Yea, I agree with Spry, a darker color mixed with water works well. You can rub or blot off excess areas with a clean cloth.
Another 'recipe' I found on the net is to mix 'future' floor wax with a bit of water, and then darken that up with some color. The Future Acrylic Wax adds a bit of 'heaviness' to the wash, sinking it into the fine lines really well, and holding it there while adding a seal to the surface. This technique requires very little to work. In other words, start with very little on your brush and go from there. This can also add a glossy finish if too much wax is used. But it definitely leaves a good, hard, protected surface. If you end up with more gloss than you want, use a dry brush technique to add just enough paint to take the shine off. I used this technique on the Shadow V-19 I recently finished. You can see the glossiness in the photos, although the glossiness is somewhat exaggerated by the camera flash. . . .