INFO: The Araquia were arachnoid sapients indigenous to Kirtania.
RACE: Araquia
HEIGHT: 2 Meters Tall
SKIN: Grayish-green
DISTINCTION: Web-spinning pacifists
LANGUAGE: Araquian
HOMEWORLD:Kirtania was the homeworld of the spider-like, pacifist Araquia people. The Kubaz crime lord Schnil Hakoon settled on the planet and centered his operations in Kinkosa City.
BIOLOGY AND APPEARANCE:The Araquia are a pacifist arachnid species from the planet Kirtania, they are renowned for making some of the best silk garments in the galaxy. Araquia stand 2 Meters Tall and are a grayish-green in color.
CULTURE AND HISTORY:Little is known of their culture and history, and they are a very private species.
APPEARANCES:"The Quality of Mercy" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 1
SOURCES:Alien Encounters
I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.