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« on: December 28, 2009, 05:40:54 PM »
Aalgar - Isolated race of Bith.

Aar'aa - reptilian sapients native to Aar.

Ab'Ugartte - were a sentient race known to be secluded and unfriendly.

Adinian - were a race of thin humanoid aliens with red skin and white facial stripes indigenous to Adin. Other distinctive features were their two-fingered hands and pale pink teeth.

Aefans - were small, orange-skinned humanoids indigenous to Aefao.

Agee - were small sapients who were members of the New Republic. They existed in flightless and winged varieties.

Aggoron - were a sentient race.

Agorffi - were strong, brawny sentients used by the Galactic Empire as slaves. They were often hunted by the Slaver Syndicate.

Ahra Naffi - were an ancient species that begat the Qonat, who in turn begat the Qella.

Airam - were a clan-based culture of indeterminate species who lived in the Outer Rim Territories, especially within the Airam sector.

Alain - were the native species of Von-Alai. Due to the heavy pollution of their homeworld, they built their residential buildings on giant platforms above the toxic sludge.  

Alashans - were an ancient race native to the planet Alashan. The race had reached technological sophistication at a time well before the formation of the Galactic Republic

Aldereen - were sentient insectoids native to the planet Aldereen. Aldereen was part of the New Republic, often confused with Alderaan. They had a consulate on Coruscant.

Alpheridians - were oceanic humanoids native to Alpheridies in the Expansion Region. They had a complicated society built around a single 1,000-year old queen, the only female Alpheridian, who lived in a palace in the Alpheridies Ocean and mated with all the male Alpheridians when they reached age 150. Individuals included Kasm Gundar. Circa 0 BBY, Alpheridan bounty hunters were found in Mos Eisley.

Althiri - were the native species of Althir. Their warriors were considered by Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders to be able fighters, and were therefore attacked in the early Mandalorian Wars. Canderous Ordo was present in the  battle against them. Althiri had some knowledge of battle tactics, and were able build weapons of mass destruction.

Amorphiians - were replica droids indigenous to Amorphia. The motor abilities of Amorphiian citizens were frequently impaired by malfunctions which resulted in a temporary loss of power.

Andalese - were a race of Near-Humans. Their features included small, pointed horns and symbiotic tissue grafted onto their bodies. If they dressed in reasonably loose clothes and styled their hair cleverly, they could pass for Human. It is possible that they could also be recognized by some other physical traits or mannerisms that not all humans shared, as Han Solo suspected that Enara, a Fallanassi adept aboard the Pride of Yevetha, might be Andalese rather than human.
Anselmi - were the inhabitants of the ocean planet Glee Anselm. They shared the planet with the Nautolans. Both races evolved naturally on the planet, the Nautolans under the water and the Anselmi on what little landmasses there were. Competition for land most likely led to the Anselmi turning into a warlike race. However, as the Nautolans gradually came to the surface and acquired land, they were able to use their natural abilities and strength to overcome the Anselmi. The Nautolans made up the majority of the population, as the Anselmi continually warred amongst themselves diminishing their numbers on the planet.

Aplocaph - were a sentient species. This species as a whole was instinctively driven to visit new places and meet new beings. They considered gleaming skin to be attractive, and the most fastidious (such as Saduu Nagag) would make an effort to gleam their skin almost hourly.

Arkudans - were natives to the planet Arkuda. They were a squat ursine species that were known for their jeweled and ornamented gaming cubes.

Armalat - were a species off giant, green-skinned non-humanoid race that weighed several hundred kilos. Each one of their hands only had three fingers. They were natives of Ansion, and represented by Tolut to the Unity of Community.

Avoni - were the indigenous species of Avon. In 27 BBY, the Avoni attempted to conquer Radnor. They sent Dol Heep, the ambassador of Avon, to conquer the planet when everyone was gone from Radnor.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 10:43:58 AM by Cimter »

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« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2009, 06:13:54 PM »
B'das - were one of the New Republic's member species.

B'trillians - were an alien race. They were from the Core Worlds and were known for their strength.

Babb - were a species known for being physically small.

Babbets - were a species of amphibious sentients.

Bagmims - were a sentient species from the planet Xochtl, located in the Gordian Reach. The Bagmims were tall, and had a reputation as good fighters when aroused. They were directly represented in the New Republic Senate. The Bagmims were a member species of the New Republic, represented in the Senate. They served in the Republic's fleet alongside such species as Humans and Povanarians. In the last days of the Galactic Civil War, one committee of Bagmims commanded an Assault Frigate that patrolled near the Imperial Remnant as part of Admiral Vriss's fleet. The Bagmim also joined the anti-Bothan coalition during the Caamas Document crisis, sending customs ships to the Both system to fight in the Second Battle of Bothawui.

