Author Topic: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...  (Read 3308 times)

Offline spudafett

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RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« on: August 21, 2010, 12:39:00 PM »
Ok... so I realy enjoy posting here, there are ALOT of people that I realy enjoy hearing their thoughts, seeing their work, and generally I get a real sense of community here.
(insert required pre-rant appology here:  I'm sorry if this comes off as harsh and please if you feel this is directed towards you, it probably isn't DIRECTLY directed towards you but you may need to hear it if you feel that way.  This is not a personal attack on ANYONE here)...

I post my work for several reasons:
I enjoy sharing what I love...
I like to challenge other people to do similar projects and I like to give people ideas...
I like to get FEEDBACK from people who are enjoying the same hobby.

that being said.  I realy wish I was getting actual feedback.  I'm getting fed up with the "OMGOMGEQWEUA!!!!!:_::):)SD:@) THat's the mOsT awesome thing I've EVER fRE#@#$ seen1?!?!?!!:#!@#@$#@!:"  type responses.

PLEASE if you are going to take the time to post a comment about someones custom, their review, or ANYTIHNG for that matter at least TRY to meet these following criteria:

1: if you like something PLEASE explain WHY you like it so much, don't just say "awesome stuff!"  This will not only show that you are actually sincere about what you are saying but also show that your taking initiative to make an inteligent observation.
2: if you DON'T like something, don't be an ass-hat.  Please criticise carefully and objectively so that the person does not take offense or feel defeated by your response but instead takes your suggestions/critiques to heart and hopefully works harder next time.

again.  this is not in response to anything in particular or anyone in particular.  I'm just seeing ALOT of nonsesnical posts being made that don't realy amount to much.  I get excited to see feedback on my projects and I get more than a little agrivated when I see a response filled with smiley's, exclamations, and nonsense that then doesn't follow up to explain WHY the person posting that feels this way.

no one wants to see a response filled with 10 freaked out smiley faces.....

sorry... I'm done ranting.  go about your buisness..... 

Offline r1bb1t

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2010, 08:09:52 PM »
Perhaps if you took the time to reply to people who actually left quality feedback then you'd see more of it.
I totally agree with the dislike for post padding comments like 'Awesome' or 'Cool', but I find myself  more ticked off when I write a very original comment, which sometimes takes up to an hour to compose, and either I'm thanked with the people who took zero thought with a group 'Thanks guys', and all they wrote is 'WOW', or I receive no response from the original poster.
That's my rant.


Offline Phatty

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 08:22:04 PM »
Well, to be honest Devin, many people post what is on their mind.  I'll take myself for example: Many of my replies in many of the posts here are just what you don't like to see, as in short and pointed.  That's not because I'm disinterested, or disingenuine, but rather because at any given time, I have at least 2 pages of threads to address, and I do want people to know that I've been looking at their work.  I'd think many people would much rather see "Cool" or "That's fantastic!" rather than nothing at all.  Truth be told, sometimes Things just look really nice and I don't think added wording is needed. 

Now, that's not to say I don't agree with your stance on overuse of smileys.  There are a couple out there who do over use them.  Others also like the way it adds a bit of graphical flair to their statements.  In either case, I can't speak out against the way people choose to express themselves.

As per usual, I'm all for people expressing their views, as long as it's not at the expense of others.  I completely respect your views, but really, criticizing other's critique methods is a little redundant, at least in my opinion. 

R1bb1t does have a point, just snipping on others if they don't post what you'd like them to isn't really any better, and in my opinion, and only my opinion, I think you're spinning your wheels.  Instead, I'd be inclined to agree again with R1bb1t and focus on the ones who do leave the kinds of feedback you're looking for.

Again, I'm all for you expressing your opinion.  Do not take my response as being angry or crappy towards you at all!

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2010, 09:30:30 PM »
I personally like any comment, but  I  try to thank each and every respondent, as a courtesy for those who actually took the time to reply. It's called being considerate.
As a person who replies to stuff that I find the time to see their work, and like their work, will leave a comment that isn't the norm, but, if I don't get the same respect back for my comment, I will  change my comment to something generic after a few days, and probably won't bother to leave a time consuming quality comment again, because I could use that energy on appreciative folks.


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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2010, 06:28:21 AM »
Wow there is a lot of good thought going on in here so I will try to add my two cents.

I guess I will add the way I feel about people responding to my blog as I am not a customizer, but just love to look at em.

If people take the time to put any post to me that shows they care a little bit and I can live with that. Would I like to see more interaction or some questions posed to see they really care? Yes. I would, but at least taking the time to post something shows they care, if even just a bit, about whether I fall off the face of the earth.  I am guessing the same feeling would hold for the customizers here. It is kind of like me doing fp news on the new customs, I try to spread it around to everyone, but on occasion time gets away from me and or the pictures are of such poor quality that I can't make news out of it.  Folks have pmd me demanding why their stuff isn't on the front page and just fail to understand that we all have lives away from here that at times prevent us from spending every minute of everyday here. Not to mention the fact that I have put up those same folks items on previous occasion and your welcome, but I guess their timetable is different than mine. Do I get my feelings hurt a bit when that happens. Hell yeah! Still, I am a big boy and understand mine is not the only point of view and more often than not the right one either. So, I live with what comments I get in what few threads I populate and hope to see more interaction in the future.  So does that mean I just want comments just to see them in there? No, I don't want that. I want folks to just post when they want to whatever they want and thank you very much for taking a few minutes to do it.

