 Hasbro released a little battle station play-sets for Action Force/GI Joes one was called Missile Defence Unit and another called Outpost Defender.
It's a nice little set which would work well in a diorama, which leads nicely to my next project! I had looked at purchasing this set but found sellers were asking a ransom price for it, so what am I to do but to make my own!
To start off this project I built a wall similar to the Missile Defence Unit, the idea was to combine the two play-sets together. With one wall built, I moved onto the Outpost, looking at pictures of the original toy I saw that the sides are made from "wood". This gave me inspiration to use bolsa wood, cutting out the 2 lengths 2.5" x 4.5"to build the sides, a 1" x 1" square to join the sides together, it is now starting to take shape!
Having a little spare time I have managed to fix the Tiger Claw swords to their backing boards and mounted them on the back wall. I have painted the sword handles and applied another coat of black gloss to the sword rack.
Hopefully by the time I get home from work this evening I will be able to fix the swords to rack, take final photos over the weekend and call this project finished.
You are really bringing this home. Off to share the latest.
What a great looking diorama! The woodwork, the floor and all the details look amazing! Good job on the molding and pouring the swords! This building looks suberb! Thanks for sharing!
- Philipp
Thank you Philipp, it took me ages to work out the right design and approach for this diorama. My next step is creating a complete mold for casting swords.
If you're going to make complete molds I can recommend two-component silicone to you:
Please, just tell me if I should remove the picture again...
I bought this here:
I am sure you can get this in the UK, too!
Best regards from Germany!
- Philipp
Thank you Philipp and don't worry about the picture, any advice is wonderful!
I can get that in the UK, thank you for the advice, I have a Cobra Moray I'm doing up and need to cast the other chair (it only came with one) and this is perfect to try out making a complete mold.
Final photos are done.
Very sharp emblem! Congrats to your next finsihed project, Richard!
Thank you Philipp.
After completing this, it was only fair to let Snake-Eyes try it out!
Some more
And more!
And finally
Excellent work mate.
As you do on a typical Saturday when your daughter has friends over, lock yourself away in the dining room and build your next diorama!
After sanding down the base of the outpost, I stuck on four posts for roof with an adjoining beam between them. Then taking a piece of foam board and slicing it in half to reduce the thickness, I stuck in some corrugated card on top.
I decided to leave this until tomorrow to paint and work on the landscape.
Taking some insulation board and cutting some lengths to build up the height, using filler along the edges.
The bottom layer is going to be a river and I've ordered the stuff to make it but if it doesn't arrive on time then I'll turn this into a road. The brick wall will go on the middle level and the outpost will be placed on top level.
After sanding down the base of the outpost, I stuck on four posts for roof with an adjoining beam between them. Then taking a piece of foam board and slicing it in half to reduce the thickness, I stuck in some corrugated card on top.
I decided to leave this until tomorrow to paint and work on the landscape.
Taking some insulation board and cutting some lengths to build up the height, using filler along the edges.
The bottom layer is going to be a river and I've ordered the stuff to make it but if it doesn't arrive on time then I'll turn this into a road. The brick wall will go on the middle level and the outpost will be placed on top level.
Filler was used around the edges of the base to cover up the layers of foam board. While the filler is drying, first coats of paint have been applied to the brick wall and Outpost.
Wow, leave for a few days and I see you are already hard at work on a new one. I like it. Off to share.
Thanks Shawn and Ron.
I'm exhibiting at the local comic con on 8th October, so I'm trying to get as many pieces done before hand. I'll provide photos of the event and my stand afterwards (not nervous at all lol :o)
That sounds fun, I look forward to seeing your images. Folks are gonna love your work.
I really like the direction you are taking this new dio and can't wait to see more.
Thanks Ron.
I wanted to try and make the outpost as close the the original as I can, to do this I needed to create sandbags the surround the front of the structure. Using Apoxie Sculpt I have individually created each sandbag a placed them around the front of the outpost, building it up until it reaches below the gun emplacement. This has been left to cure for the next 24 hours.
Next a coat of aluminium paint was applied to the roof of the outpost.
Moving onto the scenery, I used filler to build up contours onto the landscape or otherwise the terrain would be unnaturally flat. While it is drying I have gently rubbed down the surface to smooth out the terrain.
Last 4 pictures, I found myself painting the sandbags, gun, wall and touching up the Outpost.
Next step is to sand down the terrain and building that up.
I'm not going to be working on this for the next couple of days but I wanted to share with you these pictures of the Outpost and wall after the paint and resin has cured and can be put together.
Wow, this is looking great. I could sure see folks liking this one at your dio set up this weekend. Even if its not done it would sure show the process and how things come along. Love that gun emplacement. Looks perfect in my opinion.
Thanks Tamer, luckily it's the weekend of 8th October so I still have a week and a bit to get this one done.
The gun emplacement is from a spare Roadblock gun, thought it would look great there and now its got your seal of approval, I know it has worked DH. I am really pleased with how that has turned out, just need to weather the complete outpost. If I don't get this finished in time the Outpost itself works on its own.
I agree. It would be a great stand a lone emplacement for pretty much any genre.
After sanding down the filler, I made up solution of water down PVA glue (7 parts glue to 1 part water), mixed with ordinary dirt from the garden because it’s free. A heavy coating is applied to all the fillered area’s and a lighter coating over the rest. Further dirt is applied to enhance the raised areas, the wall was put into place to bed into the scenery. Foliage, twigs and root were dotted around in areas and modelling stone ballast was sprinkled over areas to give the impression of a track and down the centre of the lowest level (in case I wanted to use that as a track also).
After 8 hours, a few washes of different tones of blues were administered to lower level. A rippled River water sheet was mounted on top, turning it into a stream. I’ve place the Tiger Shark on top, impressed with how it looks. The next part will be removing the excess dirt and administrating a coat of glue over the rest, adding more foliage to the top mound.
It all looks so awesome, but wow on that water work. Very impressive.
Off to share.
Wow, thank you so much for the kind words Shawn.
Using a combination on tan brown and black washes, I weathered both the wall, sand bags and the Outpost.
Please excuse the upside down picture..
A layer of PVA glue and dirt applied to the base of the lower level, where the river sheet meets bank to blend the sheet into the scene.
I added more foliage to the top of the river bank and a combination of grass and moss from my garden where applied to the hill linking middles section to the top. Using moss, bits of twigs, grass and roots, I dresses the large rock opposite the wall using PVA.
The small hill at the very top, I took away the loose dirt and stuck more foliage down.
Once all the glue has dried, the next job will be using hot glue and applying it to around the sides of the river sheet and trimming off the excess and then painting the base. Almost ready for my Tiger Force Joes to take their positions to defend their outpost.
Awesome work Richard, the water effect really brings this dio to life well done indeed buddy.
Thanks Ron, just got a couple of touch ups to do now, while still waiting for for areas to dry. I am really pleased with how this has turned out.
Wow, even more work on this when I checked today. It is really looking good. Might just be my favorite dio you have built to date. Off to share.
Thank you Tamer.
You will be pleased to know I have completed this project, I hope you like the final pictures.
Sorry but here are a few more.
With less than a week to go until I exhibit at my local Comic-Con, I'm going to push for one more diorama build to take with me.
Using the same specifications as the dojo and taking inspiration from SWTOR, Indiana Jones, G.I. JOE and even He-Man I am putting together a simple tomb/crypt dio which can be used for any 3.75" genre.
See what you think.
I'm trying out different figures to see which would suite this diorama and I can't quiet decide, all seem to fit except for poor Skeletor, he wasn't impressed with the size of the door!
Fantastic work on the Tiger Force dio and I can't wait to see more progress on the new dio.
Thank you so much Ron.
Last night I put together a sarcophagus to sit central in the tomb, adding another layer of slabs underneath it. The stone in the back wall, I etched a skull into it, with 6 Mayan symbols.
Tonight I need to finish the skirting to the wall, decay the wall slabs before I can apply paint to it.
Smoke is only used as a dummy until I get a more appropriate figure for the sarcophagus.
This is really taking off. I like it. Looks like you are gonna have this one finished in time for your con too. Off to share.
Oh the sarcophagus is an awesome idea and the engravings look perfect.
Thanks Ron Shawn, I am hoping to get this completed on Saturday in time for Sunday. Oh the pressure!!
Last night was spent weathering the wall and adding more detail to them before applying the first coat of paint, a combination of a light grey with a touch of blue. Applied evenly over the floor tiles, sarcophagus, lid and tablet. This has been left to dry before a light coat of a light grey sprayed over these areas before diving out the door this morning.
Tonight I will be applying the first coat of paint to walls, using a similar (if not lighter) tone.
Very nice. Off to share the latest work.
Last night the brick work was given a coat of grey. While this was drying I went to work highlighting the stone work, sarcophagus and tablet/door. Using a black wash over the sarcophagus and tablet/door and then a light grey wash to pick out the details. A dark grey for the cracks in the floor. I will be doing the same with the stone walls tonight.
The tablet/door I am now undecided whether to use as a door or a tablet on the walls indicating the contents of the sarcophagus. I have taken a lot of pictures to try and get a feel to where it should go.
This morning before going to work, I have sprayed the back with black. One less thing to have to worry about tonight!
This is looking fantastic! Perfect as a matter of fact. Off to share. Just in time for your con. I hope you take lots of pictures of folks looking at your stuff.
Thank you Shawn, hopefully I’ll just have a couple of finishing touches to do tonight and a little tomorrow morning and then it will be ready for Sunday.
How does Ron do these conventions on a regular basis lol.
Awesome work mate.
Thanks Ron
Final touches are now complete and ready for the Comic Con tomorrow .
Fake cobwebs have been added to walls and sarcophagus, even a few little spiders have found their way into the webbing.
I hope you enjoy the pictures.
To show how this can be used for a multitude of genres, I have taken photos of this set with Indiana Jones. Destro and Dr Mindbender as they locate this body to use the corpse’s DNA to create Serpentor and finally Darth Revan and Scourge in the tomb of a great Sith Lord for the Old Republic.
Very nice. I do like its versatility. Off to share.
Sunday was a fab day, my first experience at a Comic Con (I know, what has taken me so long!) but also as a trader as well! Arrived at 7 am to set up and many thanks to my wife for being there too because I couldn't have done it without her.
After setting up, just stood back and let the crowds over whelm us. I had a lot of interest with my displays, everyone very interested with what I had done, wonderful comments and business cards where handed to a lot of people.
You will recognise a lot of old favourite pieces mixed with the new.
A few more pictures.
Some more
Door's opened at 10am and by 4pm the pair of us where absolutely shattered but what an experience!
Met some great people too!
Great work on the tomb Richard and as I mentioned on FB great display buddy and good luck with the commissions.
Wow, glad it turned out so well! Time to try to choose one image from this to share for the front page news.
After taking a couple of weeks off from Comic Con it’s time to start back up again and what a project to start off with. My sister contacted recently to tell me that my 7 year old nephew has started to get into Spider-Man and wondered if I could build him a play-set for him for Christmas (yes I said that horrible word!).
I decided to construct a building for 6” figures, which will be double sided, with roof for him to play with. By the time I am done with this, he is going to love it!
Looks like a great start. I am sure that will be a big hit when Christmas gets here. It is hard to believe we are almost to November! Off to share.
Thanks Tamer, he has just started to get into these figures and since I have daughters its great to have someone to share this with.
Last night I cracked on with preparing the external brick work. Each one is half an inch in height and an inch in length, drawn onto surface before been scored. After all three external wall were marked, the window and doors were cut out.
Next I’ll be doing the same for the internal walls before adding in the floors and roof.
Looks great already to me. More comments on the front pages.
Thanks bro, my sister might not like the size of it but my nephew will love it.
This is going to be another awesome dio mate I can't wait to see more.
Thank buddy!
Last night I completed marking out the internal brick work to match the external. Then I cut a single piece of foam board to be the foundation of the raised ground floor, which will be accomplished using bolsa wood for the floor.
Because I’m an awesome uncle I even went out and purchased a Spider-Man Homecoming figure which will accompany this set.
Wish you were my uncle. Great update. Off to share the latest.
Ha ha ha!
Just been told that my niece wants Fantastic Four figures for her birthday, so I have just tracked down the 90's figures of the FF with car, Dr Doom and a Silver Surfer for her lol.
See, I wish you were my uncle.
Ha ha ha!
Last night, I got on with developing the ground the floor, using a bolsa wood block strips for the beams with flat sheets laid on top, then made it look like floor boards. Over the weekend I will be nailing the together, use a wire brush to add wood lines and remove any splinters then add 4 beams on each corner to which I will be putting the next floor on. To tidy up the back so my nephew doesn't get underneath floor I have cut a strip of foam board.
Looking great buddy.
I agree, looks good. Off to share the latest.
I found a little time this afternoon to work on the floors again. Starting with creating the first floor by sticking bolsa wood onto a sheet of foam board. Four beams at 7.1 inch tall, to which where glued to the each corner of the ground floor and then nailed down. Afterwards ground floor was then glued and nailed onto the three foundation beams. The first floor was then glued and nailed into position.
Next I will start the roof before any painting and gluing all pieces into place.
Looks like the floors are all set. Off to share the latest.
I have finally managed to get the roof on, its all held together with masking tape but its on! Using insulation board, I cut various lengths to build up the rooftop. My nephew is only 7 with cerebral palsy so I have tried to design this with as much access and freedom for him.
Next I need to build the fire escape, front and side steps and then sidewalk. Not forgetting the glue and paint!
Time for a front page update. Hope to see shots of this one being opened Christmas morning, I would have been so stoked to get something like this.
I always wanted a Castle Greyskull and never got one. Your building style I bet would lend itself to making a great one of those too.
Thank you Tamer for those kind words!
Until I got hold of a the 2000 Greyskull I was contemplating building one but I will ask my sister to send pictures of him opening this because I'd love to see his face too!
This is looking great mate and can't wait to see it all painted.
Thanks Ron, shouldn't have to wait too long before I start that.
Last night I started working on the fire escape. Using bolsa wood for the base of the platform, then cutting strips of bamboo cans of 3.5” and placing them equal spacing along the platform. Once in place I cut two strips of bolsa wood to act as a railing, making sure the wholes where lined up and slotted the bamboo bars into the railings.
As you can see it slots into place perfectly. I now need to add a couple of braces under the platform to brace it against the wall, sand it down and glue all the pieces into place.
Looking good. Off to share the latest.
I'm really loving the way this is coming together mate it's looking great.
Thanks Ron.
A lot has happened since I last posted here.
I’ve had a busy/productive day with Harry’s building on Saturday. I woke up at 6 am wanting to make the front and side steps (as you do on the weekend!)
This then led to the sander, rotary tool and the glue gun being brought out, all edges sanded and tidied up. The wooden floors and fire escape was sanded, glued together, braces attached to the underneath of the fire escape.
I disassembled the roof, using hot glue all pieces were put back into place and sanded as I went along. This was followed up with building been glued together and the roof being glued into place. While I attaching the walls together, I decided to swap over the side walls, this made the fire escape pointing the over way with ladder rear facing.
Last night first coat of paint applied. Black for the fire escape, light grey for the roof and a grey/burnt umber mix for the bricks.
I completed the outside and inside the ground floor it by the then it was late last night and I’d run out of the made up paint and was too tired to do the 1st floor. The outer steps I made up a medium grey and for the surrounding border.
This morning I had to quickly spray the fire escape because the paint I had used had been absorbed into the wood.
2nd coat needs applying then numerous washes to weather the exterior of the building. The floors need painting and a pavement still needs to be done.
Nice. More comments on the front page!
Last night was time to work on the pavement surrounding this building. Cutting out a piece of foam board, marking out where the building will sit on board. I marked out the curb and pavement slabs which run across the front of the building. Either side of the building I want it to look like a concrete alleyways.
Still need to add second coats of paint to building and paint the pavement.
Looks awesome to me. Cool deal, yep gonna be a hit at Christmas. Off to share the latest.
Over the weekend, I have applied a second coat of paint to the exterior and interior. This was quickly followed by a coat of dark burnt umber for the wood work, both floors and supports.
For the roof, I cut a piece of black foam board, removed the top layer of card and glued it to top of the roof. Texture of the black foam board, painted black works as both texture for the roof and another layer to child proof the set.
With the pavement I sprayed a coat of white, then while wet I sprayed a coat of black paint. Another coat of grey is needed to cover the blacker areas.
More pictures!
Last two pictures of the painted floors.
Your really killing it with this build mate, I'm loving everything about it.
I agree, you are really doing a great job with this. Off to share.
Thanks guys!
I've spent the past couple of days locked in a data centre so I have not had the chance to up date this feed so here is an up date from a couple of days ago. So excuse the amount of pictures!
I found the time the other day to grab a paint brush and set to work on the pavement. Using a grey mix I went over the pavement slabs to even them out. Adding a touch of blue to grey paint and using a thin brush, I went around each slab and crack.
While this was drying I did the same to cracks on the roof. A grey mixture was then used over the black and then around the side doors and window frame.
I mixed up burnt umber and red and applied that to the outer and interior walls, I was not fond of the brown brick effect it currently had.
Once it’s dry, I need to touch up the paint in places, work on the front entrance. I may add a couple of doors to it for effect but this is going to be a play set for my 7 year old nephew.
Some more pictures.
Last four pictures, couldn't resist doing a couple of action shots lol.
Just need to door a couple of doors now a a few paint touch ups before saying this is complete.
I am just envisioning getting something like this when I was 7 years old. This is a work of art, but know he is gonna play the heck out of it. Off to share the latest.
Fantastic work mate, I'm really loving the paint apps on this one.
I was able to get back to my nephews build. Taking a small paint brush and mix of watered down burnt umber and black acrylic, I went round each brick and crack on the external walls. Then washed over the interior to darken the walls and cover up ant foam still showing. This took a couple of hours so now I just need to to paint the door frames and touch up any smudges.
That is gonna be one happy nephew. Off to share the update.
Yep one lucky nephew that is for sure and great work mate.
The detail on your buildings is stunning every time I see them...I can only imagine how much work and effort you put into them! Fantastic work & progress!
- Philipp
Thank you everyone and you will be pleased to know that it is finally completed.
Finishing touches complete, this morning I went round out tidied up any paint run off, painted the door frames and the concrete border running the base of the building.
Now that it has been completed, I placed it next to my first building. I know I built it for my nephews Spider-Man but Batman got in there first. Followed by TV’s The Flash, Flash 2 and Zoom. I did finish off letting Spider-Man try out this play set for him.
I will be putting up my usual finishing photos up tomorrow evening.
I hope you have enjoyed watching the development of this project as I have creating it.
Some more pictures!
Some more!
Awesome, off to share in all the right places.
That is gonna be the hit of Christmas this year.
Thanks Tamer
I am pleased to present to you the final pictures of my nephews Christmas present, before I wrap it up for him.
I added a few extra character pictures for your enjoyment. Enjoy!
Character shots
Last but not least, '66 Batman had to be included!
It's looking awesome with all the figures in at and on top of the building! Looks like Spider Man had as much fun climbing the walls as you did building this model!
- Philipp
Thanks Philipp :-)
Yepper, gonna go over big time. Coolest uncle ever. Off to share this update.
Cheers Tammer ;D
Awesome work buddy, I love everything about it.
Thanks buddy, means a lot!
Last night I started a new little project, for 3.75” figures. Using insulation foam board, I’ve cut a piece 6” x 12” for the wall. Marked out and engraved the brick work onto the front. Cut out a doorway, made up a small wall to sit behind the door, used the cut out for a small wall behind the door. The base is another piece of foam board 9” x 12”.
Great start. Let me go share this.
With the build up to Christmas, I was able to sneak in sometime with my diorama. The time was spent bricking the floor and adding detail to all the brick work. Taking an ordinary pen and cutting the of the end, this was placed through the outer wall to act as ventilation pipe.
Almost ready to start applying paint to it.
That wall detail is fantastic. Off to share the latest.
I can't wait to see this one when it's completed and as always awesome work.
Thanks Ron, sorry for the late reply its been a combination of work and the build up to the silly session.
The other day, I found some time to grab a spray can and give the alleyway an undercoat of black, once its dried I can start to apply washes to build up the brick work.
While waiting for the paint to dry on my Alleyway project, I thought I’d start my next project. The Guardian from the classic Star Trek episode City on the Edge of Forever.
s you do on Christmas morning, wake up at 5 am and while everyone is still sleeping decide that the best thing to do is work on my latest diorama.
Taking foam base I cut out yesterday, I’ve covered the front with bits of rolled up newspaper. This will be covered with modroc strips. I like using this because it does produce a wonderful rock look. Before I cover the Guardian I want to try to add LEDs into it, as they did in the original episode. This might not work but the cost of these lights, I’m not fussed if it doesn’t.
Now that was a great way to use your time. Off to share. The lights look great.
The building is coming along great but damn mate I am loving the Guardian and the LED's is a excellent idea, top notch work buddy.
Thanks Ron, wondering how the LED's will look after I have applied the plaster of paris stripe?
Mornings all!
While trying to digest all the food consumed over the past two days, I thought it would be an ideal opportunity to breakout the paintbrush and crack on with this.
Mixing up a blue/grey acrylic, a coat was applied to floor. Then mixing some burnt umber with the grey, this was then applied to the wall. A lighter grey was made, this was used for several dry washes across the floor and walls. Gently pulled apart cotton wool was used as steam coming out of the pipe in the wall with a combination of grey and black paint dabbed into it.
I’ll put together the usual white screen pictures later on today but in the mean time please enjoy these pictures.
Some more pictures
And more!
Final pictures!
Wow, great building with smoke effects too. Nice. I like it that most of your dios lend themselves to multiple action figure lines. Very nice. Off to share.
Thanks Tamer, it saves space in my house ;-)
With the Alleyway finished, attention can now be focused on the Guardian. I have applied a layer of plaster of Paris strips over Guardian, I was pleasantly surprised to see the LEDs shining through. Let this dry before applying paint and working on the rest of the scenery.
Thanks Ron, wondering how the LED's will look after I have applied the plaster of paris stripe?
I think they will look great from what I can see by what you have done in the pics and you got me inspired to make my own.
I really like the completed dio mate and I like how you have made it so that any figure can be used on it well done indeed.
Thanks Ron, you can't beat a bit of Star Trek!
While the Guardian was drying, it is time to work on the scenery. I cut a piece of foam board for the base, then cut a hole in the base to fit the bottom of the Guardian. Small pieces of board were cut to make a small brick wall, which will be situated in front left corner of the Guardian. The small pillar which is in front of the Guardian, I cut a small piece of foam to make the pillar.
Taking a spray can, the Guardian was given its first coat, the same was done with the pillar.
I’ve had a productive morning, the other side of the Guardian has had its first coat of paint. While that was drying, a second coat was applied to the pillar and wall.
With the back of the Guardian dry, I mixed up a light grey and blue. Then proceeded to go over the front of the Guardian with dry wash, then added bit of black and dry washed the inside, plus extremity of it
Just like I remember it. Nice work. Off to share the latest.
Absolutely loving the Guardian mate you are doing and awesome job.
Thanks Ron and Tamer. You’re going to love the next bit then.
With the Guardian finally dry, I could apply the final dry washes to the Guardian, pillar and wall.
Another sheet of 5 mm foam board was cut and then glued to the underneath of the base. Mixing up sand with PVA glue and water, it was spread over the surface of the base. Now I must leave it to dry before applying the usual finishing touches.
Looks great to me. Off to share the latest.
With the sand dry, I gave it a covering with a combination of grey paint mixed with water and PVA glue. Mixing up a light grey acrylic mix, I dry washed the wall and pillar for the final time. Then went over the Guardian, touching up and scratches and imperfections. Waiting for the base to dry before painting its edges.
I have finally managed to do the completed photo's of the Alleyway.
I hope you like them!
The Guardian dio is awesome mate, I'm going to have to do one for my 1:12 Mezco Trek figures very inspirational.
The Alleyway is excellent mate and I love the use of the indy boxes.
Thank you Ron, this means a lot.
I look forward to seeing your version of this for your Mezco’s. I’m rifling through my old Star Trek files, looking for ideas for next piece. Might have to go DS9?
I found the Indy boxes in my fodder box and knew that they would be perfect there.
Morning all. This morning I brushed off some of the excess sand. I painted the border with a black acrylic, then heated up my glue gun sticking down the wall and pillar to the base.
While the base is still drying, I had to put it together to see how it looks. When it is completely dry I will do my usual final pictures.
Wow, two great updates. Like the final images of that Alleyway; once again it lends itself to any AF Line.
Great work on the Guardian too. Off to share both updates.
My final pictures of The Guardian of Forever from the Classic episode “The City on the Edge of Tomorrow“
Hope you like them!
A few more.
What a masterpiece! I like the lighting effects and the overall likeness! I don't know much about Star Trek except that my aunt is a big fan of it! :D
Thanks for sharing this great looking and eye-catching diorama display, Panther!
- Philipp
Looks awesome to me. Off to share the final project.
Thanks guys for the kind words, it means a lot!
Thanks Tamer for the website plug, I would welcome any tips.
Damn this is so awesome mate and very inspirational
Thanks a bunch mate! While I work out another one like The Guardian of Forever I'm putting together a small apartment room diorama for the Comic Con I am attending in February.
This new little diorama is scaled to 6 inch action figure. Made from foam board I’ve cut to walls and marked brick on both sides, cut a window on the larger wall. The floor is another piece of foam board, with bolsa wood stuck to it. The wood I will mark out floor boards and score the brick work into the walls.
At the moment my Captain Sisko is modelling my new diorama. This is not meant to be a Trek diorama, he was the closest to hand to model for me.
I have scored all brick work on both sides of the wall. Then I scored floorboards into the bolsa wood.
I coated both sides of the walls using white spray paint, while that was drying I used a watered down burnt umber over the bolsa wood floor which was quickly followed up with a watered down black wash.
Looking good already on this new one. Off to share.
I'm really liking the apartment mate and can't wait to see more.
Thanks guys. I hope I don't disappoint you two!
I went over the white walls with a light grey wash. While that was drying I took some scrap foam and constructed a small bookcase with books, which meets The Flashes approval.
Once the walls are dry I will add darker dry washes over the walls, paint the bookcase and books, before gluing the walls onto the base.
I like that bookcase! Off to share the latest.
Today while being off work with a bad head, to pass the time I carried on work on my latest diorama.
I made up a blue/grey wash and went over the both sides of the wall. Adding black to wash I went in between the bricks and cracks in the walls to emphasise the imperfections in the brick work.
The walls were glued to base and while this was drying I turned to the bookcase. Painting the bookcase in light brown, the same with two of the books, the other two with a dark grey. When the books dried the pages where painted white.
While this was drying I turned back to the room. I cut a piece of perspex along with 8 thin pieces of bolsa wood. The window was fitted and the thin pieces of bolsa were used for the frame around the window.
After putting it altogether I placed a box with a couple of rubbish bags in the room.
While trying to decide who would suit this diorama I placed ‘66 Batman and Robin to fill the void which works very well, especially when I placed the Joker at the window looking in.
Hope you you enjoy the pictures.
Nice. Very nice. Off to share.
I also have to ask how your nephew is liking his new diorama he got for Christmas?
Thanks Tamer, here are my final pictures.
Carrying on my love for Star Trek and the 90’s Playmates figures. For my next project I will be reproducing the fight scene between Kirk and Spock 🖖🏻 on Vulcan from the classic episode Amok Time.
I have started with the centre structure in the middle of the arena, this is made with a small 10mm foam board platform and then a smaller 5mm step surrounding the front as a step. Two strips of foam board cut and glued together to act as the plinth to sit the boulder on top. A smaller foam pillar was cut to stand at the front of the platform.
A 5mm foam circle was cut and placed on the platform, which will be coal pit of the platform. The centre of pit had the top card layer removed and parts of the foam dug out to look like coal.
The boulder I made up using scrolled up tin foil which will be coated using either filler or modroc. The surrounding rock wall is done the same way as the central boulder. The 4 pillars rising up from the rock border are made up from 2 pieces of foam board strips glued together and another layer of tin foil laid on top which will be treated as the boulder.
Nice, very nice on the new project. Time to go share your finished images and the start of this new project.
Wow, this is high quality and expensive stuff you're using here! The blue foam is pretty expensive here in Germany and is mostly used by architects. Looking very interesting! Can't wait to see how it develops!
Looks like a great weekend is ahead!
- Philipp
Excellent work on the room dio mate and the AMOK TIME dio is looking brilliant already and can't wait to see more pics.
I got to work on the scenery by taking a pot of filler I coated the rock that sits on the shrine with filler. Once covered I did the same with the lower wall, making sure to encase the pillars.
Next will be to do same with the tin foil that is sat on top of the pillars and add a second coat to lower section.
I set to work on the rock columns. Using modroc plaster of Paris strips to cover the kitchen foil and joining them onto the top of each pillar. The steps were also covered as well to add texture to the stone steps.
My next step is to add a second layer to he base because the weight of the filler and modroc will break the foam board of lifted incorrectly. Then another layer of filler to be added to the rock wall.
Wow, this is high quality and expensive stuff you're using here! The blue foam is pretty expensive here in Germany and is mostly used by architects. Looking very interesting! Can't wait to see how it develops!
Looks like a great weekend is ahead!
- Philipp
There is an eBay seller in the UK who sells them at a £3.99 each but you have to order a minimum 5 boards, all boards are 1200 x 600 x 10mm. He was a worth while find because I can do more with this foam board than I could with the carded 5mm board, plus it's cheaper in the long run.
Oh yeah this is coming together great.
Oh yeah this is coming together great.
Thanks bud!
Looks good, off to share the update.
Since I finished the lower wall the other day, I was not happy about the height of it. This evening I added another layer of tin foil and then laid a layer of modroc over it, doubling the wall in height. I now feel it is more in proportion with Kirk and Spock.
I glued a layer of black foam board to the foam base, this will strengthen the overall base.
When this is dry I can start working on the arena floor and cutting the base to size. 🖖🏻
Looking good. Off to share the latest.
Thanks Shawn and I have only watched it twice ;) lol
Thanks Shawn and I have only watched it twice ;) lol
LOL! I have a snow day today and after seeing the new anime Godzilla I am gonna go back and try to watch all those old beasty episodes of Star Trek.
I’m on a snowy work from Home day also, this morning I was watching Voyager and now I’m on TNG.
I’m on a snowy work from Home day also, this morning I was watching Voyager and now I’m on TNG.
Good choices too. I need to go watch this new one too. I think you can see it all on
I’m on a snowy work from Home day also, this morning I was watching Voyager and now I’m on TNG.
Good choices too. I need to go watch this new one too. I think you can see it all on
Thanks for reminding me about Discovery, I still have to watch the latest Mirror Mirror based episode on Netflix
First coat of paint has been applied, wanted to get the arena wall and plinth painted before I added the sand base.
Looks good to me. Off to share the latest.
Mixing up a light grey and burnt umber I applied a second coat of paint to the arena wall in order to lighten both sides up, making them match. The boulder for the plinth was also given its second coat to match the walls.
While this was drying a lighter grey was applied to fire edges of the fire pit, the coals were given a coat of black. Dots of red were added in between the to indicate heat and a wash of light grey over the coals as if they were white hot.
The four pillars embedded into the walls I sanded down each of them, removing all excess plaster, in order to make each on as smooth as they were on the show. All four including the center column was given an initial coat of the the grey and umber mix. The center platform was given a second coat of a lighter grey than the first and a dry wash of the grey/umber mix, this was to weather the platform.
You and Ron have gotten me into watching these old episodes. Right now I am on the one with the crazy teenager who can make stuff disappear with his mind.
Great update. Off to share. Love that fire pit. Looks perfect.
It is great to see some stuff from the orginal Star Trek series here on ISY.
I can't wait to see the finished dio.
I've had a very busy weekend. Researching what the planet Vulcan looked like, which meant watching this episode a few times and also watching a lot of Star Trek. Vulcan is a reddish planet so I needed to redden the arena wall. Mixing up burnt umber with crimson red, I dry brushed all the stone work including centre platform. Then mixed up crimson with burnt umber (crimson being the dominant of the mix) I went back round dry brushing all the stone. Then each of the five pillars had a coat of this latest mix.
I recently purchased a TNG Sarek figure to customise and to my delight he came with the gong and the mallet from this episode. I have base coated them with gun metal grey and left it to dry over night.
This weekend I will laying the sand down for the arena.
The past couple of days I’ve been busy. Mixing a tub of sand with a PVA/water solution (4:1) then adding in both white with a touch of orange paint. The sand was spread around the arena floor and surrounding area behind the arena wall and left to set.
I dry brushed gold over the five pillars to texturise them.
The gong and mallet were both dry brushed with black to weather both pieces. The rope of the gong and mallet handle were painted a reddish brown.
Once everything is dry I will start putting it all together.
I hope you enjoy the test PCA shots before I complete this diorama.
The gong and mallet were both dry brushed with black to weather both pieces. The rope of the gong and mallet handle were painted a reddish brown.
Once everything is dry I will start putting it all together.
I hope you enjoy the test PCA shots before I complete this diorama.
Thanks FialaFernbrugg and Tamer, I've watched so much TOS recently that my wife is complaining because its all she hears while I'm building this lol.
Wow, talk about progress. It looks great! Off to share the update.
Thanks Tamer, I've a little more work to do on the base but hoping to have it completed in a couple of days.
I returned from work this evening with only one thing on my mind, to finish this diorama.
Taking a knife I trimmed the base at the back of the diorama, curving the edges so they run parallel with the arena wall. Taking my sander and neatening the surrounding edges. Once completed I took my paint brush with some black acrylic paint and painted a border along the edges of the base.
After gluing a couple of pieces of fishing wire to the gong, the other ends where glued to boulder, making it able to hang freely over the fire pit. The boulder was then glued into place at the top of the central column.
I need to purchase a sheet of orange card before doing my final pictures but in the mean time please enjoy a few PCA pictures.
So enjoy seeing this. Can't wait till I get to that episode now. Just finished the one last night where Kirk was two people (some type of transporter malfunction turned him into two Kirks one bad one good). Off to share the latest.
Thanks mate! Amok Time is episode 1 of season 2, I do prefer season 2 even though season has some great episodes!
Ron has done the original bridge and transporter room, I am wondering now do I stay with TOS or shall I go for something from one of the other series? DVP
Final pictures are now done,I've tried to capture the classic 60s Star Trek.
Hope you enjoy them.
A few more picture for you.
Sure looks how I remember it from the show. Off to share the final images.
It looks exactly like a film set from the show.
Excellent work.
Thanks guys for kind words, it means a lot.
For my latest diorma, I'm carrying on with the alleyway theme but this time its scaled for 6 inch figures.
Using floor insulation foam board, I cut a piece 8" x 12" for the base, 7"x 12" for the back wall, 5" x 8" for the side wall. The bricks for the wall for the back wall were carved with each brick being 1" x 0.5", a side door was carved into wall, the door frame and door are made from bolsa wood. The side wall I wanted to make smaller than back wall with the bricks 1" x 2".
With base, I carved a manhole cover and then surrounded it with slabs of 2" x 2". The foam board pieces were glued together, then the obligitary wall cracks were scratched into the back wall and floor.
I have been told recently that my diorama's have been too "clean", that they need rubbish. With this in mind using a toliet tube and cutting a inch off the top, rolling out three pieces of putty into long strand that reach round the circumference of the tube. One for either end of the tube, one for middle, surrounded with little super glue to keep it in place. An LED candle light was put into the bottom of the tube and then painted with black gloss.
Wow, new project and a fire barrel. I like it all. Off to share the latest. And I like city scenes that are clean sometimes too. Rubbish is ok too though.
With the constitution work done, it’s time to start painting this diorama. Mixing up a medium grey to cover all walls and floor. While it’s still wet, I added white to top of the side wall and the pelmet running the length of the back wall. I then dry brushed white over both sides of the small wall and the imperfections on walls and slabs. The door and doorframe I’ve given a base coat of white, when it’s dry I’ll weather the door to match the scene.
Leaving this to dry before working on the back wall and man hole cover.
A few more pictures for you after the walls have dried.
That just looks awesome. Turning out well. Off to share.
Thanks Tamer ;D
Last night I started painting the man hole cover, mixing up a dark grey then unsung black to go around the detail. I used the dark grey around all the edges of the brick work and inside the cracks in floor and wall.
Burnt Umber was used to first weather door and door frame, then around all stone work, walls and floor. Dark grey was dry brushed over the door to pick out the features in the wood. Another coat of black was applied to the barrel. When this is dry I’ll start weathering it and building the surrounding rubbish to go in this scene.
A coat of black acrylic around the border and behind the back wall was added.
Wow, that paint work is fantastic! off to share.
Great looking project! The walls with the bricks look super realistic! My favourite detail is the door! One can see that you put a lot of effort into this project and the high quality door!
- Philipp
Fantastic work mate.
Anoter masterpiece.
The paint job and weathering of your latest dio looks very realistic.
I like all the small details like the damaged bricks.
Excellent work.
Thanks everyone :D
Woke up early yesterday morning put together a pallet and a couple of cardboard boxes. Added another coat of gloss paint to the oil drum. This finishes off my latest diorama, when the drum is dry I will do my usual final pictures but here are a few PCA pictures.
All the additions look great. Off to share the latest.
Final pictures are complete, I hope you like them and how multi genre it is.
A few more for you because I was having too much fun.
So much fun for pretty much any action figure line. Off to share the latest.
Started a new diorama for up to 6 inch figures. I’ve started with the usual three standard wall with door and window. The idea is I build it up then start to break it down to look like it’s been destroyed.
Looks like great progress already. Off to share.
Last night I cut out strips of bolsa wood and fitted them into the frame of the door and the window. The cutting out a rectangular piece which has now become the door, adding extra strips to build up the design of the door.
I cut notches into both side walls which will enable them to attach to the back wall more securely.
Awesome update. that door looks fantastic. Off to share.
I’ve had a very productive weekend with this diorama. It started with building up the door and window frames.
For my last room diorama I created a bookcase, for this one a couch had to be made and as you can see the Jokers taken to it.
I etched into the floor floorboards and then taking a wire brush to it, has given the floor a wood effect.
Quickly following on by applying the first coat of paint to the door, brick facing walls and floor.
What still needs to be done is skirting boards need to be added, a corridor wall, painting the corridor and adding a pain of glass to the window.
I added a wall outside the room, then painted the top half of the outside wall with white. When this dried I made up a green shade and painted the lower half.
On the floor I dry brushed white and then a black which picked out the imperfections of the wood floor.
I’ve added skirting board to bottom of the walls, painting them red to match the door.
With all the paint dry, I have cut a piece of perspex and fixed it to the window. Tomorrow morning I am going to "borrow" the works printer and create a couple of posters to stick onto the walls.
I hope you have liked the HUGE updates from this weekend.
The final picturw of this evening before I do final pictures tomorrow.
Wow, you did a ton of work in just a few days. Off to share the latest.
Thanks Tamer, just need to weather the corridor and apply a couple of posters for the walls and then I think I'm done.
With the Comic Con tomorrow I have finally managed to complete the final pictures of my Apartment Room diorama. Hope you like them.
With Bradford Unleashed Comic Conmhappening tomorrow, as you know I am exhibiting my diorama's again. Don't worry I'll be posting pictures of tomorrow here for you. But I arranged with the organisers that I woud build a diorama while I am exhibiting tomorrow to show how I make them.
I decided to give myself a bit of a head start, which leads me onto my next diorama, it takes influence from Aliens and Predator genres, it is scaled for the Kenner Aliens vs Predator figures made in 1991, scaled for 3.75 to 5 inch. I’ve done a lot of buildings and alleyway’s recently and wanted to do something and a little out of this world!
To start, I have constructed the front of the outpost building using a combination of 10 mm insulation board and 5 mm foam board to build up the doorway and the front wall of the outpost.
A couple mre pics for you.
Very nice and already at work on a new one. Let me take some of this to the front pages.
The joker pad looks excellent mate and can't wait to see this scifi base when it's done.
Thanks Ron
Sunday was a fantastic day, very busy, lots of compliments about my diorama's with leads for commissions from the local science museum. I even got chance to speak with Julian Glover (General Veers) unfortunately no pictures of him.
I did manage to get a selfie with R2 and a Stormtrooper, even got to watch Chewbacca play with Lego.
While exhibiting at Bradford Unleashed, I carried on working in my AvP diorama. I cut out the base of the outpost, marked out a walkway around the front and right side.
Next I given the idea of sliding doors, I cut out a piece of foam boards and carved markings into the door. Using 5 mm foam board to add details to the reverse of the door.
With the doors made, it’s time to work on the inside wall. After cutting out the doorway, I’ve etched wall markings into the wall, adding a wall bracing. With these done, I can start adding extra accessories to the front wall before working on the side wall.
Wow, great update from the con. I like it, off to share to the front pages.
And I met Julian too and he was very gracious, got a Veers AF Signed. Would love to get him to sign a piece of my AT-AT Driver Armor.
This afternoon I put a couple of hours aside to go back and work on the floor. I carved in to floor 6 grill plates and then using the top of a bread knife ans pressed it into the foam board to make the slates in the grill plates. This took the complete couple of hours, hoping it has created the desired effect or I will have to create the grills from scatch.
The AVP dio is looking excellent and great display set up mate well done indeed.
I ran out of time for comments yesterday, but I did get this great update on the front page. I think your floor turned out great!
Thanks Tamer. I know what you mean, I only got my website updated last night with this.
I’ve had a busy weekend, I started to work on the side. Using 5 mm foam board for frame, 10 mm insulation board for depth. I used 5 mm board for the reverse wall, carving the wall slates to match the ones on the front wall.
Above the door I have added a cable run, moved the wall brace to the other side. Before I start fitting together, I will be adding a small wall on the opposite side to hide the join of the front wall. Then I’ll be adding a roof to support the LEDs I’ll be fitting to walls.
I will admit I got all my predator dvds out this weekend and watched. I am gonna watch all the Aliens vs Predators starting today. Off to share the latest.
I've just purchased AvP on DVD along with Prometheus and Covenant, looking forward to getting them!
I realized that up until now my Alien vs Predator diorama was missing a Predator, so let me rectify that with these test shots.
I created the third wall, using the same technique as I’ve used throughout this build, with the combination of 5mm foam board and 10mm insulation board.
The next step would be paint these sections before gluing together, then working on the roof.
I watched all my Aliens vs Predator DVDs yesterday after seeing this. Man that A v P Requiem is some crazy flick. Seeing that Alien Predator (did they ever make an action figure of that one?) grab hold of those gal's head in the maternity ward was freaky. Still I love seeing some Predator and Aliens battling it out. Great work here. It is really taking shape. Off to share this and the site.
Thanks mate. I've just purchased both AvP's films and the latest parts of the Alien saga. Guess what I'll hopefully be watching this weekend! I don't know if Neca ever did make one but if not I might have to give it a go.
Now that would be one cool custom. I can't wait to see if there is a new film in that franchise. Surely we will see em fighting again.
or even make a Predalien Queen:
Whoa that is looking fantastic!