Baldavians - were an alien race. They were unusually skilled at reading lips.

Bamasians - were an alien race, most notable in their appreciation of spicy foods. One of their main dessert dishes, a baked bread ring, contained a protein-circuit onetime holocaster unit, which, when the pastry was broken, presented sage Bamasian wisdom.

Bandies - were a sentient species from Tervissis who were oppressed by the neighboring Tervigs.

Barisonians - were aquatic sapients from Barison, the water planet. During the Galactic Civil War, Airen Cracken had to deal with them in order to secure a restraining bolt on a droid of his a group of them stole.

Barrckli - were a species of sentient humanoids. Moranda Savich dodged a drunken member of this species while at the Continuum Void cantina on Darkknell.

Barri - were semi-sentient beings native to an Unnamed planet in Wild Space. They were enigmatic space-faring creatures that could hitch rides on asteroids and derelict spacecraft for thousands of years in space. Their acid secretions broke down and helped them digest the asteroid they clung to.

Basiliskans - were an intelligent lizard species native to the planet Basilisk in the Core. They were the creators of the Basilisk War Droids, that were rumored to be modeled after themselves. During their war with the Mandalorians, the Basiliskans chemically poisoned their own planet, in a last effort to defeat their conquerors.

After the war the Mandalorians found a new use for the Basiliskans. With their tough hides and claws (not to mention how easily they could be trained) and their intelligence the Mandalorians used them as weapons for aerial and ground fighting during later wars including the New Sith Wars. Because of this the Basiliskans degenerated and became nothing more than beasts. As such, since the Battle of Basilisk in 3,997 BBY, they were re-named the Lagartoz War Dragons.

Bavakar - were a species that specialized in the medical field, specifically with biological enhancements. Bavakar Medical Research Labs was owned and operated by the Bavakar.

Belovian - were a sentient species.

Berchestians - were a sentient species of humanoids or near-Humans that hailed from the planet of Berchest, though a sizable population of them lived on Mrlsst as well. For some unknown reason, Berchestians had various characters either tattooed or otherwise imprinted on their foreheads.

Bergamasque - were a sentient race. They had tentacles and stubby fingers.

Bezim - were a sentient race from the planet Bezim. They were humanoids with dome-shaped skulls.

Bherizians - were the native sentient species of Bheriz. Sometime during the Clone Wars, the Bherizians were contacted by the CIS forces and the Republic. They were led by the Viceroy of Bheriz.

Blagwahr - were a primitive race from Arorua. When Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn trained on the planet, they saved Mosko Bolpa from a Blagwahr snare trap. A sacrificial altar was built for a Silan on a mountain and it is possible that the Blagwahr people built it.

Bloxians - were a sentient species indigenous to the planet Bloxia. They were very large and had red skin.

Boltrunians - were a large and muscular Near-Human species with hairless heads, craggy faces, wide noses, and heavy brow ridges. Boltrunians could live to be over 700 years old. Well-known Boltrunians included Warto and the Dark Jedi Maw.

Bomas - were large sentient species that resembled across between a bear and a guinea pig, standing at about 1.4 Meters Tall, and covered with brown fur. They did not speak Basic. The Rebels named a starfighter group which attacked the Death Star "Boma" flight.

Bomodons - were a species of alien that could routinely be found wandering the streets of Mos Eisley on Tatooine circa 0 BBY. Some of them found work as bounty hunters.

Borlorians - were a sentient alien race.

Borlovians - were a feathered race native to the planet Borlov that communicated with multi-layered whistles and trills. They were a timid species with a medieval social structure that valued stability; mobility and change were quite frowned upon, and most never left the city or village of their birth. Space travel was all but unthinkable until the Borlovian misfit Llollulion departed with smuggler Booster Terrik.

B'rknaa - were mineral-based sentient species that were animated by the life force of Indobak's energy crystals. The B'rknaa were indigenous to Indobok, although Indobok itself was actually a fully grown B'rknaa. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the B'rknaa may have become extinct or endangered as a result of the deployment of the Yo'gand's Core tactic during a campaign against Indobok and its planet Kalarba.

Brebishem - were a sentient species that had long snouts, wide leaf-shaped ears, and mauve-colored skin. Groups of Brebishem often huddled together, giving them the appearance of one larger organism.

