My postal workers are well known for their ineptitude. Ray and I have been having quite the ordeal trying to figure out where my E-11 he built me went until I finally got notice it came and after jetting to the post office I was greeted with the all too familiar well its not our fault the box is mangled excuses. After giving them some rather eventful glares and making a few comments about their routine excuses I got it home and gingerly unwrapped it. Not one thing was marred because Ray packed this so well. I am telling you I don't see how something wasn't knocked off or dinged or damaged in some way. Leave it to the packing skills and construction thoroughness of one Wookie Balls. Oh, did I mention he had already refunded me my total cost for this as we had pretty much given it up for ghost? Trust me doing business with Ray, even going through something like this, will still leave you with a smile on your face when you are done. Bravo Ray!