Man this is looking awesome and a huge well done on the foam work the details are perfect.
While waiting for the snow to past before I can get outside to start painting this diorama. I’ve started to reworking and sanding each wall. The left wall, I’ve added a layer of thin bolsa wood over the foam board frame.
I’ve also started working of the cable run over the middle and right wall.
Looks good. Hope the weather gets better so you can add the paint work. This one is really getting awesome. Off to share.
I’ve had a very productive do with my diorama due an unplanned snow day yesterday, deciding this needed a roof for Aliens to drop down and pull marines up to their doom.
I cut a piece of foam to the size of the diorama, then evenly spaced squares were cut out, the frame edges sanded. To make it look like it’s a complete roof from the outside, I added a second layer on top of the frame, then two corners. The roof was sanded and glued together.
A few more roof pictures.
You’ll be pleased to see that I’ve started applying paint. I’ve reached the point where I need to paint each section individually before I can start gluing it all together. The first layer on the floor, doors and three walls with a combination of a dark and medium grey.
A couple more for you.
This is turning out to be my favorite diorama yet. I could so see a phasing Predator loping off the head of an Alien in here. Off to share the latest.
Thanks mate. After watching AVP last night, I could have re-used my old Sith Temple lol.
That looks awesome Richard and can't wait to see it completed.
I would love to see a new movie with a full on battle between them on a Predator Dreadnought or something like that.
With the undercoat dryer, time to start painting the outside. Using a grey acrylic spray to coat the side walls I also applied a layer to front but unfortunately I hadn’t put treated the archway enough and the grey paint started to dissolve some of the foam.
The rostrum on either side has been painted silver, the archway and doors have been given a coat of gun metal grey. The slays on the side walls was given a coat of dark grey.
The inside left wall I have started highlighting it features with a light grey on the wall, the bolsa wood a coat of gun metal grey.
More pictures.
Last pictures for today.
Very nice. This one is painting up well, thought it would.
Last night I applied some little paint tweaks to my diorama, the floor got a wash of gun metal grey followed by an aluminium wash to make it look more metallic. I mixed up a blue/grey for the roof and applied its first coat, I will darken the exterior border of the roof before weathering the exterior of the outpost.
After I finished with the roof I was looking at the inside and was not happy with how dark I had made it. I still had some of blue/grey left over and went over the squares on the front and right walls (unfortunately you can't really see from the picture).
Once the roof is completed, I am waiting for some material to complete the walkway around the front of the outpost, then I need to weather the both internal and external. Lastly a light box to house my facehuggers in jars.
I made a couple of tweaks to my website, I've create a shop selling some of my diorama's:
My wife is starting to complain about the number of these living in our house :D
Very nice. Let me go add this update and your shop link to the news today.
My double diamonds tread plastic card arrived, I cut into shape I needed to fit the walkway around the bunker, it was then sprayed grey.
While this is drying I went back to the roof, mixed up a medium grey and painted the top of the roof, then mixed some blue and repainted cross section of the roof.
I turned to the bunker, started to weather the outside walls before doing the same internally. Adding the Weyland Corp logo above the door, along with some little painting touches.
Need to dry brush the walk way, glue the sides together, attach the cables around the walls and then the facehuggers jars.
Wow, this is really coming along. I like it. Off to share the update.
That's a very authentic looking diorama! I really like it!
- Philipp
Painting is now completed, all pieces glued together. I need to make a a light box for the facehugger jars.
In the meantime please enjoy these final pictures of my bunker coming together with some PCA pictures.
Another outstanding diorama.
The paintjob and weathering are fantastic.
Excellent work.
I agree there is so much you can do with this one too. Off to share the update.
I decided not to do the facehugger in jars because I wouldn't have any room for figures, so I have decided to call time on this diorama.
Final pictures are now completed, hope you enjoy them. I’ll post some PCA pictures in a bit.
Here are the last pictures, there are more on my website.
Gotta have room for the action figures. I like it. Off to share.
Very cool diorama there!!
Awesome! ;)
Love it mate that is an excellent dio/display.
I have been commissioned to build a G.I. Joe diorama, four 600x600 tiles and a bunker, the four tiles will sand covered, arranged in any order and the bunker placed where ever he wants.
For this phase of the project I will be focusing on the bunker which is built using foam board. Using 5 mm foam board to create the frame around the tunnel leading into the bunker, behind each of them is two layers of 10 mm foam board.
For the front wall of the bunker I have carved in grills into either side of the wall, a two step porch roof added.
After looking at this I decided to add another layer of 5 mm board placed in between the tunnel and front wall, with holes cut out to display grills. This will also act as a frame for the front wall.
While trying to workout the layout and design for the inside of the bunker, I cut two pieces of 10 mm foam board to the height of the front wall and 4 inches deep. These will be the walls to the bunker, then a piece of 5 mm board which will act as the floor to the bunker.
Great start already. I have been wondering what you were up to. Off to share.
I took a couple of weeks off with work followed by my wife's 40th, daughters 18th, so squint now!
This is coming along great mate and look forward to seeing more WIP pics.
Thanks Ron, it means a lot mate.
Thanks Ron, it means a lot mate.
Your very welcome buddy, I have really been enjoying your builds and can't wait to see more.
After such a busy week with work, I was able to get back to my commission piece. For both side walls, I’ve cut in 11 grills at half an inch thick. Once I cut through the foam, I then scored around each rectangle with a thicker blade, pressed in the top length of each rectangle, punching them in at angle.
Cut out two frames to go around each side wall. Both pieces were fitted into the front wall.
The roof was cut along with two foam circles before being fitted together and sculpted into shape.
Looks good to me. Off to share.
Today’s work started with gluing all the external pieces together, sanding them down before attaching each section of the walls together. After each wall had all their parts stuck and formed, I turned my attention to the door of the bunker.
Using a piece of 5mm foam board I cut a cross section and then glued that onto another piece of 5mm board, surrounded it with a boarder. The using 2 pieces of 10mm board to create a runner for door, this was glued to the length of the back of the front wall. The door can slide the full length of the wall.
Before finishing off the main wall, I turned my attention engraving the insides of the side walls. Drawing inspiration from the 80’s G.I. Joe cartoon and the interiors used for Cobra’s hideouts/bases/lairs, using this type of style to carve in paneling into each wall along with an 80’s style tape recorder.
Pictures of the internal walls.
The last pictures.
You can read more of my comments on the front page. Makes me remember some good times as a kid.
Work began making the final wall match the décor of the other two walls. To start with I cut another piece of foam which would fit on the right side. This stops the door from being able to slide across both sides. With that piece in place I scored the same style of pattern across both untouched pieces of foam and across the pelmet that runs the length of the wall.
What is left to be done with the bunker is:
• As detail to the floor.
• The roof circles need the Cobra insignia applying to them.
• Paint and fixing all pieces together.
Its your fault the Scooby Doo song was in my head yesterday morning. I was thinking about all the great cartoons, like JOE, I used to watch on Saturday Mornings while I was eating cereal that I only got for the awesome prize in the box. Off to share the latest. It is really looking great. The outside is awesome, but I really like the inside walls.
Ha ha ha! I had to go school on Saturday mornings so I missed all of those cartoons :-(
I'm glad you're liking this Shawn and thanks for the Scooby Doo earworm lol!
Another awesome piece coming together mate and love the details you have done on the foam.
Thanks Ron.
The final section of this build completed, floor panels have been etched into the foam all the remains is to sand the floor ready to be painted. I have done a little work on the roof to which it now matches style of the bunker, I need to cast a couple of Cobra logo’s which will stuck on top of each of the circular vents. This can be done after I have started to paint bunker.
Very nice. Off to share the latest.
This weekend I have been busy painting the bunker, first applying a black undercoat to all pieces. Once they were dry, a grey coat was added over the top. A coat of desert sand to border of the side walls, the front wall and front porch. Gun metal grey was used on the door, the dome vents and the wall vents followed with silver dry wash over the wall vents. Unfortunately, the floor started to disintegrate, the exposed foam reacted very badly with the black spray paint. I cut another piece of 10mm foam, then cut the original scored tiles form the other piece, painted them silver and stuck them down on top of the new piece.
On the inside, I painted individual panels with a combination of grey/silver/gun metal grey then a silver dry wash over the top. The more I looked at it the more I was not happy with the look, instead of looking metallic the inside look was dull and grey.
Taking my airbrush I gave all the walls a gold wash after going over some of the tiles and made the colours bolder. The gold wash lightened up the walls, giving it the 80’s cartoon feel I was looking for.
Here are few #PCA pictures before finishing off the bunker.
While this was drying, I took the mould I had made for the Cobra Stun hubcaps and cast two more, once dried I painted them in dark gunmetal grey and red for the Cobra logo. These were then glued to the dome vents on top of the roof.
With the bunker complete I can now start on the four 600 x 600 tiles.
Wow just a ton of new work since I have been here last. It looks awesome! Those Cobra Emblems really set if off nicely. Off to share the latest.
Thanks Shawn.
After finishing the bunker I want to quickly put together a mini Stargate project I've been planning before I finish my commissioned piece off.
I recently acquired the 1994 Hasbro Stargate figures based on the film which gave me inspiration for my latest diorama. I want to build the scene where O'Neil and his team first walk through the Stargate and end up on Abydos. I would create the stone steps, back wall and a pair of pillars at the base of the step but first I would need to either make or purchase a Stargate as centre piece for the diorama.
I found a seller on eBay who sells 3D prints of a Stargate for a descent price, if you would like one I can point you in their direction. I gave the Stargate a white base coat, then a black spray coat. This was necessary to to get into all the nooks within the 3D print. I applied two coats of gun metal grey over the entire ring, yellow for the lights and then dry brushed black over the complete Stargate.
To build the altar which the Stargate is situated on, I will be using 10 mm foam board. I have cut 6 pieces to see how it would look, to go either side of the Stargate with a couple of smaller cuts for the steps leading to the gate. ?
Looks good to me. Off to share.
And do send me that link for the eBay Seller. I will try to send the word out.
Hi Shawn
Here's the ebay link for anyone who wants to purchase a 3D printed Stargate: ( and he does state that he will purchase worldwide.
Cool. Let me go post this on our Facebook Page.
The front three pieces I cut them down to 2.5 inch in depth and glued them together, the three rear pieces were cut down t 2 inch in depth. I then cut out six 7 inch by 2 inch, these were used as side pieces of the altar, sandwiching the now two pieces and the Stargate in between them. The four sections were sanded and then glued together. Using 5 mm foam board cut into strips on decreasing thickness, these were used as the steps leading up to the Stargate.
A single piece of 5 mm foam board was cut into encompass bottom of the glued sections with a small section at the front jutting out to act as the bottom step. Using hot glue, the base and the stairs were fitted into place and the whole altar was sanded down. Next I carved stone slabs into the surface of the altar adding cracks to slabs and on the front, either side of the stairs. A couple of 'L' shaped pieces of foam were cut and placed either side of the gap where the Stargate is going to act as braces for the Stargate ring.
With altar built a base coat of made up of grey and burnt umber which was spread over the entire altar. To lighten the altar, I made up a medium grey mixed with blue and using my airbrush, sprayed an even coat over the altar and then a light grey/blue mix was then sprayed evenly over. Once dry I went over all cracks and gaps between the slabs with a medium grey/blue.
With the alter complete I can now start to concentrate on the walls surrounding the altar, in the mean time a couple of pictures of the complete altar next to Diamond Selects 7" O'Neil and Teal'C figures. Yes this diorama was not made them lol.
Very nice. This is turning out well. Thank you for your clarification on those seven inch figures too. It still kinda works for them too.
Off to share.
Thanks Shawn. With the Stargate altar complete, I've turn my attention back to my G.I. Joe commission. Before I start work on the terrain tiles, I wanted to add a helicopter pad which could be added to one of the tiles. Made from two pieces of 10 mm foam board, the bottom rectangle piece with one inch squares carved across the surface. the top circle nine inch diameter across with one diameter boarder carved into it, along with a "H". Both pieces glued together, with a grey base coat which was built up with grey/silver coat, silver for the top ring, green surrounding the "H" and white for the "H".
The original commission was to create four 600 x 600 squares, with the bunker and helipad done I can spend time building these. An idea is to have a border going a round two of the four edges, this way the tiles could be rearranged to suite the users needs. At present only two of the four are cut with borders drawn into them to see how they would look and with the bunker and helipad loosely added to them before a layer of sand is added to each.
The bunker looks excellent buddy as does the helipad but damn that Stargate is out of this world(pun intended lol) it is awesome.
Thanks Ron
I'm just waiting on a sheet of water effect from Greenstuff to make the ripple effect (
Hey that heliopad looks good too.
Off to share.
Morning all
Just a quick update because I've been really busy this week. I've cut the other two terrain tiles and been in talks with my client on how he wants them set up. We've agreed that the bottom two tiles will have a sand texture across 3/4 of them while a 8" width road runs across them. The helipad will be glued into pace and surrounded by sand, while the bunker will not be glued (due to shipping) but also will be sat on sand. A two inch border with run along the edges of two sides of each tile.
I slipped my Stargate and Death Glider just for the visual effect. When I showed my client this picture, he wants on too now.
I can see why. Looks great with all that Joe Stuff. Off to share your update.
I purchased a sheet of calm water from, cut it to the size of my Stargate. Using my airbrush I sprayed a base layer of blue/green then worked in a lighter blue/green and white for the center.
Up against a dark background I was slightly taken back with how the Wormhole effect had come out.
Here are some more using the figures from the film.
That is going to be a awesome display buddy and the gates wake looks brilliant.
Now that is one cool effect. Does it look like this without a light behind it? Really awesome if thats the case. I like it!
Pretty cool site I briefly perused through where you got it too.
Off to share the latest.
Great to see some Stargate customs here on the Shipyards.
I can't wait to see more.
Excellent work.
Thanks everyone for your kind words.
Eight strips were cut which are to be used as borders on two edges of each tile, each strip has a two inch width. I decided to make one set overhang and the other cut shorts by half an inch, this makes them interlink. and interchange with one another.
Two inch squares where cut into the border, then the sides were sanded and the edges of the borders softened.
I took two pieces of 5 mm foam board for the road, I took my steam cleaner and used it to remove the top card layer. When top layer had been removed, they were glued onto the tiles and a black base coat was applied. Once it was dry I airbrushed a light grey coat evenly over both boards, I also added a couple of pot holes.
Definitely looks like it is coming along.
I began painting the borders of each tile with a light grey, using a sponge to dab the paint on. Doing this I was ale to get a nice even coat all the way around, then using a brush to to paint the sides.
The road, I have added a couple more pot holes and cracks in the tarmac, being a dessert road and with today's standard of roads it needs imperfections. I then used to the sponge and lightly dabbed paint across the road and then gently blended it all in to lighten the tarmac. Where I will use my airbrush to then weather it.
Looks pretty nice to me. Off to share the update.
Looking awesome mate and I can't wait to see more of it.
I've had a busy weekend.
Friday I mixed sand with PVA glue and water, the mixture was spread evenly over the tiles. The first tiles done were the helicopter pad and one of the road tiles. With the addition of the sand, it has trebled the weight of each tile.
After 48 hours the first two tiles are dry that applying sand to the other two tiles could begin. Due to the weight of the sand, I have had to add another piece of 600 x 600 5mm foam board to each of the four tiles to help strengthen them.
I have embedded a piece of foam board onto the tile which the bunker will be housed, it is then surrounded by sand giving the bunker a foundation to sit on.
Another couple of sand/water/PVA mixtures were made and spread evenly over the two remaining tiles. Once they are dry I can start doing the final touches:
Paint touches to the road
A black border edges on each tile.
It's not finished but I had to put it together just to see how it looked and then I got a little carried away filling it with 80's Cobra figures and vehicles. Tomorrow I hope to start the finishing touches before declaring this beast of a Cobra diorama completed and shipped out to its owner.
Have some more pictures!
And a few more.
I'll make them the last, there are more on my website.
That is looking awesome mate.
Thanks Ron 😃
Sure looks fun to me. Off to share the latest. Looks like you are almost done.
After seeing all the tiles put together there were some final paint touch ups to hide any exposed foam board. A black boarder around the white foam board base, and a second coat of grey on the two borders of each tiles. For the road and sand areas, I touched them up using a sandy brown hiding any exposed blue foam and to weather road.
With this done, I just have to make six barriers and then this diorama will be complete.
The person who commissioned this has to be one happy camper. Off to share your update.
The final part of this commission build is to create eight barriers for my client to position where ever he would want them. The barriers are made from 10 mm foam board, each one cut to 5 inch in length and 2 inch high (not including the base). The base of each I have gone a quarter of an inch in, using a sharp blade I have cut diagonally across both sides to create a ramp (mind your fingers!)
With the 5 x 2" blocks, I have scored them on both sides at 2.5" from top to bottom, making them look like they are two slabs joined together. In the centre of each slab a rectangular hole has been pressed in on either side.
So far I have created three of these, I aim to have the last five made by then end of the week.
Looking pretty good!
As much as I’ve enjoyed working on this, I’m going to be glad when it’s done and arrived at his house. Biggest thing I’ve built (so far!)
It is definitely huge, but man o man what fun this looks like it could be. Imagine how many epic battles are gonna take place here.
Being away from work I have finally found time to post.
With all eight of the barriers made I gave the one face of three of them battle damage, applying bullet holes and crack in the concrete. This giving my client variation when photographing his figures on his diorama. With the changes made it was time to apply paint to them. A light grey base coat was applied first and then weathered using my airbrush.
With barriers dry, it was finally time to put the completed model together and fill it with Cobra action figures and vehicles to show my client exactly what he has bought and some of the potential it has for him.
I hope you will agree with me he will have hours of fun setting up his figures and taking plenty of pictures.
When I get home I'll post my usual final pictures.
Here are some more.
The final four pictures for you.
This has definitely been one of the funnest dios I have seen you build. Man, this commissioner will have a smile on his or her face every time they walk in the same room with it. It should be the centerpiece of his or her collection. Off to share.
Thanks mate. My wife is looking forward to this being shipped to him, due to the size of it lol.
Thanks mate. My wife is looking forward to this being shipped to him, due to the size of it lol.
LOL. I had a good laugh with this one. I can't imagine the size of this box for this.
I'm having to have one custom made for this lol.
Final pictures are now done and also on my website. Hope you enjoy them.
What a great project. Off to share your final images.
At the end of July, I have been asked to attend the Bradford Science Festival at the National Science and Media Museum There I will be holding workshops on how to construct diorama’s based on the theme of Dr Who.
To prepare myself for the event I have decided to build a Dr Who diorama to take to the event. With this prebuilt diorama I will be basing my workshops on how to construct this piece.
This diorama is scaled to the Dr Who’s 5.5? figure range, which will have enough room to fill with Daleks, the Dr’s Tardis and the Dr.
I have cut a square base of 62?, cut two further pieces of foam board for back wall, standing at 15? x 62?. Across the back the wall I have constructed a raised platform for the Daleks roll across, I have also marked out an exit along that wall.
The left wall at present, I have cut out another entrance which I will build upon. The idea is I will build out the wall making a walk way above and it will be a tunnel entrance. I have marked the floor with how far I think it will come out.
What a cool assignment. I like it.
Off to share.
Building up the left side, creating the basic structure for the left entrance tunnel which will also ave a walkway above it. Cutting a length of 10 mm foam board which will be the new entrance running from the side of the black walkway to the end of the floor, cutting two side panel for stability and a top piece to act as the walkway. With the top piece I have added two notches which (when I cut the holes) will slot into the side the wall.
I have placed two lengths in the corner to see what get an idea about placing a corner tower with a balcony, to which a Dalek can sit and over look the room.
Man you are doing great already as far as progress. This is gonna be another fun one I can see. Off to share the latest.
Mate the GI Joe base turned out fantastic and I can't wait to see the DR Who dio and congrats on the workshops at the National Science and Media Museum.
Thanks Ron, I'm a little nervous about it but with this Dr Who piece should go down a storm with them!
I have placed magnetic strips to the base of each of the two walls and to the corresponding edges of the base piece, this is to make this diorama flat pack able. I then cut three strips of 6mm foam board which I have used to create the tunnel for the left hand entrance.
Two corresponding wholes where cut into the left wall which match up with the notches of the walkway, another piece of 6mm foam board was cut and placed onto the walkway to strengthen that section under the weight of the figures placed on it.
I cut a notch out of the walkway along the back wall for the left hand tunnel section to fit in. The rear door way was also cut out along with two 6mm door frames for both entrances into the diorama. Two long 10mm pieces of foam board where cut to create the central tower between each walkway, with a door cut out leading onto each level.
Looking good. Off to share your progress.
I've had a very busy weekend with this build to point where I can start painting this.
I'm breaking these into the sections that I've worked on.
With the all the main pieces cut, it was time to start developing and shaping them. I started with the central tower, taking a compass and marking a quarter circle to the top corner. I cut out the circles, sanding the them down and when combined together the tower now has a domed top. Taking my carving tools I marked out paneling on either side, glued on the door frames, glued both pieces together. A strip of magnetic tape was fixed to the edge of the tower and the another strip glued to the corresponding wall of the diorama.
The Back Wall
The walkway which runs the length of the back wall was glued into place and the back wall had panels and a couple of Dalek style consoles etched onto it.
The Walkway
I wanted to have a couple of windows that run the length of the walkway. I started to etch into the 10mm foam, three windows but when I had finished I was not happy with the way they looked. I wanted the windows to standout because I will be placing images of space into them therefore to accomplish what I had in mind, I cut a piece of 6mm foam and used it to build up the three windows.
A strip of 10mm foam board was cut into the shape of a hand rail, using a piece of sand paper I rounded the front edges.
A Dalek console
A couple of pieces of foam pieces where stuck together and cut into a hexagon and markings etched onto it. It was glued onto a plinth, where a hole was cut into the base for plinth to stand in.
Completed Build
With all the pieces built and markings etched into them the build of this diorama is completed and now ready to be painted.
WOW mate the details you've added to the foam is awesome and thus is going to look amazing once it's painted.
Thanks Ron. I've been having great fun building this and been doing one hell of a Doctor Who marathon thanks to Netflix, researching and find the inspiration for this. It's kinda an amalgamation of ideas from Dalek sets from all era's, stretching back from the 60's to present day. Apart from giving it a complete black under coat, I am now wondering which way to go with the colour scheme? Do I go for the a complete white look from the last Dalek episode with Peter Capaldi or a dark orange/brown from David Tenant's era?
Looks good to me. Man the detail you going on in this is awesome. Running out of time this morning, but trying to load this up to the front pages.
With the building work completed it was time to start painting this, I first gave all the walls a coat of black paint. I have learnt from working with this type of insulation board that you can not use ordinary spray paints to cover vast areas, you need to use watered down acrylic paint or in this case a can of chalkboard spray paint. I find this type of black spray paint, it doesn't dissolve the foam board as a can of Humbrol acrylic spray does. Once the walls and walkway were sprayed, I used a white spray paint to coat the floor.
Once this had dried I mixed up a very light grey acrylic diluted with water, then taking a sponge I went over all the areas I required it on.
Then taking my airbrush where I had mixed up a orange/green/silver mix, I sprayed over the recently grey painted area’s. With the base coated completed I can now start building upon this.
After leaving it over night to dry, I placed it back together to get an idea on how that nights work looked and where to take it from there.
Very nice. Let me go share this!
With the exhibition drawing near I'm working on this every possible free moment I have. With the base coat dry, I began painting random wall panels using a combination of silver, gold, light and Gun Metal grey. While they were drying I airbrushed the console, the walkway and windows with a rose gold.
he edges around the walkway were airbrushed silver along with the frame work for the walkway, the doors and a light coat around the windows. The front of the console was given a coat of gold and then dry brushed with black.
Wow, getting better all the time. Off to share the updates
Thanks Tamer, here's my latest update from last night.
Taking a step, I realised that there were areas were you could still the blue of the foam board. With this in mind I painted the back of the tower, the side of the walkway which I had left black and walls the tower covered using a combination of grey acrylic with water and applied it to the areas using a sponge. Once that was done I gave the floor a second coat.
Leaving those to dry, I turned my attention back to the walls and walkway, touching up the areas needed, painting the Daleks consoles, circles and monitors. The front of the walkway I gave a second coat of silver, this time bring it round to the side, painting the newly marked out panels which I had missed. All the doors got a second coat of silver and the windows by the walkway I have painted them black for now, with the plan of applying space imagery decals to them.
All that is left to do is paint the back of the walls black, apply the decals, weather this diorama and customise one of my Daleks.
Very nice. Off to share your update. This came together quickly!
I needed to get it finish so I can build a couple of mock ups and prep for the exhibition, didn't want to rush it next week.
I was looking at this diorama and something just didn’t look right about it. It was the floor, to me it did not match flat against the everything. After watching a LOT of Dr Who recently to get inspiration for this project, you will notice (especially with the recent series’s) that everything is metallic and shiny. With that in mind I decided to not to weather this build except for the air vents, then using my airbrush I gave the floor a coat of rose gold to bring it in line with the rest of the structure.
At first I was uncertain of it until the paint dried and Daleks where placed within. You will see further down with what I mean!
While the floor was drying I then set to painting the backs of both the walls, with this being a single sided diorama, the backs of the walls were painted with a watered down solution of black acrylic paint. This stops the blue foam bleed through when light is been shown from the back. To help applying the paint I used a sponge to spread the paint evenly across the surfaces.
With the painting now completed I can now start adding accessories within to set the scene. I have a broken Dalek figure which I am going to customise to make it look like Dalek Caan from the episode "Journey's End"
You will see from the pictures below the updated floor and the Dalek in question I will be using.
Sweet. Man this is really looking good. Off to share the latest.
Wow, these walls! What a great looking diorama and display piece! Did I mention the walls? Awesome work of art!
- Philipp
Thanks Philipp!
As I mentioned above I want to customize a broken Dalek into Dalek Caan from “Journey’s End” episode.
Using my rotary took to cut the Daleks helmet off. I then cut the middle out of the grill section and glued the grill section back on top of the Dalek. Using the rotary tool to slice the removable front section in half, sanded it down and glued the sections to the front of the body as they do in the TV series.
Using hot glue and a toothpick to make the tendrils surrounding the Dalek’s mutant form. I used the toothpick to manipulate the hot glue around the body.
The pedestal Caan sits on is made from insulation foam board. With four extra parts cut to stand at each corner and made to look like vents. Painted with a dark metallic gold paint.
A bronze chain purchased from GreenStuff world was used to wrap over Caan and glued into place at each corner of the pedestal. Cables were with then fitted into the Dalek head, running down its body and fitted into the four vent posts.
The finished piece
With my custom Dalek Caan finished, the decals of outer space placed in the windows and the decals in the two small monitors, I think this diorama is now complete and ready for next weekends Bradford Science Festival.
Usual finishing photos to follow.
A few more pictures for you.
Nice, off to share.
After the completion of my last diorama The Lair of the Daleks, I wanted to do another Dr Who based diorama. For this piece I wanted to re-create the scene in "The Age of Steel", where the Cyber Controller (Lumic) makes his first appearance as the Cyber Controller.
This is going to be a simple two piece diorama, consisting of a back wall, an alcove and floor. Where the main focus will be on the Cyber Controller in his chair.
Two lengths of 10 mm insulation board were cut, one to be used as the back while the other would be the first layer of the base. A piece of 6 mm foam board card was cut and glued to the 10 mm foam board base. A semicircle was cut out of the 10 mm base like in the episode.
In the back wall a rear door was cut and four strips of foam board were cut and glued to the rear wall. Using the black 6 mm foam board, a black 'C' was carved, a small semicircle, a long thin rectangle and a couple smaller rectangles were cut and glued onto the back wall as light fittings, door hinges and as a logo.
In the back wall a rear door was cut and four strips of foam board were cut and glued to the rear wall. Using the black 6 mm foam board, a black 'C' was carved, a small semicircle, a long thin rectangle and a couple smaller rectangles were cut and glued onto the back wall as light fittings, door hinges and as a logo.
Instead of creating the back entrance corridor which Lumic makes his debut entrance as the Cyber Controller, I turned it into a alcove to represent this. Four small pipes where added to roof of the alcove as well.
With this being a quick little build I wanted to add a couple of LEDs to the back wall as the same as the episode.
With build work completed, it is time to start painting this diorama. An acrylic mix of black/white/Burnt Umber, watered down with water was sponged across the entire set. When this dried, another coat was applied.
Once this had dried, a coat of silver was applied to the 'C', the door lock, the floor of the alcove and the four pipes within. I took my airbrush with a yellow/brown mix and weathered the entire piece.
All that is left to do is build a hand rail on the left hand side, paint it and then do the final pictures along with the Daleks diorama.
A very easy and quick build to do.
Wow, already started and heck looking like almost finished with a new dio. Off to share.
Taking a piece of bolsa wood, I shaped it into what I wanted, sanded it down then painted light grey. Dry brushed it with silver and a little black, cut a couple slots on the base for it to slot into.
With the hand rail in place, this piece is now completed.
Usual finishing pictures to follow.
Wow, already done! Off to share.
Fantastic work one the Cyberman display mate.
Thanks Ron.
The Cyberman dio looks brilliant.
Excellent work.
Thanks everyone. With the build up to the Science Festival I have not had chance to post my final pictures of the last two dio's.
Here are the Dalek Lairs final pictures. I would also like to note, this piece (minus the figures) was dedicated to museum after the events completion.
My final pictures of my Cyberman diorama.
Last weekend as you know I was asked to attend and do diorama workshops based on Doctor Who as apart of the Bradford Science festival. I took along mt latest Dr Who diorama's along with a few older pieces which you will remember but work brilliantly with Dr Who figures. Sorry about the amount of pictures but I was like a kid in toy shop all weekend!
Some more pictures of my stand.
Some more pictures from the weekend, I wasn't having fun at all!
Some more pictures from the weekend, I wasn't having fun at all!
Some more pictures from the weekend, I wasn't having fun at all!
Even my daughter mate Davros!
The task I assigned myself this weekend while attending the Bradford Science Festival was to build an 80's Tardis interior from the days of the 5th Doctor Who Peter Davison.
This build will mainly be done using 5mm insulation board but instead of using 10mm board to mount it on, I am using sheets of cardboard instead. This is to show people that they can use basic materials found around the home, than having to purchase foam board.
Using a compass to mark the Round Things on two of the foam boards, using a fine point scalpel to cut each circle out. I took my rotary tool to carefully sand out the bevels and tidy up the edges. I used an engraver to soften the edges around each hole.
The third wall 3?x 3.5? rectangle was cut for the monitor, and pairs of cardboard strips where placed either side of the screen.
Each piece of foam where then glued to a piece of cardboard, strips of foam board were cut and shaped into the edges of each of the walls. An A3 piece of 5mm foam board is being used as the base for this diorama.
With the pieces in place it is now time to paint this build. Mixing up a light blue/grey and spread it over the entire diorama using a sponge.
Once the this had dried, I used my airbrush to apply the second coat of paint.
Unfortunately the second coat did not dry in time before the close of the festival, I will be finishing this build of over the course of this week.
Wow, a lot of great fun this weekend was had I can see. Cool stuff.
Great new dio too. Off to share the update.
Your killing it on the dios buddy keep up the awesome work.
Thanks Ron
After a couple of days off from this, I was not happy with the shade of grey the last paint job finished at, mixing up a very light shade of grey I repainted the entire model again.
When that had dried and much happier to how it was, I mixed up a light shade of yellow and using my airbrush I painted all of the round things.
I may end up by going over these again using a paint brush and thicker paint. Using my airbrush and watering the paint down, it has had a bit of a reaction with the cardboard back. As you can see, you can start to see the corrugated cardboard which is in between the cardboard. Still when you stand it together with a console and a figure is starting to look like a 80’s Tardis.
Very nice. Off to share the latest.
For the central console I used 5 mm foam board that you can buy from any art shop, using the a template that I had printed from AFT Downloads 1980’s Tardis interiors. I cut each upper and lower panel, top and bottom hexagonal panels, a larger hexagonal piece to sit at the core of the console. Each console panel had their inside corners cut to an angle, making each piece corners fit together and glued together. With the lower half made, this was glued onto the larger hexagonal piece and sanded down.
I repeated the same process for the top of the console, but before I glued it to the rest of the base. I marked out each console and monitor that the 1980’s style console had. When I was researching pictures of this console, I had noticed with this particular console, all the monitors, keyboards, switches were sunk into the console unlike previous versions.
With this done, it was time to make the stand the console sat on, cutting six pieces of black foam, trimming and sanding each of the inner sides. These were then glued to the bottom hexagonal piece.
The next step is to shape the stand to how it looked back in the 80’s, paint the console before adding any buttons and levers.
Very nice scratch build there. Off to share the latest.
The Tardis interior work is excellent.
I applied the first coat of paint which when it dried, I found it was too dark to which the second coat I made was a lighter grey and when dried it looked how I wanted it to. With the embedded consoles, I painted each one a dark grey, monitors a combination of black, yellow and blue. Due to the size of the center console I painted on each button and slider with a combination of red, blue, yellow, silver, gold and white.
For the consoles stand and rim I decided to use the decals from AFT Downloads 80’s Tardis, since I had made it to the same scale as their’s and didn’t want to make it any thicker than what it is by adding a layer of card or foam board. The control column is made from a clear toothpick container and decal from the AFT Downloads
With the console finished I went back to the round things and using my airbrush, went over the insides with a light yellow to soften the already well rings.
Looks good to me. Off to share.
I had been looking at the “round things” and the yellow wasn’t working for me. I decided to grey them out, then applied a lemon yellow to them, when that had dried a white coat was then added. To keep the center console in place, I cut down a toilet roll and glued it onto the floor to which the console will sit over.
I trimmed the base to size that fits the shape of the walls, three borders were cut and stuck to edges to hold the walls in place because I have made this diorama to collapse and painted the edges black. I used a decal for the monitor which now completes my latest diorama.
Usual finished pictures to follow.
When I exhibited for the Bradford Science Festival I had printed off a lot of printable Doctor Who sets from AFT Downloads for people to cut out and make their own Doctor Who diorama. I had a few of these spare and make them up and use them for my daughter to play with using them on Plastic Action page.
This set is taken from the Classic Doctor Who episode The Masque of Mandragora – The Robots of Death
This set is incomplete at the moment, I still need to cut out and set up the rails around the center console.
To complete this diorama, I cut out a couple of foam board circles ( a 10 mm and 5 mm) and glued them together and placed the center console platform over them. Then I cut out the railings fitting them into the platform and through the foam. I stuck four pieces of card board to the underside of the floor to strengthen the card, trimmed the floor to the precise size to fit the walls onto, taping the walls to the floor, gluing the stairs to the floor and completing this diorama.
When I exhibited for the Bradford Science Festival I had printed off a lot of printable Doctor Who sets from AFT Downloads for people to cut out and make their own Doctor Who diorama. I had a few of these spare and make them up and use them for my daughter to play with using them on Plastic Action page.
This set is taken from the Classic Doctor Who episode Remembrance of the Daleks featuring the 7th Doctor played by Sylvester McCoy. This is the episode where you first see a Dalek levitate upstairs!
The School
The school is made up using printed off decals which I have stuck onto card and for the larger wall, I have used a couple of pieces of cardboard.
The Hand of Omega
The Hand of Omega and the Dalek Transmat platform where cut out and glued together without backing them onto card. The Transmat is sturdy enough to take the weight of a Dalek.
Dalek Shuttle
The Dalek Shuttle took a little longer to build, each of the smaller pods was broken into a top and bottom and the main pod was broken into four different sections. Each one having to be cut out and stuck together either by glue or sticky tape. If you print this out, I recommend using a laser printer and a lot of patience!
Wow, those look pretty good. Pretty realistic for print outs. Off to share the latest.
Awesome dio's buddy and the AFT prints look excellent.
Thanks guys.
After spending the past couple of months doing nothing but Doctor Who sets, I thought it was about time to do something different. To start off I have gone with a room in a ruined church, using the same basic size as my Apartment Room 2 diorama I did last year. To start I cut a the base piece of foam board 8" x 15", then starting with the left wall I cut a piece 8" x 11.5". I wanted this to be a tall medieval window, I marked out three tall long windows and then cut them out. Taking some black 6 mm foam board I cut a piece out to match the display size of the last the piece, marked out three arches that would go round each of the three windows and glued that onto the first piece. Two long strips of 10" x 1" where then glued to either side of this wall, brick work was then carved into these two pieces. To give it the ruined look, I marked out where I wanted to cut pieces out, cut into the foam and then ripped out the unwanted pieces.
The middle wall was done but cutting a piece of 10 mm foam foam board to 11" x 15", marking out each brick as 1" x 1", carving them out then putting in cracks in the bricks, weathering them before taking big chunks out of the top of the wall like I did with the window.
With the floor I marked out slabs of 3" x 4" then treated them as I did with the middle wall. I then stuck a piece of 6 mm black foam board 2.5" x 8", glued it down to the far right corner. This is to be the entrance to the room, I carved out 2" x 2.5" slabs on it and then weathered this to match the other.
The right wall I cut out an arched door and like the window opposite, using a piece of black 6 mm foam board I cut out an arch way to go around the door. I marked out and carved 1" x 1" brick work on this wall. Clued a 1" x 8" pelmet over the door, marking out 2 x 0.2" top and bottom border, taking my rotary tool and sanded out the middle. This wall like the others I cut out chunks of the wall to give it the ruined effect.
Using the cut away sections from the walls, I have placed them around this diorama to add to the ruined effect.
This is such a great structure element! The light beams shining through onto the floor look amazing!
- Philipp
I cut a couple pieces of bolsa wood to used for the doorway, marking out and scoring in slates of wood. Using a wooden coffee stirrer, I cut it up and used it to make the door hinges.
First coat of paint has been applied, a light grey/brown acrylic mix has been used to cover the entire of the inside of the scene. A dark brown for the inside of the door.
Wow, this is looking fantastic! Off to share.
Man, you could use this for a ton of different lines, not to mention just Halloween in general. I love the Fall.
Very cool diorama!!
Your Doctor Who dioramas have been excellent - I have really enjoyed seeing the process and the final products. I particularly like your scratch build TARDIS console.
The ruined church is looking great. It has applications for many lines of figures - it could even work as a more to scale cathedral for smaller scale like Warhammer.
Thanks everyone :-)
Waiting on a delivery of magnetic tape, it was time to start painting this. A base coat of a light grey mixed with a little brown over the entire dio. Brown for the base coat of the door.
When it dried, a second coat added to exposed first layer of foam board walls. A darker grey was used on the floor, large wall and the side walls 2nd and 3rd foam board layers. Dark brown wash over the floor and areas of the walls for weathering.
Need to work on the door next and fix it into place next.
Loving the church dio mate and especially love the window's.
Wow this is really looking great. I can't wait to see if finished and how you populate it.
off to share the latest.
The magnets are in place to hold the walls in together. I’ve used magnetic strip for the bottom of the walls and small magnets placed into the corners to keep the walls together.
For the door I have made a door handle, two bolts and rivets for the hinges out of green stuff. When it has cured I’ve given them a coat of black gloss and when dry I will age them.
To add to the scene I have scattered small piles of scenic ballast around floor.
I went over the black gloss and the ballast with a light grey wash to weather them and match the surroundings. With all of this done, this diorama is now complete.
A few more pictures for you
Here are a few extra pictures showing that this diorama can be used for multiple action figure genre’s.
Usual final pictures to follow shortly.
This really looks awesome. It is definitely one of my favorites you have created. Off to share.
Looks awesome buddy and I was going to use magnets for my Indy box dio so I can remove the front panel so I can move Indy around but your magnetic strips is a better idea which I'll be applying to mine.
It makes a change you stealing one of my techniques and not the other way round lol ;-)
I've put together a short video of how to assemble the ruins diorama,it shows where I've used the magnets that hold it together.
Neat stuff. Looks like it worked great and is very sturdy. This is easily on my favorites that you have done.
Off to share the video
It makes a change you stealing one of my techniques and not the other way round lol ;-)
I've put together a short video of how to assemble the ruins diorama,it shows where I've used the magnets that hold it together.
LOL well all I can say buddy is you can teach an old dog new tricks LOL and thanks for the tutorial iy was great.
Another excellent diorma.
The damage and the weathering looks very realistic.
After completing the last Church Ruin I was asked to build another. As you can see I’ve started work on the outer walls and floor.
As you can see I have marked out the tall windows, the door and the brick work on floor and back wall.
The long windows, where cut out and sanded down using my rotary tool, the doorway was also removed. A piece of 6mm black foam board was cut for the archway to the door.
I have also been asked to make a street light as a bolt on to a clients existing diorama . The street light is made from 6 mm foam board strips, the centres sanded out for the LED's cable. I glued the two strips together, sanded it down giving it shape. Repeating the same process with corner and the lights neck. A small piece of foam cut for the light cover and using a small plastic tube to complete the street light.
I have also been asked to make a removable base for the light. Using both 6 & 10 mm foam boards, glued together and paving stones etched in the foam with a cable run drilled through the foam. I might redo this base to make sure the light fits slots into it more securely.
Sorry about the sideways pictures lol!
Cool, another church dio. I like the street light too. Off to share the latest.
your on fire mate and can't wait to see more.
Thanks Ron!
I decided in the end to completely remake the base, I was just not happy with it. The new one is double the size of the original with a hole big enough for the streetlight to sit securely in it with a cable run drilled in between the two layers of foam board. Pavement flags and curb stones where etched into the board, then damage was applied to the flags.
Satisfied with how this turned out, I applied the first coat of paint to the streetlight and base.
While the Streetlight was drying I turned my attention to my other commission.
I started with the left wall with tall windows, as with the previous Church Ruin diorama I made, I cut a piece of 6 mm foam board to fit over the wall and then cut out three arches which will house the three tall windows. I cut a couple of 10" x 1" strips of 6 mm to go either side of the window, 1" x 1" brick work were etched into these strips before applying damage to them. All the pieces were glued to together before cutting the top down as I did in the previous model.
The back wall as with the former I etched in 1" x 1" brick work before marking and cutting the top of the wall off as I did before. Like the before all the broken pieces will be reused as rubble for the final piece.
That street light project turned out great. I like how your new church ruins is coming along too. Off to share the update on both.
Thanks Shawn
I could so see a cool Spiderman AF hanging off that lamp too.
I don't think its strong enough to do that, damn it I should have thought about that!! >:(
When the base coat had dried I went over the paving slabs with a light blue/grey, the curb using a light grey. Taking a fine brush I painted in between each slab and crack with a dark brown. I dry brushed a dark grey over all the cracks, the tarmac at the back and the edges of the curb. Using a thin brush to dab black into all of the cracks, dry brushed black over the tarmac at the back, dry brushed white over each of the paving slabs to complete the base of this piece.
While this was drying I turned my attention onto the lamppost, painting the bottom and the neck join using the light blue grey, then the rest of it with a light brown, with a coat of metallic silver cover it.
When the lamppost is dry I will see how it looks before starting to weather it.
It is sure looking great.