Brigians - were a humanoid species native to the planet of Brigia, in the Tion Hegemony. They were thin and tall with purple skin and red eyes. Their homeworld was the site of the University of Rudrig, one of the few universities within the Hegemony. The planet also had a sensitive ecosystem, requiring all incoming ships to undergo a phase-one decontamination before landing. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Yuuzhan Vong invaded Brigia. The native Brigians resisted at first though they were eventually forced to go underground and begin a guerrilla war. The desperate Brigians pleaded with the Corporate Sector Authority for help though the business minded organization ignored them. In the end, the surviving Brigians were enslaved and implanted with surge-coral implants.

Brizzit - were insectoid sapients, difficult to identify by name and face. Tzizvvt was a Brizzit. Although he had been treasure hunting on Jandoon, that was not his homeworld; though there was a colony of Brizzit established there.

Brolfi, singular Brolf - were a species of furry sentients that inhabited the planet of Barlok. Their skin, referred to as hornskin, was colored between different shades of green and yellow, and quivered when the Brolf was feeling emotional. They also had stumpy legs. Caulfmar was the governor of Barlok in the time before the Clone Wars during the time the Galactic Republic was planning to launch Outbound Flight.

Brosin - were Near-Humans from Brosi. Brosins shared their native planet with Old Republic settlers for centuries. After the discovery of Zinsian veins on the planet, the Corporate Sector Authority government began displacing thousands of Brosins and hiring the youngest ones to work in their dangerous Zinsian processing plants. This led to the creation of the Brosin Underground, to fight the CSA trying to get them out of Brosi.

Bruvians - were a sentient species.

Buro - were a species native to Kaisa. Some time before 24 ABY, they were accidentally driven to extinction by Human geologists.

Buzchub - were a species covered in dark blue fur and from a remote part of the Galaxy. They were generally described as being polite and unremarkable. Like the Wookiees of Kashyyyk they were physically incapable of speaking Basic although they typically understood it perfectly. They often wore a translating device around their necks so that they could communicate with other species.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 10:53:34 AM by Cimter »

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« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2009, 06:46:39 PM »
Cacops - were an alien race native to Veccacopia. Then-Senator Finis Valorum brought them into the Galactic Republic by breaking up a large corruption ring on Veccacopia.

Carthasians - were green sapients indigenous to Benja-Rihn that also possessed large, orange eyes with black pupils, set-back nostrils on their large upper jaws and they had a collection of small green stubs similar to hair.

Catumen - were sapient felinoids known for the fierce mercenary warriors of their species. Catuman warriors were raised in the arts of warfare from birth, and were said to be among the deadliest killers in the galaxy.

Several Catuman warriors served as the bodyguards of Kharys, the Majestrix of Skye, and ruthlessly hunted down Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo on Tirahnn as part of the Majestrix's scheme to locate Han Solo

Celestials, also known as the Architects - were an ancient civilization who were present long before the dawn of the Galactic Republic. The origins of the Celestials were largely unknown. It was believed that the Celestials were the race (or one of many races) responsible for the creation of The Maw and the Corellian system. The Celestials were also credited with having moved the planet Vultar to its present location[1] and in a similar fashion having constructed the Hapes Cluster, Kathol Rift and the Cron Cluster. The lowest levels of the planet Kessel had massive amounts of Celestial technology, which almost destroyed the entire planet in 43.5 ABY. Ben Skywalker theorized that the Celestials may have constructed Centerpoint Station and created The Maw in order to contain Abeloth.

By 30,000 BBY, their power had waned to such a degree that the Rakata were able to dominate other systems on a large scale without competition.

Cemas - were an alien race.

Chakrata - were a species of near-Humans with glowing violet eyes and red skin which they would ceremonially scar and tattoo.

Chameleon Creatures - were semi-sentient beings able to change their pigmentation at will to match their environment. They were often employed as assassins by Black Sun.

Charbodian - was the name of a sentient alien race. One Charbodian worthy of note was a military cook at a Republic medical station on Drongar during the Clone Wars.

Chekut - invaded Sikan in 40 ABY.

Chestrashi - were an alien race with a fascination with biological warfare.

Children of the Green Planet - were puddle-footed sentients indigenous to Brodo Asogi. The Children of the Green Planet were one of the many species in the galaxy to refrain from wearing clothes. During the last days of the Old Republic they funded an extragalactic expedition project, but whether or not this expedition was ever successful or even went past the planning stage is unknown.  

Choi - were aliens from the planet of the same name. A Choi was eaten by the Sarlacc on Tatooine and talked with Boba Fett when he was trapped there.

Chortose - were short furry aliens native to Chortose.

Porgo Goo was a Chortose.

Cidwen - were black, predatory, winged insects of Atraken with dangerous beaks and claws. The devastation of their homeworld in the Clone Wars depleted their numbers to little over a dozen. They could grow a half-meter long with a meter wingspan.. Like the Aga and the Avogwi, they were often tortured, drugged, and used as guards by the Galactic Empire.

