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Custom Figures / Re: Don's Custom Star Wars Figures
« Last post by Don on October 31, 2024, 01:50:17 AM »

Custom Figures / Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
« Last post by Starchaser on October 28, 2024, 06:05:56 PM »
Looks like some good stuff is happening in here. Nice.

Thanks, Tamer. There's a little going on:) I've got a lot on the "parts bench" but little time to complete things. Autumn is always busy and this autumn is particularly scheduled out.
Custom Figures / Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
« Last post by Starchaser on October 28, 2024, 06:04:27 PM »
Seeing Zuckuss in a new coat is refreshing! The red and beige fit well. I'm sure no terrain is too challenging for him! I wonder if he a has a vehicle like a speeder to scout around.

Thanks, Philipp. I haven't given any thought to additional equipment as he is based on an image from a game. I think I might do a bit of reworking before I am really satisfied with him, though. The coat needs some work, I think and I might need to do some work on his breather. We'll see. In the image the Gand's coat is tan, but that was just a little Zuckuss for me, so I opted to go with an existing coat in a different color (hence the Naboo pilot) rather than trying to make my own softgoods for this one. Not sure how I feel about it completely, and again, I might just breakdown and sew my own.
Conventions & Events / Re: SDCC
« Last post by Starchaser on October 28, 2024, 05:59:27 PM »
That too bad for people excited to go and bad for the convention if someone is only somewhat interested, but would buy tickets if easily accessible.
Conventions & Events / Re: SDCC
« Last post by DarthHawk on October 28, 2024, 12:53:34 PM »
Hasn't ever been on my trajectory either.
I thought I would give it a try this year since it has been an eternity since we had a Celebration.
The web site is still down with no idea as to when it will be back up and running.
Custom Figures / Re: Don's Custom Star Wars Figures
« Last post by Starchaser on October 28, 2024, 11:20:05 AM »
Nice!  ;D
Custom Figures / Re: Don's Custom Star Wars Figures
« Last post by Don on October 27, 2024, 11:11:02 AM »
Very nice. You do such an awesome job with ewoks. About half wonder what one would look like with an Alien Xenomorph skull. That would make for some talk around the ole fire pit.

Thanks! And...

Imperial HR Office / Error while posting with attachement
« Last post by Darth Revenge on October 27, 2024, 08:53:03 AM »
I can't post anything if i add attachement. I reduce size of pictures, even 800*600 compressed jpg pics less than 1 MO don't work.
If somebody can help me to resolve this case...
Custom Figures / Re: Don's Custom Star Wars Figures
« Last post by Tamer on October 27, 2024, 05:13:57 AM »
Very nice. You do such an awesome job with ewoks. About half wonder what one would look like with an Alien Xenomorph skull. That would make for some talk around the ole fire pit.
Custom Figures / Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
« Last post by Tamer on October 27, 2024, 05:12:48 AM »
Looks like some good stuff is happening in here. Nice.
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