I've always wanted a trenchcoat and I just recently bought this one. I got it online from a company in colorado called "down under saddle supply co." It's a "Drover style" western "oil skin" coat. The coat is 100% waterproof and extremely warm. It also comes with an optional fleece liner that I just started wearing in it tonight since it's gotten so cold. Let me tell ya though, even without the liner this thing is warm.
it's nice and heavy and feels great while wearing it.... If you have the cash and like the style (btw the shoulder cape is removable) then I recomend checking out their web-site for one.
Mine cost me right at 150 bucks btw (which is a sweet deal for a full length coat like this!)
anyway, I'm glad you guys like the figure. I'm currently looking for a pair of cow-boy boot feet for the figure to match my stingray skin boots.
Tamer, the figure's guns are inspired by my own real-life guns, I just havn't posed for a picture with them, I guess I need to!