Clatear - were a species of sentient humanoids that were were recognizable by their horned heads. They had been feuding with their neighbors, the Nhoras, since approximately 580 BBY. Both species lived in a sector that was possibly near Cilpar. The Jedi Order attempted to mediate the conflict for five generations without success; the feud was, however, interrupted when their homeworld was occupied by the Galactic Empire. After the Imperials pulled out, the Clatear were left with a well-armed military force. During the tensions over the Caamas Document, the Clatear and the Nhoras took advantage of the New Republic's apparent policy of not interfering with local conflicts, and began preparing for open warfare once again.

Conjeni - were sapients who resembled red-furred starfish.

Constancians - were short, telepathic mammalian humanoids indigenous to Constancia.

Corasgh - were a sentient species who, under the New Order, established a nest colony in the Koornacht Cluster. This colony was wiped out when its planet was conquered in the Yevethan Purge.

Corragut - were a species native to Altawar in the Corellian Sector.

Corthenians - were a sentient alien species.

Corweillians - were a sentient species. Von Taub was a Corweillian.

Courataine - were a gelatinous alien race who used special exoskeleton suits to support themselves. Because the atmosphere on their planet was very thin, they outfitted their suits with a special processor when they ventured off planet.

Cracians - were a people native to the Craci system. Long before the Galactic Civil War, they domesticated the Cracian Thumper as a workbeast. They eventually marketed the animals to the galaxy at large, to whom they became indispensable pack and riding animals.

Cranscoc - were an insectoid species from the planet Cartao who controlled Spaarti Creations. They reproduced slowly, and communicated by changing colors. A sub-species known as Twillers controlled the strange fluid technology that earned Spaarti Creations their profits.

Crast (also called food-kin) - were a race of crustaceans from Pria. They had a symbiotic relationship with the Priapulins. Crast eggs began to be incubated after being digested by a Priapulin. The Crast were willing to act as Priapulin food if the Priapulins care for their children.

Cratniks - were a species of sentient insectoids. With their bulging eyes and extendible mandibles, their appearance was considered repulsive by Human standards. The staple food of the Cratniks was a species of small, furry mammals, which they preferred to eat live. Visitors were frequently offered these small mammals as a sign of hospitality. While Cratniks could become violently angry if such an offer was impolitely refused, they would accept a polite refusal from non-Cratniks who were vegetarians or who would not eat raw food. Stronger and faster than the Human average, Cratniks used their mandibles to bite opponents in combat.

Crintlians - were a territorial alien species known for their technology.

Croke - were a very small species, small enough to be held in a Human hand. They had a reputation for being unpleasant and evil, and seemingly possessed biological powers of shapeshifting and illusion-casting. One of the most prominent members of the species was Rokur Gepta.

In appearance, Croke resembled snails, with the unusual trait of possessing the furry legs of a spider. Unfortunately the only Croke that was seen in its true form was badly burned; it is unknown whether his fur was naturally black or if it had been charred into this shade.

The Croke developed on a planet known as Crakull, which was said to exist within the Unknown Regions.

Crotok - were a sentient alien species.

Cthons - were inhabitants of the Coruscant Underworld. They were zombie-like humanoids who preyed on living flesh. Their ancestors were Humans who were banished from the surface for their crimes, subsequently residing in the darkness of the undercity for thousands of years, which genetically changed them into terrifying creatures that became the subject of countless horror stories and nightmares.

Visually, they appeared like decaying corpses with loose flaps of flesh, stringy, dirty hair, and a lipless mouth filled with sharp teeth. Skin grew to cover their eyes; there was an egg-like organ where the eye could be seen moving restlessly while sealed within its sockets. If clothed at all, they wore nothing but simple loincloths. Cthons were also known to use electroshock nets to catch their prey, as demonstrated on Jedi Padawan Darsha Assant and her companions. Cthons can be said to be the analog of the Tarisian Rakghoul of the Taris Undercity and perhaps may be related to the underlevels' corridor ghouls.

Cuvacians - were a sentient species. Humans were known to find their language unusual.

Cyborreans - were the native sentient species of the planet Cyborrea in Hutt Space. They were almost always at war with each other, and were a client species of the Hutts. When not engaged in battle, they hunted the vicious creatures of their planet to keep their skills sharp. They were known for breeding Cyborrean Battle Dogs, vicious, dog-sized creatures that were fitted with armor and cyborg implants. They were often sold on the black market.

Cygnus Algae - were a sentient plant found in the oceans of Cygnus B.

