SquirePec, I have said this before and I will say it again, this is an awesome achievement. As someone who creates photonovels I am fully aware of the huge undertaking they represent, it is a real labour of love, especially given the disproportionate level of attention they receive.
You should be extreamly proud of your achievement, not only for creating your own story, but for building the sets, creating the customs, taking the photographs and editing and photoshopping your images. If you are looking to hone your graphics skills this is the best way to do it. As a case and point you have already asked me about creating explosions, and I'm sure as you progress there will be many more things you want to put on screen that you have in your head.
A recommendation, if I may. Watch some good classic Scifi and Manga movies and begin to look at camera angles and effects. You'll get a lot of inspiration that way and begin to see small details that you will use in your own work.
Really well done! and a well deserved Front Page!!!