The Imperial Shipyards
Imperial Bulletin => Welcome to Imperial Shipyards => Topic started by: MandoMuggle on March 13, 2020, 11:04:30 AM
Hi everyone, I’ve been searching for a SW Forum similar to TFW2005, glad I finally found this site!
I tinker a lot with customizing figures and my 3d printer
Looking forward to sharing my work and hearing everyones feedback for this “shiny” ()rr
General Kenobi!
Haha. Welcome. I hope you'll like it here and having a 3D printer makes customs so much easier. I envy you there!
Welcome aboard, Master! I'm glad you found this forum AND decided to sign up! Where/how did you find the Yards? I'm curious :D
- Philipp
Glad to have you here. Welcome to the Yards!