Cyrillians - were a reptilian species native to the industrialized planet Cyrillia. They were as tall as Wookiees and developed the DUM pit droid as a maintenance unit on their hovering transports.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 10:11:01 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2009, 07:11:52 PM »
D'farians - were a member species of the New Republic who allied themselves with the Bothans and the Diamala during the Caamas Document crisis. D'farian vessels fought alongside the Diamala during the Second Battle of Bothawui in 19 ABY.

Dabi - were a sentient species that had several arms.

Dactrurians - were a sentient alien race. The renowned actor Anorad Estuan was a Dactrurian.

Daimlo - were the inhabitants of Daimla. They were fat aliens with long, pointed heads with horns. They were similar in appearance to Iktotchis, but fatter and with longer faces. Scorch Zanales was a Daimlo.

Dashta eels - were a species of animal native to Ord Cestus and unknown to the outside galaxy. Immature ones were the size of a clenched Human fist when coiled, and had blind eyes. The young had no sex; after they matured, they entered into sexual differentiation, gained a form of sentience, and grew larger. Unfertilized eggs develop into dashta eels that remain immature and non-sentient. The head eels were the Guides.
Dashta eels were from the Zantay Caves, and were worshiped by the X'Ting for thousands of years. They were named after Kilaphor Dashta.
The unfertilized dashta eels were given to the X'Ting so that they could make JK-series droids. Although they weren't sentient, they still demonstrated a profound level of Force sensitivity. They were the first known example of non-sentient Force sensitives. The adult Dashta eels also gave the X'Ting the first fungal spores used for food and medicne long ago.

Davnarians - were a reptilian sentient species from Davnar II. They were bipedal and covered in scales, with long snouts. The species as a whole was highly regarded for their flair for execution. A Davnarian was employed by the loan shark Ploovo Two-For-One as a bodyguard during his encounter with Han Solo on Etti IV in 2 BBY.

Dawferim - were a people known primarily for their five hundred-year long feud with their neighbors, the Botor Enclave. Due to the vacuum of power created by the Galactic Empire's loss at the Battle of Endor, the Dawferim formed a protective alliance known as the Dawferim Selfhood States.

Dazouri - were a species of polymorphs that had two forms, rest and rage, and were genetic cousins of the Lahsbees.[source?] In their rest form they were short, hairless humanoids with large black eyes and vestigial horns on their upper forehead. When a Dazouri was wounded, frightened, threatened, intimidated or infuriated they transformed into their rage form. In rage form they appeared as huge hulking brutes with shaggy black fur, large claws and fangs, and horns on the forehead and cheek. In rest form they were shrewd, calculating creatures that appeared helpless but in their rage form they were homicidal maniacs that attacked everything around them.

Dbarians - were a worrisome race. They spent much time weighing the possible outcomes of their actions. Dbarians were characterized by the large amount of flexable, unsegmented tentacles and warts on their body. They were asexual, and their bodies flashed maroon when confused and blue with surprise. The different colors are produced by chromatophore cells. The chromophors could also flash pink among other colors. All the colors were bright and rich. One Dbarian owned an inn on Ansion in which Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luminara Unduli, and Barriss Offee once stayed .

Delorf - were supposedly a sapient species native to the Galactic Core, but they may merely have been a figment of Imperial Intelligence's internal mythology, where they figured in a story which purported to explain the name of the Renik counterintelligence branch. According to the story current among Imperial Intelligence operatives, the Delorf were a low-technology herbivorous species, who survived through a relatively widespread ability to detect and negate hostile intent in others, perhaps a form of Force technique. When the Delorf "sensitives" detected a threat, they gathered in a ritual known as Renik, which purged the hostility from the individual in question, "making him one of the Delorf in mind if not in body". Although it is not explicit in the extant Imperial accounts, this phrase suggests that the Renik was primarily used against non-Delorf, and aided the survival of the species in the heavily industrialized and high-tech Core by brainwashing interstellar visitors to their homeworld, and forcing them to join the Delorf herd-mentality. An Imperial Security Bureau report included in The Imperial Sourcebook dismisses this story, however, and says that "Renik" was simply the name of Admiral Kiner turned back-to-front, a pun on the fact that it was a counter-intelligence agency. It is thus unclear how much any of the information on the Delorf current within Renik was true. The original account of the Renik, however, bears some similarity, however, to the effect of the t'landa Til mating call on beings of other species, known as the Exultation.