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2010, 06:37:29 AM »
 as much as i love getting detailed replies i have to remember not everbody is tolstoy or shakespeare, so altho it is a bit deflating to get one word posts i have to temper it with the knowledge that as in life you have to take the rough with the smooth (yes and sometimes,especially at the moment,there seems to be a lot more rough than smooth)you cannot demand that everyone leaves you a 500 word reply ,i'm afraid the world just doesnt work like that .........just be grateful what you do get is not in text speak (you'd need a bloody translator)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 06:39:41 AM by wraithnine »
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2010, 02:05:49 PM »
I'll play along. I agree with some of what everyone is saying but mostly Barry,Pat and Jay are hitting the nail on the head.

Facts: You are posting your images on the internet in a forum. That means anyone in the world can view them and comment on them how ever they see fit or not comment. You have no control over that nor should you or I or Barry.  Are there good and bad ways to comment? Yes, again it is the net though we can't control it.

Next thing is you almost never comment on others work so how can you tell someone how to comment on yours? I am not mad or anything but I could not help but ask that. I know I don't comment on everyones work either as I just don't have time, but I didn't start this thread. I do think this thread is valid but started the wrong way.

Now let me say my reply is an observent discussion not a rant. I get short comments every day and hey, that tells me they liked it. Do I enjoy the stimulating conversation with a question or 2, yes. Mostly I am just glad to share what I am into with thw others that might be into it. If not, it really doesn't matter as I make this stuff for me and my sons to play with and display so it doesn't make it any less special to me if someone says "COOL! :o"

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #7 on: August 29, 2010, 03:00:27 PM »
personally it makes no nevermind to me the amount of words or the contents of the feed back that gets posted on my or anybody elses threads. To me its all about the enjoyment everybody here gets out of checking out other peoples customs, dios, or novels isnt this about enjoying this place with all its highs and lows I just think everybody needs to calm down and take it for what it is a simple opinion be it 500 words or two god knows ive been guilty of the thats awsome or thats cool bro response  like Jay said not everybody is shakespear or as articulate as ribit on their responses. WOOO got it all out in one breath laters!!

Offline spudafett

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2010, 06:43:19 AM »
ok... ok.. people CALM DOWN. 

let me post a quick retraction:
My initial post was myself letting off steam, misdirected as it were.  I believe my initial frustration came out too harshly on this subject.  so please hear me out a second time.
I appreiciate EVERYONE's comments, two word replies, or "wow that's realy awesome" are nice and I like the fact that people are viewing my work. 
however, I personally would enjoy just a little more feedback than "that's cool".  I would like to know, WHY you may think it's cool.  If all you say is "the paint job rocks" or "you nailed the look of the original character".  simply saying "that's cool" comes off as too simplistic. 

Do you guys remember when you were in gradeschool and you had to answer open ended response questions?  The questions would be in a paragraph form, ask you a question and then ask "why".  Most people (myself included) would always get marked down because they didn't explain WHY they answered the way they did.   The why is as important as the what to me. 

Offline spudafett

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2010, 07:00:36 AM »
I personally like any comment, but  I  try to thank each and every respondent, as a courtesy for those who actually took the time to reply. It's called being considerate.
As a person who replies to stuff that I find the time to see their work, and like their work, will leave a comment that isn't the norm, but, if I don't get the same respect back for my comment, I will  change my comment to something generic after a few days, and probably won't bother to leave a time consuming quality comment again, because I could use that energy on appreciative folks.

Ribbit, I appreciate any response, that is not the real issue here.  I would just like for people to give me more specific feedback.  I know it sounded more like I didn't want ANY simple responses at all, but I came off harshly in my first post (that's why I said to disregard it as just a simple rant!).  If you leave a comment that is engaging, and actually attempts to start a discussion I'll most likely comment back.  If not, then I usually try to at least make a "catch all" thank-you in an effort to show that I have read the comments left in my thread and that I do appreciate the possitive feedback.   I don't have time to respond specifically to EVERY post, or response that is left in one of my threads, especially when all I'm saying is "thanks for the possitive feedback" ten or so times. 

As for you "changing" your comment to something generic after a few days you shouldn't do that.  Changing and editing posts does not help matters.  I assume that you left an engaging post in my thread, and I have adressed this issue there, but I never saw it.  So you changing it after my apparent "lack of response" makes no sense, I never read it...

and by the way, I said specifically in this post that this was not meant to be directed at ANYONE in particular, that this was an issue that I feel strongly about, but realy doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things.   This issue is an issue I have at EVERY forum I'm a member of, not just this one.  So again, I appologize if you took offense to my post.