Maybe you can do a new project with a stronger version down the road. I can sure see a fight with Spidey vs. Venom happening on this thing!
Off to share the latest.
Went back to my Church Ruin last night.
The right wall I have built it similar to it's predecessor, using a combination of 10mm and 6mm foam board. I marked out and carved 1" x 1" brick work on this wall. Glued a 1" x 8" pelmet over the door which I will be taking my rotary tool too like, marking out 2 x 0.2" top and bottom border. Taking a sharp knife I removed pieces from the top corners which will be used as rubble to scatter round this piece, damage was applied to the brick work similar to the last piece.
With the floor I marked out slabs of 3" x 4". I then stuck a piece of 6 mm black foam board 3.5" x 8", glued it down to the far right corner. This is to be the entrance to the room, I carved out 2" x 3" slabs on it.
While working on the Church Ruin I was also finishing off the Streetlight diorama.
After the lamppost had dried, I was not overly happy with how it looked so I mixed up a lighter brown and went back over it. While it was still wet I added a light coat of white and blended it in.
I turned my attention back to the base and dry brushed white across the entire surface and edges, the effect I have to say I am rather proud with how it turned out!
Turning back to the lamppost I dry brushed a light grey over the body and neck, followed by white then finishing dry brushing black over the entire post.
With lamppost finished, I have put both pieces together and here it is. I will be putting up my usual final pictures soon.
Looks great on both projects.
Off to share them both.
I really enjoy following your projects, Richard! Thank you for also posting your video on YouTube here. That way I found your channel on there and am your 11th subscriber now!
The pavement with the lamp post looks stunning! Don't need to talk about the church ruins anymore - everything is said in the comments above: It looks excellent!
I also build buildings from POLA in 1/22.5 and 1/24 scale once in a while and your chruch ruins remind me a lot of those! It's amazing what you can make with foam and to me it's very impressive work of art!
Thanks for sharing have a great weekend and please keep us updated.
- Philipp
Final pictures of my Streetlight diorama are now finally complete (boy has it been a busy couple of weeks with 1 or 2 distractions lol!)
I really enjoyed this street light diorama. I can't help thinking of Spider Man and the new Venom when I see this too.
Off to share the latest.
The church is coming along great buddy and the street light is a great idea.
After taking some time off from building to explore the world of Warhammer 40k, learning to paint on such a small scale and learning new painting skills. I thought it was time I returned back to my church diorama and put some of these new skills to use but before I can do that the build needs to be finished off.
With the overall structure work done, it is time to start adding in detail to this diorama. Taking a pottery tool and scoring into the foam as I have done previously before, creating cracks and chips on the stone work. The centre of the pelmet above the door was removed.
Once this was accomplished I have applied magnetic strip along the length and width of the floor and the walls to hold the diorama in place.
Oh yeah, putting those skills to use! Great update, off to share.
Finally back to this again ;D
Using my rotary tool with the sanding attachment I went around the edges of the three long windows and frame to remove all square edges. With the final wall finished and attached to the other surfaces using magnetic tape, it was time to work on the wooden door.
Cutting a couple of pieces of bolsa wood to size then sanding it down, I marked the wooden beans that make up the door. Four smaller pieces were cut to act as the hinges then all pieces where glued together. When this dries, it will be time to make the door handle and bolts out of Green Stuff as I have done previously.
Oh yeah, coming along nicely. Off to share.
Using down watered black acrylic I applied a black base coat to all sides of the diorama using a sponge. With this technique I am able to apply an even coat across the surfaces, while also able to push the paint into all the crack and crevasses. The wooden door was given a base coat of burnt umber for the front with black for the hinges. The back of the door was painted black to match the outer walls.
Unless I am creating a double sided diorama I always paint the back black, more especially when using the blue foam board. This helps prevent any blue seeping through when a light is shown from behind the diorama.
Oh yeah, you are really bringing this one home. Off to share the latest.
Awesome work on this new dio buddy and I can't wait to see it when it's completed.
awesome work!
Determined to get this diorama done I set to it over the weekend so bare with me and the pictures!
Mixing up a grey was I went over the the walls that surround the long windows and the door. Adding a touch of blue to the mix, I then sponged over the remaining walls with the new paint.
While is trying, I started working on the accessories for the door. Using Green Stuff to make the bolts, door handle and the bolts for the hinges.
With the paint dry I went over the wall and floor again with a light grey/blue wash using my airbrush.
When this had dried I dry brushed GW Longbeard grey over the entire diorama to pick out the edges, the cracks and imperfections of the piece.
For door got a watered down wash with GW Rhino hide, retributor armour for the hinges and accessories. A layer of Nuil oil and then Warplock bronze over the Green Stuff made accessories, once dry all it was all edged with Auric Armour Gold then the door was glued into place.
I have also added patches of rubble using scenic ballast scattered across the floor, this now needs some finishing touches and should be completed.
Here are a couple of test pictures to see how it look, I hope you like them.
Wow that turned out nice.
Off to share.
I made some final tweaks with this, including a final black coat for the reverse of the diorama and now it is completed.
My last couple of pictures.
This really turned out great. It has so many different applications you could use it for. Great work.
Off to share.
Your dios keep getting better and better.
Excellent work.
I agree with FialaFernbrugg! You've become an expert of this kind of diorama. I really enjoy looking at all the perfectly painted walls and mystic ruins...
Thanks for sharing and please keep up your great work!
- Philipp
Thanks Philipp
Well, the thanks goes to you! I wish you a great new year with time for everything that makes you happy! I hope to find some time for the hobby, too, but college is successfully keeping me busy.
I wish you all the best Richard!
- Philipp
Thanks Phillipp
I have commissioned to build a scene from the recent Blade Runner 2049 film, I opted to go for the final scene where the two Blade Runners approach the steps leading into the building where Decker’s daughter is placed.
With this diorama build I will be constructing it out of foam insulation board using widths 5 mm and 10 mm. For the overall base I am using 10 mm foam board 23? width by 10? depth. Each of the steps are 16? width by a decreasing inch depth for every step.
Great start. I know Blade Runner (the new one) has gotten a bad rap in some circles, but I quite enjoyed it. Off to share the update.
Thanks Tamer
Last night I cut four pieces of 10 mm foam board, which were used for the sides of the steps. I cut another piece of 10 mm board, this is used for the back wall behind the steps.
Looks like progress was made. Off to share.
All the pieces where sanded down and glued together. The next step is make the banisters for the steps.
Mate the church ruin dio/display looks awesome and the stairs dio/display is looking great, keep the awesome work coming mate.
Looks like great progress was made.
Before I start work on the banisters I filled in some of the imperfections of the build using Green Stuff.
To create the banisters I cut thin 0.25 of an inch width foam board strips to run up the center of each banister and along the wall at the top of the each. I then cut six small posts of foam then using the hot end of my glue gun, to burn two holes, equal distance apart in the foam to fit the banister rails through. Then taking two straws of equal length, adding a drop of hot glue inside one end of each straw, placing a cocktail stick in between and push the glued end together. Repeat this process to make the second handrail of the same length. Glued the first post at the bottom of the banister, another one at the top of the slope and then slide the hand rails through the holes. I took a third post, glued the end of the railings to the post and then glued the post to the top of the banister. I then glued the last two posts of either end of the small then glued two straws into place.
I repeated the same process with the opposite side hand rails, thus completing this diorama build. Next step is to start painting this.
Very nice. Off to share the latest.
Wow, this wall looks brilliant so far! Looking forward to seeing all its details painted!
- Philipp
A base acrylic coat of paint made up from white, black and a touch of burnt umber mixed with water was applied with a sponge coating the entire model.
Looks pretty nice to me. Off to share your update.
Second base coat added, once this is dry I can start layering this.
While the 2nd coat is drying, time to start my next commission piece.
With this diorama build I will be constructing it out of foam insulation board using widths 5 mm and 10 mm. For the overall base I am using 10 mm foam board 25" width by 16" depth. Two walkways on either side running the length of the diorama, one side with the width of 4" and the opposite 3" width. A central wall at one end with a semi circle cut out to act as a grate fitted between the two walkways with a couple of little walls either side.
Wow, you have two going now. Looks like a great start and continued great work on the BR one. Off to share.
Thanks Tamer.
Been busy with the sewer this weekend.
With the basic form there I started to build upon the structure, building two walls and a second layer for both walkways. With these parts cut it is time to mark up the brick work.
I cut a crescent a half an inch width to go over the central column, I then marked on the brick work, each brick is 2? x 1?. Once completed I took an etching tool a scored out each brick and crack. After completing the walls and central column I repeated the process on the two walkways.
A few more pictures of the walls and walkways.
I cut a crescent a half an inch width to go over the central column, I then marked on the brick work, each brick is 2" x 1". Once completed I took an etching tool a scored out each brick and crack. After completing the walls and central column I repeated the process on the two walkways.
Wow, you got a ton of work done quickly on this one. It looks great.
Off to share.
Panther, that is sweet looking! Man, the fun part is coming now.
I'm really loving these builds bud keep up the awesome work.
Thanks guys, it means a lot.
Last night I went back to Blade Runner steps. With the base coat dried, I could start weathering this piece using my airbrush. Using a fine spray I went over all the edges with a dark brown, with that dry I I gently sprayed over the entire model.
Yepper, looks like I remember it from the film. Off to share the latest.
Using GW's Longbearbeard Grey, I dry brushed the all stone work to pick out the detail
At the request of my client, I painted the hand rails white. When they are dried I will weather down and dry brush them using GW's Necron compound.
Looks like its almost done to me.
Off to share.
Unreal, I love where the exposed brick meets the covered part. Sharp lines and edges but, decay, like you said.
Great stuff man!
Wow, this is really looking good. Can't wait to see it all finished up.
Thanks Starchaser, your wish will soon be granted :-)
I weathered the handrails with a dark brown wash using my airbrush, once that had dried I dry brushed both handrails using GW's Necron compound.
With this diorama completed here are my final pictures. Sorry I do not own any Blade Runner figures, I’ve had to substitute them for 1966 Batman, which works just as well I think.
Looks awesome to me. I am sure the customer is pretty happy.
Off to share this final image post.
Richard, awesome display buddy keep up the amazing work.
Thanks mate
At the request of my client, I built a third a wall but this one containing a circle entrance. This wall running the in parallel to other long wall, the circle cut is about 5" diameter. I scored in the brick work to match up with the rest of diorama. I cut a ring of foam as a frame for this entrance etching stone work to it.
Magnetic strip has been used to attach the walls to the floor, almost time to start painting.
Oh yeah this is really taking shape now. Off to share.
Using my rotary tool I sanded the inside of the round doorway, tidied up the edges of the overall piece. To attach the central column to the back wall using small magnets placed along the edges and married to the magnets on the back wall. I purchased a small ladder made from bolsa wood, I thought it would be ideal for this piece.
Now this is looking great.
Off to share.
Started on a small diorama piece for Bradford Unleashed comic I'm exhibiting in again, drawing inspiration from He-man and the Masters of the Universe.
Made from foam insulation board, it’s scaled to fit Masters Of The Universe 5.5? to the 7? figures.
The external I’ve etched brick work similar to that of the 80’s Castle Grayskull playset. Internal I’ve etched my standard brickwork. The walls are made from one piece of board, cutting between the bricks to make two interlocking walls.
Looking awesome so far! Bradford Unleashed will be lucky to have you!
I just learned today that these MotU figures have a Vintage Collection, too! That's very exciting!
Beyond that, I hardly know anything about He-Man.
A friend of mine wants to display his collection of MotU figures from the 80's.
Do you know a way how to display them on stands?
Best regards
- Philipp
For the base I made three curved steps leading towards the wall, then curved the corners. A single pillar created and fitted into the corner. With the external being based upon the 80’s toy, I’ve put in a small window for the Sorceress to view out of. Stone slabs have been etched into the floor and steps.
Looking awesome so far! Bradford Unleashed will be lucky to have you!
I just learned today that these MotU figures have a Vintage Collection, too! That's very exciting!
Beyond that, I hardly know anything about He-Man.
A friend of mine wants to display his collection of MotU figures from the 80's.
Do you know a way how to display them on stands?
Best regards
- Philipp
Most figures can stand on their own but for the ones where the bands are old, you can buy replacement bands or you can find on eBay people selling MOTU stands.
Thanks heaps Panther!
Anytime mate.
Wow, a new dio is up in here.
Looks great. Off to share.
I miss my MOTU collection.
With the build completed, it is time to start painting. The base coat for the walls and floor were applied using a watered done mixture of white/black and touch of blue, applied using a sponge.
Your projects make we want to dig out my old playmobil castle, again and play with all the knights from my childhood. Your wall elements look amazingly realistic! Great paintjob there!
- Philipp
With the build completed, it is time to start painting. The base coat for the walls and floor were applied using a watered done mixture of white/black and touch of blue, applied using a sponge. The base I used watered down mixture of blue/white, once this had dried I added Burnt Umber into the mix and dabbed into the area where the water runs trough the center.
Your projects make we want to dig out my old playmobil castle, again and play with all the knights from my childhood. Your wall elements look amazingly realistic! Great paintjob there!
- Philipp
Thanks Philipp
The last of my updates for the weekend!
Keeping with the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe theme, I’ve put together another small landscape diorama drawing inspiration from the old Filmation cartoon series back in 1983.
This build I wanted to be a simple landscape diorama, I cut a piece of 10 mm foam board to act as the base. Then another piece of 10 mm which will be a broken wall, I’ve added three tabs to the bottom of the all which allow it to be allowed to slotted into the base.
Eternia in the 80’s cartoon, wood land area had a lot of huge, twisty trees of all sizes. To make one of these for the size of this piece, I have taken a cardboard tube and wrapped it up in tin foil with enough excess to twist to a point. I rolled up two more lengths of tin foils and wrapped them around the trunk like twisted branches. This will be positioned behind the wall.
Build upon this basic design, I added a horizontal wall behind the first wall, a couple of tin foil boulders into the foreground.
Wow, now that is a lot of diorama updating. It all looks great.
Let me get some of it to the front pages.
Your dioramas are looking outstanding. Such an inspiration!
Thanks Chewie
With the base coats dry, sponged over the walls with a water downed burnt umber, dabbing the paint all over. Adding a little yellow to the watered down burnt umber I repeated the process once the walls had dried. The bars were painted with Games Workshops Runefang steel, shaded with Nuln Oil.
I turned my attention to the water, using Games Workshops Nurgle’s Rot (commonly known as snot in pot) painted ripples onto the board. I laid the water sheet on top and glued it into place. I dry brushed screaming skull over the water sheets highlighting the ripples.
All some brick work was dry brushed using Games Workshops Longbeard Grey, emphasizing all the cracks and edges of the bricks. The waste pipe and the ladder had a coat of Games Workshops Leadbelcher, shaded with Nuln Oil and highlighted with Stormhost Silver.
Looks oozy to me. Off to share on the front pages.
With the base coats dry, sponged over the walls with a water downed burnt umber mixed with yellow, dabbing the paint all over.
And finally for updates and it's a short one!
I was looking at the walls and realised one layer of 10 mm was not enough, I cut another piece the same size as the long wall. Glued them together and then sanded it down, I will do the same with vertical wall this evening.
These dioramas are looking sooooo good, Panther. Really nice job, the buildings look so realistic. I sense a really excellent Chapter House for your Space Marine chapter in the offings.
Wow, updates on all three. Nice.
Off to the front page yet again.
A couple of days ago I filled the small trench with PVA glue, when it dried I had created film over the trench which meant I could then apply more PVA glue over the top. The thickness of the dried glue, gave the impression of fluid running the length of the trench, I painted over it using Games Workshops Nurgle’s rot. I poured PVA into the small waste pipe above the trench, painting it again with Nurgle’s rot once it had dried. I proceeded to apply the paint also to areas on both walkways and the small waste pipe.
There are some final little touches to be done and then this will be completed.
The floor was given another grey coat using my airbrush, random flags were sprayed a darker grey. Once dry it was dry brushed with Games Workshop Longbeard Grey to pick out all the detail.
The inside walls I gave another coat of grey using the airbrush, once dry it was dry brushed with Games Workshop Longbeard Grey to pick out all the detail.
The vertical wall, I added another 10 mm layer of foam board making it the same width as the horizontal wall. Using the round sander on my rotary tool to weather both walls, lightly touching the wall faces with side of the spinning sander.
I laid a piece of 6 mm foam board on the base in front of the horizontal wall, marking out 2? x 2? slabs before setting to them with pottery tools, scoring imperfections into the slabs.
Most excellent detail work on these dios. The sewer is appropriately gross. I think the PVA glue "drip" looks really good.
You are doing such nice work on all three of these. Off to share the news.
Now the diorama build is complete, I wanted to decorate one wall with two hanging swords. I took casts of both Masters of the Universe Classics He-Man and She-Ra’s swords, since the swords are permanently fixed to walls I took half casts of each sword using blu-stuff to make the molds.
When it was safe to remove the curing swords from the molds, I trimmed the excess off and left them to finish curing.
base coated both the swords using Abaddon Black and did the same to a spare MOTU 200x golden sword of power. All three swords where then base coated with Leadbelcher, layered with Runefang steel and edged with Stormhost Silver.
Turning my attention to plaque the classic swords were going to be mounted onto, a circle had been cut into a piece of 6 mm foam board. I used a wire brush to make it look like it had been made from a piece of wood. Base coated with Rhinox hide, shades with Agrex Earthshade and the washed over with Mournfang brown. Both half swords where glued into place and then mounted onto the wall.
I created a stone plinth for the 200x Sword of Power to stand in and to be freely seated in the corner. Painted with Mechanicus Standard Grey and then edged with Longbeard Grey, the sword was embedded into the stone.
Wow, that is one awesome MOTU set up and man what a great job in the casting. That turned out great.
Off to share the update.
Fantastic work buddy.
Cheers guys 😊
Morning all, sorry I've been quiet this week I've been working on site all week but have managed to finish my Eternia Ruin piece for the convention first weekend in March.
I won't bore you with all the pictures but if you want to see them they are on my website but here is what I've done.
Last you saw the everything was in an unpainted state, for the tree and the boulders. I watered down filler and coated the mixture over the objects. I poured the rest of the filler down the left side of the base and around the back. I inserted the tree into the filler covered the damp filler with sand. When this had dried I can started painting this piece.
Coating foil covered objects with filler mixed with water, then covering the vacant floor area with it also. I painted the floor area with a yellowish brown and the stump of the tree. I then started to layer the the full tree with darker tones of brown, finishing off with a shade of Agrax Earth shade. The tile floor and walls have been given a base grey coat. When it dried I start layering them.
Sprayed the ground with a light yellow, the paving and walls with a light blue/grey. While they were drying I took a wire brush to the small floor behind the horizontal wall. Going with the grain of the foam and scoring it to look like worn floorboards. Shade with Agrax Earth shade and airbrushed with a water down black acrylic.
All stone work was then dry brushed with Longbeard Grey. When it had dried grass tufts and moss where applied on the tree and in places on the diorama.
Looks great to me. I have the theme song going through my head now.
Off to share.
Final Pictures of my Eternia Ruin. My daughter was so happy to find that I had used her She-ra figures.
Final pictures of my Castle Grayskull room.
Final pictures of my Sewer Commission.
Turtle Power!
Taking inspiration from my recent Sewer commission I wanted to make a TMNT lair. This piece is scaled to the 7? Classic figures (based on the 1987 cartoon).
The diorama is made from insulation foam board, held together with magnetic tape. Since I have used magnetic tape, it means its can be expanded upon at a later date. Either adding in extra rooms or sewer tunnels.
Wow, those turned out great. Time to go share some of this.
And you have already started a new one.
With the convention on Sunday I wanted to show some new pieces along with Warhammer 40K miniatures.
Decided to etch in brick work to outside of one of the doors, followed up with brick work on the sewer tunnels. Finished the night of with some test shots of the Turtles facing down Shredder and his Foot soldiers.
Finished the night of with some test shots of the Turtles facing down Shredder and his Foot soldiers.
Man another great TMNT Dio. Looks great. Off to share it and your other finished MOTU Dio.
Cheers mate, you beat me again before I could post last night's update lol. I've added the base coat to it before I can start adding other bits to it.
These dioramas are just amazing. You are giving great attention to the kind of detail that puts them over the top. I just want to encourage you to keep doing this most excellent work!
Thanks Starchaser, I've picked up a lot of good ideas from the little time I've spent learning to paint GW miniatures.
Last night, I washed over the entire inside of the model with a light brown which I applied using a sponge.
With that trying I turned my attention to creating one of the main pieces of furniture for any Turtle lair, the sofa! Making this out of 10 mm foam board to fit two turtles.
Placing the sofa around the lair, I've realized I need to trim an inch off the sofa so it doesn't look to fill the room as much as it does now.
I cut a couple of lengths of pipe which will run the length of each wall, as you can see they are only resting on top while finish off painting the walls before attaching them.
Oh yeah, now the need a pizza!
Off to share.
Sorry not posted for a few days, been busy with the comic con but here are the final pictures of my Turtle Lair.
Here are some more, I even combined it with my sewer diorama commission.
I attended Bradford Unleashed on Sunday, I had a great plot in hall.
To my absolute joy I was placed diagonally opposite Peter Davidson, the fifth Doctor Who. It cost but I got him to sign my 80's Doctor Who Tardis diorama.
I had a wonderful day, met some great people who are really interested in my work. Half way through the day my youngest daughter joined me making this a family affair, even though by the end of the day she got a little bored.
Looks like great fun was had. I like it.
Off to share it and your final Lair pics on the front pages.
I'm sorry for not posting for ages, change of job and swamped with commissions.
Let me catch you up with what I've done so far.
Starting with this commission piece a remake of a sewer I had previously done for someone else.
The story of this build can be found on my website
The next commission piece is a variation of my sewer build for another client.
The story of this build can be found on my website
And lastly my current WIP.
The story of this build so far can be found on my website
Hey great to see you back from the sewer. All puns aside it is great to see what you have been up to. The first two sewer dioramas are on the front pages.
Thanks mate, it was a dirty job but someone had to do it ;-)
Got your third MOTU WIP on the front page.
Your dioramas continue to inspire! Really excellent attention to detail. And can I just say how jealous I am that you got a Peter Davidson signature:)
Your dioramas continue to inspire! Really excellent attention to detail. And can I just say how jealous I am that you got a Peter Davidson signature:)
Thanks Starchaser. I have to say Peter was taken back with it.
Last night I sanded down the inside of the ruined wall, then tidying up the side before using my rotary tool to make impressions on the ruin walls. I then sprayed a black base coat over the entire model.
Oh yeah, definitely you are making progress. Off to share the latest.
WIP progress
A base coat of grey was applied evenly over the model using a small roller. White was added to the grey and rolled over. I then went over the crevices with black.
All I know is that dio pic sure looks good on the front pages. Great work.
Thanks Tamar, wait until its finished lol.
Adding in more white to grey, I rolled another even layer. For the final layer I added green to grey and lightly brushed all the surfaces with the paint.
When the paint had dried I mixed up a light brown and using the airbrush to apply the paint around the edges of each slab.
To complete the painting of this piece, I dry brushed over the entire model with Game Workshops Longbeard Grey.
When the paint had dried I mixed up a light brown and using the airbrush to apply the paint around the edges of each slab.
Nice. Looks like you are in the home stretch.
Off to share.
Final pictures are done.
Final two pictures.
Wow, really like the vegetation. That little bit of green here and there really pushes it up a few notches. Nice.
Off to share this to the front pages.
This year for the Bradford Science Festival the theme is space, so I am creating a Lunar landscape diorama with the activity of children creating plasticine aliens to place within it.
I’ve created a box which is 30?x 23.75? x 17? which at the moment has a double layer of 10mm board. To create the surface I will be laying a foundation of newspaper, layered with wire mess. The craters will also be made of mess and then coated with Modroc plaster of paris strips.
I’ve added a third layer of foam board to the base, then covered the area with ball of newspaper. Over the top of this I covered with a sheet of wire mesh, which I’ve glued into place.
I’ve started modrocing with the help of my daughter. It’s starting to look a little more lunal and not a rubbish pile
After I finished modrocing the Lunar scape, I gave it a black base coat.
When the base coat dried I mixed up blue/ grey acrylic and water solution and covered they entire surface with it.
I have layered this piece three times, each layer I have added more white to the grey/blue mixture I used for the base coat.
I airbrushed a light grey over the entire surface, adding a mottled effect.
I painted the top of the frame with light grey and black round the back.
With the landscape finished, it’s now time to work on the surroundings.
Taking some black card and soft pastels, I sketches out an alien world as a backdrop. For the planet I called upon inspiration from the 80’s. Can you guess?
A couple of test shots. I still need to finish the sides off and get them fixed to the base.
I added a magnetic strip to the back board and its opposite to the back of the base. The backdrop I cut down and stuck it to the backboard using adhesive spray.
The two side panels I cut them down diagonally to make it easy access for people to place the alien creations within.
What is left to do is paint the two side boards and add magnets for them to attach to the base and backboard.
Wow, what an interesting process. It looks great.
Off to share.
Amazing work!
Magnetic strips have been added to side panels and 8 little magnets have been glued in to fix the sides to the back board. I have also painted a black board around the base.
OH yeah, progress. Off to share the update.
Very cool
The side panels have been painted with galaxies and stars, I've put an LED strip light around the base. This is now ready for the weekend.
Final pictures to follow.
Here are a couple of shots with its lights
That looks really good. Off to share.
Final pictures are complete and it's ready for the Bradford Science Festival tomorrow
A couple of action shots.
The lunar-scape looks really good.
I agree, you can use this one for a lot of genres too. Off to share.
I started this build a while ago but put it down to concentrate on commissions I had on the go. After building three sewers I wanted to have one to expand upon the TMNT Lair I built earlier this year.
With the structure already made I have drawn on the brick work ready to score on the walls. I have put down the walkways as I have done in the past.
Oh yeah, looks great. Off to share.
Been so busy I have not posted for awhile but you should like how this has progressed.
I have scored the brickwork and walkways slabs, just need to build the central sewer column for the water run out from.
I’ve made the central sewer grate, cutting a piece of board 6? across with two sides at 1.5?. I’ve scored the brick work, cut a semi circle hole for the grate. Using my rotary tool I’ve sanded imperfections onto the brick wall and back wall. I’ve done the same with the two walk ways.
I have repeated the same process with the two side walls, also adding a small piece of pipe which juts out of the left wall above the small trench in the walkway.
I have cut a cardboard straw and used these for the bars to the grate and put down a sheet of water effect (the same stuff I have used before). With this done, I am now ready to paint these before adding in extra pipes and cables.
For the base coat I have sprayed it with black chalkboard spray paint.
Mixing up a light grey and rolled it onto the internal surfaces of the sewer. Once dry I added burnt umber into the mix and rollered this on top of the grey. I added crimson red to brown and painted the sewer tunnel, grate and borders of each walkways.
When this is dry I can start dry brushing the walls, painting the pipe, grate bars and adding the extra pipes.
I’ve dry brushed light grey over all brickwork including the floor. In between the larger cracks and fractures of the bricks I have added some of GW Agrax Earth shade.
I also used Agrax Earth shade on the small pipe, then highlighted with GW Brass Scorpion and then GW Runelord Brass.
The ladder I’ve painted it with GW Leadbelcher, shaded with Nuln Oil and then highlighted with GW Stormhost Silver.
I’ve finished by gluing the river sheets to the floor.
Using hot glue for small trench an the pipe, when it had dried I painted it with GW Nurgle’s Rot.
Unlike my previous sewer builds I decided to dry brush the ripples of water using GW Elysian Green and Baharroth Blue. Once that was finished I glued the two walkways into place.
Just a couple of finishing touches and then this is done.
I cut a couple of lengths of pipe, sprayed them silver and glued one to the right wall and the other smaller length to the back wall. I then shaded them with GW Nuln Oil and then coated them with GW Nihilakh Oxide. I’ve also added a couple of lengths of cable and added a junction box.
Starting a new commission piece, this will be a weapons room within Castle Grayskull, scaled to Mattels 80's He-man and the Masters of the Universe range.
This piece will be similar to one I built for myself but longer to accommodate more figures and even Battle Cat as demonstrated.
This piece is made from foam insulation board, the base, walls and the steps I have used 10 mm foam board.
After speaking with my client, 20?was too long to for into his deltof. I’ve taken 6? off the base and back wall.
The aim is to try and make this as close to the filmnation version of the 80’s, one of the things I have found difficult is trying to replicate the floor. After going on a MOTU DVD binge I settled on a floor pattern I saw of the turret floor with the Talon Fighter parked on it.
Wow, that Turtles diorama is totally radical!
Love the running water effect on your Sewer Dio. Its perfect. The whole thing looks perfect.
I can see you are off and running on your MOTU dio too. My wife glanced at my computer and thought we were getting a new outside patio it looked so good. I had to disappoint her, but she says your rock work is awesome! LOL. Off to the front pages.
Ha ha ha thanks Tamer, if you like I can build one for you but it won't be to wife's liking lol. Thank you and to your lovely wife for the lovely compliment.
The finishing touches are now done, I have added a couple of decals along with sanding and painting the borders.
The usual final pictures to follow.
One of the things I love about pieces like this is I can mix and match walls for added illusion, which I'll demonstrate more with the final pictures where I'll also combine this with my TMNT lair.
I've removed one of the walls and placed it far enough away to give the impression of another sewer tunnel, daft I know but it keeps me entertained lol ;-). I've done the same with the TMNT dio, great for action shots.
Final pictures done, with one along side my Turtle Lair I created earlier this year.
Last few pictures.
It really turned out great. All of the action you have created with this shows how much fun it is to have set pieces like this. Off to the front pages.
Awesome work bud and I love the fact that it's a two in one dio.
Another wonderful dio.
I love the weathering.
Last week I started a new MOTU commission build.
This piece is made from foam insulation board, the base, walls and the steps I have used 10 mm foam board.
After speaking with my client, 20"was too long to for into his deltof. I've taken 6" off the base and back wall.
The aim is to try and make this as close to the Filmnation version of the 80's, one of the things I have found difficult is trying to replicate the floor. After going on a MOTU DVD binge I settled on a floor pattern I saw of the turret floor with the Talon Fighter parked on it.
Stone slabs scored, time to start on the walls.
Brick work and windows cut and scored into the foam.
Drawing upon inspiration from the 80's MOTU cartoon for the walls, cutting a piece of 6mm foam to create alcoves for the long wall. With alcoves cut and sanded, the sheet is then glued using PVA glue on too of the first sheet. Once this is dry, I will start adding the detail.
I have framed the window to add some detail to this wall. Sanding down two strips of 10 mm boars, rounding them off to look like pillars reaching up the roof. Adding another strip for the length of the other wall like a pelmet and then adding the usual cracks to the stone wall.
A couple of little details to add before painting and then casting vintage MOTU weapons which will be hung on the walls.
Putting the foam board aside for a minute, my focus of today was casting some decorations before I started painting the interior.
Using Blustuff to make half moulds of a handful of vintage MOTU weapons and a head of 200x Slime Pit skeleton monster. I have created the wall decorations, the heads will be painted the same colour as the walls but weapons will be painted separately.
Wow this is looking great. You can find more comments on the front page.
I can't get back on FB to post there, but will try to remember once I get my internet back at home!
This is a really spectacular diorama. The brick work is fantastic.
Thanks everyone.
I've casted another small axe and a mace, when the painting is complete will be fixed to walls along with the rest of the weapons.
I finished this build off by making an exterior wall, scoring brick work and adding detail to around the window.
Excellent work mate.
Thanks Ron
First base coat has been applied. I have used chalkboard black spray paint which I have found is excellent for base coating plastic and resin, also it doesn't eat foam board as other spray paint can.
Nice. Off to share your update.
The weapons and shield where painted with Games Workshops Leadbelcher, shaded with Games Workshops Nuln Oil and then dry brushed with Games Workshops Stormhost Silver.
First layer of grey added using a roller with a sponge head.
Adding green and blue to grey mix from this morning, the next layer will be blue to match alongside the 80's cartoon.
Wow that is looking good too. Off to the front pages with this one too.
That's a great color match to the cartoon! Really nice job. Your paint applications are excellent.
Finally worked out the colour scheme to match the Filmation cartoon. After airbrushing a layer of turquoise, when it had dried a layer of blue and then another lighter blue. I edged it using Games Workshop’s Calgar blue and then dry brushed with Games Workshops Baharroth Blue.
The external wall a dark green coat was airbrushed on. When dry olive green was airbrushed into the centre of each brick. Each brick was edged with GW Caliban Green, which was worked into the brick to blend with olive green. I finished by dry brushing GW Ogryn Camo over all the brickwork.
The wood using Games Workshop’s Rhino Hide and then edged with Gorthor Brown.
A few extra pictures before I do my usual final pictures
Now that turned out nice. The colors are perfect! Off to the front pages.
That's really spectacular!
Final pictures are finally done, got distracted by Plague Marines
Last few pictures
Wow, that really turned out well. I am sure your customer is really happy with how this turned out. Great job.
Off to share.
Looks spot on! Absolutely excellent.
Moving swiftly on with two more commissions and a Halloween special for myself:
Starting with a G.I.Joe Armoury
I’ve been commissioned to create an Armoury for the same customer whom I built the Cobra bunker for a couple of years ago.
This piece is made from foam insulation board, the base, walls and the steps I have used 10 mm foam board. The basic structure is there, time to build upon this before adding LEDs and casting weapons.
I placed magnets in the walls to hold it together. Using two strips I have separated the armory into three sections, in between the strips are three more panels which I will mounts weapons onto before fixing them into place.
My second commission to create a scene based on Friday 13th:
I’ve cut two pieces of foam board 14? x 10? and glued them both together. I am using bolsa wood for the floor, which I have arranged the pieces around the floor plan I drew out. The gap in the floor will be for a wall with a door.
The back wall will be double sided with a window and I might put a small garden or something out the front.
Cut tabs into the bottom of both walls and slots into the base to marry up with the tabs. Cut a doorway into the smaller wall and a window into longer wall.
I was going to use bolsa wood for the floor but replaced that idea with 6 mm foam board. This secures the walls into place and stops them from moving around.
I added soil to the front of the house as a flower bed. On both sides of the set I drew horizontal lines 1 inch thick, scored into the lines using a pottery tool to look like planks of wood. I did the same with floor. Using a wire brush against the walls which gave them a lovely wood effect.
Using bolsa wood for the door frame and skirting boards. Along the bottom of front of the outside I used a length of wood.
And lastly my Halloween diorama:
I’ve glued together two pieces of foam board 16?x14.5?, cut a hole in the near middle 7?x 4?. Using a couple of pieces of foam to create a headstone.
Made a two more grave stones. Cutting four pieces of foam to form the walls of the grave.
To test my idea of what I wanted to achieve submerged grave into water added a fountain haser. The grave filled up with steam, I’m thinking raising the device to enable the steam to spill out from the grave. Adding my Ghostbusters zombie for added effect.
Built a waterproof box from foam board, glued together using hot glue creating a waterproof seal. I ran hot glue across all the corners, sealing the inside of the box.
A layer of soil mixed with PVA glue was smeared across the surface and when dry a layer of moss will be added.
While waiting for the soil to dry I made a couple more grave stones.
Wow, three separate dioramas at the same time. I am really liking that graveyard diorama so far. Off to share the update.
Those are great! I agree with Tamer, the graveyard is particularly cool.
After raiding my garden for moss, after it dried out I've glued it on top of the soil.
Grave stones painted. When the moss is tried these will be fixed to base
Final headstone picture with the name of my best friend who died 3 years ago to cancer. I have also started to paint the box with black acrylic.
Started to apply the black base coat.
That is one awesome way to remember a friend. I like it. I hate cancer, absolutely hate it.
Off to share your update.
Finished adding the base coat then covered the soil area with moss and grass.
Next step is to carry on painting before adding in the window.
Trimmed the grass to tidy it up, glued the headstones into place using hot glue. Placed the hazer unit into the grave and filled the box with water. The haze filled the grave giving me the effect I wanted.
As a finishing touch for a Halloween display piece, I have added bat LEDs to the box and then covered it with spider webs.
Final pictures to follow.
That sure looks good on our front pages. Excellent work.
Spooky! And a nice touch adding the memorial to your friend. I like the whole feel of the diorama. Cool that you can use your own moss:)
Thanks guys.
For the floor and external wall I’ve base coated with Burnt Umber, internal walls with ceramic white.
Shaping the partitions to not look like slabs of foam, I then scored in 2?x2? tiles into the floor. In each of the partition wall I will be casting weapons, at the moment I’m just getting an idea of how they will be placed.
I made 8 small holes in the roof and slid in 8 leds.
Love the light work. That Friday the 13th diorama looks great too. Off to share both on the front pages.
Hey Richard,
Mate the grave yard looks awesome and the light in the grave gives it great eerie atmosphere. The Friday 13th house is looking great as is the gun rack I can't wait to see these both completed.
With the chaos of the past couple of weeks of being told you are being made redundant and finding a new job I have finally done my final pictures of the Open Grave.
Made the window today using perspex, bolsa wood for the frame. Once all sanded the window has been glued into pace and ready to be painted.
Very nice on both. Off to the front pages.
These are excellent!
Dry brushing a light brown over all of the dark brown wood work, including the window frame. This build is almost complete.
The wood effect is really awesome. It works so well with the vegetation you are using. I like it. Off to share.
Being a diorama worthy of Jason, I’ve added blood splatter around the walls and floor with a little blood pooling in the middle o the floor. Demonstrated by model (no idea who he is!). For the blood I’ve used GW Blood for the Blood God, it makes a nasty mess don’t you think?
I've built a cover to hide the LEDs, cables and battery pack. I've placed a Cobra emblem over the centre, when painted will become a permanent fixture.
I really like your current horror/Halloween themed dios! The lights look awesome and the wood looks most realisitc! This coming December 13 is a Friday!
Excellent work as always!
Very nice. I like that Armoury. Off to share.
I have to agree with Tamer on the wood effect, it looks great. I also really like the uneven foundation. The armory is shaping up nicely too.
Final pictures are done, since I don't have a Jason figure I thought vampires would work just as well.
Last two pictures
Very nice, off to share.
Made a few more molds before making the first batch of weapons. The plan is to make at least three batches of weapons to fill out this armoury.
I've put together a variety of cobra weapons spanning the years, I think you can guess who or what year they have come from.
I made two more batches of weapons and with some left over resin, I made another Cobra symbol.
With the extra weapons I am able to fill the walls. My client has requested that I leave space on one of the walls so he is able hand some removable weapons.
Now I've completed the casting I can start painting.
Now that is a lot of casting. Looks great. Off to share.
Wow, your castings came out nice & sharp! Which material do you use for the molds?
Thanks Darth More
For the molds I have used Blu-Stuff, it's great to make half molds even though I go through tons of it (I must try the silicone based stuff that is reusable). For casting I use DWR plastics 1:1 fast cast resin.
Thank you so much for the quick response & the heads up! Both materials seem to work brilliant!
One day I'll get round to making full casts lol
Wow. This looks amazing! And your casting came out so clean and crisp.
Excellent work on the Friday 13th house mate and the weapons rack/armoury is look awesome.
Thank you everyone :-)
Huge update since I last posted due to starting my new job.
I undercoated the model with black then base coated with grey.
The guns I undercoated with GW Chaos black spray paint and then airbrushed them with GW's Leadbelcher. When they dried I coated them with GW's Nuln Oil, with the three shotguns I have added a touch of GW's Steel Drab Brown.
Very nice. Off to the front pages.
Now, THAT's gonna be a rifle cabinet...
Instead of gluing the guns into place, I've been asked to add pegs for the guns to sit on.
The pegs are made from wooden toothpicks, cut down to size. To paint them, I've stuck them into a piece of foam board and sprayed them black.
This is now complete and ready to ship to my client.
Some more pictures
Last 3
Wow, that turned out great! That has to be one happy customer. Off to the front pages.
Looks like Cobra Command got a lot of firepower.
The armoury turned out great.
Another excellent display mate.
That armory turned out really fabulous! It was a great build, including the casting work.
I've been asked to build a throne for Cobra Commander to scale 12" Sideshow series. To get an idea of scale I have purchased a 1992 Action Man Cobra Commander which is also 12".
So far for the seat I have made this out of foam board.
Using foam board to build out the throne, drawing the Cobra symbol to go behind the back of the chair. The idea I have to upon this making it 3 dimensional.
The base I have cut two pieces of 10 mm foam board and drawn on 1"x 1" square's.
The throne, I have sanded and squared of the edges for now before making them serpent shaped. The back of the throne I have cut three pieces of 6 mm board to enhance the Cobra symbol and glued them to the back of the throne.
Started today by sanding down the corners of the arm rests and front of the throne. Also scoring into the back rest 3 cushions.
The base I have scored the 1" x 1" in squares.
To make the Cobra symbol really stand out, I have used clay around the head and the arms of the throne. The idea is for the arms to be be incorporated into the symbol.
Added a strip of foam board to complete the look of the Cobra symbol. It's starting to come together I think.
Now that looks tough. Off to share.
I've added clay to both edges of the symbol, making the ends blend with arms of the throne.
This is really looking nice. Off to share the update.
Great work mate.
Amazing work!
A black under coat has been applied.
This is turning out great. Can't wait to see the final version. Off to share the update.
Sprayed a layer of chrome gold and once that had dried, I've sprayed Gold leaf over the symbol.
I have used Games Workshop’s Reikland Fleshshade on the back and sides of throne, working the flesh shade in to the groves. I've used Auric Armour Gold in between the Cobras 'ribs'. Then to see how it looked before painting all cushions, I have used Mephiston Red.
With work on Cobra Commander's throne coming to an end soon, it's time to start building my next commission piece. I've been asked to build another Mortal Kombat The Pitt but unlike my previous one ( which was scaled for 3.75" action figures, this one will be for the 6" range.
To start I am making the walkway, this is made up of 3 section's which slide together. The outer two sections are 12" long and the center section is 9" by 6" wide. I have used 6 mm foam board sandwiching a piece of 10 mm board. With all pieces correctly lined up, each section is PVA glued.
I've built two ends to the bridge, which the bridge slots into them. The bridge sections will be held up using toilet rolls, which I'll will coat using Modroc strips.
Out of time this morning, but nice on both projects. Off to the front page.
Finished painting the throne, got to start on the base now.
With Bradford Unleashed comic con around the corner, I have done so many commissions really I need to take a couple of original pieces. To start with I’m going to put together another MOTU based castle room. It will be a cross between the two I’ve made previously.
I've marked out the brick work.
That throne turned out great. Nice to see the start of another project too. Off to the front pages.
The throne is excellent mate and looking forward to seeing this project come to life.
Wow, that cobra throne looks awesome! The gold looks like actual gold leaf or even solid metal! As Always your walls look superb! Those, who you're doing commissions for, are pretty lucky! Fingers crossed that you have enough time to get everything done for the con!
Sorry for my late reply btw.
Marked out the brick work.
Drawing on inspiration from my last Grayskull room I did. I cut a couple of arches onto a piece of 6 mm foam board, which lay over the bricks of the back wall.