Delphanians - were a sentient species. Delphanians had noses that resembled soft, flattened accordions; they also had chins, necks, and feet, on which they sometimes wore boots. Their hands were scaly and looked like broad, flat claws, and were deadly slashing weapons in combat. The species was divided into various tribes, membership in which was indicated by metal lip piercings. Their laughter sounded like a hiss to non-Delphanians. At least some members of the species could understand and speak Galactic Basic Standard; yet the species had its own language, known as Delphanian, which they could read and write. Several were present onboard the Imperial prison barge Purge, where they founded the Delphanian Face Gang. Aur Myss, prisoner aboard the Purge, was a Delphanian.

Delrakkins - were lizard-like humanoids indigenous to the mountainous planet Delrakkin. Most Delrakkin built their dwellings underground, although a group living aboveground founded Delrakkin City. The planet was subjugated by the Galactic Empire, who forced all Delrakkins to live underground. The Empire planned to make the entire planet into a test site, and gave the Delrakkins poisoned bacta in an attempt to eliminate them. However, the Rebel Alliance intervened and drove the Empire elsewhere, saving the Delrakkins.

Derkolo - were a sentient species native to the planet Sileron, in the Veron system of the Mid Rim.

Devlikks - were an avian species native to the planet Ord Radama. They had long necks, shoulders covered in green feathers, a small green tail, and odd-shaped heads. The average lifespan for a Devlikk is about 9-10 years. Most Devlikk succumb to senility at age 9. The Podracer Wan Sandage was of this species. Presumably, this race was a reptavian, a creature of both bird-like and reptilian characteristics.

Diamala (singular Diamal) - were a species from the Core Worlds who, along with their rivals the Ishori, became prominent during the crises over the Caamas Document and the apparent return of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Diamala were recognizable by their leathery skin, white manes, and fan-shaped ears, which they could move independently to gesture with. The Diamala temperament was generally calm and unemotional, with a strong sense of personal pride. They had extensive financial and business holdings, which they attributed to hard work rather than luck. In 19 ABY, the Diamala objected when the Ishori refused to allow armed Diamalan vessels to escort Diamalan freighters into Ishori ports. The Iphigini offered to help resolve this dispute. Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker, who acted as mediators during initial negotiations, were unable to help the two species reach an agreement. The rift between the two species only worsened when they took opposite sides on the dispute over the Caamas Document. While the Ishori were among the loudest voices demanding that the Bothans pay ruinious reparations for complicity in the destruction of Caamas, the Diamala sent Nebula- and Endurance-class ships to defend Bothawui. The Diamalan fleet also included twelve Marauder-class corvettes, a group of which were involved in operations against the Imperial Remnant during the crisis (though they were ostensibly purchased by their Commerce Ministry as freighter escorts). Their representative to the New Republic Senate in 19 ABY, Porolo Miatamia, was accused by politicians on the other side as being as manipulative as the Bothans themselves. The species were formerly part of the Galactic Empire.

Dimoks - were a race native to Dimok. They were at war with Ripoblus up until the Galactic Empire came upon their planet. The Dimoks supported the Empire until it attacked them, at which point they made peace with the Ripoblus to drive out the invaders. However, this temporary alliance failed, as the Dimoks and the Ripoblus did not have the military might to oppose the Empire. Admiral Harkov and Maarek Stele put down the Dimok resistance and they were forced to make peace with the Ripoblus, effectively ending the Sepan Civil War.

Donadi - were a species from Donadus. The species was best known for its meditation techniques, in which Donadi lowered themselves into a deep trance where they could see deeper meanings in images. This method was integral to their famed Donadi stain-paintings.

Doneer - were an insectoid race from Doneer'so. They were known for being excellent builders, and supported the Rebel Alliance in the Galactic Civil War.

Dor Namethians - were sapient insectoids from Dor Nameth, Brangus Glee was a "Dor Namethian".

Dorandeans - were pointed-eared humanoids indigenous to Dorande. They attempted to seize the planet R-Duba at the start of the Dark Times, conspiring with the planet's advisors to murder Prince Jagoda. Planning to raid Jagoda's palace, the Dorandean's plans were foiled by C-3P0 and Kirk Windjammer.  

Dordul - were a sentient species that were native to the world of Dordolum.

Doruns - were a sentient species. Its members had twin tentacles instead of arms, and eyestalks that could be moved independently of each other.

Draags - were a species of reptilian humanoids from the world Ninzam VI. Due to their cold-blooded nature, they were forced to wear special temperature regulation suits while away from their homeworld.

Dractuvians - were a species of sentient, red-skinned humanoids from the planet Dractu. They built paved streets and resided in homes made of stone.  

Dradan - were an extinct near-Human species. The Galactic Empire exterminated the species and burned their planet to the ground because they were harboring Jedi fugitives. They were tall and spindly beings with large red eyes. They spoke in an unknown language.

