Shawn thanks...
The last movie had just under 4,000 hits, I'm hoping that if I continue I'll get a larger audience, perhaps it might trigger other similar creations from animators and artists who can revive and refresh this largely overlooked but very creative outlet.
Today I did some more experimenting.
The last shot I created was the one with Bessie flying into the tunnel, which in my mind was the best shot of the movie, it really stands out visually. It looked like a moving comic book and it is that style I am going to explore for the next movie. Rather than using a simple backdrop, the shot was made from wall textures, the same wall textures I used for my dioramas. I usd Photoshop to distort the panels into the perspective I wanted then merged the shot together using foreground and background layers. I loved how the shot looked. so...hopefully I'll be able to leap forward again with the next movie, and surprise you all with some more astounding visual effects.