Author Topic: x-men first class  (Read 2004 times)

Offline Clonehead

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x-men first class
« on: May 12, 2011, 02:57:51 PM »
Have you guys seen this trailer? I didn't even know that this project even existed.

Offline Phatty

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Re: x-men first class
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2011, 03:05:28 PM »
I'm a little torn on this one. Of course I'm going to see it, but the character list is a bit odd when compared to the continuity of X1-3 and Wolverine: Origins. Macs OT as professor X could be pretty cool (he was Wesley in Wanted), but Havok, aka Alex Summers, the YOUNGER brother of Scott "Cyclops" Summers really messes with things. Check out for character trailers of Banshee, Havok, Mystique, and Beast. They'll really pump you up!

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Re: x-men first class
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2011, 05:36:24 PM »
Yes you are quite right about continuity issues with the characters used but I am still juiced.
thanjks for that link. Those character study trailers were cool.

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Re: x-men first class
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2011, 08:36:44 PM »
6 days until this comes out, and the more TV spots I see about it, along with the extended preview before Thor, I'm getting pretty excited about this. Part of me wants to try and forget all that I know of the X-Verse, knowing the continuity (both from the comics and the first 3 X-Men and Wolverine movies) are very contradictory, it looks pretty slick.  I'm very excited to see Banshee in action!  I've become a pretty big James Mcavoy fan since seeing him in Wanted.  I think he'll play a fine, young Charles Xavier.

Around me, it's playing on June 3rd at 10am sharp, so I'm going to be sure to get there early for this one!  What do you all think about it?

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Re: x-men first class
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2011, 08:41:07 AM »
It looks good to me.

I just got done watching the new anime version called the Astonishing X-Men so I am on an Xmen kick now.

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Re: x-men first class
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2011, 07:26:27 PM »
Went out to see this movie this morning, and I'm a bit torn.  As far as story, acting, and action goes, it was a lot of fun.  I had absolutely no problem with the actors who played their characters, and I think they all did marvelously.  There was even a cameo of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, which was spot on.  A plausible story, even if it didn't fit into cannon X-Men lore.  Some parts did, some characters did not, but in the end, it all came together quite well.

My big issue was with the characters.  Beast, Professor X, Moira McTaggart, and Magneto, as well as Sebastian Shaw, Azazel, and Shinobi Shaw, I get.  Banshee COULD fit in there, even though he was introduced in a different way in the comics.  Darwin was a great add-in, though he was actually the 2nd class, in between Cyclop's class and Wolverine's class, in a group that was put together that were all killed by the living island.  Funny enough, the 3rd Summers brother was also in that class, and yet neither Scott or Alex ever knew of him.  Weird, I know.  Mystique was put in there rather nicely, and while I confess to not knowing her origins, I think it went rather well.  Angel, I've never even seen in the comics, but that doesn't mean anything.  Alex Summers, however, was the anomaly that messed it all up.  He's Scott's younger brother, yet he appears in this movie, 30 years before the first X-Men movie, give or take.  The FIRST CLASS to Xavier's School for Gifted Students was Scott "Cyclops" Summers, Bobby "Iceman" Drake, Hank "Beast" McCoy, Jean "Marvel Girl" Grey, and Warren "Angel" Worthington.  I wish that was how they had begun the series, and how they had revisited this one.  Still, I did enjoy how things went.

If you haven't seen it yet, you do need to, it's worth the view.