On Trinta, the dark and twisted Jedi Halagad Ventor created realistic illusions of the Dradan in order to meddle with foreigners who stepped onto his world.

Draflago - were a sentient species that was active in the galaxy in the early years of the Galactic Empire. The Tion Hegemony's sole university, the University of Rudrig, had a number of luxury mud tanks available for visiting Draflago.

Drells - were a species known for building many starships used by pirates.

Drongians - were the native species of Drong II.

Droxine - were a race native to the planet Droxine.

Dubravans - were a species of green-skinned humanoids that were native to the world of Dubrava. They possessed yellow blood and deep black eyes, with females of the species being distinguished by their breasts, implying a mammalian origin for the species.

Duhma - were a rare sentient race that was divided into many tribes. The tribes identified themselves through use of ceremonial tattoos. The Duhma lived on the dark side of their planet and had lost their sight over time.

Duors - were highly sentient, Force-sensitive delphinoids indigenous to the planet Arrakan.

Dur Sabon - were a species of amphibious, serpentine sentients from the planet of the same name. They took care of Princess Foolookoola during her time there in 33 BBY.

Duu'ranh - were a race of humanoids.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 02:07:17 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2009, 07:13:37 PM »
Edathans - were native to Edatha and were affiliated with the New Republic.

Eddel - were an extremely intelligent race from Fehern, in the Trax Sector. During the days of the Old Republic, their technology vastly outclassed that of the other residents of the sector, and they were even capable of defeating the Galactic Empire. In response, the Empire enslaved the Eddel and destroyed their technology. They were almost certainly freed by the New Republic.

Ee - were sapient worms indigenous to Atraken.

Eellayin - people arose on Polis Massa before it was destroyed in the ancient past, living in vast underground caverns. Few details about the Eellayin or the disaster that destroyed their homeworld and caused them to vanish from history were known.Circa 519 BBY, long after their homeworld was destroyed, another civilization from the Subterrel sector investigated the remains of Polis Massa. These people became so strongly associated with the archaeological investigation of Polis Massa that they became known as Polis Massans. The Polis Massans' main concern was uncovering what connection they may have had with the ancient Eellayin.

Eeyyon - were pale-skinned humanoids from Eeyyon.

Eickarie - were a reptilian alien species from the Unknown Regions that were aligned with the Empire of the Hand. They were native to the planet Kariek. They had pale orange blood and orange and green skin with patterns of black scales around their large eyes and across the backs of their heads. They are close enough to human norm in body shape to fit into standard stormtrooper armor. Several details about the Eickarie language are known, such as "shak" meaning "ready". In their culture, "left-handed" was associated with evil and deceit while "right-handed" was associated with good and truth. Notable Eickaries include Su-mil and Ha-ran.

They were formerly a fragmented tribal people who had been ruled by a tyrannical Warlord for 50 standard years prior to 22 ABY. While the Warlord was unpopular and reviled by much of the general population, he remained in power due to the tribal conflicts with the Eickarie people and the minute support of local collaborators. Eventually, the United Tribes of Kariek was formed during the United Tribes Agreement to oppose the Warlord. The United Tribes was covertly supported by the Empire of the Hand which helped overthrow the Warlord during the Battle of Kariek. With the Warlord defeated, the Eickaries planned to join the Empire of the Hand.

Eglatt - were an alien species that could survive incredibly hot temperatures.

Elathan - were a species of sentient aliens that were first encountered by the Jedi aboard the Chu'unthor, some time around 500 BBY.

Elders - were an ancient spacefaring civilization of reptilian humanoids who colonized Naboo millennia before Humans. Around 7,032 BBY, they engaged in warfare with the native Gungans, forcing the latter to retreat underwater, giving rise to modern Gungan civilization of underwater cities. The Elders used to build Monuments, scattered throughout the planet. But at least a few statues were also later found on the moon Rori. The largest of these ruins, located on the northern edge of the Lianorm Swamp, was identified as the Sacred Place. The Gungans viewed these ruins as sacred, and the Elders were remembered as gods ("guds", in the Gungan Basic pronunciation). Both Gungan and Human Naboo scientists agreed that the end of the "Elder" civilization, 5,032 BBY, may have been the result of the "Elders" negligence towards their environment. The Gungan Grand Army drove the Elders offworld.

Emente - were a untrusting alien race distinguished by their six eyes, and by the fact that their diet was made up entirely of fruit.

Emerrians - were a stout race from Emmer who evolved from Humans.

Energy vampires - were creatures who drained the life forces of others, by way of biting their enemies in order to feed. They had retractable serrated claws, elongated teeth, hyper accelerated senses, and preternatural strength and speed. They were able to drain beings of energy to feed; when wounded, they could drain a being of energy to heal their wounds. However, they could still die from too much damage at once or from not healing their wounds fast enough. In rare cases, giving that the vampire had enough control, he could reverse the effect of feeding, and heal others by biting them. This would severely weaken him though.

