I've gotten way behind on these Marvel Star Wars comics. I've read the Princess Leia comic collection. I gotta say I wasn't thrilled. The Comic is definitely geared towards a female audience, all of the main characters are females. Which isnt terribe , just not relatable to me. Some parts were interresting, like her flashbacks as a child on Alderaan, and some other little tid bits. Like I always wondered why Leia comforts Luke after losing Obi wan who up until recently was just his crazy next door neighbor. When Leia lost her entire freggin planet, including her family and friends. Early in the series the story addresses that situation. The story takes place right after the ceremony on Yavin IV. She gets this idea to drop everything she's doing to find any Alderaanian citizens on other planets to try to preserve Alderaan's heritage. It reminded me slightly of Mr. Spock from Star Trek when his planet was destroyed in Abrams' version. Honestly I lost interest halfway through. But for female Leia fans it would be great.
Like I said I've fallen way behind I still need to get Star Wars Vol.2 Vader Vol.2 and Chewbacca.