Offline spudafett

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2010, 07:13:44 AM »
as much as i love getting detailed replies i have to remember not everbody is tolstoy or shakespeare, so altho it is a bit deflating to get one word posts i have to temper it with the knowledge that as in life you have to take the rough with the smooth (yes and sometimes,especially at the moment,there seems to be a lot more rough than smooth)you cannot demand that everyone leaves you a 500 word reply ,i'm afraid the world just doesnt work like that .........just be grateful what you do get is not in text speak (you'd need a bloody translator)

I agree Wraithnine.  not everyone is a poet.  However, I'm not asking for poetry, or even for a 500 word essay on "why do you like this figure"...
I simply would like to see more DISCUSSION, and less "bandwaggon complimenting." 

For instance, when I make a reply to someone's custom that they post I generally try to follow a guidline of "compliment, criticize, suggest".  Not always in that order, and not always every one of those things.  But I try to make sure that I compliment what I love about the custom, offer up a little constructive criticism and then offer my own suggestion for how I'd improve the figure or work.   If I can't think of anything to criticize or offer any suggestions then I will try to evaluate what I love most about the figure. 

To use clonehead's most recent figure, the pre-visla repaint.  I didn't just say "awesome figure, looks great"  I tried to be specific about what I thought looked great.  I commented that I loved to legacy look over the animated figure, that his paintwork always impresses me, and that the tiny details were factory perfect.  In that specific instance I had no criticism, and I had no suggestions.  But I offered a more specific explanation of what I liked instead of just "WHO that's amazing!" 

(and thank god we don't have people posting in TXT or L33t speak...!)

Offline spudafett

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2010, 07:18:52 AM »
Facts: You are posting your images on the internet in a forum. That means anyone in the world can view them and comment on them how ever they see fit or not comment. You have no control over that nor should you or I or Barry.  Are there good and bad ways to comment? Yes, again it is the net though we can't control it.
Next thing is you almost never comment on others work so how can you tell someone how to comment on yours? I am not mad or anything but I could not help but ask that. I know I don't comment on everyones work either as I just don't have time, but I didn't start this thread. I do think this thread is valid but started the wrong way.
Now let me say my reply is an observent discussion not a rant. I get short comments every day and hey, that tells me they liked it. Do I enjoy the stimulating conversation with a question or 2, yes. Mostly I am just glad to share what I am into with thw others that might be into it. If not, it really doesn't matter as I make this stuff for me and my sons to play with and display so it doesn't make it any less special to me if someone says "COOL! :o"
I agree, first of all (and I've already pointed this out) I did start this thread in the wrong fassion.  But had I started it in any other way it would have been taken more seriously and I'd been flamed even harder for it.  I pointed out in the very begining to disregard this post as my own frustration and agrivation and to NOT take it personally. so your right, I did start this discussion in the wrong way, but I'm glad it's being discussed now!
AS for the second part of your comment... I do post replies to other peoples work, when I feel that I can leave a valid and engaging response.  I try to offer criticism, suggestions, and compliemnts when I feel they are needed.... that being said, I also don't have time to read EVERY SINGLE thread on this forum.  I have been relying heavily on the FP news feed to direct me to threads in which I think there might be things I would want to see and respond to.  So if I don't leave a response to something it's mostly becasue I probably havn't seen it.

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2010, 07:31:36 AM »
... many people post what is on their mind.  ...I'd think many people would much rather see "Cool" or "That's fantastic!" rather than nothing at all.  Truth be told, sometimes Things just look really nice and I don't think added wording is needed.  
I don't dissagree... but I still hold by my statements that I've said.  I like to see WHY someone likes something.  If all they say is "you used a great combination of parts" or "the paint work is realy detailed" then that satisfies me.  a comment that says nothing more that "whoa awesome!" is one that (and again, NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE) I am going to frankly ignore.  
As per usual, I'm all for people expressing their views, as long as it's not at the expense of others.  I completely respect your views, but really, criticizing other's critique methods is a little redundant, at least in my opinion.  
R1bb1t does have a point, just snipping on others if they don't post what you'd like them to isn't really any better, and in my opinion, and only my opinion, I think you're spinning your wheels.  Instead, I'd be inclined to agree again with R1bb1t and focus on the ones who do leave the kinds of feedback you're looking for.
I appologize for the way I started this thread, I realy do....  I'm not trying to criticize anyone.  I was just frustrated because it seems like this is a growing trend among all the forums I go to.  Again, I don't feel that I was "snipping" on anyone, I was trying to bring attention to an issue that I have, allbeit the wrong way.

If you guys don't mind... I am going to LOCK this topic and start a new discusion that is more geared to making a discusion about the point that I was trying to make the first time.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 07:34:04 AM by spudafett »

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Re: RANT, please disregard and don't take personally...
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2010, 10:50:16 AM »
Devin, it really is no big deal. I agree, your first post did come off as harsh and arrogant, and I allowed it to continue because it led to a quality discussion. No one is amped up about it or anything, we all just had a nice, spirited debate, nothing more.