Well my local Wal-Mart looks like heck. I had to repack what basic figures there were and there wasn't any sign of the new ESB wave there. I did see Cad Bane, but most were legends and even older blue cards. I even saw a first issue Yarna. There were some O droids and Ywings, but I couldnt find a daggone scan thing so I could check the price on those. I did venture into the lawn and garden under roof section and saw some toys on clearance. The only SW items were the evolution pilot sets, both the Imperial and Rebel versions and I just couldn't pass em up anymore. I did see a Joe Night Raven on clearance from 40 to 20 bucks, but not much else of note other than that imaginenext ultrasauras on sale for half off. My little gal came home with one of those earlier in the week. She loves it. It is kinda neat with all the walking, roaring, and led lighting up. Makes me wonder why we can get a SW vehicle like that.
The sad thing is all those toy boxes in the outside tarp roof section at that walmart are still there. Lord knows what water damage is being done to them and there were too many employees running around for me to do anything other than reconfirm they were still there. I don't know what they plan to do with em. I guess they will send em somewhere else? My basic figure pegs are down to just three pegs wide. I am gonna go to my bigger, better one tomorrow so I hope to find better stuff there. I so hope I don't see that turbo tank on sale for fifty bucks. I just want the esb wave and I can stop looking for a bit.