Ok... so I realy enjoy posting here, there are ALOT of people that I realy enjoy hearing their thoughts, seeing their work, and generally I get a real sense of community here.
(insert required pre-rant appology here: I'm sorry if this comes off as harsh and please if you feel this is directed towards you, it probably isn't DIRECTLY directed towards you but you may need to hear it if you feel that way. This is not a personal attack on ANYONE here)...
I post my work for several reasons:
I enjoy sharing what I love...
I like to challenge other people to do similar projects and I like to give people ideas...
I like to get FEEDBACK from people who are enjoying the same hobby.
that being said. I realy wish I was getting actual feedback. I'm getting fed up with the "OMGOMGEQWEUA!!!!!:_:
:)SD:@) THat's the mOsT awesome thing I've EVER fRE#@#$ seen1?!?!?!!:#!@#@$#@!:" type responses.
PLEASE if you are going to take the time to post a comment about someones custom, their review, or ANYTIHNG for that matter at least TRY to meet these following criteria:
1: if you like something PLEASE explain WHY you like it so much, don't just say "awesome stuff!" This will not only show that you are actually sincere about what you are saying but also show that your taking initiative to make an inteligent observation.
2: if you DON'T like something, don't be an ass-hat. Please criticise carefully and objectively so that the person does not take offense or feel defeated by your response but instead takes your suggestions/critiques to heart and hopefully works harder next time.
again. this is not in response to anything in particular or anyone in particular. I'm just seeing ALOT of nonsesnical posts being made that don't realy amount to much. I get excited to see feedback on my projects and I get more than a little agrivated when I see a response filled with smiley's, exclamations, and nonsense that then doesn't follow up to explain WHY the person posting that feels this way.
no one wants to see a response filled with 10 freaked out smiley faces.....
sorry... I'm done ranting. go about your buisness.....