I cut a window into the smaller wall and using vintage He-Ro and Club Grayskull Tung Lashor as models (due to their different heights) to gauge how big the window should be to fit both sizes of figures.
With that done, the brick work was scored out using three different pottery tools, a single edge to make the initial score, diamond to cut the groove between the brick edges and finally a ball tip to run between the brick.
The edges where sanded along with the inside of the window and the arches before using PVA glue to to stick the arches over the back wall.
Taking inspiration again from Mattel vintage Castle Grayskull playset, I scored out the brickwork around the window like I did with my previously. Using smaller pieces of foam to cut out decoration for both interior and exterior window wall.
I had a skull cast from my last Grayskull build, so I have placed that on the back wall in between the arches.
Black under coat done, unfortunately the spray paint ate part of the foam but luckily it worked out well.
I base coated with a light grey, then airbrushed turquoise over the inner walls.
For the exterior I added green to grey mixture, when this had dried added more green mixture and gave it another coat.
The look I'm going for is Filmation internally and Mattel colour scheme for the exterior.
I base coated with a light grey, then added black and a touch of blue to the mixture to darken the flag stones.
The next step is paint between the flags before dry brushing over them.
Wow, you have been busy. Looks good on both fronts. Off to the front pages.
To finish of this piece, I painted between the flags. Once that had dried I dry brushed over the base with Games Workshops Longbeard Grey.
With this done, this piece is now complete, my usual final pictures to follow.
I airbrushed olive green over the exterior wall. While this was drying I started edging the floor with Games Workshops Calgar Blue, I then started edging the gargoyle head.
I remember missing the school bus watching ole Cobra Commander on his throne back in elementary school (wow, that was a few moons ago) and man this takes me back. Great work. Off to the front pages.
Wow, you're making instant Progress! Thanks for the update. As said before the gold looks awesome on the throne and I also like the red upholstery - making it look all royal, but still kinda evil. Unfortunately I don't know anything About M.O.T.U. so I suppose the Cobra Clan guy is bad?
Your walls always amaze me, too! I wish my playmobil walls had looked that realistic in my childhood, but they still came pretty close.
Love those little wall sections and dios you're doing! Really great stuff there to display your figures!
- Philipp
Wow, you're making instant Progress! Thanks for the update. As said before the gold looks awesome on the throne and I also like the red upholstery - making it look all royal, but still kinda evil. Unfortunately I don't know anything About M.O.T.U. so I suppose the Cobra Clan guy is bad?
Your walls always amaze me, too! I wish my playmobil walls had looked that realistic in my childhood, but they still came pretty close.
Love those little wall sections and dios you're doing! Really great stuff there to display your figures!
- Philipp
Thanks Phillip
Cobra Commander is the leader of a terrorist organisation called Cobra from the 80's toys G.I.Joe, back then we had awesome cartoons with some excellent bad guys: Cobra Commander, Megatron (Transformers), Skeletor (Masters of the Universe), Mummra (Thundercats), Shredder and Krang (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).
If you like my walls, I have a little surprise for you ;-)
Finished edging the interior walls with Games Workshops Calgar Blue and then I dry brushed over all three surfaces with Baharroth Blue.
For the exterior wall, I went in between the rocks with watered down Abaddon black. I dry brushed over the wall with Elysian Green. The window ledge was base coated with Burnt Umber, layered with Gorthor Brown and edged with Rhinox Hide.
Using the molds of vintage MOTU weapons I made for a previous Grayskull build. I have used a two part resin to cast the weapons. After 20 minutes or so, I have gently peeled the casts out of molds and started to cut away the excess resin.
Once they have fully cured, each weapon has been gently sanded down. I have roughly placed the weapons I want to use on walls of the diorama. They are now ready to be painted and then permanently fixed onto the walls.
Indeed. that was a surprise! What a cool update! I took a close look at your walls and zoomed in - the texture looks most excellent, buddy! Your molds make great casts, too! Nice and cheap way to decorate your walls! I need to update my mold & cast thread, soon. Feel free to add to it, too!
I really enjoy your thread! The customs walls are nice pieces to look at!
Wow, this project has been turning out great too. Nice casting. You must feel like you can make anything you want. Off to the front pages.
Finished painting the weapons. I initially gave them an under coat of black, then a coat of silver. Once dry I shaded them with Games Workshops Nuln Oil and then edged with Stormhost Silver.
A few experimental shots using my vintage and Super7 vintage style figures
Final pictures to follow
Final pictures of my Commander's Throne
Nice, off to the front pages.
Brilliant paint job on the weapons! Like seriously! :o
Thanks mate
I love the picture of the Cobra throne with Spidey and Mantenna in it:) Seriously though, the He-man weapons are excellent and the Cobra throne turned out amazing! I love the details you put into the Grayskull walls. Really great work.
Excellent work mate and the weapons really give it a great castle feel to it.
I am working along side InspirEd Workshops and Bradford’s National Media Museum to create eight diorama’s for InspirEd’s stop motion classes.
The eight diorama’s are my standard size of 15? x 14? x 10?. I have cut the boards make five dioramas.
Boards cut for 5 dioramas, ready for work to be started.
I’ve used PVA glue to glue the layers together, using heavy comic book novels to apply equal pressure to each model. Once these are dry, I can start molding them into scene’s.
For the first diorama of the eight I am building an apartment room. The walls are held together using magnetic tape. The work done so far has been to cut a door frame into the first layer of foam. The door is made from bolsa wood.
I have pencilled into all three walls the brick work which I will score out. 0.5?x1? brick. The floor I have also pencilled in 1?x 5? floor board’s, also ready to be scored.
The right wall I have cut out a window, where I will insert a piece of perspex and build around it a window frame.
For the floor I have used a wire brush to give it the wood effect. I then scored around the bricks before creating the door frame.
While contemplating what do next before adding the window, I decided to start making some accessories. To start with I have created an armchair, modelled here by Harley Quinn
The next of accessories made for this piece is side board/workbench and a wall mounted TV.
The table is made using 6mm foam board and bolsa wood for the doors and draw. The flat screen is made from a piece of 10mm board.
Hey Richard, you continue to amaze us all! I actually bought 3 brushes for 2€ a couple weeks ago. Two of them were wire brushes, which I wanted to use for getting more retention in styrofoam. Saw that trick on YouTube.
Now, seeing the wood effect you achieved, it feels like I got a million-dollar-tool in a dollar store.
I will try if I can do it, too, but I doubt it. The walls and floors you create are incredible! Man, just incredibly great!
Much respect, mate!
Hey Richard, you continue to amaze us all! I actually bought 3 brushes for 2€ a couple weeks ago. Two of them were wire brushes, which I wanted to use for getting more retention in styrofoam. Saw that trick on YouTube.
Now, seeing the wood effect you achieved, it feels like I got a million-dollar-tool in a dollar store.
I will try if I can do it, too, but I doubt it. The walls and floors you create are incredible! Man, just incredibly great!
Much respect, mate!
Thanks mate, that video is where I got the idea too. When you do it, you have to press down on the brush to get through the top layer of foam, then use multiple stroke to get the impression on the foam. It hurts your wrist after awhile but its worth it for the effect.
I used the same technique with the Friday 13th piece.
Wow, that is one detailed making-of on your website! Just tried Firefox and checked it out because I couldn't see any pictures with InternetExplorer. Yeah, it's time to switch standard, browsers, again. Anyhow thank you so much for your advice! I think now I know why the Scratching results on my blue foam were not as satisfying. It needs a layer of paper right? I think it's called foamboard, available in Special stores for Architecture supplies here in Germany (fairly pricey), but I will see what I can do. Got my next major exam on Monday. But after that I can share what I got in the pipeline already. I do like sand!
I do this with the standard foam board, you have to do it enough that it breaks the skin of the board, whether it is the blue board or the black board I use.
Man, you don't let any grass grow under your feet. And already off to a great start on the first of eight new dios. Good Stuff!
Off to the front pages.
Amazing work. I love that chair (and kudos to Harley for making it look so comfortable).
I'm having a brain blip about what to do next for the Loft diorama, so I thought I'd crack on with the second piece. This piece is being based on a medieval castle.
Taking one of the precut bases, I've added the magnetic tape. I have then cut two domed doorways into the top layer of foam of the back and right walls. The right wall is 10 cm higher because it will have a couple of steps.
With the doorway cut, I pencilled in the brickwork on the floor and the walls. I created steps for the second door.
To finish off this evenings work, I have cut a pair off door using bolsa wood. Which when finished will be glued into place.
Wow, off to a great start on the second one too. Reminds me of a carpenter. Getting everything under roof so to speak and then moving onto the inside finishing work. Off to the front pages.
Border adding anything else to this build, I scored out the brick work using pottery tools.
I have started to make the bolsa wood look like heavy oak doors. I have also added three load bearing columns onto the walls. This has almost concluded the overall build.
Wow, very nice. Back to the front pages.
I have final gotten round to doing my final pictures of my Masters of the Universe Filmation cartoon inspired diorama. For all of you 80's children I hope it brings back loving memories of the cartoon.
Last two pictures.
Very nice. Off to share.
That really does look good. Darned convincing, really, especially with the lighting in your final shots.
I wasn’t as mesmerized as some by the masters of the universe stuff when it came out. i thought it looked cool As did the cartoon but my heart was still in the hands of the Micronauts, left over from the 70s,”the US version of those toys and Marvel comic title came out around the same time as the original “New Hope” Star Wars movie was released”
the continuing Star Wars and 3-3/4 gi-Joe lines, also still had my heart.
That old Joe cartoon was pretty cheesy, but I sure loved it at the time.
There is still talk of Dean DeBloise from How to Train Your Dragon or someone directing a Micronauts Movie sometime in the future, that is, if Hasbro films still plans on it. I believe they were to revive the line to be staged into a marveleske combined universe affair involving multiple toy lines and their film-cartoon releases.
The first year of that Marvel Micronauts title was pretty stunning! I would base a movie on that storyline.
If you get a chance, check it out
Mate you have done another excellent job and I look forward to your next one.
I was able to cut the window for the first diorama. Using strips of bolsa wood to create the frame for the window.
I added some details on to three columns. The next step is to use Green Stuff to create door handles and rivets.
I have started the groundwork for the third diorama, I added magnetic strips to the third diorama.
I am going to build Technodromes Portal Room from the 80's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. This will be scaled to size of NECA's recent 6.5" range.
Great updates and you started your third diorama. You are keeping busy. Great stuff, off to the front pages.
Aa always mate great updates.
Huge update on this folks. Putting the other three to one side for a moment while I get this done in time for the comic convention in March.
I've cut the sides down and applied magnetic tape. I now have basic shape of the Portal Room to build upon.
Created the portal gate using strips of 10 mm foam board. Built the two nodes that sit either side of the gate, sanding down the front to give a solid look.
Built an over hang for the right wall using 6 mm foam board and hot glue. Using two vitamin tubes glued together to create a pipe running down to floor from it.
I scored in the metal plates I to the foam before adding in any more decorative parts.
Sure does look how I remember it. Great stuff. Off to the front pages.
Looking great (as always) these new animated TMNT figures are really nice looking. Glad your making environments for them.
I agree with Tamer & (SID)! I like all the different shapes you use!
This is looking great and I also agree with the boys the different shapes is perfect.
This is loads of fun to watch, nice and clean.
Some details above the portal gate and built the first of two pieces of equipment to the left wall.
Built the console that sits at the mouth of the portal. Using a combination of 6 & 10 mm foam board, and making the console slightly taller than Krang. With the console made I have etched into it a pair of screens and metal panels.
The second tower is made similar to the first tower. The top is made from a muffin container.
I have made a round air vent using a pair of pastry cutter. This is glued to the conduit on the right wall.
I just have a couple of extra pipes to the right wall before completing this build and can start painting.
Wow, looks like you are working overtime on this. Great stuff!
Back to the front pages.
Sorry for the huge update but been that busy I have only just had chance to update my website!
The black undercoat done.
Mixed up a medium grey for the walls, when it had dried I have started to use a light grey on the panels and pelmets of the towers. A little silver on the console to see what it looked like.
I've decided to go for a metallic look, similar to 2016 interpretation in the 3 part episode Wanted: Bebop and Rocksteady.
The two tall machines I've covered the darker grey with PlastiKote Pewter, which has given it a lovely metallic look. The gate I've painted in Chrome (was supposed to be silver) and the cables with Games Workshops Leadbelcher.
The walls have a coat of Pewter over them. A light blue was used as a highlighter for devices around the gate.
The floor has been given a coat of Pewter, along with the metal parts of the console. I have edged all metal surfaces with Games Workshops Stormhost Silver and glued the large computer console to the left wall. Edged the diorama with Chrome.
What remains to be done is the portal and to paint the outside of the diorama in black.
Nice. Very nice. You have to be pleased with this.
Off to the front pages.
With the help of my daughter who assisted in painting portal effect. With this in place, it completes the build of my TMNT Technodrome diorama.
My final pictures to follow.
Some more pictures
That turned out great. Back to the front pages.
Wow, oh wow, this is spectacular! Lots of great detail and some wonderful technique here. It looks magnificent.
With the Technodrome complete, back to these pieces.
Painted the walls of the Loft Apartment, gave the walls a base coat of light grey. When it had dried I added burnt umber to the grey mixture, then given the walls a second coat. The door I have painted a light blue.
Next step is to start painting the accessories I have made for this.
Painted the walls of the Castle Room, gave the walls a base coat of light grey. When it had dried I added blue to the grey mixture, then given the walls a second coat.
The two doors where undercoated with Burnt Umber, base coated with Games Workshops Dryad Bark, shaded with Agrax Earth shade and then layered with Gorthor Brown. The metal of the door was painted Balthasar Gold, shaded with Agrax and then layered with Sycorax bronze.
I made a dark grey mix and using a sponge, gently dabbed the sponge across the walls and floor of this diorama.
Once dried I added white to the grey mix to work into the cracks of the stone.
After gluing the doors into place I have dry brushed Games Workshops Longbeard Grey over areas of the surfaces.
All that is left is to paint the outside of the walls black and to make the walls and floor wipeable.
WIP on the third diorama for InspirEd. I finished marking up the bricks in the third wall and taking one of the round ended pottery tools, I have scored out the bricks. I have also cut the top layer of board out on the third wall to make another door for this piece.
Wow, more great updates. Really liking that Castle Room. Off to the front pages.
A little more work done on the Apartment room. The floor has been dry brushed with a light brown, which was then used to base paint the cupboard. Light blue painted on the door and over the chair (which was undercoated with black), not that you can tell!
For the Loading bay commission I've cut two doors out of bolsa wood. Built the frame for the garage door and I'm using corrugated card for that.
I was writing my comment while you were still adding to your thread. I'm glad I waited! Thanks for the w.i.p. pics! Really like to see how you add all the magic to your rooms! You create fantastic spaces there!
Very nice on both. Off to the front pages.
The loading bay turned out sharp. That was a good update
I've finally gotten round to doing my usual final pictures of the Technodrome.
Last four.
Looks fantastic to me. Off to the front pages.
They really do! I like the bright colors of the figures and the sharp contrast of all items in your diorama! Great work, again!
I agree on your color usage. It’s like the cartoon came to life.
Sharp reveal
Looks great and spot on. Your work honestly got me watching TMNT again this past week.
Thank you everyone!
Time for another HUGE update! Apologies and please bare with me while I squeeze them into smaller posts for you.
Let's start with the loft.
I made a light brown and using a sponge to day it over the bricks, I then edged the workbench using it.
The Loft diorama, I repainted the door, cut out two images and stuck them onto thin pieces of bolsa wood and glued them on to the walls.
One of the things on the brief with the eight commissions, they have to be wipe able. I have bought Deco Art DuraClear Matte Varnish, and have applied a layer on each of the four pieces.
The Castle Room is now complete, the walls and floor have been varnished and the exterior has been painted black.
And finally!
The loading bay I’ve undercoated with black, once dry dabbed over the bricks with Burnt Umber.
I have marked out the bay lines, white lines around steps.
I added GW Agrax Earthshade to both doors, created handles to them and glued them into places.
The Bay door has been shaded with Agrax Earthshade. Painted the door with a light grey and then dry brushed with Games Workshop Necron Compound.
With the left wall using paint pens added a little graffiti, added decals to walls. The walls and floor have been varnished to make the wipe able.
All that is left to do is paint the outside of the walls black.
Wow, now this is another massive update. I like them all. I am digging your RCW graphic on the loading bay, just good stuff.
That Castle Room looks great too. I could so see some H.A.C.K.S. or LOTR figures in that one. The apartment looks good too.
Off to the front pages.
Final touches done and here are the final pictures of the first three in a series of eight diorama commissions.
Final pictures of the Castle diorama
Final pictures of the Loading Bay diorama
You have to be pleased with all three.
Off to share the final images.
The final results were phenomenal. Wow
These are tremendous! The final shot with the turtles is very realistic. The details are fantastic.
Thanks everyone! Going to start the next batch next week, I've just got work out what to do now lol
Those dioramas turned out really well. You have such a good eye for detail! I appreciate your inspiring work.
I was walking through my local train station the other day when I suddenly took notice of an unused space which I walk past every day. I’ve decided to use this as inspiration on my fourth piece.
The side walls I’ve cut in two doorways, which will be given doors. The brick work has also been drawn on and ready to be scored.
I have used bolsa wood to create the doors and door frames on both walls. A couple of long strip of foam board was used to make the guttering, along with a single strip to create a step for the door.
You are already off to a great start. It looks great.
Off to the front pages.
I can see another awesome display taking shape.
Thanks Ron and Happy Birthday 🎂 mate
So cool, the challenge of modeling a real world environment that you can see and walk through.
That just looks so profoundly good!
Thanks Ron and Happy Birthday 🎂 mate
Thanks buddy.
Sorry guys I have another long update for you!
After doing a black undercoat, I have base coated with a light burnt umber. The idea is to them layer with a couple of different tones of brown before weathering.
Mixing up a brown and using a sponge to dab the brown over all of the walls. I added to white to the brown and using the sponge to dry dab the the light brown over all of the surfaces.
I’ve added a couple of cables, then made a dirty brown and dry brushed areas of the diorama.
The double has been painted red, highlighted with GW Wild Rider Red and then weathered with the dark brown.
Just a couple of little things to do before this piece is completed.
I purchased an animation kit from the company I am building these sets for. During this time of lockdown due to Covid-19 it is time to road test these commission pieces for what they will be used for. Model sets are for children’s animation lessons based at the Science Museum in Bradford. My daughter is having lots of fun with Jerry the blob, this is the first of many animation videos she is making to show her teacher one of many new skills she is learning from home.
Wow, all kinds of stuff happening in here. Off to share some of it.
Getting your daughter in on animation is just cool.
I am anxious to see if you try doing a full blown movie using this software!
For the fifth piece, I wanted to do something different. So far I’ve done a loft apartment, a room in a castle, a loading bay, a building alcove. This piece I wanted to do a science fiction diorama, but what to do? In the end I have decided to base this diorama on a space port found on a planet located in outer rim of galaxy far, far away!
It is the same size build as the previous four. I have cut a seven inch porch, three wall braces and cut a doorway into the right wall. It's been a long time since I posted a Star Wars diorama, here's hoping I don't disappoint!
The porch entrance and the braces I have cut grooves into the walls for these to be glued into place.
Next is make a door for the right the wall and lay the floor.
Recently, I watched a documentary about animated movies with characters sculpted with clay. My brother was a huge fan of Thomas the Train when he was 3 years old. Both were/are produced in the UK. Your dioramas reminded me of some of those film sceneries. It's Always fun to see your updates. You did a good Job on the first stop-motions. I also like the shapes of the latest dio with Rey & BB.
Thanks Darth, my daughter did a great job with her first animation, she has done another one with Jerry and Lego Scrooge McDuck which is absolutely brilliant! I have always been fascinated with stop motion video from seeing the original Star Wars films back in the 80's and Jason and Argonauts and always wanted to do that as child. Where did I go wrong in life LOL!
Now I work in IT and make dioramas which will be used by children being taught how make video animation, part of the dream is there DH
Great, you are working on a SW Dio. Cool stuff and great progress already.
Back to the front pages.
Your food always look great, especially the brick work. I look forward to seeing progress on the star wars dio
Mixing sand with filla, this was used to cover the floor and the porch entrance.
I'm wondering if I should paint the walls or mix some more filla and sand and use that instead?
The sand and fills on the walls looks ok
Man, this stuff is cool.
When I was a kid, I remember shooting stop action movies with a little 8 mm camera. We would build dioramas and shoot, using action figures or clay. Man, there is so much more available to do that with now.
That sand looks is awesome. I would paint one wall the color you want and see what you think. I could easily see you doing some small brick work and painting the walls tan too.
Off to share your update.
I think this is shaping up really well. If it was me, I would go more stucco-y than sandy for a little contrast with the ground, but that's just me. Whatever you do, I'm sure it will look most excellent.
While trying to decide which way to go with the walls, I also wanted to break away from making another obvious box diorama. I located and printed a picture of Mos Eisley. Under present Corvid19 lock down I only have access to my own A4 printer. To hide the edges of the paper, I’ve cut out an archway. This now creates depth to this piece.
When I’ve decided which way to go with the walls, I’ll glue the picture to the foam using spray adhesive, then coat the picture with a layer of matt varnish before coating the walls.
Wow, that image and arch just gives this so much more depth.
Off to the front pages.
Was a little busy yesterday ;D
It started with cutting out the right wall door using 2mm bolsa wood and then taking another piece and cutting out the shapes for the top layer. After gluing the two sides together it was the sprayed with black paint. I made an archway to go around the door.
The walls where done using watered down filler mixed in with tan acrylic paint. Once applied to each wall and bridge, I smoothed it down. The back wall, I used spray adhesive to stick the image down and then added a coat of varnish to it.
The open doorway I cut out small pieces of card and glued them round the arch.
When the walls had dried, I used Games Workshop’s Agrax Earthshade to weather areas of the walls, braces and porch.
The smaller door was painted with GWs Steel Legion Drab and dry brushed with Necron Compound. Agrax Earthshade was gently added to door.
The pipes and other wall accessories where painted with GW Leadbelcher, shaded with Nuln Oil and dry brushed with Necron Compound.
Using the Tan acrylic mix I painted the inside of porch and dry brushed the wall, braces and porch with it.
Just a couple of finishing touches to be done and then this piece will be finished.
Wow, this is really looking great. I can see you are almost finished. Great work.
Off to the front pages.
The weathering and the Mos Eisley background are looking great.
I can't wait to see it finished.
The finishing touches are now down and this piece is now complete. The finishing touches included painting the exterior of the walls black and applying a matt varnish to all interior surfaces.
The main stipulation for all of these pieces is that they have to be wipe able due to them being used by children to make animation clips using plasticine models. I've use a type of matt varnish on the ground which will help protect the sand surface from breaking.
Unfortunately it's given it a shine and lost some of the dry brushing I had done to it. I've included a few pictures of what the floor looked like before I added the varnish.
This has inspired me to make my own Mos Eisley set and many more Star Wars sets.
Usual finished pictures to follow.
That looks awesome. You have got to be happy with this.
Off to the front pages.
You're right Tamer I am very happy with this, I don't want to hand it over lol.
You're right Tamer I am very happy with this, I don't want to hand it over lol.
I wouldn't want too either. It works so great in any Sandy Sci-Fi Verse, but man for Star Wars this is one awesome dio.
The next one, which I'm building two of (one for me lol) is going to be the Ghosts cargo bay.
That sounds fun. Man, we need that ship made by Hasbro. Folks would go nuts for it. A cargo bay would be awesome.
For the sixth piece I'm sticking with science fiction, this diorama will be a cargo bay on a space ship. More importantly it is going to be based on the cargo bay from the Star Wars ship The Ghost from the series Star Wars Rebels. While I am building this, I am building my own, which I'll cover in a separate post.
For this build is the same size as the other five, the sides held together with magnetic tape. The boards where cut yesterday and glued together using PVA glue. When using PVA to stick boards together, it can take up to 48 hours to glue two waterproof pieces of foam board together. While the glue is drying, it is the best time to cut out doors, windows, etc from one layer without accidentally damaging the second layer. I've cut out a door frame and conduits, leaving any further work until the boards have fully dried.
Since buying Disney+ I have been watching a lot of Star Wars which has reignited my love love for this. Its where the inspiration for the Mos Eisley spaceport diorama I built for InspirEd Workshops came from.
This pieces will be The Ghost cargo bay from the series Star Wars Rebels. While I am building this, I am building a commissioned pieced for InspirEd, which I am covering in a separate post.
For this build is the same size as the other five, the sides held together with magnetic tape. The boards where cut yesterday and glued together using PVA glue. When using PVA to stick boards together, it can take up to 48 hours to glue two waterproof pieces of foam board together. While the glue is drying, it is the best time to cut out doors, windows, etc from one layer without accidentally damaging the second layer. I've cut out a door frame and conduits, I have also cut a border for the floor. I am leaving any further work until the boards have fully dried.
Wow, you are already off to a great start. I so don't know why Hasbro never released a full sized version of the Ghost (well their size at least). Off to the front pages.
I know, it was such a shame they never fully utilised the Rebels series in 3.75" because there are so many great characters therAnd why did they have to go to back to 5 points of articulation!!! I always wanted to a rebels scene and have the crew posed but ...........
So instead I am buying the hich 6"characters I can get hold off and doing it this way lol. I think I have been bitten with the Black Series bug but thankfully they cost less than Classic/Club Grayskull MOTU figures.
Don't even get me started on those 5POA Figures. I have a set of the Hoth 2 Packs in that style on my collection shelf to remind me how much I dislike them. Such nice sculpts that don't move daggone it!
That Tatooine diorama turned out really brilliant. I love all the detail that you put into it. That's a piece to be really proud of. Congratulations! I also think the Ghost cargo hold is looking really good. I'm with you on the puzzlement about why Hasbro didn't do more with Rebels in 3.75" and why they insisted on 5POA. While I think the 6" figures are wonderful, I just can't make the jump. So, it may be that I will watch my childhood toy line go out "not with a bang but with a whimper."
Thank you Starchaser. It is such a shame because Hasbro used to make every single type of Star Wars character known to universe and then they just seemed to limit themselves when it came to Rebels. That's when I stopped collecting and sold the bulk of my collection because I was disappointed and with wheere it was then going.
Now time for a "small" update.
Using strips of 6 mm foam to make door frame, the wall jousts are made from 10 & 6 mm 1" x 3" strips with a wooden squires running through them, which I have cut straws down and over the squires as pipes running between the jousts.
The next part is to cut sections of pipe and then to cut them in half (remember safety first!) which will be fitted into the alcoves of the walls. With the pipes cut I’ve glued them into place and then spent the rest of the time scoring into the foam, creating wall panels. I have to make the door next and then start painting this piece.
I’ve made the door out of the cargo bay using bolsa wood, also I’ve done a little detail work around the door.
Now that is looking daggone nice! Man, great work on that door.
Off to the front pages.
Today I've been working this commission piece. I started on the base, sticking embossed diamond plastic card as a walkway, while adding a border to the walkway. I marked out 3" x 3" squares to the base.
I made four bulkheads, cut two 20 mm slats into both walls which the bulk heads slide into.
A few more pictures of the bulkheads.
The back wall I built up the wall using a combination of 6 mm and 10 mm.
I think this is moving away from being a cargo bay to corridor on a spaceship. I might need to cut an inch off each bulkhead?
This all looks so cool. I’m inspired by that balsa wood door.
A new dio, it looks good. Off to the front pages.
I completed work on the walls and bulkheads by etching in panels.
I started working on the door, cutting a piece of foam for the door and card for the pattern.
Black undercoat sprayed over the interior of the cargo bay.
Really looking good. Man, you are going fast.
Off to the front pages.
Undercoat done
Looks good. Off to the front pages.
Wow, those spaces look great! You've done a great job adding the etching details and the balsa wood framing looks really good. Your execution continues to inspire.
I've painted the cargo bay with a grey base coat. When the undercoat dried, I masked up the model to paint the straight lines. For the door I've used a light grey and Games Workshop’s Baharroth Blue. The blue strip around the walls I've used GWs Thousands Sons Blue. The orange I originally used my airbrush but it wasn't the orange I was after, I've painted over using GWs Fire Dragon Bright. The yellow around the floor I have used airbrush paint but as you can see it's not bright enough, tomorrow I might paint over using GWs Averland Sunset.
A few more pictures showing the development.
I've taken a few pictures with my Rebel figures to see how it looks
While I was base coating the Ghost diorama I also base coated the other piece. At the time the pictures were taken I had only painted one side of the bulkheads, this has now been sorted.
Wow, you are really making progress on both.
I like how the orange really brings out the aspect of the Ghost Dio. Nice work.
Off to the front pages.
These are really terrific! It's incredible it's mostly foam board. I don't know how you get so much detail with foam.
Thanks JDeck, I actually use pottery crafting tools on the foam to get these results,
I decided to completely change the colour scheme, moving away from the Imperial grey I had started. Using only my airbrush to apply this, I've used gunmetal for the bulkheads, door and floor plates by the door. Cooper on the walls and arctic blue for floor.
I'm going to paint steel around the cooper plates and use it to edge the bulkheads and door.
Final pictures are now done of my Station Alcove diorama. I've been so wrapped up with the others that I forgot to do these.
The last three pictures
The station alcove is great. Off to share.
I like your Bulkhead Dio update too. Off to share that as well.
I've finished painting my Ghost Cargo Bay.
To finish off the build of the cargo bay, I've added LEDs to sides of the walls and two just above door.
I now need to create some cargo pods.
Now that turned out nice. Nice work with the lights, it really adds to it.
Off to the front pages.
With the Ghost complete, I've gone back to the sixth animation set, what was a the Cargo Bay now corridor ;D.
The walls I've weathered with Games Workshops Athonian Camoshade, the door has been edged with silver. The bottom of the two walls and behind the bulkheads I've used Venice Grey. I've dry brushed the floor plating by the door with silver.
I have added and extra layer of 6mm foam board to the walls and floor to help strengthen them, especially from the amount of use this and the other sets will be getting.
When the glue and paint is dry, I just have a few more things to do with them.
Very nice. This would look good with ole Vader choking Antilles.
Off to the front pages.
I agree with Tamer. Real nice stuff here - I especially like all the colors of the display above with all the Rebels characters. So many nice shapes and depths to discover in your dioramas!
Great work as always, Richard!
Your absolutely killing it with the displays mate and I can't wait to see more.
That corridor looks really great. All the details give a very realistic appearance. Most excellent job!
Thanks everyone.
Finished the sixth commission piece.
I have added mesh to the alcoves in the walls, matte varnished the walls, painted the exterior walls black and tidied up the edges.
Now what to do for the final two 🤔?
Final pictures to follow
Nice, very nice. You have really been cranking them out.
Off to the front pages.
Simply spectacular!
While working out what to do for the final two pieces for my 8 piece commission. I thought I'd do something small Star Wars based display piece.
After watching The Mandalorion I wanted to base it of the series. Either the spaceport from the first couple of episodes or the desert plant Arvala-7/Tatooine.
The measurements are 9? x 6? x 6?. The back wall, base and wall braces are made from foam board using a piece of 10mm and 6mm glued together. The wall I have added another piece of 6mm to frame around the door. The door is made from two pieces of 2mm bolsa wood, the top pieces I have cut rectangle shapes, sanded them down and glued the two layers together.
Wow these look fantastic! The Ghost colors really pop and the corridor is very nicely detailed. The newest one is looking really great too. Just when I think you're done with a project you make it even better.
Thanks mate.
I kept hoping you would do one for the Mandalorian! Its hands down my favorite thing about Star Wars right now. This is gonna be nice. That door looks perfect.
Off to share.
I was thinking another cool, smaller dio, might be the one where he is setting the bomb on the side of the building wall and walking around the corner. I could so see you nailing one like that too. Thanks for sharing.
I was thinking of making more of these and base it on either the desert planet where he finds the child #COUGH Baby Yoda #COUGH or the street leading out of the spaceport. Each one is a seperate dio, combined they form a complete piece.
Now thats a great idea too. Kind of like a build a dio series. I like it. Each one operates individually, but then you can put em all together to make something ultimate. Too bad we don't have a six inch Razor Crest for you to making the landing strip outside.
I can only dream along with the dream where I have a bigger house able to store that lol
Looking great as always mate.
I really like the modular idea. It makes sense for transportation as well as storage (and maybe versatility, too). I think the door and wall are looking really good, and look forward to seeing it completed.
Thank you everyone.
Using water down filler mixed (I don't know who gave me this idea RON ;D) with fine sand and light brown paint I have given the front of this model two coats. I have also undercoated the door with black which I'll paint either brown or a metallic grey.
Man, really love the door profile, the bar above and the line within the triangle wall on the right! All shapes and colors are chosen so well here, it's not even funny anymore. This is the way! Excellent work here, buddy!
Thanks Darth, you've made my morning, thank you!
Looking good. You are sure nailing it from what I remember.
Off to the front pages.
Awesome! I’m playing out the final shootout of the season finale in my head while looking at this dio!
This is now almost done, just a couple of touches to do.
Today I painted the door a metallic grey, washed over it and rhe highlighted the edges
I made a door control using plastic card, once painted I glued it to the wall.
I glued the model together and then filled the gap between the walls and base with the mixture I made for the floor and walls.
I made a dark sand brown wash for the floor, added it into the recesses of the of the door and wall brace. Then gently washed the walls. When that had dried I dry brushed over the model with a light sand brown.
The first of the final pictures of Mos Eisley are now done.
The second of the final pictures of Mos Eisley are now done.
The first of the final pictures of Cargo Bay are now done.
The second of the final pictures of Cargo Bay are now done.
Awesome! I’m playing out the final shootout of the season finale in my head while looking at this dio!
I've not seen the final episode yet, it has not been aired on Disney+ yet
Wow, great final pictures. Off to share.
I am really liking your Mandalorian Mini-Dio too. I just rocks. Looks perfect.
I've completed this display piece. I think I'll start a 12'x6"x9" piece to go next this one.
I’ve decided to extend my current display, making this a series of modular displays.
This piece I am staying with the measurements of the last but doubling in length.
Made with the same material as the last. The pipes are from a spare Games Workshops Haemotrope Reactor, which I think work perfectly.
Man that looks good and already a new piece to attach to it. That is looking great too! I really like this modular idea. stand alone or put together from some awesome display.
Back to the front pages.
Outstanding! Yeah modular is the way to go. You can move it easier, reconfigure it any way you want or add to it in any direction. This is looking really cool.
Yesterday I covered it with watered down filler mixed with paint and left to dry. The pipes where under coated with Abaddon black, base coated with Games Workshops Leadbelcher and the shaded with Nuln Oil and then left to dry.
When the filler had dried, I created a dark sand brown wash, shading the entire floor and crevasses of set.
While that was drying I turned my attention to the pipes. Painting the parts with Games Workshops Retributor Armour, then dry brushed with Necron Compound. After this had dried both parts where glued onto the pieces.
I added filler mix into the crevasses between the pipes and the wall. Dry brushing the mixture over the pipes to weather them.
Using the sand brown mix that was originally made and added to the filler, I have painted the border and dry brushed the floor with. Once the filler around the pipes is dried then I'll dry brush the wall.
Man that looks good. You are nailing it!
Off to the front pages.
Final pictures of The Ghosts Cargo bay are bow done and live on my website
Final 2 pictures
Final pictures of my second display stand are done.
Final 2 pictures just for Tamer;-)
Final 2 pictures just for Tamer;-)
Looking great! Hope you make more for this set!
Wow, images just for me. Great!
Man that Mandalorian Dio Set is just fantastic. I like the Ghost too.
Off to the front pages.
Amazing work! These dios look most excellent.
I am making another figure display, this one's a corner of an attic. Again the same measurements as before 6"x6"x9". This piece is mainly made from bolsa wood, using foam board for under the floor and the cladding over the slats. I have ripped parts of the foam to reveal the slats behind the board.
I the foam is cut and ready to turned into the seventh set, just toying (excuse the pun!) with ideas.
Could the idea be in the name (see below)?
Wow, 24 hours and you are working on two new dios. I don't know why I keep being surprised. Nice update.
Off to the front pages.
Let the painting begin!
So far I have given the wood a base coat of burnt umber mixed with a little black and the foam a base coat of black.
When the first coat dried a second coat was applied to the wood.
With the foam I have drybrushed the brown mix over the surface and edges.
When the second coat has dried, I'll be going over the floor with a wash, making sure to get it into the all the crevasses of the floorboards.
The brick work has been marked and scored into foam.
Your brick work is so precise. Man it is like a machine is doing it.
Back to the front pages.
Once the wash had dried, I added picture hooks into beams and then chained up my Ghostbusters zombie. Using Games Workshop’s Blood for the bllod God, I have added blood pools/splatter and "Help me" onto the floor and walls.
I bet you never saw this coming!
Final pictures of my Attic Display. If you are wondering why the horror theme, it's a competition piece. A Facebook page I follow is having a Lockdown comp and each week we are given a theme. If you are wondering I was taking inspiration from Hellraiser, since I don't have a Pinhead figure or want one, my goto Ghostbuster zombie is ideal. Last week was the Star Wars door and this week is horror. No idea what next week will bring!
Now that turned out nice. I like it.
Off to the front pages.
I've added a plummet around the top of the three walls, adding brick work to it. I've started to add wall decoration to both side walls.
I finished today by adding extra features to the walls. I've taken a few action pictures to see how it looks.
Nice. Off to the front pages.
While building this set I've used PVA glue which takes longer to dry, because of this I have left the entire set alone for a couple of days.
Now its dry I've sanded down the sides and re-worked the brick work.
This is now ready to start painting.
While building a temple commission piece I got the inspiration to build a throne using the cut offs from the temple build.
Using the scrap pieces I've put them together, sanded them down to form the SITH Throne. Then using a couple of strips of 6mm board I have made small plinth for the throne to sit on.
With the temple construction finished, I wanted to see what it would like. Using Supreme Leader Snoke to model this piece, it gave the entire piece the impression of an ancient SITH Temple from the RPG game Star Wars The Old Republic.
Oh yeah, very nice. Off to share.
Sitting here thinking that perhaps Snoke was the most undeveloped bad guy character in all of moviedom?
Well after watching the Rise of Skywalker, he was under developed lol
Being a bad clone of Palpatine
Looking great buddy.
The the throne is finished and is ready for someone to the their place on it. While I wait for that figure, here is Snoke.
Final photos to follow when the worthy candidate has arrived.
Started working on a new piece, a two tier demolished warehouse. Measurements are 15x12"x12". At the moment I'm going for single skin walls of 10mm thicknes. To get the demolished look, I am constructing the model as a whole before breaking it down.
I have drawn on the bricks and made a floor, yes I know the first floor doesn't look right but it will! I've used PVA glue so I am leaving this to dry before moving on.
The throne looks great. As does this new two tiered dio.
Off to share both.
The throne Dio looks great. Really like the detail put into it, and the warehouse is going to look awesome.
Finally started painting this piece.
Started with a black undercoat, I then painted the walls with a grey mixed with a touch of blue. To apply the paint, I used a roller with a sponge head which left the black in between the stone slabs intact (mostly).
I started today with scoring the brickwork, when finished I broke down areas of the model to look partially demolished.
The first floor I etched 2"x2" slabs along with chips, cracks and fractures. The ground floor I cut out single bricks and glued them into piles. I then covered both surfaces with filler mixed with sand. After it had dried I painted the first floor with grey and then dry brushed with Venice Grey.
While that was drying, I undercoated the walls with black, then painted the brickwork, including on the floor. The space above the brickwork has been painted with Venice Grey.
The small wall (which I'm undecided over) was undercoated with black, base coated with grey and then dry brushed with Venice grey.
Just epic brick work. Nice updates.
Off to the front pages.
Today I've gotten so much work done! To start the ground floor was given a dark brown wash. The wall braces were painted grey. The first floor was then given a dark grey wash.
When the ground floor dried it was first dry brushed with a sand brown and then a dark brown.
The walls were given a wash, when it dried I dry brushed with a dark brown. The grey pillars were then dry brushed with Venice grey.
When this all dried, it marked the bulk of the painting is done. I glued five pieces together and started working on the accessories. To begin with, I have started to add moss to areas of this diorama. Before adding any more I need to add other accessories.
After working on the Demolished Warehouse I turned back to this piece.
I made up a dark grey mix and used a sponge to dab it all over. After it had dried, I added white to the grey and used it in between slabs of all of the surfaces. Then dry brushed it with Venice grey.
All that needs to be done now is add the matt varnish and then paint the back with black.
I added my Sith Throne to see how it looks.
Wow, great updates on both dioramas. Time to take some of this to the front pages.
Both of these buildings look amazing!! I love the detail of the brick pile in your dilapidated/ruined brick building. Such careful attention to the little details, it makes these look so real.
Excellent work yet again buddy and I really love the destroyed building with the moss.
To give this an apocalyptic feel other than adding Terminators to diorama. I have casted skulls, painted them and the glued them to the floor. I've added more moss to the floor, in between the skulls and rubble and then added a layer of sand over it all.
I finished work on this piece. I've added I window frames, glued in pieces of perspex as broken glass within the frames and randomly on the floor around the windows. I have also added pieces of metal wire sticking out of the concrete floor.
The window frames were first stained with tea and then glazed over using Games Workshop’s Agrax Earthshade.
To finish off I have sprayed the outside with black, hence the outdoors pictures.
My usual final pictures to follow.
I've been commissioned to create another Star Wars diorama. It's measurements ar 9"x12"x6", made entirely out of foam board, I've glued the strips on the wall using PVA glue. When it's dried, I'll cut off the excess and sand it down before gluing all together and then paint it.
You add skulls to anything it gets my vote. Still, that demolished warehouse is awesome. Off to the front pages.
A new SW dio too. Cool!
You add skulls to anything it gets my vote. Still, that demolished warehouse is awesome. Off to the front pages.
A new SW dio too. Cool!
I agree with Tamer - the warehouse looks really amazing.
Thank you everyone.
Final pictures are done of the warehouse and are now live on my site.
Final pictures are done of the warehouse and are now live on my site.
Final pictures are done of the 7th animation piece (just one more piece to go) and are now live on my site.
Final two pictures of this set, I had to add the throne.
The final of my updates of today!
After cutting off the excess, sanding it down and gluing the pieces together. Using the same mixture I used for other recent Star Wars pieces, I have coated this piece with the sand/filler/paint mixture.
Wow both the warehouse and the throne room look tremendous! Really great work. Looking forward to the next one.
Just great work everywhere he I see. Nice finished projects and I am liking the new SW Dio too. Off to the front pages.
Wow! Both = wow!
Your dio skills are enviable.
While for the Mando piece to dry, I’ve whipped up two more.
I’m building up my Tatooine street scene with my third modular piece. This is the same size as the second piece but includes a door and shuttered off window.
I have added detail around the door frame, made the door and a shutter to act as a window. When the PVA glue has dried I will start to paint this.
