Gys, I really appreciate your comments, and thanks for your contuned interest.
CC, I'm using a program called Pinnicle Studio 12, it was the most recommended "budget" Photo/ Movie Editing programs and our local PC World had the Softwae on special offer.
It took me a few goes to get used to the controls and interface, but now I've got the hang of it I love it. It's rock solid in terms of format reliability and the movie quality is amazing considering the file sizes. This movie was a mere 200Mb if it would have been Movie Maker it would have been 7 or 800Mb's and the quality would heve been nowhere near as good.
Another feature of the program is Chroma's a blue screen function that allows me to create the moving effects. I loved the intro effect, which I created sing the Zoom effect. I set the zoom to move the background image slowly from right to left, I then added 2 images of buildings with a faster sideways zoom.
Expct more of the same with Chapter 2...