You know something weird, I first saw this and remembered the scene in RotS with it, and how I thought it was kind of dumb how fast the thing moved, which combined with the name "turbo tank" made me decided that I had no interest in this. Then recently I remembered an old book I had called Star Wars: Vehicles and Vessels, and remembered the only thing in there with wheels, the Juggernaut. I always imagined that as being a massive, really slow moving thing (like a giant bulldozer with guns), and how creepy it would be that way. When I found out the turbo tank actually was the Juggernaut (just named the CTT because Toy Biz owned the name Juggernaut via Marvel, thanks wookieepedia), I think I totally reversed my opinion of it and want it now. Something about it having been the original concept art for the AT-AT and now being made into a toy is kind of awesome to me (even though I'm not really into the concept art figures). I would totally have to weather it a lot and give it a bit of rust here and there, but still.