I’ve lined it up with the other two pieces building up the street.
Creating another filler/sand/paint mixture as I have used before, I have painted this model.
Nice. Now that looks great. Love the concept too.
Off to the front pages.
Very cool!
These modular pieces are looking really good. I love how your mix of filler and sand mixture looks so much like real stucco.
Excellent work on the modular pieces buddy.
I've completed all four modules off.
Final pictures of my modular Mos Eisley Street
Final pictures of latest commission piece and two extras.
I put all the modules I've completed and check out this set up!
Four more pictures.
Final picture, one that never made it and a couple behind the scenes.
Wow, all put together you have an entire block! Very nice.
Off to the front pages.
These look awesome!! 8) Bossk peeping around the corner ;D
After making a few 6" based module dioramas, I wanted to go back to figures that started my diorama journey.
This modular display are for 3.75" Star Wars figures, made from foam board of 6 & 10mm thickness. It is a single piece of foam with layers of foam added to it. It measurements are 6.5" x 8" x 6", all pieces are glued together using PVA glue, therefore waiting time for the glue to dry is about 24 hours.
This is already looking great. Off to share.
This morning I've built a shop front and now I'm working on a food stall. Pictures to follow shortly.
This piece of the same measurements as the others and is based on a market stall or food vendor stand.
This is looking great. Off to share.
I see your McQuarrie IG and remember how much of this wave was even at my local retail stores. My store must have had thirty waves of this. Back in the good ole days when stores carried Star Wars.
The fourth building has been done, I have a nice street forming. Next step is to start painting them.
Tamer and since you mention Ralph I have added a couple of figures that you might like.
All four have received a black acrylic undercoat.
Oh yeah, looks like you picked up a few more McQuarrie Figures. I would so love to see this released as a wave again, archive or whatever they want to call it.
Off to the front pages with this dio update. It is coming along nicely.
After giving each module a grey base coat, I then decided to paint each one using metallic airbrush acrylic paint. The idea behind this is Coruscant in the capital and the entire planet is one big city and a lot of it would be metal.
Each one has been painted, and I've finished today with painting the pipes and the recesses of the doors with a black wash. Still need to weather the rest of the buildings and floor.
Finished these modules. I've added metallic blue to different areas of each floor. Mixed up a dark brown wash to weather areas of the floors and walls, making sure to get into the recesses.
To add the finishing touches to each piece, I've added signage to each one using the Aubesh alphabet created for Star Wars and added a couple of posters to each module.
I'll do my usual final pictures to follow.
A couple of more pictures without figures.
Oh yeah, that looks fabulous!
If the shops are closed, it must be after hours. I’d have a little garbage out there, a bum sitting with his back to a wall with a bottle, perhaps a broken down droid to mimic the bums pose, elan sleezbaggino could be out there, pushing death sticks. One or two of Jabbas dancers could be there, fighting over territory. 3 Jawas with spray cans tagging a sandcrawler mural onto one of the shop fronts, one on another’s shoulders to get the high parts, lol.
Richard, this set up looks really great. What a perfect scene.
Very nice. Looks great.
Off to the front pages.
I like Clint's idea of the sleazier scene.
I'm just editing together the final pictures together right now and if Clint messaged me earlier I would have done it lol. I think you'll like who I have propping up the bar ;-) and I've added two "families" that I think you'll like Shawn.
I look forward to seeing it. And you could always add one more section (A Dancing Place) down the road.
Final pictures of latest modular diorama, Coruscant Underworld.
Each module is 6" x 8" x 6" perfect for 3.75" Star Wars figures.
Four more.
Final two pictures.
I love this. As much as space building are great and I have purchased several, the building facades are more practical for space and display. Love this is great.
Man, that is a ton of figures! It looks awesome! Such a cool way to show your figures and even showcase a few bikes.
Off to the front pages.
Even display my SWTOR figures and customs
Yeah, the diversity here for SW just rocks. You could put whatever you want for the most part. Nice work.
This is most impressive, good job ..the street looks very alive! 8)
That turned out really magnificently. The modular design is great and your attention to detail makes it look real! Amazing work.
Looking at the pictures you shared just brings so much fun! I've been following your projects here for a while and as far as I know hemble and you have shared most dioramas on here over the years. Out of all projects of yours, I think this is my favorite so far! I agree with previous comments, the number of figures from different sources is just incredible! Be it REBELS, The Old Republic, The Mandalorian - your buildings fit to all themes! I was going to make a similar scenery for my window-sill, but you've taken it above and beyond! I absolutely love the combinations of colors and mat finish you chose!
Your custom figures add even more fun! Really like that KotOR trooper and the repainted HK unit!
ANother excellent project to celebrate here!
Do you think you might do another section like this to make a block scene like you did with your last 6" Dio? That would be cool. You might need a center street to spacke it out right, but man this is great.
I'm thinking about building up and adding another floor with a balcony and maybe a landing pad to finish off. I'm thinking of the space I have at home and this is a way around it lol.
I'm thinking about building up and adding another floor with a balcony and maybe a landing pad to finish off. I'm thinking of the space I have at home and this is a way around it lol.
Wow, you had me at Landing Platform! With a custom Razor Crest! ;D
HA HA HA! I don't think I', that good to do a Razor Quest but I was thinking of a SWTOR taxi. I have a spare T-16 Skyhopper I am thinking of using. I'm waiting on delivery of a C-3P0 Attack of the Clones figure who's body plates can come off to turn into a SWTOR droid
Wow this is looking great! You work really fast too. The colors and different store fronts and signs all together looks incredible.
I’ve been asked if I was going to do any more with my Coruscant Underworld. At some point I’ll be doing more modules but because of space at home I decided to build up and create a display piece which my current pieces will fit into but adds another layer and maybe (you know this is going to happen!) a landing pad or two.
I’ve cut the back board out and measured the current pieces to this. Marked out where the balcony will go, how much dead space to use and a row for 4 new store fronts.
Starting a new commission piece, Death Star corridor for Star Wars Black series 6?.
Made of foam board, the corridor will consist of 4 individual panels and a floor.
I can definitely see you adding to this like that as its Coruscant. I like the ship you have planned too. I can definitely see a T16 mod.
Off to share to the front pages.
These look awesome 8)
The balcony floor I have cut notches into wall side of the floor and the wall making a secure fitting. At the moment I am keeping the floor loose in case I change my mind with what I have done so far. Added a strip of LED's under floor which lights up ground floor. The two LED's hanging either will be attached to two pillars on under side of the balcony.
At the moment I am not too fussed about the reverse of this diorama because I have an idea for that side!
Wow those lights are fantastic. Man, you are really going to town on this dio. I like it a lot.
Off to share your update.
So awesome!
Such a brilliant concept to save space! The lighting looks brilliant and really highlight the colors. Let's wait a couple years 'til the new TV show airs. We'll probably say Lucasfilm got inspired by your scenery!
Such a brilliant concept to save space! The lighting looks brilliant and really highlight the colors. Let's wait a couple years 'til the new TV show airs. We'll probably say Lucasfilm got inspired by your scenery!
That would be awesome but I won't get my hopes lol
I've added support beams and the extra LED's fit within them. Now I'm starting work on the buildings above. Unlike the original 4 these ones will be fixed in place. Once all the pieces are in place then I shall start shaping this.
Wow. This just keeps getting better and better.
Off to the front pages.
In answer to question Tamer I've made 18 diorama's since March 0/
I think I need a holiday lol! I still have the last of the animation 8, another Mando display and a Death Star Corridor to do for commissions!
I made two more facades this evening.
Couldn't resist re-doing the last picture again!
18 new dios. Wow. Hard to believe, but I know you have been cranking them out. Nice work on the two new facades. Off to share.
This is what happens when the world goes on lockdown and I'm working from home. The time wasted travelling is now time used to model lol. I'm hoping to get the other two done today.
The third facade put together.
This is the way!
Oh yeah, mythrosaur skull. Nice.
Off to the front pages.
I've made the final facade, scored metal plates and a couple of cents into the walkway and support pillars.
Next step to fill in the dead space above the facades before moving onto the rear of the model and adding a couple of landing pads.
This is definitely one of your best projects. Back to the front pages.
Finished the building the front.
I have built two towers on the reverse of the diorama, each tower will act as supports for the landing pad which will cover the top of the build. The length of this piece the platform will house two landing pads.
Originally I was going to have a merchant stand inside of the final facade but I made this too deep. Instead I’m having this at base between the two towers.
Wow, that stand is some intricate carving. This is going to look so awesome populated. Off to the front pages.
Awesome work Richard, your foam detailing is always perfect mate.
Been working on this piece from two angles. The first, I've base coated each facade, the walkway and then got carried away painted the front of the frame.
The second, I've started scoring panels into the back wall of the landing pad. The battery enclosure for the walkway has been turned into vent with a couple intake pipes.
I've reduced the width of the landing platform and then finished today by making three load bearing braces for the tower side.
This just gets better and better. think it would support the weight of the big Falcon? Man, so cool. The backside of this is awesome too. Great way to hide the battery pack.
Off to the front pages.
I haven't got one nor would I like to test that theory lol.
Finished etching the load bearers of the platform with two different designs. Added piping, etched plates onto the platform.
I found a packet of parasol lights, where I've added them around the first floor and as lights on the platform. Which to be honest I'm not 100% sure about:
1) Because use they don't match the first set of lights.
2) I've tried to spread the 20 lights out between the two sections and it doesn't look right. (I get the lights from Poundland which at the time of this writing under lock down is still closed).
I might add another layer of foam to the platform to cover the holes made with the lights and add all the lights to the under side of the platform pointing down?
I can see what you mean about the lights not matching. Think I would get a set to go with them for the top floor. Then, you could use all of that set of lights you have and perhaps even put em behind things like this:
I could so see some of those on top of your landing platform.
Off to the front pages. Such a great dio.
Thanks the link Tamer that's a great idea. Before you sent that link I have purchased these: (
I thought I could have two strips on top and two underneath, plugged into a £1 USB power pack built into the underside of the platform.
Using the same metallic paints I used for the lower floor, I set to work on the upper level, walkway and the merchant stall.
The walkway and merchant stand.
You are definitely bringing this one home. Just nice paint work. I love the modular roll this has. You can one small display or one row or two rows. So cool. Looks like you have a good handle on the lights too.
Off to the front pages.
I've finished the upper level facades by dry brushing each piece.
The fascia, underneath of the walkway and all supports, I have airbrushed metallic grey with a touch of arctic blue in places. Also adding a layer of arctic blue along the front.
I've almost completed this section of this project.
Wow this looks good. Can't wait to see it all done and populated. Definitely one of my favorite projects you have done.
Back to the front page.
Using the same metallic paints as the reverse side, I've base coated platform side.
With the base coats done on the platform side, I made up a dark brown wash and painted inside all the recesses. When it had dried I dry brushed over the side.
On the reverse side, cutting up some cable and adding it as decoration. Along with adding a few more posters to both sides.
I just need to paint the platform and add the strip lights to both sides before declaring this piece complete.
Wow, the back looks fantastic too. So much fun with this. I could so see a scene from this in the last season of TCW where Ahsoka was slumming it up for a bit. Looks perfect. You should really be stoked with this one. Off to the front pages.
Very cool!
It's been pretty awesome to see this project come to fruition. Well done!
Painted the roof, fixed the strip lights to both sides, created two small units to house the excess cable on the roof and battery pack underneath.
I still have a couple of finishing touches to do but in the mean time I've put it on the shelving which will be it's home.
Gotta bring a smile to your face everytime you pass it.
Off to the front pages.
Well ... words fail me! This is truly a work of art as well as a fantastic display/playset. I just really don't have words to convey how impressed I am with your execution on this piece (set of pieces?), I really just don't have words.
Damn this looks amazing mate.
Thank you for your kind words. Last night one of the strip lights on the platform broke, I've ordered another set which will delay the final pictures of this "small" set lol. In the mean time here are some pictures I've taken with it.
Love all the McQuarrie Figures in this. Sorry to hear one set of your lights broke!
That's ok, I have two more ordered so I shall get the pictures online by the end of the week.
I'll even do some more McQuarrie figure pictures for you.
That's ok, I have two more ordered so I shall get the pictures online by the end of the week.
I'll even do some more McQuarrie figure pictures for you.
Now that sounds awesome! I want to go dig out my figures. I think I have them somewhere.
I've dug mine out and they are ready for their photo shoot lol
I've dug mine out and they are ready for their photo shoot lol
Nice! Wish I could say that about half my collection. I have way too many boxes, etc. I have got to do something different. Just have to get my gumption up.
I've dug mine out and they are ready for their photo shoot lol
Nice! Wish I could say that about half my collection. I have way too many boxes, etc. I have got to do something different. Just have to get my gumption up.
I just need a bigger house now! I sold the bulk of my 3.75" collection 4 years ago, now thanks to lock down its getting bigger again lol.
The addon confirms to me that this is my favorite project of yours so far! I love all the different colors and shapes you used. Can't stop looking at all the pictures. The carbon escape with Mando is funny!
It looks so much like Coruscant and there aren't many dioramas of it out there. Much respect and cheers from Germany!
After getting a little side tracked with my Coruscant diorama, I've returned back to this piece.
After marking out each panel, I've cut out each smaller panel using card and I'm now in the process gluing each piece to the board. I'm using a 3D printed version as a comparison.
After taking a slight break from these, time to crack on with the final piece.
Oh yeah, progress. Off to the front pages.
Very cool! Love the precision in your pattern work!
I have cut another set of panels for the first wall section. I've added another layer of foam to double the thickness and cut down the floor to the correct size.
I know it's not much but yesterday just turned in a busy day for everything other than modelling 😂
Great stuff! I need backdrops like that!
Some work is better than no work. Off to share.
Final pictures of double sided Star Wars diorama Coruscant Underworld / Landing platform in all of its glory.
Scaled for 3.75" figures it stands at 34" x 18" x 10"
I took over 80 pictures of this but have whittled it down to 14 for you.
Final pictures of double sided Star Wars diorama Coruscant Underworld / Landing platform in all of its glory.
Scaled for 3.75" figures it stands at 34" x 18" x 10"
Final pictures of double sided Star Wars diorama Coruscant Underworld / Landing platform in all of its glory.
Scaled for 3.75" figures it stands at 34" x 18" x 10"
Final couple of pictures but to see more, click the link below and I have a scrolling gallery with more pictures.
This has got to be my favorite project you have done. I could see putting this on a revolving pedestol in the middle of your collection room (lazy susan type). So awesome.
I love what you did with those led strip lights up top and how you made them look incorporated. Good job hiding the battery pack too.
Have you thought about cutting any thin pipe to hide the light cords on the one side of the diorama where the wiring shows?
Just a most excellent way to display your figures. Off to the front pages.
Thanks Tamer, once I've gotten a few commissions finished, I am thinking of doing a smaller landing platform for the Solo: Millennium Falcon I've just ordered.
Anyway, after the events of the Fathers Day weekend (yes I dragged it out!) I've done more work with the Death Star Corridor.
Finished the build on the corridor and it is ready to paint.
Last night I undercoated with a black, this morning I have base coated with grey.
A second coat of grey was applied, when dried I've used a dark grey wash to the vents and then painted over the top with a layer of Pewter. The final touch, I've added magnetic strip between the wo pieces.
Looks spot on to me. Off to the front pages.
Final pictures of Death Star Corridor commission.
9" x 10" x 6" made from foamboard and card, Death Star Corridor. A two piece diorama, joined together with magnetic tape.
Perfect for recreation of scenes from Star Wars A New Hope.
Final 4 pictures of Death Star Corridor commission.
As one ends, another must begin lol!
I've been commissioned to create another Tatooine Display Diorama for a client. This piece 9" x 8" x 6" and will sit beside one I previously built for him.
This piece is made from foamboard, I've put together the door frame and the surrounding decor. When it's dry I'll start on the door.
Nice on both dioramas, off to share.
Love the Death Star dio!
Mixing watered down filler with sand I have coated this piece. The door I have layered with card to create the design. When the door has dried I can start painting it.
Sure is looking nice to me. I would like to do that sand thing with a cement wall I have. It would sure look better.
Off to the front pages.
Awesome work mate and I especially love the DS duel.
Thanks Ron
A second layer of filler was applied and when it dried I have painted with in the crevasses with a dark brown wash.
The door has been given a coat of brown, with a layer of Pewter. The crevasses of the door I have used Games Workshop’s Nuln Oil.
When this has dried I will be dry brushing over the surface as I have done with the other pieces.
I've decided to make this final piece based on a warehouse. So far I have scored the brick work into the three walls and paving slabs into the floor. Both side walls, I've cut out two doors ways, one will be a garage door and the other will be a double door.
Nice, two updates. I like the work on both.
Back to the front pages.
Love the texturing on the desert build mate and the whare house build is off to a great start.
Final pictures of the latest Tatooine doorway.
Final pictures of the latest Tatooine doorway.
Yepper, that turned out nice. What a great way to showcase a figure too.
Off to the front pages.
You've been rockin' these dios! I am still absolutely blown away by the modular city-scape. But the new smaller sets are really incredible too. Your work is really inspiring.
You've been rockin' these dios! I am still absolutely blown away by the modular city-scape. But the new smaller sets are really incredible too. Your work is really inspiring.
Thanks Starchaser, it means a lot!
What do you do when you wake up at 4:30 am and can not sleep, I get up and start back on this project which I've been suffering with builders block with! It had to happen at some point!!
I've added load bearing columns to either side wall along with a bit of brick and floor weathering. I've cut a piece of corrugated card for one of the entrances and now just need to add a set of double doors to opposite side.
With that done then I can start painting!
I was up early too. Nice use of your time I can see.
Off to the front pages.
A Sunday afternoon of painting, I've started by undercoating each wall with black. Followed by a base coat of burnt sienna. Mixing a light brown and painted inside the brick cracks. I mixed up a dark brown, taking a sponge and dabbed the dark brown over the walls.
The floor was painted with dark grey highlighted with a lighter grey while the dark grey was still wet. I then highlighted again with a touch of white.
While that was drying cut and carved a piece of 6 mm foam to be a double door. This and the corrugated card where painted metallic grey. The edges of the door where then painted with a metallic blue and washed with over with a black solution. Both the doors have been glued into place.
Mixing a dirty brown wash, I have washed over the floor and walls to age this piece.
With the bulk of the painting done, time to start with some decals.
Very nice. Some TMNT would look good in here too. Off to the front pages.
I'll add them in for the final pictures!
I have finished adding decals and accessories to this final piece. All that's us left to do us varnish the paint work and then all eight animation model boxes will he complete!
To add to the warehouse effect, I've added some paper crates.
Wow those small additions really do add up to some great effect. Back to the front pages.
After doing some final touches, like door scrapping marks on the floor and a little more dry brush work, I varnished the piece marking its completion.
Final pictures of last of an eight animation diorama commission are now done.
Final couple of pictures
Talk about one awesome goal and a great journey completed. Just a fantastic job.
Off to the front pages.
This build turned out great! You put such attention into the little details that make all the difference in these builds. Oh...and "Long live vintage Batman!"
I've been commissioned to create a log cabin for the new 6" G.I.JOE Classifieds series based on the classic 80's comic.
The specifications I've been given are 30" x 15" x 15", it is to be made from foam board and designed to be flat packed. I have been asked to do both exterior and interior.
Unfortunately I do not own a 6" Snake Eyes, to help model the construction of this set will be Arnold.
With the sheets still drying, I have cut notches into the inside walls for the walls to fit into and for the floor.
When the sheets have dried I will start scoring the foam to make it look like a log cabin.
Off to a great start already I see.
Off to the front pages too.
Still working on the overall structure of this piece before going into detail.
Working on the foundations adding slots into the floor and then drawing on the "logs" on the front at 1" width.
Its nice to see progress. Back to the front pages.
Today I've finished marking out the logs for both the exterior and interior. I've cut out four windows and a door. I've also started scoring one of the exterior.
It is looking good to me.
Back to the front pages.
This is a really cool build. Thanks for showing the details of how you are assembling it. I think is going to be brilliant when finished.
Thanks Starchaser, you should like the next part then!
Yesterday I spent time shaping the walls internally and externally, to look like they are made from lengths of wood.
My client asked if I could fit a door in one of longer walls between the windows.
The next steps are to score the floor and porch before starting on the roof.
Oh yeah, getting that log cabin feel now. Off to share.
Final couple of pictures
Very cool! I like the weathering and the cables on the walls, they add a lot to the reality of the dio
The wooden floor is now done. I've marked out 6" x 1" beams running the width, then scored the floor before taking a wire brush running it width ways across the floor.
With this now done, it's time to work on the roof.
With the floor completed, it was time to bite the bullet and make the root.
Cutting two pieces 23" x 5.5" which gives 1.5" over hang on both sides and two smaller pieces which fitted inside the frame of the cabin. The roof pieces where glued onto them with PVA glue, when the pieces are dry I'll score the detail onto them.
The last piece to make before making the doors and windows is the stone chimney.
Wow this is looking awesome. Nice progress.
Off to the front page.
I've added a chimney breast using three 10 mm strips glued together, then scoring in bricks. I've also marked out 1" thick slats running the length of the roof. Just need to score these and then it's off to do the doors and windows.
The roof looks good especially the chimney! This is shaping up beautifully.
Using bolsa wood for the doors and door frames,the cabin has two working doors.
Next steps are adding dirt to the floor and I can start painting this.
This is looking just perfect to me.
Off to share the update. Keep it coming!
In case I don't get around to posting more today, here is what I've done this morning.
The last bit to do before I start painting is to make the ground surrounding the cabin. I've done this by using ordinary garden soil mixed with PVA glue.
Making the most of the one day of sun this weekend, I'm leaving it to dry outside.
Now I can start painting the cabin.
First layer of paint applied to exterior, once dried I'll use the same paint for the interior.
Now this looks fantastic. Great color.
Off to the front pages.
Like that dirt! The colors are fantastic.
The base coats of the cabin walls are now finished, I've used a dark brown for the interior floor, nut brown for the porch floor and one of the doors.
Next I'll base coat the other door, the chimney and the roof.
You can read my comments on the front pages. Nice job!
Looks excellent work mate.
Made a lot of progress today.
I started by mixing a dark brown wash and painting it between each of the logs both internal and external, the crevasses of the door and roof.
Mixing up a light grey with a touch of light blue for the chimney stack. When that had dried I went in between the bricks with the dark brown wash.
I then added white to the dark brown and dry brushed the interior walls, the floor and roof.
I took this piece outside to do a couple of test shots and show how big the cabin is, my cat thought I built him a new house.
What's left to do is paint the border of the base with black and add the windows.
Now that just looks nice. I think your cat thinks it his. Or hers.
Off to the front pages.
I've been asked to build a Star Wars diorama for a friend's son to display his 3.75" figures on. So I'm building him an Imperial Bunker because nothing is better than the Rebels infiltrating an Imperial compound!
It's will be 16" high, two levels plus a rooftop landing platform. Garage and side door entrance and has to be ready in two weeks! I like challenge!
So far I've cut variation of 14" high lengths, widths of 6", 4" & 3", cutting out doors and windows. Then gluing this all together as one piece.
I can already see this is gonna be a fun one. Nice start.
Off to share.
This is going to be awesome! I'm eager to see how you tackle the landing platform. That's something I'm debating myself.
I've cut two 10 mm panels (14" x 9") and then two 6mm panels of the same size, glued the 10mm & 6mm together for the walls. The cut out the floor on a pieces of 10mm then glued it onto a piece of 6mm. Leaving this to dry over night before carrying on.
I've added a platform where a Canon can be mounted and a viewing balcony demonstrated here by Grand Admiral Thrawn.
I have added a layer of 6mm foam board to the inside of the front wall, not only to strengthen but also a guide for the first floor to sit in between.
This looks good. I like the new platforms. Off to the front pages.
The log cabin looks...real. Fantastic work on this build. The new Star Wars display is going to be wonderful. I really like the balcony.
Just realised I had not posted for a while, I have cut out four windows with frames and installed them into the walls. I have stained the frames to weather them, painted the edges of the base black and lightly sprayed brown over the ground.
Not my usual final pictures but due to the piece itself I thought outside pictures would be more appropriate.
Using G.I.JOE #31 as a point of reference, Destro and Firefly Fortnite's Havok) storm Snake Eyes cabin.
I've started to add the detail to the front of the compound, while building up the sides so they aren't flat walls.
I've built a central console for the first floor. With the shape made, I can start adding in the detail before adding a small roof to the structure.
Wow, great work on two fronts. Nice job.
Off to share them on the front pages.
I've started etching in the panels on the exterior
Started etching the central console.
An Imperial Compound? Reminds me of a mini game I used to play on my smartphone years ago. And I only had a three games on it ever. This looks like a phenomenal project already! It's incredible how much you produce, RCW! You're like a diorama factory! I'm going to build some more buildings for my dad and his G scale model train. Maybe that's something you can make money from as well! I'm sure there are some model train fans in the UK, too!
This is really another great diorama. I like it a lot.
Off to share your updates on the front pages.
Yesterday spent finishing off etching panel work first floor interior, finished the exterior and then started working on the design of the ground floor.
It sure does look like it is coming along grandly to me.
Off to the front pages.
Finished etching panelling into the ground the floor.
I'm going to add a couple of lifts into the rear of the model, which will double up as supports for the first floor and roof.
This looks nice.
Off to share on the front pages.
After a week's holiday it's time to get back to painting this piece.
The base has been base coated with a medium grey. Certain areas where then painted with a light grey. A few external panels where painted with a metallic blue and a touch of metallic red.
The next phase is to complete the console and then to mix a black wash which I'll paint into the recesses of the base.
I have wondered if you were still working on it. Glad you had a nice holiday.
Off to share your update on the front pages. This is looking awesome!
Started painting the detail on the the console then making up a dark blue wash and painted it into the crevasses of the internal walls and the exterior of the side walls.
This is really turning out so well. Nice.
Off to share on the front pages. You are about ready to call this one done.
Thanks mate! I am hoping it should be done in a couple of days. Need to wash the front, first floor (both sides), the ground floor and might do a bit of facial dry brushing.
great outpost get some lights in there that will be cool. that has a lot of fine knife work also.
Thanks mate. If I made it as one complete piece with roof, then I would have added lights in.
This is looking great can't wait to see the finished product.
I finished off shading the entire base before dry brushing each piece. The central console I have added some more detail to it before dry brushing that as well.
All that is left to do is dry brush the floor and paint the border black. Then I can hand it over to my friends son.
That is gonna be one happy boy. Looks awesome.
Off to the front pages with this latest update.
Final pictures of the Imperial Compound. Perfect for every young Star Wars collector.
Next four
Next four
Last pictures
Running out of time to leave proper comments, but wow.
Off to the front pages.
Awesome! That compound turned out so well. The display/control panel looks great. This was a great build.
This turned out fantastic! Always impressed with your carving skills.
Just wanted to pop back in here when I had a bit more time. I was late for work getting that on the front page, but well worth it imo. It is one of my favorite projects yet. It is getting a lot of nice comments on our FB Page.
I agree the carving and paint work on this are just outstanding. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thank you so much for the wonderful comments. I am in the process of researching my next commission which will be taking its influence from Rogue Ones Jedha
Starting another Star Wars diorama. The brief is to make four module tiles 1ft x 2ft in size, each joined together with magnetic tape and the architecture has to be based on Jedha from Star Wars Rogue One.
The first section will be a street comprising of two wall braces on the first tile, a tower in the far left corner. The right side will have another wall brace with a bar and terrace. The second section will be a spaceport with a door way between the two sections.
So far the tiles have been cut, a pair of wall braces cut and glued to the first tile. I have made a corner tower with steps, which when the steps have dried will be glued to the second tile.
This is gonna be cool! Its also going to be big. Thanks for showing is the progress.
Nice size on this one.
Off to share the start on the front pages.
Looking good already. I see the potential there. I wanted to do a Jedha thing for my Tank, but decided to go with something completely different. Anxious to see the progress.
Today I've done some more work on the corner tower. To start with I cut a doorway and then added a walkway.
Next I wanted to develop the second tile by adding a couple of doorways. The first doorway was built into a tower, the second was built into the wall next to the tower with steps leading to the doorway.
Very nice. You are getting stuff done quick on this one.
Off to the front pages to share your update.
Thanks Shawn but I've still got a long way to go.
I agree with Tamer! I really like the basic structure you give the buildings - espececially the one in the corner - and the texture for the door frames! This will look great! Where do you store all your projects? I got one big modular diorama and am already running out of space! :D
I agree with Tamer! I really like the basic structure you give the buildings - espececially the one in the corner - and the texture for the door frames! This will look great! Where do you store all your projects? I got one big modular diorama and am already running out of space! :D
Thanks Darth. A lot of my recent pieces have all been commissions and don't stay long luckily! The rest, it is one big jigsaw piece that I have to rotate round and even stored away to become show pieces for conventions or sold to make room for others.
I've done a little more work with the latest section. To start with I cut away the small section of floor to the left, scored in some brick work,the layered a piece of 6 mm board over the top. Later down the line there will be extra pieces added along with cables and pipes.
The next section to start will be bar area which will have a beer garden area, along with another wall brace.
With the extra pieces not glued into place I can play with the layout until to see which works better.
It is sure looking nice so far.
Off to share your latest update on the front pages.
I've started working on the bar area, I've cut out the basic shape and beer garden (size of which might change).
The corner building, I've removed the wrap round stairs in favour of central steps with walls in front of the walkway.
Before I carry on working on the bar I wanted to find a combination that will work before I start to incorporate them into the tiles. I think the final pictures works best.
I absolutely agree with you RCW! The arrangement on pictures 3 & 4 of reply #1,494 looks BEST! The corner building was just hidden too much behind these massive walls. I thinkyou found the perfect combination playing some tetris here.
Can't wait how it will look next. Man, almost 1,500 replies on 100 pages of this topic...impressive!
I absolutely agree with you RCW! The arrangement on pictures 3 & 4 of reply #1,494 looks BEST! The corner building was just hidden too much behind these massive walls. I thinkyou found the perfect combination playing some tetris here.
Can't wait how it will look next. Man, almost 1,500 replies on 100 pages of this topic...impressive!
Thanks Darth, I stupidly glued the two towers into place and now wishing I hadn't. Since I have the plan is to build a walkway between them and build out from the tiles so the three structures slot into them and don't look like they are just "stuck on"!
Yepper, I agree with that last arrangement looking good too.
Off to share your update on the front pages.
Looking awesome Richard and I actually like the two towers in that position.
Looking awesome Richard and I actually like the two towers in that position.
Thanks Ron
Woke up ridiculously early and thought I'd carry on with this building. I've given it a pelmet, a roof (which I'll add something else to it), a fixed door, I've added another to the layer to base, when that's dry I'll add in steps. When it's painted I'll add piping, just wanted to see what it looks like.
Looks like got up around 4 am this morning. I really like how the door profile and those tubes look on the building. These are the details that really make a difference. Great progress for the early bird!
I agree, great progress. Now that is why you get up early. I was having the weirdest dream when my alarm went off this morning. I was argueing with a mean doctor. I wonder how I got that? Anyhew, great work.
Off to the front pages.
Thanks guys. Where you spying on me Darth ;-) I was awake at 3 and then got up at 4.
Shawn I was having a similar type of dream, I was arguing with someone but not a doctor.
Yes, I was. ;D But I didn't catch the early bird this morning. Fell back to sleep. Had some weird dreams, too. Was even talking and woke up from me talking. But don't remember what it was. Something with materials I had to repeat. Would be a perfect occasion to quote Bail Organa's hologram and his conversation with Obi-Wan after Order 66 here...
This diorama is looking great! Unlike Darth More, Tamer and yourself, I didn't wake up early or have bizarre dreams. I can say, however, I am inspired by the work you are doing.
I've been looking at the space between the two towers on the first tile, thinking it need something. I've added a small structure which is fitted between the bases of the towers. I then started to add cracks and texture to surfaces of the tile.
Rather happy with how this has turned out.
You have all reason to be happy with your progress! The cracks you added to the walls look absolutely awesome! How did you make them?
Also the structure in between looks very good and fits perfectly into the scenery!
You have all reason to be happy with your progress! The cracks you added to the walls look absolutely awesome! How did you make them?
Also the structure in between looks very good and fits perfectly into the scenery!
Thanks Darth. I've used a pottery tool which has a sharp point. It does work nicely in there, I've spent a lot of time collating pictures from Rogue One to try and get this as accurate as possible.
I agree that turned out nice.
Off to share on the front pages.
This is so cool I need to make another outpost maybe a little bigger and maybe a huge landing pad. I starting to look at concrete setting in my back yard. I need more room.
Adding some more facial touches, after it's painted I'll be adding cables to the walls.
It looks good to me. Very nice.
Off to share on the front pages.
Man, this looks awesome! Really like all the different shapes & textures. I could also see this as a blind alley in Gotham City. Great progress!
Nice! I'm looking forward for the next steps!
It's looking really good. There is so much dimension with all the doors and things. I so look forward to the final product.
Thank you everyone.
Today I've made a piece of equipment that you find dotted around Jedha. Once finished I glued it to the side of the corner bar.
I then built roofs for the two other buildings.
With this done I started to work on the second area. The idea is to the have a walkway /bar/storage area on the left, which will curve round and blend in the back wall. I've started with cutting cardboard cuttings, which I've used to cut those pieces in foam board.
The first section will have a walkway on top and underneath will either be a storage alcove or can be a bar, at my clients discretion.
The second section is a frame to which will be built upon to give the hanger a curved wall.
Very nice. This is really turning out great. Off to share your update on the front pages.
This looks great can't wait to see the finished product.
Its looking amazing. I really like the curved elements - it adds visual interest. The rods (is that an old pen?) and pipes and things are great!
Were do you get your materials for the walls
- (
I posted a link on my Facebook to where I get my foam board from in the UK, it's underfloor insulation foam board.
interesting how this seems to just be a UK product from what little searching I did on ebay this morning.
Cutting four strips 3" x 12" and glued them to form the curve. I then cut a smaller piece with a doorway at the beginning of the curve.
The next step is to make a static door and then a few more strips of different widths to finish the back wall. After that I will be adding a fascia to the front of the underneath of the walkway, a roof to the curve along with pipes.
Looks great to me. Off to share your update.
Nice! That curved wall looks good. This keeps just getting better and better.
Damn. I really like this. Looking forward to seeing this project pregress.
I've had a very productive day. It started with adding a ceiling to the corner room, then cutting a piece of foam and carving into a door.
Cutting a couple of lengths of foam board to complete the curved wall. I cut a length of 6 mm board to create a front for the bar/storage areas in the hanger. I then added foam circles to various areas of the hanger. To finish the build of that area, I have added cracks into the wall.
I have base coated the three buildings and pipes from the first area.
While they are drying I turned my attention back to tiles of the first area, adding texture, imperfections in wall along (broken plaster, cracks in the wall).
Apart from a few minor touches, this completes the build of this set. The next step is to finish off sanding the last tile after the glue has dried and then to base coat the rest of this piece.
I like how this becomes bigger and bigger!
Now this is nice. Great work.
Off to the front pages.
Got my paint delivery and now base coated all the walls and buildings.
Tomorrow I need to apply a second coat to some of the pieces before painting the doors and layering.
Second coats have been done, I've also fixed the walkway and the first facia to the central tile.
Excuse the pint look, when I took the outside pictures, I had my flash on which makes the set look pink 😱.
With this done, I will make up a very light brown, which I'll airbrush over this set before painting the door and metallic parts and bricks.
Wow, that looks great. Man, doesn't look too pink to me. So awesome.
Off to the front pages.
Look very, very nice! I really want to see all this textured 0/
Damn this is really well done. Very neat and nice.
Damn this is really well done. Very neat and nice.
It is really gonna look good once populated. You can just imagine the figures and action in it.
Damn Richard this is looking bloody awesome mate.
I saw a gallery on FB and posted that to the front pages too.
This is really turning out great.
Thank you everyone, I hope you like the recent update.
Today I painted the doors, pipes and then added shading to the whole piece.
Just need to edge and apply the finishing touches.
Last couple of pictures for today.
I gotta say this looks just epic! Really nice job all the way around. Great detail and wonderful design.
I agree with Starchaser! This is the paint I've been looking forward to seeing on your buildings! With the addon it looks even more like a street. Fantastic job, mate!
Even better. Each update really pushes this further. Looks like you are close now.
Off to show this on the front pages.
I like this a lot lot. I love it when designers go big that is totally awesome. Great work like the bldgs. can't wait to see figs in it. Way to Go.
Looks amazing buddy and I really love the weathering.
Looks perfect! I'm still amazed at how straight your lines are. Do you use a hotwire table or a knife?
Looks perfect! I'm still amazed at how straight your lines are. Do you use a hotwire table or a knife?
Thank you so much. All I use is a sharp retractable blade, a metal ruler and then sand paper either on a block or a mouse sander.
Looks amazing buddy and I really love the weathering.
Thanks pal, I've toned it down now.
Even better. Each update really pushes this further. Looks like you are close now.
Off to show this on the front pages.
Thanks Shawn. I've finished the painting, I just want to add some cabling and maybe a couple of consoles and then I'm done. I've spoken with my client and he is loving this.
I made up a very pale brown and dry brushed over the entire piece. Not only has it picked up the highlights, it has also lighted up yesterdays shading.
With the painting done, it’s time to start the final touches.
A few extra shots for you, with one I could not resist!
Looking more fantastic with each new update. Awesome seeing it populated a bit. Makes it pop more.
Off to the front pages.
Fantastic work buddy.
Just most spectacular each time we see it. You will have one very happy customer.
I’ve created four wall consoles for the space port, three for the walkway and one on the ground. I also made up a few wall greeblies to finish off the space port area along with adding cables to the walls.
For the Jedha street I have added cables running the length of the right side, cables running around the curved corner building. To finish off this section, I added a couple of more cables on the back wall, starting from the corner building, running up the wall to meet the other building.
This completes this commission, I’ll add more pictures this evening and tomorrow I’ll do the final pictures.
Some pictures with figures, I have more pictures on my website.
Just most spectacular each time we see it. You will have one very happy customer.
Thanks pal. I hope you like the final touches I have added to it.
I know I like the final touches. Just another awesome diorama. Off to share on the front pages.
I know I like the final touches. Just another awesome diorama. Off to share on the front pages.
Thanks Shawn. I'll get my final pictures posted this weekend.
Just most spectacular each time we see it. You will have one very happy customer.
Thanks pal. I hope you like the final touches I have added to it.
Totally! I really like the electrical panel detail a lot - that just made me smile. The consoles look really good, too. I'm amazed by what you can create just using foam. Truly inspiring work.
The final picture of the Streets of Jedha with spaceport diorama commission. Apologies there are few!
A few more
A few more
Last few, there are more on my website, click the link below!
This is another one of my favs Richard. Just stellar.
You know what I can see on this one? A Razor Crest with all those Mandos flying in! Wouldn't that make for a cool use of this!
Off to the front pages.
Way awesome! The details on this are amazing and it forms a spectacular backdrop/environment for action figure "action." Simply amazing! You are a true artist and craftsman.
Way awesome! The details on this are amazing and it forms a spectacular backdrop/environment for action figure "action." Simply amazing! You are a true artist and craftsman.
Thank you so much mate!
As the sun sets over Jedha it soon rises again on a new commission piece!
I’ve been commissioned to create a warehouse display for a client, this piece will be 20? x 20? x 12?. The only specification my client has given me, is he would like two large windows on the central wall. What I have decided is one wall will have a door or two, sat upon a raised walkway running the length of the wall. The opposite wall I will add a garage door.
To begin I have cut two pieces of 10 mm foam board for the 20? x 20?floor and glued them together. The walls have also cut 3 x 20? x 12? of 10 mm and 3 x 20? x 12? of foamboard for the walls, then glued them together. I will be using the 6? front of the walls as the display side and so far I’ve drawn in the brick work on two of the three walls.
You go bananas on your dioramas and move on so quickly that I can't even comment on time. (I really like that Fortnite banana by the way.) The shapes of your Jedha diorama, the structure and details you added are just phenomenal! The paintwork is outstanding and does look spot on for Jedha. I really like how different you made this project look from buildings of Mos Eisley. One can recognize that this is Jedha from Rogue One - a movie that I and so many other fans out there love. Your skills are inspiring and the pace is lighting fire, man. You're like a diorama factory! Thanks for sharing all the pictures - they're fun to look at! And I like Tamer's idea of having the Razor Crest land next to your diorama!
Looking forward to everything coming from your forge!
Already on a new diorama. Nice.
Let me go share this on the front pages.
It'll be cool to see how this diorama turns out. I'm full of anticipation.
I've added magnetic tape to the walls and floor and then finished marking up brickwork on the middle wall.
I cut the two windows as requested for the back wall. The wall on the right I have cut away an Alcove for the garage and an extra door.
The next step is to make the raised walkway and cut the door alcoves for the left wall.
It is looking good already. Off to share your update.
are these 6" or 3 3/4" figs this looks awesome.
are these 6" or 3 3/4" figs this looks awesome.
Hi JT this is for 6" figures, I've decided to use the new GI Joe Classifieds figures to model this piece.
Looks really good so far. I'll be excited to see how the walkway turns out.
After another busy week I have finally got back to working on this project.
To start with I have cut an L shaped walkway which fits in the top left corner. A doorway was cut out on the left wall, sitting on top of the walkway.
I have added another section of foam between the two windows also marked out the brick work. It has been glued into place and clamped down while the glue dries.
To finish off while the glue dries I have cut two door from bolsa wood.
Nice, you have made great progress.
Off to share on the front pages.
Made a lot of progress with this today. It started scoring round the brick work. Adding frames for the doors and fixing them into place. Glued the corrugated card into place and created a frame around it.
After getting the all clear from my client, I have undercoated this piece with black.
Very nice. Let me go share this to the front pages.
The garage door turned out really well - I love that you used corrugate to get the actual rolls in the door. This continues to be great build.
The garage door turned out really well - I love that you used corrugate to get the actual rolls in the door. This continues to be great build.
Thanks Star.
Mixing burnt umber with white and dabbing it onto the brick work with a sponge. I then mixed up a dark grey and used that for the floor.
The client requested a free standing pillar be added to the build. Taking two 1.5? x 12? 15 mm strips of foamboard, I whipped up a free standing pillar, added the brick work and base coated black.
When it’s dry I will use the same technique on it as I used on the walls.
That pillar adds a nice touch. It is looking good.
Off to share on the front pages.
I agree with Tamer, that pillar looks great. I also like the platform.
Using a light brown, I sponged it across the floor. I made up a dark brown wash and sponged across the walls and then over the floor after the light brown had dried. The pillar was sponge painted with the same mix for the walls, dry brushed with the light brown and then sponged the dark brown wash over it. The rear wall was dry brushed also with the light brown. The doors where airbrushed with gun metal grey.
The next steps will be to dry brush the other two walls before adding the greebles and the windows.
That is looking great. I am sure your customer is pretty happy.
Off to the front pages.
