Author Topic: The Vernol  (Read 1186 times)

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The Vernol
« on: December 27, 2009, 08:59:02 PM »
INFO: The Vernols were a race of sapient bipeds. They appeared similar to frogs. They had a large colony on Garnib.

RACE: Vernol
HEIGHT: 1.5 Meters Tall
SKIN: Blue with orange highlights
LANGUAGE: Vernolian

Garnib was the primary world of the Garnib system. It was subjugated by the Galactic Empire and many native Balinaka (considered to be the galaxy's most artistic beings) were exported as slaves to the breeding farms on Karfeddion. The planet was headquarters of Garnib Crystal Corporation, which exported Garnib crystals.

It was a cold world covered in frigid oceans and glaciers. Garnib was also the adopted world of the Vernol species who emigrated when their homeworld shifted in its orbit and become uninhabitable.

The Vernols are squat humanoids who emigrated to the icy walls of Garnib in great numbers when their homeworld shifted in its orbit and became uninhabitable. Physically, they stand up to 1.5 meters tall and have blue skin with orange highlights around their eyes, mouth, and on the underside of their palms and feet. Many of them have come to Garnib simply to become part of what they feel is a safe and secure society (much of their native society was destroyed when a meteor collided with their homeworld five decades ago).

They are natural foragers adept at finding food, water, and other things of importance. Many of them have become skilled investigators on other planets. Others have become wealthy con artists since they have a cheerful, skittish demeanor that lulls strangers into a sense of security.

They are fearful and territorial, but extremely loyal to those who have proven their friendship. Vernols are quite diverse and can be found in many occupations on many worlds. Garnib is the only world where they are known to gather in large ethnic communities. They share Garnib with the Balinaka, but tend to avoid them.

Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows (Mentioned only)

Planets of the Galaxy, Volume One
The Star Wars Planets Collection
Alien Encounters

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.