I think hands down his Two Mando with Speederbike Creations. No-brainer there.
I almost hate to say I think his McQuarrie Snowspeeder variation would be cool too, but I would have to ship it back to him! I am just thinking it would be cool to see all the genres of customizing from figures, vehicles (large and mini-rigs), and dioramas would be cool. I could easily see that Hangarbay you made being a hit too. I know space is gonna be your enenmy here though.
One thing though, please make sure if you display some of this that it is either watched or behind glass. I would feel awful if you reported someone stole anything while down there. Pat and I didn't see or hear of one instance while we were at C5 of this and SW fans are great folks in general, but this is a lot of temptation for someone who doesn't customize.