Today has been about the windows. I started by cutting a couple of pieces of perspex to fit the windows. I broke the the plastic to look like broken windows. I cut bolsa wood for the window frames and glued them into place.
The next step is to either use the plastic or use plastic film with tissue paper and fit it behind the frame.
Looks good to me.
Off to the front pages.
I've finished building the window frames and painted them grey. I have added greebles to walls, cabinets with power cables running across the wall, a garage door control.
All that is left to do is to add "glass" to the windows, tissue paper to cover windows and the backs of the walls painted black.
Those cables really make the whole thing pop to me. So cool. You are really doing a great job with this one.
Off to the front pages.
Thanks mate :-)
Using a centre punch to create the bullet hole in the window, the panes have now been secured into place and this build is now complete.
I will post my usual final pictures as soon as I can.
Looks great. Off to share on the front pages.
This looks great awesome job.
This looks great awesome job.
Thanks mate
Final pictures are now done.
A few more.
Some more
Looks fantastic to me. Off to the front pages.
Last few, there are more on my website, click the link below!
Fantastic looking diorama!
Last few, there are more on my website, click the link below!
Fantastic looking diorama!
Thank you so much
I've been asked to build an armoury for a clients G.I.Joe Classifieds figures.
This is going to be a standard three wall, box diorama, with the measurements 14" x 15" x 10". So far I have cut the six walls and floor pieces, glued them together and now waiting for them to dry. When they are dry I will be carving my standard brick walls into the foam and applying magnetic tape.
While the glue drys on the commission build, I thought I'd whip up another diorama modular display piece. This is thing inspiration from the new G.I.Joe: Operation Blackout game. I am building a single wall and floor from Cobra HQ.
The measurements are 12" x 6" x 10", Like the Star Wars Modular stands that I made earlier this year, I have used different thicknesses of foam board and cut them into different shapes build up the texture of the wall. All pieces have been glued together using PVA glue.
Looks good. I am so out of time this morning, but got this posted!
Such a busy week, now its Sunday its time to relax! With all the pieces glued into place, it's time to give it a little detail. Using a pencil to make the marks and pottery tools to give them depth. Before going any further with the sides, I need to sand the down and add detail.
Once this painted it will also work with Transformers.
Looks good to me. Off to the front pages.
I've spent this afternoon marking out the brickwork in pencil. After completing the work I then go back over the bricks with pottery tool followed by cutting out a door in the middle of back wall.
Undercoat is done, time to base coat with a metallic grey.
Your brickwork looks great as usual. Back to the front pages.
Thanks mate
Looks awesome mate but then again all your work does.
Looks awesome mate but then again all your work does.
Thanks Ron, it means a lot bud
Looks awesome mate but then again all your work does.
I decided to paint this using metallic airbrush paints. I used gunmetal grey to base coat the wall and artic blue for the floor. The wall I've used a combination of artic blue for the pelmet and the central vent. Steel for the "frame" of the wall and then using a dark blue wash with in the crevasses of the wall to pick out the highlights.
The edges of the floor I've painted using an acrylic metallic blue paint. When this is dry I will use a silver paint to pick out the edges of the wall.
Nice update. Off to the front pages.
Edging completed, this piece is now complete. My usual final pictures to follow.
Looks good. Off to share on the front pages.
I've finished off marking the tile work on the floor. Now it is time to start making the gun cabinets. I'm making two out of bolsa wood, standing at 7" tall, with shelves in to hold 4 horizontal placed guns.
Looks good, off to the front pages.
where do you get your gray foam board at.
where do you get your gray foam board at.
I get it from an ebay seller in the UK but unfortunately they don't post abroad, if you are in the UK I can give you the link.
Finished the second gun cabinet.
That is looking very nice. I like that wood look as its a nice contrast with the brick.
Off to share on the front pages.
Those wood shelves look really good. They definitely work as gun cabinets.
I have carved the door for the armoury, after speaking with the client he is happy for me to start painting. With the cabinets he actually wants me to paint them metallic.
While watching classic G1 Transformers cartoons, I found myself tinkering with some foam and before I realised it was taking shape into Teletraan 1.
Using layers of 20 mm thick foam to create the console and monitor, I have sanded down the foam to achieve the angles that make up this computer. The basic shape is done but still a fair way to go!
That looks great. Man nice update on your Armoury too.
Off to the front pages.
I've given this a black undercoat.
While watching the classic cartoons, in realised Teletraan's monitor angled up. So to achieve this, I cut diagonally across the back of the base and glued the two parts together.
I added a back piece for Teletraan so it can sit flush up against a wall and then built up creating the plummet to Teletraan with a lip. Using card to create the sides for Teletraan and the insides of the two front alcoves.
Thinking that I had finished the build until I got a couple of figures in front of Teletraan and realised it need another layer of foam. I cut a piece of 10 mm, stuck it to the under side of Teletraan and then sanded the middle until it blended the middle.
Now all that I need to do is start carving and adding the detail.
Great job on both of your dios. I am really liking that Teletraan one.
Off to the front pages.
Thanks mate
I've etched the detail onto Teletraan 1.
With the scoring done, I’ve chopped up an expired credit card and used it to create panels and buttons across the surface of Teletraan.
I then took small pieces of foam and sculpted them into three devices commonly seen on Teletraan.
Then to finish off I have added the Autobot insignia and glued it to a central spot on the plummet of Teletraan.
Now the computer is done, I am going to create a diorama with couple of consoles for Teletraan to sit in before painting.
Now that Teletraan came out fantastic!
Off to the front pages.
I'm not very familiar with the Transformers universe but your Teletraan turned out great.
I'm not very familiar with the Transformers universe but your Teletraan turned out great.
Google it. The computer is taken from the 80's cartoons I grew up with.
I missed the bus watching Transformers at school I can always remember good ole Teletraan telling them where they needed to go and what to do.
I am surprised it didn't transform.
First coat of paint applied to the walls and floor, I've used a sponge to dab the paint on.
I've undercoated Teletraan 1 and while I'm waiting for the paint to dry, I thought I start with the rest of the piece.
I've cut a piece of board 11" x 10" and penciled out the metal plating, I've also cut out the back and two side panel's. These will have the panelling pencilled on and the smaller consoles made.
Brick walls dio is looking good.
Nice start on your Teletraan I backdrop too.
Off to the front pages.
I finished painting this piece today. Starting with the walls and floor by using a sponge I dabbed a light brown over the walls and floor. When it dried I then dabbed a light grey over floor.
For the door I painted it a metallic grey, then used black wash over the two panels. The rim and vents I have painted using steel. The cabinets I have painted them grey.
Originally the idea was to have two gun cabinets on either wall but after making the first two, the idea changed a little. I decided to add a world map and on the map are pictures of Cobra hierarchy taken from the 80's cartoon, including a couple of images of Cobra Island. Once the images have dried I will be marking lines on the map to areas where these villains have been sited.
The panelling on the both the floor and back wall have been first drawn out and then engraved into the foam. I have cut the side wall and have glued them onto a second piece of foam each. Once they have dried I will etch panelling into the them.
Once the walls are done I can then build the smaller consoles.
Wow, great updates on both dios. I am gonna really like that contrast with colors you have going on with the JOE Dio.
That Teletraan I dio just keeps looking better and better too.
Back to the front pages.
The walls have been etched and applied magnetic tape to walls, I’ve done this incase I want to extend diorama by adding another floor piece and back wall.
The next phase is to make the consoles to sit either side of Teletraan.
Wow, looks so good. Man that is definitely what I remember.
Off to the front pages.
Final internal touches, external walls just need a coat of black and this will be complete.
I’ve made the first of two consoles that will sit either side of Teletraan. Just need build another and to engrave them similar to Teletraan and how it looked in the 80’s cartoon.
Nice updates, your finishing touches on your Armoury Dio really make it great.
Off to the front pages.
I've made a second smaller but higher console to be placed the other side to Teletraan. The hot glue melted some of the foam which I have filled using liquid Green Stuff, when it's dry I'll sand it down and start adding detail to them both.
I'm just wondering which way round they should go?
Very nice. Looks good where you have it.
Off to the front pages.
I've completed the engraving on the foam consoles, made a couple of wall mounted monitors and a small Soundwave who can sit on top of the consoles and Teletraan.
The next step is to add some plastic card buttons before I give this all a black undercoat.
Looks good! Right outta my past.
I might have to go back and rewatch some of this.
Off to the front pages.
Busy day yesterday and here is why!
1. Final pictures of G.I.JOE modular diorama are now live on my website.
2. Final pictures of G.I.JOE Armoury commission are now live on my website.
Final four pictures of this this piece.
Painting is underway in the Ark, I've mixed up a bright orange with I am applying two coats because the first coat is too dark. Teletraan and the consoles are also having their second coat added, the first coat I used a new air brush paint which would be fine to use as a second coat but not a first. The paint was too thin for the foam.
When this dries, a second coat will be applied to the back wall and floor and then again to the consoles and Teletraan.
Both look great.
Man, that is definitely the color I remember for the Teletraan I.
Off to the front pages.
It's taken a couple of days to finally get this looking as I wanted it. Word to the wise never undercoat with black when you want to base coat with orange! The orange paint was soaking into the black undercoat where it looked like a black console with an orange shade.
This is how it looked yesterday!
A few more coats later it is looking more like it did in the cartoon.
I can now get on with shading and painting in the detail!
The little Soundwave looks great on this!
I've doing a little detail work, applying shading, painting the monitors, buttons, lights and the insignia. Starting to look more like it did in the cartoon.
Almost there with this Transformers diorama, I needed to test it out!
Now that turned out nice. Man, great job.
Off to share on the front pages.
I have completed the painting of Teletraan and the two consoles, applied a few decals on the monitors and I’m currently looking for the perfect image to place on Teletraan centre screen. Do I go G1 cartoon, from a comic, add a grid or a huge Autobot insignia?
A couple pictures for any G1 fans and you can even see my little Soundwave sitting on top of Teletraan
Wow this looks good. I think I would go with an Autobot Insignia, but you can't go wrong with either.
Off to the front pages.
That autobot display is awesome buddy.
Wow! The final armory turned out really outstanding. The teletraan looks amazing! I particularly like the color you were able to match for that. Really nice job on these.
Final pictures of my Transformers Generation 1 cartoon inspired Teletraan 1 diorama.
Autobots transform and roll out!
Yep, turned out awesome. Man I like this one.
Off to the front pages.
I've been commissioned to create a G.I.JOE Classifieds diorama for Cobra Commander with a throne.
The diorama is to be 45 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm, I'm not sure whether to 80's cartoon or to take inspiration from the game?
While I decide I'm going to start work on the throne. Using foam board I have created the basic structure and have finished for day by using PVA glue to fix two pieces together for the back of the throne.
I don't collect much GI Joes but this looks great.
That throne is already look awesome.
Off to the front pages.
Shaping the back of the throne to look like the head of a King Cobra. I’ve been using a dremmel to shape and sand the head. It’s turning out rather well!
I just need to shape the throne but I have made sure there is a gap between the chair and the back to slip the Commander’s cloak through to help him sit better.
Very nice. That is looking awesome already.
Off to the front pages.
Finished the build on this throne by carving scales into the back of the Cobra head. Shaping the seat so it doesn't look like a couple of blocks and embedded a Cobra symbol under the seat.
With this done I can now start to build the diorama.
That is one awesome looking Cobra Throne. Off to the front pages.
The throne turned out spectacular. So much detail, it looks really great and you should be pleased!
The pieces of foamboard cut, glued together and magnetic strip added. I have pencilled on all the brick work and the next step will be carving the stone work and adding a plinth for the throne to sit on.
Making progress. Very nice.
Off to share on the front pages.
The outline of the bricks have been scored, I've raised the throne from the floor using a piece of 6 mm board and scored stone work into it. I've also cut and scored two stone pillars to frame the throne in the centre of the room.
Next step is to add detail into the stone walls and floor.
You are definitely making nice progress.
Off to share your update on the front pages.
Damn buddy that throne is looking awesome.
Really impressive!
After a busy few days of merriment, time to return to building. After reading and watching classic Joe cartoons and comics, I realised what was missing from this. A computer console for Cobra Commander to use and gloat as he calls the world leaders with his latest threat of world domination!
Nice computer console. That definitely works well.
Off to share the update on the front pages.
The console looks excellent. And you are right, it really adds something to the scene. I haven't watched those old cartoons in years, but I certainly remember the "gloat" part :) Great job!
Now the holiday season is over, I found the time to finish off the throne room build. Once I've caught up with the day job, I'll get this painted.
Looks great to me.
Back to the front pages.
I've undercoated the model using Chalkboard spray paint because it doesn't eat the foam as ordinary acrylic spray paint does. The console I have been base coated with l airbrush gunmetal grey and the throne is airbrushed with green gold.
Oh yeah, looking good.
Off to share on the front pages.
I have almost finished painting the throne and keyboard. Once the base coat dried, the inner hood scales were airbrushed with a light green, the centre with red and the outer and head airbrushed with a light green/gold. The chair frame was then airbrushed with the light green/gold and with red for the cushions. I highlighted and edged the throne with Games Workshops liberator gold and wild rider red, the Cobras eyes, symbol and fangs were painted, layered and edged.
The console I've added a a dark blue wash into the crevasses, between keys, painted soom of the buttons and dials and then painted the edges of the the console.
This is really looking great. You have to be stoked.
Off to the front pages.
Completed the painting of the walls and floor today. Using a sponge to speckle different tones of grey paint over the walls and floor. Mixing up a lighter grey to dry brush the model.
Before I add a few finishing touches I have done a few action action shots.
Now this is just looking great.
Back to share on the front pages.
I can't read his console! I want to know the plan for world domination! Truly inspired work on this. The whole room is coming together beautifully. This is really top notch artistry. Thanks for sharing!
Finished the final touches by dry brushing a light grey over areas of the floor and walls. I've added a couple of banners for either side of the throne and a couple of decals for the monitors.
Just need to add figures for my final pictures.
Before I do my final pictures, I was a little fun with this last night, I hope you like it.
Final pictures are now live.
Thank you for looking.
A few more for you
Some more
Sorry final two, I took so many pictures it was hard to leave any out
That is one fantastic dio.
Off to share on the front pages.
Awesome dio buddy and the details are excellent.
Final product is amazing, and I love the diagrams on the monitors. Outstanding work!
To start this years new builds I'm creating four Star Wars displays, like the ones I built last year. These pieces will be themed around Nevarro, they can be individually displayed or placed alongside each other to make a street scene.
The measurements are 12" × 9" x 6", it's made entirely out of foam board, for each piece I have glued two pieces of 10 mm and 6 mm on the wall using PVA glue. When it's dried, I'll cut off the excess and sand it down before cutting out doorways and adding facial features.
Oh yeah, that sounds great.
Off to share on the front pages.
Looking goood! Your door looks great, I always have trouble with doors.
I'm really excited for this. It's already looking good.
The first of the Nevarro diorama displays is now built. Three more to go
After sanding down the sides, I have cut out a doorway, using a piece of 6 mm foam for the door. I cut various lengths of foam for the surrounding decor, scored out the detail on the door.
Nice! I'm looking forward to see the new pieces ;)
These are gonna turn out as nice as your ones last year. Very nice!
Off to share the update on the front pages.
The second Nevarro is almost finished. Before I can fix it to the base, I need to sand the bottom, glue the extra detail onto the fascia and the score the door.
Just a couple of things to add onto the second one, then on with the 3.75".
Nice, very nice. I like your plan too.
Off to the front pages.
Coming right along. Might be the coolest one yet
Wow! Amazing!
These are looking really good. I love the way you score the foam for detail. The discs on the wall add some great texture.
Finished the door on the second diorama, this is now ready to be painted.
I've been asked to make the next two diorama displays for 3.75" figures. These again based on Nevarro from The Mandalorian series.
The measurements are 12" x 9" x 6" but doors scaled for 3.75" Star Wars figures. Kyle Katarn is modelling the first of the completed two.
Damn mate your foam work is excellent.
Damn mate your foam work is excellent.
Thanks bud 😁
Wow, you are really cranking these out. They look great.
Off to share your update on the front pages.
These look awesome
I finished the build of the second facade, with cutting in a door on the left, adding strips of foam to create the overall facade look. I added an extra layer of 6 mm foam with an oval window then scoring in shutters onto the underneath layer.
Instead of making these as two seperate pieces like the other two, I decided to make these pieces interlocking. I made a new piece of flooring with the top layer a half an inch longer then on the other piece I cut half an inch off the top layer. Simple but effective.
All that needs to be done now is to glue the facades to the floor and then they are all ready to be undercoated.
Wow, you are really getting these done. I like the interlocking part.
Off to share on the front pages.
Inspiring work! I need to get back it!
After applying a black undercoat I have base coated the four pieces with a light grey using my airbrush.
I have also given my website a face lift, let me know your thoughts on the new look.
Nice, update. Off to share it on the front pages.
Looks nice. The webpage makeover turned out alright. Links seem to be working good.
Looks nice. The webpage makeover turned out alright. Links seem to be working good.
Thank you so much!
Looking really good. Its so great to watch your progress, and helpful too.
Using my airbrush to apply different tones of grey over the these pieces. Applying gunmetal grey to the doors of the larger pieces, a brown and metallic brown doors to the smaller dioramas. I would like to darken the floor and still need to finish the doors before calling these complete.
A few more pictures
Wow, these are coming along great. Off to share the update.
I wasn't happy with floor of the 3.75", using scenic foliage and stone on a base of pva glue. I have shaded the crevices of the doors and windows and edged the walls. I have just some final touches to do and these will be completed.
A few more pictures for you.
Ah 3.75”, so much more oppurtunities for dios!
Looking great bud.
Nice! I really like the ground cover.
For the 6" dioramas I have added scenic foliage to the base, exactly like I have done for the other two. I have also added a layer of fine grain sand to fill up the the crevices. I have also painted and a couple of straws and glued them to sides of the two 6" dioramas.
When the glue on the floor has dried, I will apply another layer over the top binding the stone, sand and foliage together.
Nice updates on both.
Off to share on the front pages.
I have finished these two scaled for 6" figure. I completed this piece by spraying adhesive over the floor and dry brushing the pipes and doors.
Each can be individually displayed or placed alongside each other to make a street scene. The measurements are 12" × 9" x 6" perfect to pose you Star Wars Black Series and create a scene from The Mandalorian.
Looking good.
Off to share on the front pages.
Nice! Those straws add an extra layer of realism.
I know I said I was finished with the 6" build. Well I decided one of them need a awning and each door needed a panel.
Final pictures to follow.
Finished the 3.75" pieces, just need to take final pictures and then these can be shipped to their new owner.
Before I do my final pictures, I combined all four together to recreate a scene from the first Mandalorian episode.
Totally awesome! I love the combined shots. The awning turned out good.
You can read my comments on the front pages. I love the idea of how you can do all kinds of different things with these. Bravo sir.
This amazing! Great work!
Before doing the final pictures, it's time to start the next one.
I've been commissioned to build a small Star Wars diorama, measurements 5" × 5" × 5" for a 3.75" figure. I have been give free reign on what it can be off in Star Wars, my client told me he wanted this for his Black Series Clone Commander Wolffe wearing specializes desert gear, I am going to base this diorama around the figure’s appearance in Star Wars The Clone series.
This piece will is made from underfloor insulation foam board and measurement are 5? x 5? x 5?. I have started by cutting the pieces the required which are a floor with two side. The side pieces are two pieces of 10 mm and 6 mm glued together with PVA. After they have dried I will start carving stone work into the them.
Wow, you definitely don't let the grass grow under your feet. Nice one. Off to share.
As I shake my head that Cara Dune talked herself out of a job.
Final pictures of the 3.75" version of Nevarro Display Dioramas.
Final pictures of the 6" version of Nevarro Display Dioramas.
These both turned out very nice. Off to share the final pictures on the front pages.
The build is now complete for this diorama. I have etched brick work and cracks into the floor and walls. The edges need sanding before this can be painted.
I've been asked to build 5 Imperial Crates for a client. Each crate measures 3"× 3"× 3" and is made from foam board glued together with hot glue. I've made 2 tester crates to see how they turn out, they will work lovely against my Nevarro set when I've fished them.
Wow, two great updates. I like them both. Those crates look good.
Off to the front pages.
Thanks mate
- much good stuff here. I really like how the crates turned out. How'd you get the "bevel" between layers? These modular dioramas are such a great idea and this last round looks really great.
- much good stuff here. I really like how the crates turned out. How'd you get the "bevel" between layers? These modular dioramas are such a great idea and this last round looks really great.
Thank you so much!
I drew them on before glueing the pieces together, when I make the others I will do some detailed pictures for you.
After undercoating this piece, I've base coated with a medium grey using my airbrush. Used a lighter grey for the oval shapes and tiles on the floor and areas of the walls. I have also used a dark blue shade for the floor between the ovals and inside the skirting boards.
The plan next is dirty and age the walls and floor.
I have now completed this commissioned piece. I used a brown wash over the floor and walls, after which I dry brushed over the entire diorama using a light grey.
Wow, great work. I like it.
Off to share on the front pages.
Damn that tile work looks great!
That turned out very nice. A proper display for many subjects.
Final pictures are now live and this piece is ready to be shipped to it's new home.
Another excellent piece mate.
Another excellent piece mate.
Thank you Ron 😊
I agree with Ron. It looks awesome.
Off to the front pages.
I really like the details on this one. The oval floor deco is really cool and so is the stone/concrete "baseboard." The cracks turned out really well. This is a great piece, your client should be really happy.
Thanks for all the in-progress shots! I definitely take inspiration from those shots.
Starting a new diorama, this piece will be a corridor in a temple or castle. It measures 11" x 30" x 9", it will be able to split into two separate pieces or kept as one piece.
A little bit of work done this morning, I've cut two doorways, cut a couple of door frames and glued them into the place. Once the glue has dried I will start adding the brick work.
I loved seeing the MOTU Items on the pegs. So almost started collecting it.
Nice start. Off to share the update.
Nice! Its going to be great to see how this develops. I'm excited to see the process and the product.
I've drawn on the brick work to the floor and walls and now started to carve them into the foam.
Looking good. I like it.
Off to share.
The brick work looks really good. Amazing what a difference it makes.
Thanks mate, I'll be posting in a bit with more pictures of the other side and the floor. The pictures I took last night are pretty poor.
Finished off carving the brickwork into the walls and floor. The next step is to start adding more detail like wall braces and columns so it doesn't look like a big brick room.
Wow, you are making great progress. Off to share your update on the front pages.
Looks great!
I've added an archway to hide the join on the wall. I decided I wanted to add a couple of extentions which would also double up as two separate pieces. The idea is not only for display but also for taking action shots and not having to cover up the doors with black.
To start I carved the brick pattern to the otherwise of the side door panel and added a doorframe to it. I cut and glued together 2 x 10mm 4" x 9" pieces for the floor and glued them together. I cut out two wall pieces and carved out the brick pattern onto them and then carved out the floor pattern.
Just need to do the same for the second door.
Wow, that really gives it a nice look and hides a join at the same time. Very nice.
Off to the front pages.
I've built the second extension which can also act as a separate diorama as well.
The next step is to start adding cracks to walls and floors before I can undercoat this piece.
Today has been spent carving cracks and blemishes onto the walls and floor, then shaping each of the four doorframes.
Next steps, I am thinking of adding a pelmet around all four pieces before adding four plinths for the main hall.
I love all the different display possibilities with this one. Your rock work is so nice too. I could see you doing a full 6" Castle Greyskull. Now that would be an undertaking. With your rock work skills though I bet you could do it up right.
Nice update. Off to the front pages.
I have added coving around the walls, made up of individual pieces. I just need to trim the tops of the extension pieces and this (I think but don't quote me!) completes the build except for the five plinths I want to add but I think I can now start to paint this.
Looks pretty awesome to me. Love how it looks with those He Man figures in it already.
Off to share your update on the front pages.
I really like this design! The beveled top stones look cool and I love how you included the hallway off the back to maintain the continuity of the diorama. Brilliant work!
Before undercoating, I added the coving to the edges of each of the walls. Then using a scrunched up ball of tin foil I pressed it against all the stone surfaces which gave some lovely “stone” impressions. After that, I undercoated using black poster paint.
I've started applying the basecoat with a sponge, just letting this dry before finishing off the last remaining walls before adding a second layer.
This is adding so much definition to the already great walls. It is looking stellar. This will work with so many AF Lines too.
Off to share the update.
That looks great. It is really bringing out the texture of the walls.
Finished off painting the two walls, while they dried I then dry brushed the floors and coving with a light grey. Using a dark wash on all blemished stonework and random slab or brick.
It is really looking great and I thought it looked awesome before you paint work. I am pretty astounded as to how you are bringing the stone detail out with this paint.
Off to share on the front pages.
Applied a final dry brush coat, this completes the painting of the set. It's now time to build and paint the accessories for this piece.
Like I said it looks great. Interest to see what you build to go with this.
Off to the front pages.
With the painting completed, I still felt like this piece needed something more to bring it home. To start I ordered a LED kit, I created a parallel circuit with 5 flickering LEDs so you can guess what these are going to be used for? Then using mulliput I have so far created two wall torches.
Using mulliput I have created two give wall torches. To see how it looks, I have loosely mounted them on the walk, either side of the throne. The idea is, I will have one in each corridor and the fifth next to the doorway leading to the back corridor.
Now this is gonna be great. That lighting is perfect.
Off to share your update on the front pages.
I've spent making and painting the accessories for this piece. First I have cast vintage Masters of the Universe weapons and a skeletal face (which I have used before). I've painted them and loosely placed them in areas I am thinking of having them.
Second I bought a couple of Dungeons and Dragons miniatures which I am using as statues on plinths, these I have painted grey, shaded them, and then dry brushed two lighter greys over the top.
Thirdly I have made three more torch lanterns, once they have cured then I can paint them and fix them to the walls.
Almost getting there with this piece.
You are really doing a great job with this one.
Off to share your update.
I don't know nothing about MotU, but I know this is one stellar diorama setup, Richard! Wow! Love those walls, arches and the throne!
Can I say, "EPIC"? The torches Are a great idea and the two "test" torches look really good. Using the D &D minis for statues is brilliant. What a great concept. Looking forward to the final product.
To make all the torches reach the breadboard, I have extended the cables of each of the torches. The next step is to cover the soldered joins with shrink wrap, fix the breadboard to the back of the tile and paint each torch.
I have cut two plinths 1" x 3.5" which work with either 5.5" and 7" MOTU figures when the miniatures are places on top. At the moment I have placed the plinths in a couple of places to see how they look before I start shaping each plinth.
Another great update. You are really bringing this one home.
Off to the front pages.
Today I've finished painting the plinths and then built a weapons rack based on the 80's Grayskull. Once that has been painted, it will mark the completion of this piece.
I know having a window right behind this model gives pictures and videos glare but I hope this video helps show off this piece. I will do a better video when I take my final pictures.
Wow this is awesome. Thanks for sharing it. Time to take it to the front pages.
I have finished painting the weapons rack and this marks the completion of the diorama. I will get my usual final pictures done in the next couple of days.
Nice weapons rack. Each little detail just amps this all up. Just great work here.
Off to the front pages.
That's pretty awesome! I love the plinths and the weapons racks look great.
The final pictures are now complete and live.
4 more pictures.
Final 4.
This is really great. Such a great build and process. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Off to the front pages.
Very cool, I also like the small statue on the corridor :)
It rocks! I still think the D&D minis was a brilliant idea, but the whole project turned out amazing.
Thank you so much indeed everyone!
Today I've started a new diorama and again it's going to be another "small" piece. This piece will be a loading area at a warehouse, it's scaled for 6" figures and to model for me this evening will be Marvels Logan and Deadpool. I have cut the foam to make the basic shape, I am now cutting the extra layers for the walls and glueing them together. The next step is to do the same for the two buildings and marking out the brickwork.
Oh yeah, off to a great start already.
Off to share this on the front pages.
With the wall pieces dried, I added a second layer of form for each of the building towers and then left them to dry under the pressure of few weighted comic books.
I then marked and scored out the brickwork on the three other pieces, modelled before you with Deadpool, who as you can see was having a little too much fun! The centre wall I have cut out a doorway. When the other two pieces have dried I will score the brickwork and cut out the doors and windows. When the overall structure is worked out, then I will start making the floor.
Wow, already have the brick work done. You are moving. Looks good.
Off to share on the front pages.
Today I scored the bricks on both buildings, adding doors and windows into the left of e and cut out what will be a closed Dock door into the second. Created a raised platform to surround the front of the right building. The next step is to create an inside wall for the left building and roofs for both of them before working out the floor.
You are moving quick on this one.
Off to share on the front pages.
Whew - I'm out of the loop for a couple of days and you've already got a whole new building! I like the design on this and its shaping up really well. Plus, you are having a lot of fun with the "modeling" pictures.
Whew - I'm out of the loop for a couple of days and you've already got a whole new building! I like the design on this and its shaping up really well. Plus, you are having a lot of fun with the "modeling" pictures.
Thanks very much. What can I say, I enjoy my work lol
I've cut the foam for the inside wall of the left building because I've added windows and doors, I've added brickwork to the interior walls. Sanded down raised area outside the right building and glued the two pieces of that building together. I've added some corrugated card for dock doors, even added a little card to the top door.
I woke up at 4:30 this morning and carried on for a couple of hours (boy is today going to be a long day!)
The two buildings have been glued together and the bricks weathered. The door frame on the left of the building has been widened and roofs added to both of them.
The next steps are to weather the other walls and maybe adding a corrugated roof to the central wall and work on the floor.
Absolutely loving the way this is turning out mate.
Absolutely loving the way this is turning out mate.
Thanks bud :)
Wow, I woke up early and did the ole try to go back to sleep, but I can see you used your time wisely. Very nice.
Back to the front pages.
This is coming together nicely. I like the doors. Hope you can manage to stay awake today:)
This is coming together nicely. I like the doors. Hope you can manage to stay awake today:)
I got all the way to 21:45 and then crashed watching TV lol
I finished weathering the brickwork and added a corrugated roof to the centre wall. I have also cut a foam base to which I need to add a manhole cover, cracks in the concrete etc. I also need to add a door and window frames to the left building, before I can start painting.
Time to add the models!
I really liked the Temple Corridor already and I appreciate the idea of a warehouse dock as the next project of yours. This is such a cool structure for your diorama. Your one of the Masters of the Walls and definitely God of scale walls! The profile of them looks amazing every time.
Your collection of projects shows how awesome the results can get when you focus on one type of dioramas, which are buildings. I once made a house in 1/24 scale. I could share them here if you'd like to see it.
I really liked the Temple Corridor already and I appreciate the idea of a warehouse dock as the next project of yours. This is such a cool structure for your diorama. Your one of the Masters of the Walls and definitely God of scale walls! The profile of them looks amazing every time.
Your collection of projects shows how awesome the results can get when you focus on one type of dioramas, which are buildings. I once made a house in 1/24 scale. I could share them here if you'd like to see it.
Thank you so much. The next set of diorama's I am thinking of doing is going to be oriental based, I want to try a different architectural style and smaller than this current build.
Wow you are moving fast on this one. It looks great.
Off to share the update on the front pages.
Looks great! I really like the corrugated roof (and Spidey, too!).
I have done a little more work on the buildings, by sanding up the edges, adding a few accessories like steps to the loading ramp, window frames and a working door to the left building.
Nice, time to go get this update on the front pages.
After I marked out the base I applied a black undercoat to all pieces. Once that dried I sponged on the first coat of light grey onto the floor and a darker grey over the right building and steps. I am thinking of painting the rest of the stonework brown/red.
Looks great to me. You are doing this one up quickly too.
Off to the front pages.
Very cool edification.
I really like how the "floor" turned out - it looks great!
Can't you just see ole Jonah Jameson yelling out the window at Spiderman or some turtles waiting on a pizza delivery.
I like how most of your dioramas will fit so many different genres.
I've base coated the other walls with burnt sienna applied with a sponge, when it had dried I added a darker second layer. I sponged a lighter grey on the floor, the sewer cover was painted a metallic grey and when dry a black wash over the top. The roof of the left building and the top of the garage door of the middle panel painted with a light grey and the floor of the left building base coated with a light brown. The corrugated roof and doors were painted with metallic grey, when they are dry I'll apply a black wash.
Can't you just see ole Jonah Jameson yelling out the window at Spiderman or some turtles waiting on a pizza delivery.
I like how most of your dioramas will fit so many different genres.
Funny you should say that Tamer!
I originally built this piece for Marvel Legends but this set is perfect for most 6" figures as demonstrated using G.I.Joe Classified figures as well as Marvel Legends.
The next steps are to apply washes to walls and floor.
I have used a black wash over the light grey building and over the silver-painted corrugated. I used a brown wash over the corrugated roof and over certain bricks, I used the brown wash on the raised dock platform, brick walls and the steps. Finally, I dry brushed silver over the manhole cover and applied a dark wash into recesses on the floor.
The next steps are to apply the brown wash over the red walls, repair the window frame which was damaged while painting today, paint the window frames and door.
Looks great. I can see this one being fun with all kinds of lines.
Off to the front pages. Well, FB isn't working for me this morning for some reason. I keep getting a query error and there is no post button on the page.
With the bulk of the painting done, I've made accessories a steel girder jutting out of the left building, a junction box, a CCTV camera and an air-conditioning unit. Each piece made from a piece of scrap foam, sculpted, shaped and painted each device and glued all but the junction boxes still need some more work.
I finished applying a brown wash to the right build and dry brushed silver over the corrugated surfaces.
The next steps are to finish the junction box, add cables, finish washing the red walls before dry brushing all of the surfaces.
Amazing, just amazing! The manhole cover turned out really well, so did the junction box and other details. You have a great eye for paint colors, the different surfaces each look really excellent. This build just looks brilliant!
I agree with Starchaser! So many great looking details! At first I was wondering about the colorful gates, which reminded me of programming a videogame with such elements. The texture of those and the walls looks excellent!
My dad is a big fan of G scale model trains. I'm sure there are some fans in the UK as well. They'd certainly be interested in your buildings in 1/24 scale - maybe a new market for you?
Amazing, just amazing! The manhole cover turned out really well, so did the junction box and other details. You have a great eye for paint colors, the different surfaces each look really excellent. This build just looks brilliant!
Thank you so much mate, being red/green colour blind I am very self-conscious when it comes to colours and end up doing a lot of googling to get my mixes right.
I agree with Starchaser! So many great looking details! At first I was wondering about the colorful gates, which reminded me of programming a videogame with such elements. The texture of those and the walls looks excellent!
My dad is a big fan of G scale model trains. I'm sure there are some fans in the UK as well. They'd certainly be interested in your buildings in 1/24 scale - maybe a new market for you?
I should go back to painting miniatures and creating scenery for them. It's on the list of things to do but as you know, these lists keep getting longer!
Love how you dirtied this up a bit. Great updates.
Off to the front page.
I would never have guessed you were red/green color blind. You do a good job of working around it. Kudos to you sir.
I would never have guessed you were red/green color blind. You do a good job of working around it. Kudos to you sir.
Thanks Starchaser, if it wasn't for colours written on and google, I'd be a little stuck lol
I've added decals to the walls, cables to the junction which run up and across the wall to another junction box. I have added door handles to the left building door and then weathered the door. Each of the dock doors was given a switch and a cable running to the top of each door. I have dry brushed over the potholes on the floor.
All that is left to do is to add a drainpipe across the back wall.
I think I can run 1,450 ft/s when I'm in looney tunes mode. Still not enough? Well, all I can say is: these decals add a reall nice touch. This is top notch work! Love this building project!
I think I can run 1,450 ft/s when I'm in looney tunes mode. Still not enough? Well, all I can say is: these decals add a reall nice touch. This is top notch work! Love this building project!
Thank you kindly sir!
Great Looking Dio is all I have to say. Time to go to the front page.
I am still unable to paste to our FB Page, but plan on trying to figure it out this weekend.
That's amazing. I like it's evolving.
The final touches added and this piece is now completed and ready for me to take my final pictures. In the meantime, Cobra forces have taken over this warehouse.
Just looks fun to me.
Off to share on both front pages. So glad I got FB working for me again. Got a new phone and the authentification was the culprit.
Thanks Tamer. Technology is great when it works! ;D
It's a great building! The pictures are great too.
The final Pictures are now complete and live.
I took so many pictures and so hard to choose which ones too use!
A few more lol
Last lot, I promise!
This is definitely one of my favorite dios you have made. It will work with so many different lines.
Off to share on the front pages.
Well that turned out just spectacularly. I don't really know what else can be said.
I've started a new warehouse loading bay diorama, this one is a smaller cut-down version of my last diorama. This version will only consist of a back wall with a garage door and a sidewall with a smaller loading area.
So far I've cut the two walls, marked the brickwork, cut out the garage door, replacing it with the corrugated card. I've started to build an extension as I did previously.
The next steps will be a
To add the brickwork and cut out a smaller loading door with a loading ramp.
I've spent time today finishing marking out the brickwork in pencil and then using a fine head pottery tool to score into the foam. I cut in a smaller dock door and replaced the foam with the corrugated card, then gluing the three pieces together which will be glued to the wall at a later time. Like the previous warehouse diorama, I made an L-shaped dock ramp going around the small building using three pieces of 20mm foamboard, which are glued together using PVA glue.
The next steps are to make the steps to the ramp and weathering the bricks.
Moving right along. Looks good.
Off to the front pages.
I've tidied up the edges, added magnetic disks to hold this piece together, added a couple of steps to the loading platform. All that is left is to weather the bricks and floor before I can apply an undercoat.
Looks awesome to me. Off to share on the front pages.
I've finished this section of the build phase by weathering the surfaces of this model. It is now ready to be undercoated.
Looks great to me.
Off to share your update.
This is really looking good. You are doing great work building these cityscapes. Very inspiring!
After applying a black undercoat, I've sponged on a basecoat of burnt sienna and umber with a touch of white to the brickwork and an even lighter version to the base of both walls. The concrete areas were painted grey, also using a sponge and the area above both docks doors.
Once it's dry I can start adding the next coats and layering.
It's amazing to see how the wash adds so much depth to the brick wall and how the pigments highlight the texture of the floor. All these small details add all the realism to your dioramas. Thanks so much for taking the time for all the work-in-progress shots! You turn this one into another masterpiece!
It's amazing to see how the wash adds so much depth to the brick wall and how the pigments highlight the texture of the floor. All these small details add all the realism to your dioramas. Thanks so much for taking the time for all the work-in-progress shots! You turn this one into another masterpiece!
Thanks mate!
Another nice looking update.
Off to share on the front pages.
The sponge technique does wonders for making this realistic. I really like the cracking on the "floor." It looks really good so far.
Before repainting the bottom of the walls I mixed up a darker brown and sponged it over the brickwork. I used a black wash on the concrete area above the dock doors and cracks on the floor and concrete ramp.
Looks good. Back to the front pages.
This looks really good! It feels so "real." Kudos.
Today started with airbrushing the bottom of the walls with a light concrete airbrush paint, followed by airbrushing gunmetal grey on the two doors. When they were dry, I shaded the recesses of the walls and above the doors and dry brushed a light grey over them.
Using my airbrush I added a black wash followed by a brown wash over the doors and then a brown wash over the bottom of the walls.
I have added switches for the doors, built an air-conditioning unit, and painted a drainpipe. I also need to finish the floor and the concrete loading area.
Man, this is getting better every day! Looks most realistic now. Amazing work, Richard! You're the Master of Walls to me!
Man, this is getting better every day! Looks most realistic now. Amazing work, Richard! You're the Master of Walls to me!
Thank bud!
This looks really good! It feels so "real." Kudos.
Thanks mate, I hope you like the improvements then :-)
You have really gotten this one down. Off to share the update.
I finished painting today, using concrete grey airbrush paint on the docking ramp and a layer on the floor. Using a brown wash to add a couple of tyre tracks leading out of the dock door and weathered the docking ramp and steps. I dry brushed a light grey over the cracks on the ground and docking ramp. The drain pipe was painted gunmetal grey before been given a dark wash and then glued into place. The air conditioning unit was painted white, given a brown wash before being glued to the wall.
I am wondering if I should add a couple of decals to the walls and build a couple of wooden pallets?
you could have Wolverine shredding a Trump 2024 poster? LOL. Sorry.
Great update. It looks good. Love that pothole.
Off to share, but man my internet is so slow this morning.
you could have Wolverine shredding a Trump 2024 poster? LOL. Sorry.
Great update. It looks good. Love that pothole.
Off to share, but man my internet is so slow this morning.
Very true he could or in my case it would Boris Johnson posters ;D but either works lol
LOL. Touche.
Your diorama looks awesome to me.
LOL. Touche.
Your diorama looks awesome to me.
Thanks Tamer
I really like it. I'm not sure I'd go with decals, but the pallets make a lot of sense, and maybe an exit sign? I don't think, however, that you need to do anything.
Today I tried my hand at a paper weathering technique introduced to me by another builder. I printed off my signs and laid the paper in a roasting pan while waiting for the kettle to boil. I brewed a jug of tea while making myself the all-important morning coffee (yes I have a branded mug 😄).
While the tea brewed I have oven warming to 200 degrees and I play Lego Superheroes 2. After about 10 minutes I pour the tea into the pan and return to my game for 15 minutes. I dispose of the tea at the allotted time and pop the pan into the oven for 15 minutes and return to my game.
When the timer goes, I take the pan out of the oven and the paper is cooked. I have to admit the paper looks great for a treasure map but the next time I do this, I won't let the tea stew for as long.
I cut the signs I want out and glue them to the diorama using PVA glue. I was going to make a pallet and a barrel to go with this piece but I feel that this would just crowd this piece. Therefore I believe this piece is now finished, my final pictures are to follow.
Those signs are awesome. Just enough of a touch to give it added realism. Thanks for showing us your process.
Off to the front pages.
The signs look really good. I can see what you mean by pallets and barrels crowding the scene. Thanks for sharing the "aging" process - hope you didn't use an expensive tea:)
At the time of this writing, I have been summoned for Jury Service which is why it has taken me over a week to post these pictures.
I have used three different toy genre's show that this is an all-around piece for most toy lines.
This is just another great diorama that lends itself to so many different action figure lines. I hope your jury duty goes quickly and you can get back to some new projects.
Off to share!
The dio turned out great.
The weathering looks very realistic.
The final product is fantastic! I like that you showed different properties with it, they all work well. You're only missing Ghostbusters:)
For the past 3 weeks, I have been on jury service with another 2 weeks still to go! Because of that, I have not been in the right frame of mind to build and wanted to be near my family (not a fun trial!) Today I broke that mindset and started up on my latest commission piece. I've been asked to build a rooftop to fit a deltof.
This morning before leaving for court I cut the four side pieces (2 14" x 6" & 2 12" x 6") with another four to which were glued onto the first four. When I returned this evening, I cut notches into the two larger walls, added magnetic tape, and added the side pieces. Notches were cut into the inner pieces and a roof piece cut giving me the basic shape to work on.
The next steps are to build a ledger running around the top before starting on the brickwork.
Sounds like an awful trial. Hope you can get through that mentally sound.
Nice start on the new dio. Off to the front pages.
Thanks mate, it is not a pleasant one but luckily we have been given a paid day off from the trial and look what I got up to!
I've had a productive afternoon with my day off on this build. I started off by adding the initial brick lines going around the sides of the build. Then to hide the gap caused by using magnetic tape, I have added cornerstones to each side using a 6 mm foam board cut to 1" × 1" and 2" x 1".
I then added the rooftop ledge, 4 pieces of 30 mm board cut to 1.5" running the length of each piece. Once they were glued into place, I marked and scored out the brickwork and weathered them.
The next steps will be to add a rooftop building and work out how it will fix the base before finishing the underneath of the base.
Wow, that is looking great! I really like the two-tone corner block pattern a lot. Glad you were able to get a "break" day. Jury is hard because you can see the very worst of people up-close and personal, its heartbreaking.
Your brickwork is just fantastic. It just looks real.
Off to share your latest update on the front pages.
I agree, the pictures you shared on June 10 really impress me as well! You such a fine work on these walls and inspire me to start a similar project as soon as my latest order from China ( arrives.
Excellent job on this platform!
Due to the nature of the trial I'm on, I've not been in the mindset to build when I get home, I've just wanted to be surrounded by my wife and daughter! This morning is a late start for court and gave me the inspiration I needed to pick up some foam and a knife.
To start I've added another layer of foam to the underneath of the roof and carved slabs into the roof. I then started making the rooftop building, which I will leave free standing to give my client to a place where he would like to suit his deltof. The size of the building will be once the roof is 5" x 7.5" x 4". It'll be a single piece with a static door and frame and have brick carved into it. Before leaving this morning I managed to start the brickwork and add a doorframe to the front piece.
I've completed the brickwork on the small building and added a roof, once it is painted I'll add an electrical box to the side. To finish I have added a smaller (what will be an air duct/chimney), again free standing for my client to a place where he wants. I ran out of time last night to add brickwork to it, this will be quickly sorted before I undercoat the piece.
Wow, you have gotten a lot of work done on this since I have been gone on a small vacation. Very nice.
Off to the front pages.
Now the 6-week trial I was a juror for has finally concluded, I have taken today off to unwind and catch up with this piece.
Last weekend I undercoated it with black poster paint, it's cheap and wanted to see how it would work as an undercoat. Yesterday after coming home, I sponged on a deep red/brown mix over all of the brickwork and left it to dry overnight. This morning I used a muddy brown wash over areas of the brickwork and selected bricks. After it dried I painted some fresh mortar around some of the bricks and then dry brushed a paler brown over the brickwork. Once dry, I have then painted the cornerstones and ledge with a light grey.
There are more WIP pictures on my website.
Looks nice to me. Off to share it on the front pages.
Glad you survived your jury duty.
I have finished painting this piece all that is left to do is add a couple of accessories and then this piece will be completed.
What I did to complete the painting was with the walls, I added a black wash to all grey bricks and ledge, when it was dry I dry brushed a light grey over it. The three unpainted areas were painted with a dark grey, which was then lighted with a lighter grey, sponged over the top. I finished off by sponging on a muddy brown wash over the areas of the model and blended them.
This is really looking nice. Off to share on the front pages.
I've decided to call time on this build, bless my client for having to put up with having to wait so long while I was on jury service for 6 weeks, I don't want to drag this out for him. The added extras are an electrical box with cables running up and down to the right of the door with a couple of decals added.
I've had many requests for pictures of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to be included so I hate to disappoint 😉 along with a couple of Wolverine and Spidey pictures
My final pictures will follow.
Looks awesome to me. Off to share on the front pages.
Great work as always!!! Looks perfect for display especially with TMNT
The final Pictures are complete and live.
The final Pictures are complete and live.
Very nice. This turned out great. Yet another diorama that could be used with multiple AF Lines.
Off to the front pages.
I've started a new display piece, being a lover of the X-Men and reading the comics and watching the cartoon series through the '90s. I recently bought Marvel Legends Weapon X figure and wanted to build a piece for this figure, to which I read the Barry Windsor Smith Weapon X series, watch X-Men 2, Wolverine Origins and X-Men Apocalypse and then while watching X-Men Animated I found the inspiration I wanted. So for this quick little piece, I'm making a wall from Weapon X, Lies and Videotape X-Men animated episode. This will also double up as a generic figure display (and my model to support this is MOTU Roboto)
This piece will consist (so far) of a wall with a locked door and a floor. The wall is measured 14" x 10".
The wall I have cut the door out, marked up the panelling on the wall, cut out a doorframe, adding a piece of foam board behind the wall and then adding detail for the locked door. I have also made a couple of wall details which I have not fixed onto the wall yet.
Wow, off to a great start already. I love the Weapon X story.
Off to share this on the front pages.
The rooftop turned out awesome! I'm looking forward to this next project, it's looking great so far.
The rooftop turned out awesome! I'm looking forward to this next project, it's looking great so far.
Thanks mate
Almost finished the construction of this build. I've scored the panelling into the wall, added the door lock and vent, then added some more wall decorations. I have added another layer of foam to the back to not only strengthen the wall but to add a lip which I'll add magnetic tape to join it to the base.
On the floor I have cut two pieces of 10mm foam board and glued them together, I then scored into the floor 2" x 2" panels.
Another fantastic wall profile there!
Looking good.
Off to the front pages.
Painting has begun now that the pieces
have been sanded. Once the black poster paint had
dried, I have base coated both pieces with a gunmetal
Later on, I will use different metal paints to pick out the
I've been painting the 1st layers on the wall today using a variety of metallic paints. I have a few touches to do for that wall before "dirtying" the wall and finishing the floor.
Wow, taking shape nicely. I like it.
Off to the front pages.
Thanks Tamer, it's just a quick and easy build before I start my next rooftop commission piece.
This piece is almost done, I've added buttons to the consoles, edged and dry brushed over the wall and door. All that is left to do is drybrush the floor and maybe add a brown wash in places to age this 🤔.
Nice. Very nice. Looks perfect if you ask me.
off to share on the front pages.
I dried brushed a dirty brown wash over the floor and up the wall and door to finish this piece off.
I dried brushed a dirty brown wash over the floor and up the wall and door to finish this piece off.
To complete this project I just need to do my final photos.
Looks great to me.
Off to share on the front pages.
Love that door! I'm going to have to figure out some industrial door for the 4th level (landing dock) of my big dio shelf, I may have to copy you. ;)
I have been commissioned by 3 clients all wanting rooftop dioramas, so I have cut out and started to prep 2 of them as the 3rd needs to be slightly larger than the original one I made. I've finished adding the magnetic tape and cutting the notches out on them both. I then cut the floor for both pieces and tomorrow I'll start adding the brickwork.
I've added the brickwork to the walls of the first rooftop, as I have previously each of the bricks are measured 1" x 0.5". Now with that finished it is time to cut out the cornerstones to mask the magnetic tape.
Love that door! I'm going to have to figure out some industrial door for the 4th level (landing dock) of my big dio shelf, I may have to copy you. ;)
Thanks mate and please copy away!
Your brick work just gets better and better. Nice.
Off to the front pages.
Well, I've been away for a bit and come back to see that you have posted some amazing pictures of yet more amazing work. I really appreciate the WIP images, I'm taking notes :) Everything is looking fantastic as usual.
Well, I've been away for a bit and come back to see that you have posted some amazing pictures of yet more amazing work. I really appreciate the WIP images, I'm taking notes :) Everything is looking fantastic as usual.
Thank you mate, I hope you'll enjoy the small up date to both!
Finished off the brickwork for the second rooftop then it was time to start cutting out the cornerstone pieces for both dioramas. 48 2"×1" pieces and 48 1"x1" pieces, I managed to attach 24 of each onto one model but I only managed one corner of the other before running out of time, to spend time with my family.
Each of the builds has its own webpage on my site, follow the links to see them both.
Very, very nice. Off to the front pages.
I really love how you use the foam cornerpieces to give dimension. They look great!
I really love how you use the foam cornerpieces to give dimension. They look great!
Thanks mate
I've finished off adding the cornerstones to the second piece. I then cut 8 strips of 30 mm foamboard of 1.5" in height and various lengths for the ledge of the rooftop. Each piece has been glued to a wall panel, which then creates a slot for the roof tile to slot into. All I need to do is add a second underlayer of foam for the roofs and add tile patterns to each before making the top buildings.
This is looking fantastic.
Back to the front pages. I could so see some type of sniper up on top of this roof too.
Nice update. The "header" looks really good.
I've made three rooftop entrance buildings as well as etching tiles onto the roof. I just have a couple of things to do before I can start painting these two and start the third rooftop.
The two rooftops are now drying in the sun of a new day after being sprayed with matt black paint. I've added a brick chimney to each rooftop and cut half an inch off one of the rooftops, which completes the build phase. This evening I'm planning on getting the first layer of brick paint done.
These are looking good to me.
Off to share on the front pages.
These look great! I like the chimneys and the rooftop doorways a lot. Nice to have sunshine for drying:)
Let the painting commence! For the brickwork of both pieces, I have sponged on a red/brown paint mix. Once that had dried, I have airbrushed cement paint over the cornerstones and rooftop ledge. For the other rooftop, I am thinking of using a light grey.
Man, this is looking great. Off to share the update.
Man, this is looking great. Off to share the update.
Thanks mate.
This is looking really incredible.
I agree, this looks rather impressive! One example of how much reward it can bring if one focuses on one specific theme. You've become such a specialist on brick walls and urban dioramas, that it's hard to tell whether those bricks are stone or foam.
I especially like the details on the chimney (last pic) and the beige/flat grey details on the right section. My mind is blown once again, Sir Richard!
I agree, this looks rather impressive! One example of how much reward it can bring if one focuses on one specific theme. You've become such a specialist on brick walls and urban dioramas, that it's hard to tell whether those bricks are stone or foam.
I especially like the details on the chimney (last pic) and the beige/flat grey details on the right section. My mind is blown once again, Sir Richard!
Thank you mate, it means a lot!
This is looking really incredible.
Thanks bud!
I've airbrushed a neutral grey to the cornerstones and rooftop ledge on one rooftop. On the other rooftop, I airbrushed concrete to the inside of the rooftop ledge. After they had both dried, I applied the 2nd coat of paint to the brick, which also covered up any overspray from the airbrush. Using I brown wash, I coated the concrete cornerstones and ledge and then painted random brick on both models with the wash.
The next steps will be to paint the floors and roofs before adding a dark wash to the grey cornerstones and ledge.
The other unpainted building is for the next commissioned rooftop.
These just look great to me. So much fun for so many different AF lines.
Back to the front pages.
I really like that paint job. Makes sense to "batch" the work so you've got "product" for future commissions (if yo have room to store them).
I'm now on the last leg of painting these two! I have dry brushed each of the four walls of each building and chimney using a light grey. I have painted each door with magnolia which will be washed down or painted over (not sure right now) and then painted the roofs by sponging on a light grey and while the paint was still wet, I sponged on a dark grey and then left to dry in the afternoon's sun.
The final touches for painting will be finishing off both the smaller building and adding electrical boxes to complete the builds and begin the next rooftop.
They look great to me!
Off to share on the front pages.
Looks great!
Apologies for the very late reply to everything but for the past month my work life had taken over and the only thing I had time for was painting miniatures in between meetings, which I'll post later about. In the meantime here are the final pictures for 3 dioramas and a WIP of another rooftop.
First off is the Weapon X diorama I did.
Final pictures of one of the rooftops.
The final pictures of the next rooftop.
And lastly WIP of the next rooftop diorama, this one is larger than the others and is 16.6" x 16" x 16". As you can see it is well underway. Yesterday I've added a border around the base and then added the brickwork, upon completion I added the cornerstones to each corner, cut out the roof floor before finishing off for today by adding the rooftop ledge. I just have a few bits I need to do and then I can start painting.
Nice, I have been wondering what you were up too.
Off to the front pages.
Good to see you check in! That lab entrance really looks good. I really like the stripes that you painted on the door and how the pocket doors don't close into a simple straight line. You have really figured out how to do these rooftops, too. They're great!
Love that Weapon X Entrance!
I am starting work on a personal project, something I have wanted to do for quite a while but have never gotten around to doing. I am going to do build an Arkham Asylum diorama, drawing inspiration from the 2009 Arkham Asylum video game. My idea is to build 2 cells with an adjoining corridor.
I am starting with the first cell, this one will be stylised for the Riddler. Sorry, his figure has not arrived yet so, for now, Mr J is modelling for you. The measurements for the cell is 10" (h) x 10" (d) x 8" (w) and another cell will be the same dimensions. I have cut 3 pieces of 6mm foam board to the dimensions I've mentioned (these will later be stuck onto thicker pieces of foam). For the tiles, I have used a piece of card and glued it onto the foam. If this does not work then I'll just cut another couple of pieces of foam.
Oh yeah, off to a great start. Time to go share this on the front pages.
I like the look of some of the new Batman characters.
This will be a fun project to watch. I'll be curious to see how you feel about your card brick application.
I've spent today cutting foam and working out the overall layout of this piece. Glueing the two 6mm cell floors that I cut earlier onto a base of 20mm foam board, then adding a longer piece of 6mm foam board as the corridor floor. Glueing the wall pieces onto the outer walls and finishing for the day by cutting out the wall between the two cells.
The next step is the cut the wall which will house the cells doors and the sidewall for the second cell.
Looks great to me. Progress!
Off to share your update on the front pages.
I started painting this commissioned rooftop diorama. Earlier this week base coated this piece with black spray paint, today I painted the bricks, cornerstones and edges. Once these had dried, I painted random brick on each of the walls and the rooftop building with a brown wash. The next step will be to start weathering the grey brickwork.
You are reallying getting great with these rooftop themes.
Off to share on the front pages.
Both of these last two updates are great. I really appreciate the quality of your craftsmanship.
Both of these last two updates are great. I really appreciate the quality of your craftsmanship.
Thank you so much Starchaser!
Final pictures are now live on my website, and this piece is now ready to be boxed and shipped out to its new owner.
A few more pictures for you.
Gone back to my Arkham diorama today, I have finished cutting the two final walls and added an extra layer at the back of the corridor. My next step is to cut the cell doors, which (due to the scale of this piece) will be just larger than the Arkham 7" figures and not the size that they are in the game. Needs must and I have yet to work out what to do with this once I have built it lol.
I have been wondering what you were up too.
Let me go get these updates on the front pages!
Apologies, I've been snowed under with work so all of this got pushed to one side :-(
Apologize for what? Life is what life is bud. I am just glad to see you are still good and creating awesome stuff!
Thanks pal, so much work to do and not enough time for modelling - Damnit ;D
I've been doing a little more work on the Asylum piece. I've added brickwork to the right wall of Two Faces cell, tile work to both cell floors. I've started to etch out a security door to the end of the corridor and cut out the two cell doors. This is starting to take shape.
Progress. Very nice.
Off to share on the front pages.
After another week with the office, I found time to do a bit more structural work with this piece. I have added what will be two cell doors that can be found within the game. I had added another layer of 6 mm foam to the floor outside of the cellblock, raising the floor to match the level of the floor. An extra layer of 6 mm foam was added to the front wall to hide the join between the cell doors and the front-facing wall.
My next step is to start shaping the two cell doors and adding tiles to the floors
Oh yeah, more progress. I like it.
Off to share on the front pages.
I am having a little builder block with my Arkham Asylum diorama. So I'd thought I'd through together a small ruin piece, it's going to be a single figure display piece. Right now I'm still working on the overall structure before I start carving in brickwork.
The base of this build is a small box shape comprised of a 20 mm base piece 7.8" x 5", a 20 mm back wall of 6.9" x 8.7" and two side walls 5" x 8.7". I have also made two pillars which are made using corrugated cards glued onto kitchen rolls.
Oh yeah, look great. Thats what I would call a great way to get over your block.
Off to share on the front pages.
Thanks Shawn
I have glued all of the pieces for the pillars together, marked out and etched in the brickwork and added a layer of 6 mm foam board to the base. When that is dry I will etch in the stone slabs, before deciding on what to do for the roof.
Nice. Off to share on the front pages.
I've started to make it look more like a ruin by cutting individual bricks out from the walls. I cut out a couple of pieces of foam to sit on top of the pillars, the exact name of it I am not sure what it would be called. If anyone does, please let me know! Using some scrap pieces I made a couple of rocks that need rounding off, just to see what they would look like next.
I've etched it brickwork into the top of the pillars and aged the bases of each pillar and the floor. I am now in two minds whether to add an external layer of foam to the two side walls and etch external brickwork and then whether to have solid walls or to match the external wall to the internal?
Instead of using The Phantom, today He-Man is the model.
Looks good on the front pages.
I've now completed this temple ruins build. First I added brickwork to the outside of the sidewalls, created a roof using 10 mm foamboard and then added 1" x 1" blocks around the edges. Using a hot wire cutter to carve out chunks from each block and then weathered them and external walls. I also carved a tile pattern on the underside of the ceiling.
I created a small set of steps to run along the outside of the temple and moulded one set of the rocks to fit over them. Each of these pieces has not been glued together, I've left it all separate to make it easier to paint before making this all a single piece diorama.
Looks good to me. Off to share on the front pages.
In the home stretch.
Amazing work!
The dio looks great.
I like the pillars.
I've started painting. First I have given it a black undercoat and once it had dried, I mixed up a light grey with a touch of blue acrylic mix then taking a sponge I dabbed the paint over the model.
My next step once the paint dries is to apply a black wash over the stone before dry brushing.
Looks awesome to me.
Off to share on the front pages.
Looks excellent Richard.
WIP Update on my latest diorama, I added a black wash over the entire piece, when it dried I dried brush a light grey over all surfaces.
With the painting of the ruin complete, it's time to start on the extras like broken bricks and gravel on the floor.
Love those pillars, RCW! What a beauty of scenery. Can't tell how much i like your style of dioramas, man.
Love the statue in this. So awesome!
Off to the front pages.
Love those pillars, RCW! What a beauty of scenery. Can't tell how much i like your style of dioramas, man.
Thank you so much mate!
Love the statue in this. So awesome!
Off to the front pages.
I cheated with the statue, it's a fish tank ornament I found on Amazon which goes really well with this piece.
Today I started working on the accessories and to make this look like a lost ruin temple. First using some of the broken bricks originally taken from the walls, I cut them down and rolled tin foil over them and then coated them in a base black coat. When they dried, I added the same grey that I used for the walls. When that's dried I will black wash them and then dry brush them.
Second I cut some pieces of string and coated them in a combination of black paint and modge podge. Then while they were still wet, I covered them with model foliage. While they started to dry, I added modge podge to areas of the walls and floor and added a combination of foliage and diorama basing stone to give it an old and overgrown vibe. Then I added the vines to the walls.
I'm going to let this dry before adding the foliage to the outside of the walls and glueing it all together.
This next set of pictures was taken while the glue was still drying and I had to be careful not to knock anything off.
Wow, that vegetation work just pushed this up even more notches.
This reminds me so much of the waterfall scene with my favorite episode of SW Visions.
Man, keep it going.
Off to share on the front pages. That vegetation work is just top notch Richard!
I have completed my latest diorama piece, I added foliage to external sides and pieces of brick rubble. I then dry brushed the statue to blend it in a little with the temple, before glueing all pieces except for the statue and boulder at the front together.
My usual final pictures will follow but as you can see, this piece is perfect for any 6" - 7" action figure range.
Its measurements are 8" (length) x 11" (width) x 12" (height) and all but the statue is made from foam board and card, making it lightweight.
Now this is awesome. One of my favorites you have done. The stone and vegetation work is just top notch.
Off to the front pages.
Thanks Shawn
This is a most amazing build. I echo Tamer's sentiments - I think its my favorite of the ones you've done. It is sooo very realistic. I like the pillars and the statue is great. I really appreciate that you show us your process, it helps people like me learn. Thanks for sharing.
I've started to make it look more like a ruin by cutting individual bricks out from the walls. I cut out a couple of pieces of foam to sit on top of the pillars, the exact name of it I am not sure what it would be called. If anyone does, please let me know! Using some scrap pieces I made a couple of rocks that need rounding off, just to see what they would look like next.
I could be wrong but I think those cross beams or header stones might be called lintels.
First WIP build of 2022. I’m putting together a Star Wars 3.75? display piece that will fit on top of some glass shelving I have. This diorama will be an outpost, which will include a garage, command centre with a landing platform.
The area I have to work with is 15.6? x 11.8?, I have cut out the base to this size, making room for the 4 screws holding the top plate to the legs of the shelving unit, this piece will live on. I’ve made the two towers (4? x 4.75? x 15?) that will support the landing platform and cut out the foam board which will be the command area. Right now it kinda resembles the old Kenner Ewok village.
Nice, Its gonna be a big one.
Off to share on the front pages.
Looks like I missed a lot of foliage action since I left my last comment. That pillar diorama has become my favorite mini diorama of yours of 2021.
And obviously 2022 is off for a great start with a Star Wars dio! That Imperial ground base gotta be one of my all-time favorites. Can't wait how it turns out. And while I'm typing this, you're probably about to finish the last coat of paint already!
Looks like I missed a lot of foliage action since I left my last comment. That pillar diorama has become my favorite mini diorama of yours of 2021.
And obviously 2022 is off for a great start with a Star Wars dio! That Imperial ground base gotta be one of my all-time favorites. Can't wait how it turns out. And while I'm typing this, you're probably about to finish the last coat of paint already!
Ha ha ha I wish because I have a 3 story building to do for a client also! I started this project because I fell into the trap of buying not only Vintage Slave 1 (Sorry if you are from Disney, I mean Boba Fetts ship ;D) and the vintage troop carrier which meant I am running out of space to display these fine vehicles so when you run out of room on shelves, you build up!
Thank you for your response with my Temple Ruin, which also reminds me I must do my final pictures of it!
Well, Dash is up to some shenanigans :) I like the layout of this display diorama. I think it will be really cool when its finished and look forward to the progress.
Well, Dash is up to some shenanigans :) I like the layout of this display diorama. I think it will be really cool when its finished and look forward to the progress.
Dash? That's Kyle Katarn in the pictures!
Well, Dash is up to some shenanigans :) I like the layout of this display diorama. I think it will be really cool when its finished and look forward to the progress.
Well, Dash is up to some shenanigans :) I like the layout of this display diorama. I think it will be really cool when its finished and look forward to the progress.
Dash? That's Kyle Katarn in the pictures!
Yes...yes it is. I was thinking of Katarn in my head, but Dash is what came out of my fingers. My bad :P.
WIP update. I started first shaping the rectangular floor, cutting out a section on the side which can be either an E-Web gun emplacement or a vintage mini rug landing platform. The larger overhang will be a landing platform for a mid-size ship like the Phantom, fighter, etc, while the front will be a walkway with consoles. Under the overhang, I have constructed a doorway for a troop transport park.
My next steps are to make the entrance under the walkway for the front/rear of the transport bay before marking the foam with tiles.
Awesome, making good progress already.
Off to the front pages.
That looks really good. I like the troop transport idea a lot.
WIP update, yesterday I had a little time between finishing the day job and starting family duties so I finished making the front entrance of the transport bay before cutting out a piece of 40 mm foam for the landing platform. This piece will now need to be cut down so it's not just a square slab and add braces coming from the towers to hold it in place, but that needs to be done after I have added detail to the foam.
The next step is to shape the platform and then I can start detailing this model before adding barriers and braces.
Very nice. I love the size of this. Nice seeing the ole Slave 1 sitting on top.
Back to the front pages.
Nice. It will be interesting to sww what shape the platform takes.
Wow this is gonna be awesome! Can't wait to see the details you put into it.
A small WIP update. I cut down the landing platform to a more suitable size that still fits Slave 1 and the Falcon. I then added a small layer of foam board to the side platform to strengthen it. Once I have added the detail I will then be adding a couple of supports.
My next step is to start detailing.
Very nice! You are making good progress.
Off to share on the front pages.
WIP small update, I have started detailing this piece from the ground up. I have started with the floor and the extended entrance by etching in tiles into the foam.
Next, I will start with the support pillars before moving onto the floor.
Very nice.
Off to share on the front pages.
WIP update. I've spent time today detailing the support towers by etching in panelling to the front of both towers. I then spent time detailing the left tower. My wife was about to throw out a broken folding crate until I noticed the pattern of the sides. I cut out a couple of sections and used them as light walls.
I still need to detail the inside of the tower before moving onto the second tower.
Wow, that detailing brings out so much more with this.
Off to share on the front pages.
That looks amazing. Those folding basket/crate parts work really well. Do you design your etching patterns on paper before you scribe them into the foam, or do you just create as you go?
That looks amazing. Those folding basket/crate parts work really well. Do you design your etching patterns on paper before you scribe them into the foam, or do you just create as you go?
I spend some time googling Imperial architecture and then just go for it :-)
WIP update. The detailing of the towers is now done except for around the two top doors, which will be done during my final touches. During detailing, I have not only done the outside of the towers but inside too, I have left one side of the towers loose until the inside of the towers has been painted. With the towers done I have started to work on the lower platform.
I have detailed the floor and the next steps are to make a barrier to run the length of the walkway, stopping at the small side platform and the rear platform (modelled using the Phantom).
This is really looking nice.
Off to share on the front pages.
These look awesome my boys would like this.
Brilliant! I love the interior detailing too. Can't wait for more.
WIP update, today I made a barrier that runs the length of the walkway on the first level. I etched panels onto the landing platform, which marks the completion of the build right now.
My next step is to start painting this, here are some WIP action pictures.
Very nice. This is really turning out awesome.
Off to share on the front pages.
Very cool! Makes me wish I just collected 3.75" figs instead so I can have more space for awesome dios like yours!
That looks really good. I like the barrier wall.
WIP update, after having a really busy couple of weeks with work and house sorting. I have actually found time to finally start painting this piece.
After applying a black undercoat, the bulk of the base has been sprayed using gunmetal grey. I have then used a black wash to pick out the details on the two towers. For the lift interiors, I've used steel paint for the girders, a light grey for the walls, a red wash for the lift floor and a metallic red for the circle in the middle.
The first floor is still only partially finished, again I have used gunmetal grey and so far used steel and artic blue on various panels and borders. The landing platform which needs a repaint, I've painted using artic blue but it has not turned out how I wanted so I will be adding a second coat or spray black and start again. I have added a steel border to see what it would look like.
There is still more to do!
This is really looking fantastic.
I love seeing your process you take to bring these all to being complete.
Off to share your update.
Loving that landing platform! And the way your making Imperial deco in foam is astounding!
This looks really good! I like the steel colored border, for what its worth. It adds another dimension to the piece. The red on the lift floor is a nice touch as well.
In the midst of packing and doing my Star Wars diorama, I am also doing a three-tier building for a client. This piece is scaled for 6 to 7-inch figures and will include pavement, roof, alley and fire escape for my client to pose his figures on.
It will measure 55 cm x 39 cm x 35 cm, made out of foam board, held together with magnetic tape and designed to be flat packed for shipping and storage.
So far I have cut out all three sides and broken them down into three. I've used both 10 mm and 6 mm boards which have been glued together for extra strength and added magnetic tape to hold them together. For the ground floor, I've cut out the door for the front and then marked out the brickwork for the first tier.
My next steps will be to carry on marking out the brickwork for the next two tiers before adding on cornerstones two layers of borders running around the front to cover the joins of the tiers.
This looks really good! I like the steel colored border, for what its worth. It adds another dimension to the piece. The red on the lift floor is a nice touch as well.
Thank you so much. I've been playing JK2 on my X-Box (I am so happy I found it again) and took inspiration for the lift from that.
Nice, you started a new one. Gonna be huge.
Off to the front pages.
"Gonna be huge" - that's exactly what I thought when I saw the image this morning, even before I read Tamer's post. You've got a lot going on, so I'm really impressed with the progress you're making. But this new 6" build looks really good so far.
WIP update on the Landing Platform, before starting work yesterday I resprayed the landing platform and a couple of sections on the smaller platform with artic blue. After work, I painted the light walls, then using a bright yellow wash I painted around all the detail on the first floor.
My next step is to start working on the undersides of both platforms.
Looks good to me.
Off to share your update.
WIP update on the Three Tier Building, I spent last evening drawing on the brickwork for the middle tier and one wall of the bottom tier.
My next steps are to complete drawing on the brickwork, widen the door and add windows to the middle tier.
You always do awesome brick work.
Off to share your update.
Both look really good. I like the yellow on the landing pad. The bricks on that three level building look really good.
Your dios never fail to impress.
I like the 3 level building.
I have finally finished the overall painting and build for this piece, to finish this off I need to add a couple of consoles and a bit of piping underneath the landing platform.
To get to where I am now, I etched panels to the underneath of both the platforms and sprayed the bottom one steel and the top one gunmetal grey. I sprayed the edging of the platform with steel. For stability of the landing platform, I have added braces to either side of the two towers, otherwise, everything would have to land centrally on the platform and not be too heavy. I also added extra door frames to the upper floor and painted all frames a blue/grey colour.
This is just looking great. Each installment just gets better and better.
Off to share the update on the front pages.
WIP update, in the midst of packing up a house for moving and work being chaotic, I finally found some time to go back and work on this piece.
I have marked our and scored the brickwork on all three levels. For the core, I have cut out 5 windows, 2 on either side and 3 at the front and widened the door. Using a ball of tin foil, I rolled it over each layer of the bricks to achieve a rugged texture.
The next step is to add all fascia bits like cornerstones etc.
I don't know how you have found time to work on this with all the craziness of a house move, but looks good to me!
Off to share on the front pages.
Looks great. I love how the tin foil roughs up the brick, what a phenomenal idea.
Looks great. I love how the tin foil roughs up the brick, what a phenomenal idea.
I found the idea while checking out Youtube for ideas and it blew my mind!
WIP update, I have added a couple of ledges running around the building demonstrated here by Snake Eyes. I will be adding another one to the roof and two smaller ones to where the bricks start and finish before I add the cornerstones.
It's slowly coming together before I start work on its surroundings.
Yepper, definitely coming together nicely.
Off to share on the front pages.
WIP update, I have finished off adding the ledges, now it is time to cut out the cornerstones pieces. It's not a big job but a very time consuming one!
Very nice.
Off to share the update on the front pages.
That building just continues to look excellent. The details are coming together really nicely.
As always buddy your work is awesome.
Apologies for dropping off the grid, with the house move now complete and my new office all laid out and ready. I am now back to building dioramas and back with this large build.
I added another layer of foam to the inside of the building which holds all 9 pieces securely in place. The cornerstones were cut out and glued into place on the front of the building.
I've been working on the exterior by scoring the detail into the cornerstones and rims. I cut out 5 window frames from a 6 mm foamboard and then used hot glue to glue them into place. To finish off today's work, I added a door made from 10 mm foam, etched in a bit of detail and then created a porch.
My next step is to do work on the interior before creating the base for this to sit on.
Great to see you back! Hope the house is a joy. The building looks amazing. I love all the detail, especially the window sashes and door panels.
Awesome to see you back. Glad the house move was good.
Back to the front pages.
Daaang that's sharp right there! I was just thinking about you yesterday, I was doing some foam work and thought, I woder what happened to RCW. This looks fantastic as usual.
For my client to maximise the use of this piece, I have added a floor so my client has their figures either looking out of the window or as demonstrated by Deadpool, firing his gun out of the window at the people below.
The next phase is to add brickwork to the internal walls of this room.
That's really pretty awesome :) What are you planning to do with the floor?
Wow, that is nice.
Off to share your update.
I've been hard at work with this building. I started by adding detail to the internal brickwork, marking out floorboards and using a metal brush to get a wood effect. Once finished I cut out a piece of 6 mm board and glued it to the underneath to strengthen the floor. Next, I added a pelmet and cut out a ceiling.
Once I've got the OK from my client, I can start painting this piece.
Some more shots of the inside.
That looks most excellent! I really like metal brush technique, that's a great strategy. This looks really good on the inside and out.
Man, you customer has to be happy with this.
Off to share the update on the front pages.
WIP update. I am currently working on a fire escape for this building, it is made from balsa wood. As you can see I have made the escape, I now need to make the ladder for it.
Wow this looks great!
Time to take this Escape to the front pages.
WIP update. I've been working on the fire escape, I started by building the ladder, glued it into place, and then added two braces and a perch to the underside of the fire escape. I added 3 dowels which slide into 3 holes in the wall which will keep the fire escape from falling off, making the fire escape removable and perfect for shipping.
Such a cool building effect. I really like it.
Off to share your update.
That fire escape looks fantastic! It looks like a lot of work though.
That fire escape looks fantastic! It looks like a lot of work though.
Thanks, mate. The fire escape took me about a day to make (if you count all the hours spent cutting, sanding, glueing, etc).
WIP update. Painting has begun! After applying a black undercoat, I painted the brickwork with burnt umber and red mixed, with a second redder coat and finished today by adding a black wash to the external bricks. On the wood floor, I gave it a coat of burnt umber and when dried I gave it a black wash. The fire escape has been given a coat of black gloss.
The next step is to paint both the bottom and the top tiles with cement grey before painting the cornerstones and borders.
Looks great so far - that building is big! It looks like you are having some nice weather to boot.
WIP update. I have painted the tops and the bottoms of the building front with a concrete grey. Then using a light brown I dry brushed all the brickwork (inside and out) to pick out the brick details.
My next step is to paint the cornerstones and borders a mid grey.
While the paint is drying with one model, I've started something new.
I was looking over some cells from the X-Men Animated cartoon of the 90s and came across one of an alleyway back entrance to a building and thought this would be a great little piece to build.
This piece will be a 2 piece display, made up of a back wall and floor. The back wall will be a brick wall with a static closed door in the middle.
I cut out the back wall from a piece of 10 mm foam board and before I stuck it onto a piece of 6 mm board, I cut out the door frame. I marked out the brickwork and then added extra pieces of 10 mm onto the front, I also cut a couple of steps for the door out of 6 mm foam. I then cut out a strip of 30 mm foam board of 1? thickness to go across the top. My next step is to score brickwork into it.
This second one looks like it will be a fun piece - love that your reference is from the 90s cartoon! Your three story building looks...well...real. I'm really blown away by how excellent it looks. You're a Master.
This second one looks like it will be a fun piece - love that your reference is from the 90s cartoon! Your three story building looks...well...real. I'm really blown away by how excellent it looks. You're a Master.
Thank you so much mate
What started off as just being a two-piece diorama has now turned into a three-piece. After putting the floor together and scoring paving stones onto it. I added a light above the door, which will be properly attached once it's been painted. I decided that this piece needed a second smaller wall, again like the first it is held together with magnetic tape. When the glue has dried I will score in the brickwork.
Two great projects coming together nicely.
I really like your wall with the light, looks perfect for those night urban area effects.
Still liking that fire escape too. Your building is definitely painting up nice.
Off to share this on the front pages.
I like the addition of the "pony wall." I think somehow it adds dimension to the space. That was a really good call. Looks great so far.
WIP update. I finished adding the brickwork to the sidewall, adding bullet damage to the wall. To finish work on the wall, I added a final layer of foam brick to the wall. All that is left is to sand the edges and I can start painting this piece.
WIP update. Mixing up a light grey, I applied the first coat to all the unpainted stonework. Once it's dry I'll add the second coat followed by a black wash.
Very nice updates on both dioramas.
Off to share on the front pages.
Looking good on both of these. You do such an excellent job with the varied paint applications. It gives your work depth. I also really like those bullet holes - great touch!
WIP update. I added the second coat of light and when it had dried I added a black wash over it. I applied a brown wash over the cement sections of the bottom and top tiles. For the ceiling of the room, I gave it a coat of magnolia, along with the skirting boards. Once it had dried I applied a brown wash over them. For the roof, I dabbed on grey paint using a sponge and then added a brown wash into the recesses of the roof.
All that is left to do is paint the windows and add the "glass" to them.
Looks awesome! I really like how the roof turned out.
It looks great. Off to the front pages with your latest update.
WIP update. With the black undercoat dry, I sponged on a mid grey paint all over the brickwork and floor. Once it had dried I sponged over it with a light grey, while it was drying I made a doorknob using green stuff. After the 2nd coat had dried I went over all the walls and floor with a black wash.
The next step is to dry brush walls and floor and paint the door.
WIP update. The window frames have been painted and are now ready to have the "glass" fitted. All the grey bricks and rooftop ledge I dry brushed with a light grey, using greenstuff I made a couple of door handles.
The next step is to paint the doors and sort the glass out for the windows.
Just great work on both dios.
Off to share the update on the front pages.
Two amazing builds! I really like the overhead light! Curious to see how you sort out the windows. Great job!
Two amazing builds! I really like the overhead light! Curious to see how you sort out the windows. Great job!
You'll see and it might surprise you!
I have finished my latest diorama. To complete this piece I painted the door brown and then added a brown wash into the recesses, painted the doorknob brass and then finished by adding the brown wash into the recesses of the floor and on the walls.
My final pictures to follow.
Very nice! That light really sets this one off.
Back to the front pages.
I have some HUGE updates for not one, not two but 4 dioramas!
I have finally been able to do the final pictures for my Temple Ruin Diorama.
Final pictures of my Building Entrance Diorama
The Three Tier Diorama is now finished, to finish this piece I added plastic sheets cut from action figure plastic bubbles and added a brown wash around each of the windows. It is now complete and ready to be shipped to my client.
And finally, I wiped these two Star Wars Display dios for 3.75" figures which I have whipped up over the past couple of days.
This modular display is for 3.75? Star Wars figures, made from foam board of 6 & 10 mm thickness. It is a single piece of foam with layers of foam added to it. Its measurements are 6.5? x 8? x 6?, all pieces are glued together using PVA glue, therefore waiting time for the glue to dry is about 24 hours.
After giving each module a black undercoat, I then gave the gave them a grey base coat, I then decided to paint each one using metallic acrylic paint. The idea behind this is Coruscant in the capital and the entire planet is one big city and a lot of it would be metal. Each one has been painted, and I’ve painted the pipes and the recesses of the doors with a black wash.
That's a MASSIVE update...and amazing, too! Your window glass solution is just brilliant. WhT a great way to upcycle. And your right, it did surprise me ;) The shrine is magnificent. The details on the city entrance diorama make it feel real. The modular Coruscant are great for display or as play environments. Fantastic job!
Wow, you finished off four dioramas! Nice work.
Off to share on the front pages.
Since I first started painting Warhammer 40K, I have wanted to make a diorama for them. I was going to start one last year for the McFarlane 7? figures but that project never started and just remained an idea. Now I have a number of JoyToy 1:18 scale Ultramarines, the idea has now begun to take form. The idea is to create a gothic (possible ruin/battle damaged to stay within 40K) inspired structure, which could also be used for 6? – 7? figures.
I started with using a piece of 1.25? piece of foam board for the base and then cut four pieces of 6mm & 10mm thick boards to the size of 11.5? & 17?, then a back piece (again using 6mm & 10mm board) of 11? x 17?. Once cut the pieces were glued together and magnetic applied to hold the sides to the base. At the time of this writing, I have only ct out 2 steps and glued them onto the base but another two steps will be added.
A Gothic ruin would work really well given the lore and terrain pieces that already exist for Warhammer 40K. The detail for a Gothic style building could be a really fascinating challenge. I would love to see you tackle that. Look forward to this project.
WIP update, I've started working on the side walls, cutting out two arches from a piece of 10mm foam board and then cutting two borders for each of the arches using a 6mm board. The pillars are made from cardboard straws, with all the pieces cut and sanded they were glued to the wall. The next step is to repeat this process on the opposite wall and then start work on the back wall.
Using the straws for the reeded pillars is a great idea. They look excellent.
Using the straws for the reeded pillars is a great idea. They look excellent.
Thanks, mate, they worked a lot better than I initially thought!
WIP update, I have created the arches and columns for the opposite wall. My next step is to work on the back wall.
It's odd and incredibly cool to see that articulated 40k Space Marines actually exist! This backdrop looks churchly promising!
Shaping up nicely! I'll be interested to see what you do with the back wall. I've been soooo tempted to buy some of these Space Marines, but I'd really like to see if they create any other 40K troops - I'd be excited about Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum), Eldar or Skitarii Rangers or Tau. I'd actually LOVE a 1/18 scale Zoat model, but don't think that will happen (or if it does it would cost prohibitive). Anyway....I enjoying this particular build a lot.
This Gothic Theme is gonna do nicely. Nice work so far.
Off to share the update on the front pages.
WIP update, I've decided to place a central doorway on the back wall. After researching Warhammer 40K architecture I settled for the large double door with the sign of the Aquila engraved on the double doors. I hand drew half of the Aquila on one door and then traced it onto the other door, after it was drawn onto both doors I then gave it some depth. The doors were then glued onto a piece of 6 mm foam board, and then two 1" thick pillars were glued to either side of the door as a frame, to complete the door frame a piece of 10 mm board was glued over the top of the door to complete the door frame. To complete the top of the frame I etched in a bit of detail, the sides of the doorframe still need to have detail etched into them. To complete the look of the door, I created a pair of gargoyle beaks upon which the upcoming floor will rest. To finish, the door sits on a step measuring the width of the door.
To finish, the door sits on a step measuring the width of the door.
Wow, beautiful door. Damn creative.
Off to share on the front pages.
That is really outstanding. Nice job free handing the (half) symbol. I think that adding the door was the right move for this building. I love the door frame, that really gives the piece dimension. This is looking absolutely spectacular.
This is looking awesome already mate and the eagle on the door is outstanding.
It's been a busy month, with my daughter being very unwell, I'm in the process of transferring between jobs and we've been on holiday so a very busy month.
As I am waiting to start my new day job I now have the time to get back to this build. To start I have added extra detail to the door frame and started working on the floor pattern.
Well first off I hope your daughter gets better!
Great to see you back around and continuing to build.
Off to share your update on the front pages.
I agree with Tamer, hope your daughter gets well. I also hope things transition smoothly with the new job.
I like the floor pattern, it's unique and looks great. The frame details look good too. Are you planning to paint the purple rods?
I agree with Tamer, hope your daughter gets well. I also hope things transition smoothly with the new job.
I like the floor pattern, it's unique and looks great. The frame details look good too. Are you planning to paint the purple rods?
Thank you so much, mate.
The plan is to paint the straws on the doorway.
I've created a frame for around the door, 6 little alcoves which sit on either side of the arches and then finished off by creating an air vent which you see a lot of on Warhammer scenery and placed it within one of the arches.
Running out of internet time, but time to take this update the front pages.
it looks great.
That's pretty great! Those niches look great. Is the vent made out of foam as well? That had to be a challenge.
WIP diorama update!
I've been working on the upper floor of this Warhammer 40K diorama. To start with, I have etched out a floor which is made up of tiles and girders. On the side walls, I have added a couple of arches with a sword emblem in the centre of each arch. In the back wall, I have placed two columns and added a relief pattern on either side of them.
The next steps will be to a computer terminal to be placed between the pillars on the first floor.
Wow. This is really coming together nicely.
Off to share this update on the front pages.
That looks amazing. The relief pattern adds dimension to the wall. The pattern on the floor totally makes sense. I like the addition of the conduit pipe to the first floor wall as well.
WIP update.
I have created a gothic style computer console which sits centrally on the top floor, there are still extra details that will be headed soon. I have started to add some extra details to the walls, the door, and the floor.
Looks perfect for that genre. Spot on.
Off to share your update on the front pages.
That looks great. Kudos on designing a "gothic" computer terminal.
WIP update
I have finished off the foam work detailing by carving bookshelves into the two alcoves on the first floor, I've also added Eagle reliefs which at the top corners of the arches.
The next steps are to start casting skulls to sit in different locations around this piece while also adding LEDs.
Nice, the detail work you have going on in this one is incredible.
Off to share on the front pages.
Nice! The eagle reliefs look really good. And thebook cases are brilliant.
WIP diorama update
I have spent time casting skulls and an emblem from Games Workshop scenery and Joytoy figures and placing them on the set as you would find them on a piece of Warhammer 40K scenery. Apart from tidying up the top of this piece, it is now ready to be painted.
Pictures of the ground floor.
That looks cool. I really like the small double skulls in the niches. This is definitely a Masterclass build. Can't wait to see it painted.
Oh yeah, man tough looking.
Off to share on the front pages.
Painting has begun! First, the entire piece was given a black undercoat, and then a coat of grey was added to the walls and floor. The door was sprayed with gold and then a darker grey was used for the frame. That grey will be used for the arches and pillars. The console and pipes have been given a silver base coat.
The next step is to add dark grey to the arches and a metallic grey to the borders
That looks great. I like the gold door a lot. I'll be curious to see how the metallic gray looks.
Painting of this piece is progressing, I have finished base coating the floor, and I've added a coat of a darker grey to the arches and pillars but uncertain whether I should add another darker coat? Before life took over I then started to apply gold to the console and the lip of the first floor but as you can see they still need work done to them.
Wow, very nice. Off to share on the front pages.
Looks great so far. Are you going to paint the book covers? If I were to weigh in, I don't think I'd darken the pillars and arches, but its you see it live and make a better call. I really like all the gold accents.
I've spent yesterday reapplying gold paint to the birds on the walls, the door, the floor lip, metallic grey to the vents, pipes, emblems on the wall and silver to edging around the walls and arches.
A closer look at the other floor.
Looking at these images this morning I have a Gothic Choir soundtrack going through my head. Just tough stuff. So WarHammer 40K!
Off to share you fantastic paint work on the front pages.
Looks awesome. All the little mechanical and electrical "greeblies" are really excellent. This is a brilliant build.
I've been carrying on with the painting and shading today. The smaller skulls have been painted and shaded, the gold details have been shaded, all of the metallic pipes, vents, and emblems I have shaded with a black wash, the gold door I have shaded within its recesses and to finish for the day I have basecoated the books with different variations of brown.
The next step is to paint the removable floor and start shading between the recesses of the ground floor.
Wow!!! It's looking fantastic.
Wow!!! It's looking fantastic.
Thanks mate, wait for tomorrows update, you should like it!
WIP painting update
Today's work started the painting floor of the 1st floor, painting the panels of both sides with a light grey, I used a black wash over all the metal work and into the recesses of the walls and floor. I then used a brown wash on the two floors, the recesses of the outside of the door and in areas of the walls. Using Games Workshops Auric Armour Gold I went over the Aquilla on the door, the 4 gold birds and the gold skulls.
The next steps are to edge all the metallic wall edging, edging for the grey walls.
Just looking great.
Off to share on the front pages.
Soooo cool! This just looks fantastic.
I have edged and highlighted the walls, the grebbles on the wall, metal work and the ground floor.
The next step is to edge and highlight the books and their shelves, all of the gold along with finishing off both sides of the 1st floor.
A closer look at the top floor.
This is really looking great Richard. Bravo.
Off to share the update on the front pages.
Brilliant! I'm not sure what else to say. This is looking fantastic.
WIP painting update
I have edged all of the gold work, edged all of the books and then finished the books by adding a gold line over each of their backs
The upper floor.
Looks good to me. Just gets better with each installment.
Off to share the update.
This does look and feel like a 40k environment. The shapes of the walls and doors are really appealing and I especially like the contrast of colors on the main entrance. Splendid ideas there!
The books look really good. I like the little gold band they each have. The blue screens look good too.
To complete this piece I found a string of LEDs to use to illuminate the ground floor. Once I got all the LEDs in place, I realised I had two left in the string of 20 which finished next to the computer console. This gave me an idea, I added a third pipe to the front of the console and second I created a hole within the centre round screen to the other side, I then used hot glue to cover the top of the pipe and the console and inserted the LEDs into them, thus giving the console some little internal light.
I might, later on, add some LEDs to the upper floor but for now, this marks the completion of this piece. I'll get my usual finished pictures done and posted as soon as I can
The halls filled with Ultramarines!
The upper floor
Man, those lights are fantastic and really bring out all the paint work.
Off to share on the front pages.
That is fabulous! I think the console light was a great idea.
It's been a while since I cut some foam, so it was about time I picked up the knife again! I'm putting together a very simple diorama of a Star Trek The Original Series USS Enterprise corridor which can be used for the 90's Playmates and recent release Star Trek figures.
So far the corridor has 2 walls with the measurements of 9" x 8", the rear wall which is 9" x 9" and these will be held together using magnetic tape. The two side walls have a single door cut into both each and the wall panelling is marked out. The rear wall has a larger door cut for the turbo lift.
I have finished this section of the build by adding a couple of bulkheads, an archway in front of the rear wall and a cross beam between the two side walls. These pieces are made from 6 mm foam board which fits into place via notches cut into the walls and the new pieces slide into place.
My next step is to apply a basecoat and start painting. Once the walls are painted, then I can start adding a comm panel, lights, panels and wall decoration usually found on the classic Enterprise.
Hey this is already looking great. Off to share on the front pages.
Great start. It certainly has the right "feel." Happy to see you back to building :)
Great start. It certainly has the right "feel." Happy to see you back to building :)
Thanks Starchaser, after completing the Warhammer dio, I have spent some time trying to catch up on my miniature painting.
WIP update, the undercoat is done, the next step is to apply a light grey to the walls.
WIP update
The floor has been painted light to mid-grey, the walls have been painted with light grey and a red stripe has been painted all the way around the top of the walls.
The arch I've painted silver, two doors have been painted the same colour red as the red strip across the tops of the doors and one door has been painted a light blue. To finish off, I painted the walls another coat of light grey.
My next step is to finish painting the arch before adding the decor for the walls.
Looking very nice. Off to share on the front page.
Man as good as you are building all these wall and your dios I could so see you working for a studio company building sets like these.
It looks really good! That red stripping turned out brilliant; it's so consistent in saturation.
I have now completed my Classic Star Trek Enterprise corridor. To finish this build I have added three signs, a comm panel, and a pipe running underneath the red beam and no classic TOS build would be complete without the yellow piece of equipment attached to the wall. This was made from random leftover Warhammer 40K pieces.
This piece is held together with magnetic tape, making it able to be flat-packed for storage. The simplicity of this build means it is easy to replicate to either expand the scene or make it for other people.
My usual final pictures to follow.
I could not resist the last picture ;D
Love that final image. Great dio.
Off to share to the front pages.
I just had to be done lol
That turned out great! I live the idea of being able to flat pack it. I echo Tamer's sentiment about the last image :)
It would be cool to see you get the full SF Uniform and a phaser and do this again.
Hey ho, everyone!
Apologies for my absence, after getting a 3D printer earlier this year, I have spent SOOO much time learning how to use the thing! They are not as straightforward as you would think!
I’ve started a new diorama today, I wanted to make a fantasy dio but I’m in two kinds whether to make either a tavern or warehouse based on Dungeon & Dragons online game.
I’ve put together a basic structure while I decide which way to go. Each wall is 11” high, 2 walls are 23” long and the other 2 walls measure 20”. Each wall is held together using magnetic tape and the floor is going to be made up of two pieces, making it easier to store.
Next steps to start shaping the internal walls, while carrying on printing more accessories.
Looks like you are printing good. Those barrels are nice.
Off to share your update.
There is definitely a learning curve with printers. What model did you get? The barrels and the crate look good. I remember watching the old D&D cartoon - more innocent times! I don't know which way you are leaning, but I think the tavern would be cool!
Absolutely love the Trek walls buddy and can't wait to see the D&D dio when its done.
Absolutely love the Trek walls buddy and can't wait to see the D&D dio when its done.
Thanks mate
Due to work commitments, I’ve not been as active with this piece as I would have liked.
I decided to turn this into a fantasy tavern. I have carved the bottom of each wall in four rows of bricks and then marked up where the wood beams will be placed.
I have been busy printing off accessories for the tavern, so far I have printed 5 barrels and 4 crates of various sizes. Currently, I am printing off a double-sided door (not my usual thing, but I want to incorporate prints not just as accessories but integrated into the build), which may lead me to make this a double-sided diorama.
Currently, my LARP Turtles are modelling for me during the early stages of this build.
My next step is to mark out the floor either with floorboards or flagstones.
Here are some of the accessories I've printed so far!
Nice, for both your dio and printing update.
Off to share.
Started work again on my tavern, I’ve been busy printing off barrels and crates for the past week but tonight I’ve been able to work on the shell of the tavern. I have marked out the floorboards, and the fireplace, to get a grain effect for the wood I have used a wire brush. Cut a hole in the floor for the trapdoor.
My next step will be doing all the woodwork and beams for the interior walls.
A few pics of the prints I have made for this piece.
You are using your printing to great effect with you dio build. Nice.
Off to share on the front pages.
Thanks Shawn :)
I really like those barrels with the rivet relief on them
Nice work
I have been adding in all the wood sections for the wall. I used a metal brush to get the wood effect and brushed up and down over the foam until I got the effect needed.
I built a stone fireplace using foam pieces, I used the wire brush to add a wooden mantlepiece running around the front of the fireplace.
While adding foam detail, I printed another larger table, 2 crates for the wine bottles, and did a test paint of one of the tankards. I painted it with GW Leadbelchers, shaded it with nuln oil and edged it with Necron compound. That’s one painted, only 12 more to go and all the wine bottles.
My next step is to add windows, and build the rear of the bar and the bar itself, before moving onto the exterior.
Love how you are gearing your printing towards this too. Love that fireplace. Awesome update.
off to share.
Three windows have been added to the tavern, and I’ve started working on the exterior brickwork.
Also, I’ve started painting some of the accessories to see how they look, so far I am very pleased with the results.
Wow, oh Wow! These are great updates. The barrels look great, both the print and the paint job. The door and table are fantastic. I really like how that fire place turned out. This is an amazing build so far!
Yep, the painting is definitely nice. Off to share your update.
WIP build update. My printer is busy printing off the accessories needed for the tavern, currently, it’s printing the last piece for the back wall shelving units before printing the bar.
In the meantime I have marked up and carved in the brickwork for the outside of the Tavern. My next step is to add the archway for the door, cornerstones and beam work.
Just looking stellar.
I cannot wait to see how you handle the fire in the fireplace.
off to share.
Thanks Shawn
You are really using 3D Printing to make your already great dio building skills shine. I love how its all complimentary.
The only drawback of printing all this accessories is that I have soooo much to paint lol. My wife saw it this morning and even she is impressed!
All the accessories I've printed, have all been designed for miniatures which I have scaled up for 6" figures.
I can't even imagine the paint step up you must have now. You are doing awesome. Its a lot of work. Man, I would think what you are doing you could market and get paid though. A lot of folks would definitely want some of your accessories for sure.
Thanks mate. I have just been asked by a client if I would paint his D&D miniatures and then was overjoyed to hear that I now have a 3D printer. He's now asked if I can do some accessories for him to lol
And I would think you could get paid for your print files to let folks print stuff themselves.
That's what my client wants to do, he is sending me the files (which he has also said I can keep), I'll print them off and paint them and then send them back.
Awesome Dios great job
Awesome Dios great job
Thanks mate
WIP build update: I’ve been busy finishing the tavern's build today. I started by building an arch for the exterior of the door and then building a step to hide the gap up to the door. I added foamboard strips around the tavern's exterior and taking my wire brush to the strips I created a wood effect.
The last piece to build was the bar, I was going to print one but decided instead to make one out of foam. At the top of the bar, I added a stop of foamboard, etched in some wooden boards and used the wire brush to get a wood effect.
My next step is to undercoat this and start painting.
Man, this is just fun. I could so see any D and D group wanting one of these just on principle. The printing and detail you have on this is flat out amazing. You have to be smiling by how good this is turning out. Anxious to see the paint work on this. Every details just ups this more and more. Keep it going!
Off to share.
WIP update: All walls and floor have been undercoated with chalkboard spray paint, this spray is gentle on foamboard and doesn’t eat the foam as the acrylic spray does. The three large barrels and the four small ones I’ve painted, shaded and highlighted. I’ve painted four of the open bottles (four down and plenty more to paint!). To finish I have painted both sides of the door except for the base until I paint the walls.
My next step is to paint more of the accessories before I start painting the actual tavern.
Each step it just gets more awesome. Off to share.
WIP update: I’ve been working through painting the number of accessories I’ve printed for this build. I’ve recently finished off the last three barrels, the shelving units, the wine rack and the crates.
I have now turned to the main building and started painting the exterior bricks of the tavern, using a roller I painted the wood floor and the chimney.
My next step is to paint a second coat on the walls before I add a black wash.
Lots to paint with this one. Man, I am liking this one a lot.
Off to share on the front pages.
WIP update: Work on my tavern is progressing well, I have completed painting the wooden floorboards and I have almost finished the stone floor for the fireplace. I have painted a second coat onto the exterior stonework and the fireplace. Before I add a black wash to the walls I painted random bricks with a lighter grey.
An overview of how the interior looks so far.
My next step is to add a black wash to the exterior before painting the wooden beams.
I hate to say it, but this might be my favorite one you have made. Freaking fantastic. Man, what I wouldn't give for this in a vintage style box with the ole D and D Crew from the cartoon I loved as a kid.
Off to share.
I agree with Shawn, this is getting better with every project. Love the inventory of your latest building! The furniture looks great!
WIP update: I have finished the exterior brickwork, I applied a black wash over the bricks and then dry brushed a light grey over them once they had dried. I made up a mid-brown and used that for the wooden beam around the exterior.
I did the same for the chimney and on the stone floor. I printed off a couple of small tiger decorations, to give the tavern a reference to it’s name The Defiant Tiger.
While doing this, I printed off a wall-mounted dragon's head which will nicely display.
My next step is to apply a brown wash and highlights to the wooden beams and then I can turn my attention to painting the interior walls.
You can read what I think on the front page comments. Just awesome.
WIP update: The interior stone has been painted, again I have painted random bricks with a lighter grey. I have applied to beige coats to the upper parts of the walls but I still need to add a third coat.
While I was painting my printer was busy creating a pair of shields to be wall mounted, a pair of coin purses, a pair of tiger faces, and a pair of tapped beer barrels. I have added magnets to the mounted dragon's head, attached the painted tigers and one of the tiger heads to the fireplace and the other to the centre of the bar. I have started painting the tapped barrels and decided to paint the last of the corked bottles blue.
Man, this just gets funner and funner. Nice.
Off to share.
All those details are beyond cool. I really kock it out of the park! 0/
WIP update: I’ve painted the wooden interior beams, when they have dried I will add a brown wash to them and then dry brush a light brown over them.
I added a black wash over the tankards and then dried and brushed a light silver over the top. With a handful of tankards, I added the same snow effect to them as my test tankard to give the effect of a foam-headed beer. For the last of the corked wine bottles, I have base-coated green. Yes, I will have 18 green bottles sitting on the wall.
Awesome to see it has a name now or maybe I just didn't pick up on it. The Defiant Tiger, I like it.
Man, just great stuff. Off to share!
Awesome tavern! I didn't think it was possible, but your dios are looking better and better all the time. Great details and weathering.
After feeling 80% better after getting Covid on Sunday, I’ve spent today creating a fire, using the inside of a flickering t-light with bits of wood glued around the light and battery. The flames were made using hot glue, I then burnt the wood and applied a brown wash over them. I painted the flames with GW Cassandra Yellow, dry brushed with Troll slayer Orange, and Evil Sunz Scarlet then finished with Abaddon Black
I then finished off the beams, by adding a brown wash, then dry washed with two lighter shades of brown.
I finished painting the many, many, many bottles. Each bottle was hand painted, shaded, and then finished off with a coat of matte varnish to give them a shine effect. Finally, to finish, I added magnets underneath the bar.
Until I take my final pictures, here is the Defiant Tiger in all of its splendour!
Some more pictures
And more, the last 2 pictures, I've tweaked using Photoshop.
First off I am glad you are feeling better.
Gotta say it. This is my favorite dio you have created. With your building, printing, painting and superb detailing on this I just can't find anything I would say needs improved. I mean nothing. I knew you were gonna rock that fire. It would be cool to see a spit with a bird or hunk of dragon cooking over that fire. I am left thinking it would be cool to see you create a roof for that too that fits around the chimney with an old placard sign for the Defiant Tiger.
Just a superb creation. Thank you so much for sharing how you did all this. So many man hours, but such a cool creation. I don't know of anyone who likes AFs at all wouldn't want this. I mean this is such a Castle Greyskull for any genre.
Off to the front pages.
First off I am glad you are feeling better.
Gotta say it. This is my favorite dio you have created. With your building, printing, painting and superb detailing on this I just can't find anything I would say needs improved. I mean nothing. I knew you were gonna rock that fire. It would be cool to see a spit with a bird or hunk of dragon cooking over that fire. I am left thinking it would be cool to see you create a roof for that too that fits around the chimney with an old placard sign for the Defiant Tiger.
Just a superb creation. Thank you so much for sharing how you did all this. So many man hours, but such a cool creation. I don't know of anyone who likes AFs at all wouldn't want this. I mean this is such a Castle Greyskull for any genre.
Off to the front pages.
Thank you so much, Shawn! I have thought about adding a roof, and a surrounding base for this to sit in which would include some more barrels and crates around the outside, maybe even a trapdoor to the basement etc but I am now getting commission orders for other works piling up. When they are done, I might go back and and add that stuff to this.
I could imagine you getting a lifetime of work just making more of these. Thousands of D and D guys will drool over this. I mean every adventure starts off in a Tavern. I mean Prancing Pony anyone? Such fun and such superb detail. I feel like such a geek marveling at all the little things this has from how you did the bar and the kegs and the layout, etc. I have seen you create some fantastic things, but this is just all encompassing. You deserve every comission you get off of this.
Thanks buddy but my next commission will be coming from a planet far away, it'll take you back in time and far into the future!
- I've been "out-of-loop" for a few weeks, and look at what you've accomplished! The "Defiant Tiger" is absolutely gorgeous! The details are amazing. I love that you've figured out so much about printing. The paint job looks excellent. This is simply a inspiring!
- I've been "out-of-loop" for a few weeks, and look at what you've accomplished! The "Defiant Tiger" is absolutely gorgeous! The details are amazing. I love that you've figured out so much about printing. The paint job looks excellent. This is simply a inspiring!
Thanks buddy!
A few weeks ago I was commissioned to build a Doctor Who diorama for the first Doctor. From what I learnt from my tavern piece with 3D printing, I decided to use it again to build the console. I found files from a guy who made the 1st Doctor's console and I have used them for my client. After printing off 3 other console bases I finally got a decent print. I have now finished printing off all the accessories for the console and it is now ready to paint.
My next step is to build the control room, where I have cut out the foam board for the 3 walls to which I now need to cut the holes (the round things).
It has to feel good to just be able to print what you want. You are getting this 3D printing thing down to a science.
Off to share on the front pages.
Wow, that looks great! Sounds like it was a challenge to get the print right.
I’ve been working on the commission of Doctor Who’s 1st Tardis Control Room. All console parts have been printed and I’ve added undercoated.
I’ve started working on the control room, using 2 pieces of 6 mm foam board for the inner walls. I used an apple corer to make the round things for the two walls. I have started to shape the third wall to represent the Fault locator wall. The wall still needs a little more work.
Looking good.
Off to share your update.
That's really sharp looking. I love the apple corer trick. This is going to be really nice!
I have to confess, I've never seen an episode of Dr. Who. I should have my geek license revoked. Having said that, your work is excellent! Very clean.
The Tardis is look excellent mate.
For the past few weeks, I’ve been dealing with my daughter’s health which up until today has taken most of my time but she is on the mend which has meant that I’ve been able to pick up a knife and go back to this piece.
I’ve been working on finalising the third wall of the original Doctor Who’s Tardis control room by adding the vents above the computer wall and the monitor.
I have used cardboard tubes for the vents, cutting a length of 6mm foam board, glueing 5 x 0.25" cut cardboard tubes to the underside, I cut five lengths of the tube to 0.8" and glued them to the topside, directly above the tubes below.
The monitor is made from two pieces of 20" foamboard cut to 1.5" x 1.5", glued together and then sanded and pressed into shape, it was then glued to the centre of the vent shelf.
Hope your daughter is ok. We have been dealing with things for our daughter too.
Nice to see your update. Off to share.
Getting those tubes to line up is impressive :) This build looks great so far. Nice to see the original. Glad your daughter is on the mend. Sounds like it was pretty serious.
This looks great what is the material
After months of my daughters illness, I had lost all inspiration for dios and miniature painting because I’ve just not been in the mindset for it. It’s slowly starting to come back. Things are starting to get better along with my inspiration.
The Tardis was undercoated with black spray paint, and now I am applying a white base coat. I cut out a floor made up of 2 pieces of 10 mm foamboard, which I have cut into 3 inter joining pieces (to make it easier to pack away and ship to my client). I have also started applying a white base coat to the floor.
My next steps is to finishing painting the floor and the underside of the computer wall, paint the round things a light grey before adding the final coat of white to the walls.
After taking inspiration from the modern take of the original Tardis, I’ve opted for white walls and floor, light grey for the inside of the round things and over hanging monitor. I am part way through painting the dials, switches and buttons on the console. The walls I have almost finished painting them and the floor needs another layer of paint.
I have finished painting the floor, the walls and the console. I just have a couple of finishing touches and then this piece is complete and ready to ship to its owner.
So glad to hear your daughter is going better. I can so understand loosing the creative flair when it comes to heavy worrying about family. Glad to see you back. This looks great. Off to the front pages yet again.
That looks absolutely brilliant!!! The details on the console are amazing and the whole space came together very well.
That looks absolutely brilliant!!! The details on the console are amazing and the whole space came together very well.
Thanks mate
WIP update on the Doctor Who diorama
What I have done is add another layer of foam to each wall which has a strip of magnetic tape that connects with a strip of tape on the side of the floor. I have also had to cut the large triangle floor piece in half, to make it easier to find a box to put in for shipping. All I need to do is add a final coat of white paint to the back of the 3 walls and then it’s done.
A client has asked me to recreate a piece he saw on the internet.
He’s asked it be 40x40x40 cm, I’ve made the base using a 10mm & 6mm boards glued together. I’ve carved in the first row of slabs and my next job is to cut a 30 x 40 piece using 20mm foam.
I’ve glued the 30” piece onto the base, and once it’s dry I will be slabbing it. The back wall I’ve added a 20” piece of foam and at the request of my client, I’ve cut in a 10” door frame. I used a side plate to cut out the arch.
That looks really good so far. I really admire the detail you put into weathering the stone surfaces. Look forward to seeing this develop.
Well, the fans in the UK are lucky to have you, RCW! 40³cm sounds like the perfect fit for IKEA's Detolf to me. Nice progress so far.
Hey you started a new one. Looks good as does the update on your Dr. Who dio.
Off to the front pages.
Thanks guys!
WIP build update.
I’ve been working on the back wall in stages. First I added the brick work, scored and detailed it. I added an arch around the door frame, added a couple of pillars on either side below the pelmet which runs the width of the wall.
My next step is to make the two pillars, which will stand freely on either side of the steps and work out what to do with the door frame, add a door or something….
That looks really good! I like those low pillars a lot, they add great character to the piece. Doors are over-rated ;) I like the inclusion of an outdoor picture.
Looking good. Off to share.
I’ve created a couple of pillars to the size of the wall, covered them with corrugated card. I’ve created a door which will sit in front of the portal.
With the pieces made, I’ve base coated the model and will start painting next week.
Love the attention to deail in the columns, pavers, and bricks of this. I mean wow.
Off to share the update.
The columns and door turned out really well. I like the paper and hot glue hinges, they work really well. This is going to be great.
WIP progress on my latest diorama commission. I’ve added a layer of mid grey to the sides of the back wall, door frame and random bricks. The door I have applied an oak brown and a dark gold to the hinges.
Looking fantastic. More comments on the front pages.
Stellar! It looks really good. The door is excellent
WIP painting update. I painted a black wash over all of the stone work and a brown wash over the wooden door. Once the wash had dried on the wall and floor, I dried brush a light grey over them and then added a brown wash over the cracks in the floor and edges of the tiles and steps.
Once the pillars and door has dried I will dry brush them before working on the accessories.
Man, just looking awesome.
Off to share.
Just getting better and better!
Love it mate.
WIP update. I’ve added blue leds around the door, glued tin foil and a reflective screen glued over the tin foil to give a glow to the portal. I am just waiting on a delivery of flicking leds to make a couple of lanterns for either side of door, and a handle for the door.
Neat effect.
Off to share on the front pages.
I agree with effect. I like the blue lights. Great build...can't wait for the lanterns.
My latest commissioned diorama is almost complete. I have made two flickering lanterns for either side of door and I am now just in the process of making a handle for the door.
Some more pictures
Looks awesome, off to share. That lighting work is fantastic.
Those lamps looks great!
Awesome work mate and the lamps are done perfectly.
After a rough few months before Christmas I am starting this year as I mean to go on. A New Year with a new diorama. This piece is going to be a 3-sided alley. To start I have cut one wall at 10” high and at the moment it’s is 23” long, as you can see I’ve cut a door with a single step, added the brick work. My next step is to add another layer of foam to the wall and the start on the opposite wall. I am toying with the idea of adding another 10” in height but I’ll see how I feel once the other walls are done.
Like the texture on walls
Nice, those walls look well "weathered." The texturing is really masterful. Sorry to hear things have been rough, here's hoping that 2024 is better.
Nice, those walls look well "weathered." The texturing is really masterful. Sorry to hear things have been rough, here's hoping that 2024 is better.
Thanks mate, I was made redundant back in September where I have spent the past few months trying to find a new job but the market has been awful, and intern this zapped all of my creative inspiration.
Build update.
I’ve started working on the opposite wall of my latest diorama, this wall is 23” x 10” the wall is the same size as the other one. This wall I’ve cut a dock door, a door and two windows. I’ve scored in the brickwork and then rolled a ball of of tin foil over the bricks. I cut another piece of foam and used that as a backboard for the first wall.
My next steps is to start work on the rear wall before working on the floor.
Nice, those walls look well "weathered." The texturing is really masterful. Sorry to hear things have been rough, here's hoping that 2024 is better.
Thanks mate, I was made redundant back in September where I have spent the past few months trying to find a new job but the market has been awful, and intern this zapped all of my creative inspiration.
Oh wow...that's awful. I can totally understand the grief of losing a job and the stress of finding new work being simply exhausting. Have you found work? If not, will pray for you
Like the windows in this one. Your dioramas always have such realistic textures, it's amazing.
Build update.
Today I made two fronts for the buildings, scoring the foam the same way I made the two walls and then finished off by adding corner stones to each building.
Looking good so far!
My next step is add another layer of foam to top of each building which will give me the option to add another story to each building. Then I’m going to work on the base, which will then help me work out how wide the back will be. The alley width will be big enough for the Batmobile 😂.
Too bad you don't have some of those floor tiles. They would work! :)
Wow, there has been a lot of great updates on this project. Nice.
Off to share on the front pages.
Too bad you don't have some of those floor tiles. They would work! :)
The piece of foam you see is a only a placeholder for a minute while I was working out the dimensions.
Wow, there has been a lot of great updates on this project. Nice.
Off to share on the front pages.
Thanks Shawn
Build update
I’ve been working on the pavements and the wall at the rear of this pieces. I scored the curb, flag stones, brickwork and cracks in the stone.
My next step is to add another layer of foam behind the wall and on top. Then work on the road.
Wow...that is looking excellent so far!
Wow...that is looking excellent so far!
Thanks mate
Very nice. Off to share the latest to the front pages.
Build update
I’ve scored the road in between the two buildings, added a layer of foam on top of the back wall.
Once this was done I started to build a second story to both buildings, each to same dimensions to ground floor. Once the foam was cut, I cut out 4 windows in each, added the brickwork, glued it together, including adding right angle pieces to keep it all square and then finished for the day by cutting foam pieces for the roof.
I found a city scene picture that I’ve have used over the years which fits perfectly behind the wall to finish the effect once I have completed all work on this piece.
My next steps are to add cornerstones onto the new stories, fix the roofs on and then I can start painting this and start work on on the accessories.
Wow, you are really bringing this one home. Love the two stories. That city-scape pick is great too. So awesome.
Off to share.
That's awesome! The city scape works really well. I think this piece has come together beautifully.
That's awesome! The city scape works really well. I think this piece has come together beautifully.
I just need to add a couple of bits and then I can start painting it.
After adding some final bits to the windows I’ve now applied a black undercoat of paint. It’s now time to paint this set. While the paint the was drying, I have started to print some of the accessories which will be added after I’ve finished painting, the first is a manhole cover.
Man this is looking great.
Off to share on the front pages.
That looks splendid. I like how the manhole cover turned out.
WIP update
First coat painted for the brick, while this is drying I am printing off window frames. One down and 7 more to go!
That looks splendid. I like how the manhole cover turned out.
Thanks mate
You have really captured the city feel and the grit to this one.
Off to share.
Like the color. It will be fun to see how this turns out!
WIP update
Almost finished painting the first coats onto the buildings and road, while printing off 6 more window frames.
When the paint is dry I will be adding the washes over all surfaces.
Apologies for the lack of figures in these pictures but paint is still wet :)
Very nice. This is getting close to being done.
Off to share.
WIP update
I’ve made a lot of painting progress over the past couple of days. I added a brown wash over the bricks and pavement, and a black wash over the cornerstones. While that was drying, I cut a hole into the foam and glued the rim of the manhole cover.
Today I’ve dry brushed a light brown over the bricks, a light grey over the pavement, cornerstones and the on top of the wall. I sponged a light grey over the road and one of the doors.
I then turned my attention to some of the accessories that I’ve printed off. The window frames have been painted a dark grey, the small oil barrel, drain, manhole cover and rim with metallic grey. The AC units I’ve started to paint white but I’m waiting for another 2 to finish printing. I’ve primed two drainpipes.
It’s getting there!
That's outstanding. I love that you are printing AC units and other bits, they look spot on. Great job so far!
Looks real to me.
Off to share.
WIP update
Here’s what it looks like so far.
I’ve painted the doors buts need to dirty them up and add door handles. Added corrugated cardboard for garage door. Painted the pipes, ac units and windows. Need to add wires and fuse boxes. I have some more accessories to make and paint and I’ve bought a couple of mini desk lights which I’m going to break down and use as lights above each of the two doors.
The dead spaces and what to do with them? The original idea was to add tissue paper over the all the windows and leave it but not sure now since I have JJ Jameson hanging out of one.
Nice. Man this just keeps getting better and better.
Back to the front pages.
Thanks Shawn
WIP update
I’ve been working on the accessories, first I’ve added 2 LED lights, one above each of the doors. I’ve added a double fuse box with wires running to the AC unit, up the wall and disappear behind the building. On the other building a single fuse box with a wire running up the wall and again disappears behind the building. A switch and cable running up towards the garage door
I’ve started painting another oil drum, then cut a couple of pieces of foam and turn them into wooden panels to cover up two bottom widows on the right building.
A few more little bits to do on the exterior and then I’ll work on the building interiors.
Still going strong. Off to share yet again.
The lights are brilliant (no pun intended). I really like the fuse box, that really adds to the realism of the diorama - great job. This is going to be an amazing diorama when its finished. Keep up the good work.
WIP update.
With the exteriors finished, I’ve been busy printing and making accessories. I’ve made pallets (which need painting) and trash bags and another oil barrel but thinking of making another couple. For the past couple of days I’ve been printing a street light but the base is a little bigger than I had hoped. I’m just printing off the glass dome for the top and then I can add a led in it.
Once all of these are painted, it’s time to work on the interiors.
Nice! I love that lamppost.
Looks like a great city scene for multiple AF Lines to me. Bravo.
Off to share.
WIP update.
I’ve printed a newspaper box, sorted out the LED for lamp post, I’ve just got a couple of little things to add and then I can start working on the interiors of the top two floors.
title="Alleyway Diorama" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/youtube]
Nice! The paper box is great.
Nice! The paper box is great.
Thanks mate
This is really turning out awesome. Off to share yet again.
WIP update
I’ve been working on one of the interiors of my alleyway diorama. I’ve gone with an abandoned interior, tattered walls, floorboards, cracked walls, when I’ve finished painting the interior I will add a broken ceiling. I’ve started to paint the bricks and floorboards and then added a dark brown wash over them. The next steps is to paint the walls.
I have printed a chair and painted it to give it a worn look, then painted some of the accessories for the work table.
Can't you just see Deadpool poking his head out of one of the upstairs windows saying something snarky as Wolverine is up to his neck in enemies down below or something along those lines.
This is really turning into something epic. If the inside is even half as good as the outside this might just be your best one yet. Right now I think your Tavern Dio has me for the top spot of your dios. It is so cool to see how your artwork has progressed over the years. Thank you for sharing it here.
Back to the front pages.
That's looking great. The various textures in the foam are brilliant, it definitely "feels" like an abandoned buidling. I the funrinture that you are printing, what a cool extra touch. Now you should the other side as not abandoned, but clean and birght just for contrast. ;D
WIP update
I’ve almost finished the first interior with applying a brown wash over the walls and then dry brushing over the wash after it’s dried.
I’ve then set to the second interior and this time I’ve gone for an office look. I’ve made the room smaller, added a floor, the start of a border and marked out tiles on the floor.
The base I’ve added a piece of 30 mm foam board and cut a hole for manhole and glued it onto my original base.
My next steps is to finish the ceiling for the first room and then to finish framing the second room before starting to paint it.
Here are some pictures I took for a photoshoot I did yesterday.
That's looking great. The various textures in the foam are brilliant, it definitely "feels" like an abandoned buidling. I the funrinture that you are printing, what a cool extra touch. Now you should the other side as not abandoned, but clean and birght just for contrast. ;D
Great minds think alike because that's exactly what I doing lol
You could have a bunch of different dialy life scenes set up in that section. Nice.
Off to share the update.
New commissioned piece
Work on my current diorama is currently on hold because it’s been loaned out to an animator for a week but he has asked me to build him a road with two pavements running up either side for Thursday for another animation he has planned.
This piece is 47” x 90”, the road is made from 10mm foam board and the pavements are 6 mm. Last night I cut the pieces and scored in the pavement flags and curbs. At the moment I am waiting for the glue to dry as I’ve glued the pavements to the roads and later this afternoon I will be adding pavement cracks, potholes etc before applying the first layer of paint.
Off to share
WIP update
Well the clock is ticking on me to get this road painted for this afternoon. Yesterday I glued, scored, marked up and 3D printed a manhole cover but couldn’t get it painted because I had to go out last night but I got the first coat on this morning, cracked the heating on and hope in an hour I can go back to it.
Very nice.
Off to share.
Latest diorama finished and ready to be collected by my client. Two story alleyway diorama, each story is modular and the top two floors in each I’ve turned into rooms, one as an office with working lights and the second is a dilapidated room. It’s measurements are:
21” in height
23.5” in width
36” in depth.
The buildings and road are made from foam board and the accessories are either made from foam board or 3D printed.
Some more pictures
Here are some pictures with figures
To see the animation that it was used for, here is a link to Mattels Instagram page to see my dio help promote Mattels new releases.
Final pictures of my 2nd road diorama for my animator client.
And because I forgot to post these, the final pictures of the first road diorama for my animator client.
Wow, great updates. Off to share.
That alleyway turned out magnificent! I just don't know what else to say. The roads are great, too. They look real. Fabulous work.
That alleyway turned out magnificent! I just don't know what else to say. The roads are great, too. They look real. Fabulous work.
Thank you mate, I can't believe how well they turned out in the animation video, I am over the moon with it.
I’ve been commissioned to build a deltof size Star Wars diorama.
The dimensions are 25 cm x 29 cm x 23 cm. This is a two piece diorama, made from foam board, the wall and base I’ve used 20mm foam board, the wall I have layered a piece of 10 mm over the top then used pieces of 6 mm foam board for wall detail. I’ve carved in details into the base and wall and now this piece is ready to paint.
Very nice.
Off to share.
That looks really good! Did you carve the tubes and cylinders too? Amazing!
That looks really good! Did you carve the tubes and cylinders too? Amazing!
Hi mate, the tubes and cylinders are 3D printed, sorry but I cheated with them.
Not cheating! I was going to be curious about how you could do such amazing cylinders. I thought that maybe you had printed them, which totally works for me.
New commissioned piece started.
I’ve been asked by my animator client to build him a warehouse piece consisting of a wall (1 metre in length) and a floor for another project he is working on. So far I have cut two 20 mm thick boards to 50 cm and each board has two windows (6x9”) cut out, perfect to stand a Batman in each window. I’ve also marked out where the wall braces will so walls can be free standing.
My next steps is to mark out the bricks on each board. That’s going to be a long job lol.
That's a big piece! It'll be fun watching this take shape.
Nice to see you with a new project.
Off to share.
WIP update
The past couple of days I have been carving my usual brick work into the foam, each board has taken me around 8 hours to mark up, carve, while all so cutting, marking and carving bricks into the beams for the walls. I’ve used McFarlane Batman and Batmobile to show the scale of this piece.
Once I’ve finished work on the walls, I can start on the floor pieces.
So nice! Those walls look great as usual. The time investment really shows.
You are off to a great start.
Off to share.
WIP update.
I’ve added the extra foam and now it’s time to start work on the floor.
Those columns really add depth. They look great.
I agree, very nice. Off to share.
WIP update
I’ve been making full use of the glorious weather by cutting out two extra supports for wall, one for each side for support. Cutting the floor pieces, marking and carving in bricks, cracks and blemishes on the wall and floor.
I just have a couple of extra pieces to do for the floor and then I can start painting this. My client never wants anything small!
Looking fabulous! The sunny days sure help, don't they?
Very nice. Off to share.
WIP update
I have finished scoring the floor pieces and now it is ready to start painting.
Flooring looks good. The worn/damaged patches add a lot of realism and visual interest.
Flooring looks good. The worn/damaged patches add a lot of realism and visual interest.
Thanks mate!
This looks awesome
WIP update
I’ve finished painting my latest commissioned diorama for my animator client.
The floor was painted grey, then a black wash was painted over and the dry brushed over with a light grey.
The walls I painted with a burnt umber for the bricks, the bottom of the walls was painted beige. The bricks were then coated with a black wash, I then dried brushed two lighter coats of brown to bring out the highlights. The black wash was applied to the beige and then gone over with a brown wash.
The beams across the top were painted grey, then black washed and then dry brushed with a lighter grey.
Due to the size and the speed of my client for picking this up, I am unable to do my final pictures but here are some pictures I took with my GI Joe Classified figures. After building this, I wish I had bought the HasLabs Sentinel figure for this LOL
Wow nice updates. I can see you started a new Star Wars dio too. Off to share.
That turned out amazingly. The different tones to the wall, brick, concrete, etc. really make the walls look authentic. The floors are great, too. Nice job on a big build!
New build
I’ve started a new diorama for myself, it’s going to be themed around Star Wars The Old Republic online game. At the moment I’ve made an archway and a couple of pieces which will be pillars for either side of the doorway. My next steps will be adding back wall before starting the steps leading up to the entrance.
I’ve been playing around with shapes to build up the front of the temple. First I’ve cut two pieces of 20 mm foam for columns on either side of the front and then glued them into place with PVA glue, this meant that I couldn’t do any stone work in the front until the glue has dried. While I’m waiting for that to happen, I’ve cut a semi circle of 10 mm which I may use. I cut out the doorway, with the idea of setting back the temple entrance.
I’ve been doing the brickwork for the front of the temple. Instead of doing my usual type of bricks, I drew the stone on by hand and used my usual technique to carve them into the foam. Using my foam cutter to cut different variations of circles to use for decorative use. I also cut an inch of the top temple.
Next steps is to finish off the circle decoration before working on the steps.
I’ve finished carving the decorative pieces for the top of the temple and not time to work on the base. Live I did with the temple front I’ve built some stairs and now I’m placing foam pieces down to see which work.
Man you are doing such nice work with all the gritty details of this one. Nice.
Off to share.
I like how this is shaping up. The decorations above the door look outstanding
WIP build update
Been working on the floor, I decided to change the way I was going with the floor. I rebuilt the stairs from using 6 mm boards to 10 mm. The sides I decided instead of having rectangular pieces either side of the steps, to slopes. I built the frames and then used 10 mm board for the top.
My next steps is to carve stonework into stairs and either side.
Looking good. Off to share the update.
Looks great so far! I like the gentle slope you created beside the stairs. Good decision!
WIP build update
I’ve been marking up, scoring and detailing the lower section of my build. Starting with the steps into the temple and either side of the steps, keeping with the look of the temple and aging all the stone.
My next steps is to add a front wall piece to the front of the slopes and add brick work on the insides where the steps are before I start work on the entrance.
This is really going well. I don't know that I see anyone with brick or stone work as good as yours.
Off to share.
I agree with Tamer - outstanding stone work.
The sun was shining it gave me a chance to apply a black undercoat.
The first coats of paint
I made full use of the fine weather by applying a brown wash over the bricks and then a black wash over all the grey stone work. Within an hour all of it was dry, to which I added a light coat of grey over all the stone which I thought had become to dark due to the black wash and a light brown coat over the bricks. Once the stone work had dried I then highlighted over the grey stone with a lighter grey.
To finish off this build, I have made a few rocks which will sit at the front of this piece. The rocks have been made from foam spray and then cut down into shape, painted grey, dipped into a black wash and then highlighted.
The wall of the temple has also been dry brushed with a lighter brown to pick out the stone detail.
Awesome !
I really like this. The weathering is excellent and those rocks turned out really well. Brilliant!
I agree this looks perfect to me.
Off to share.
I’ve started a new personal project. This diorama is a Transformers display scaled to Hasbro’s current line. It will be a combination of foam and 3D prints, styled from the 80s cartoon and details taken from the War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron games.
I’ve started by building a two-tier foam tower with a 3D-printed floor for the second tier. I’ve cut an opening in one wall and a balcony for the opening.
Using a piece of 10 mm foam, I’ve scored some detail based on the cartoon. I used the closest colour I could find and sprayed it as a test piece. When the paint dries, I’ll add a black wash and then dry brush it silver for the metallic look.