Enu - were Near-Humans from Deylerax.

Enzeen - were rarely encountered blue-skinned humanoids who inhabited D'vouran, though not indigenous to the planet. They had needle-like spikes in place of hair on their heads, and were slightly chubby in form. A colony of Enzeen was relocated to D'vouran by Borborygmus Gog as part of Project Starscream. They formed a symbiotic relationship with Gog's bioengineered world. The Enzeen attracted tourists to the planet and brought them into the forests, where the planet would devour them. In return, the planet provided sustenance, which the Enzeen sucked from its crust with their long tube-like tongues. All Enzeen on D'vouran wore small pendants that projected force fields, preventing the planet from consuming them. Enzeen were believed to hail from an unknown world, although some believed that the Enzeen were themselves a bioengineered race.

Equat - were a species known to be epic poets.

Er'Kits - were a species of Humanoids native to the planet Er'Kit. They were characterized by their pale gray skin, and stood slightly taller than an average Human. The back of their heads were high, so their skulls resembled those of the Aleena and the Vurks.

One of the most famous of the Er'Kit species was Ody Mandrell, a podracer born on Tatooine who competed in the Boonta Eve Classic in 32 BBY. He also competed on Ord Ibanna, and became a track favorite. He later ended up working for Ulda at the Mos Espa Grand Arena. Until just prior to the start of the Clone Wars, Er'Kit's senator was Danry Ledwellow. He was arrested on charges of implication in a Thalassian slave ring in 22 BBY.

Er'stacians - were a purple-skinned reptilian species that lived on Er'stacia, a planet beyond the Outer Rim Territories. They divided themselves into clans based upon lineages derived from the tidal pools they were birthed in. These divisions often caused great conflicts between clans.

Despite the divisions all clans worshiped the megalith statue known as The Venerable One. During the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Mace Windu was able to halt a conflict over the statue by carving it up into a thousand pieces.

Ermi - were a sentient species. According to Evocar by Direus'Pei, they were made extinct by Xim, who justified his actions on the basis that they were slavers.

Euceron - were species native to the planet known as Euceron. They were humanoids with large, domed heads and delicate limbs. The Euceron dressed in neutral colors, as if to offset their colorful structures, and hosted the Galactic Games on their world in 25 BBY.

Evocii - were a primitive humanoid race from Evocar, which later became the capital Hutt world Nal Hutta. When the Hutts arrived from their homeworld Varl around 15,000 BBY, the Evocii were amazed by the wonderful technologies that the slug-like aliens brought with them. Soon they began exchanging pieces of their homeworld in exchange for the technology the Hutts brought with them, until they realized that the Hutts owned almost their entire world. Hutt palaces, amusement parks and other constructions were built all over Evocar, and the Evocii were powerless against the Hutts.

They appealed to the Galactic Republic, though the laws of the Republic then ruled in favor of the Hutts. The Evocii were evicted from Evocar by the Hutts and relocated to the planet's fifth moon which would later be known as Nar Shaddaa, "The Smuggler's Moon". The Hutts then used their Evocii subjects as slave laborers to build the spaceports and cities of Nar Shaddaa. Most of the Evocii eventually died off from long periods of exposure to Nar Shaddaa's atmosphere, and the surviving few began mutating in the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa due to the various technologies practiced on the moon. The Hutts then destroyed the remaining Evocii architecture.

Excargans (also known as Exargans) - were native to Excarga and were affiliated with the Galactic Republic and later with Galactic Empire. During their childhood years, it was unknown if they were male or female. Around an Exargan's thirteenth birthday their bodies would change and their sex would be determined.

Extorin - were a warrior race from Extorin Minor that tried to take over their native sector in the years leading up to the Clone Wars. The Extorin Minor Skirmishes, as they were called, were ended when the Jedi intervened and stopped the Extorin.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 04:08:40 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2009, 07:50:50 PM »
Fairfolk - were a race that resembled ethereal, floating Jawas. They were strong in the Force and a number of them working for Darth Vader on Dantooine attempted to sway Luke Skywalker to the dark side by setting up a psychic link between Skywalker and Vader, who was stationed on board the Star Destroyer Conqueror. The arrival of Leia Organa freed Luke from the Fairfolk's trance.

Farang - were native to Ab'Bshingh and engaged in a never ending war with the Waroots. The battles were incorporated into Crat Dakerno's game, B'shingh.

Farnym - were sapient creatures noted for their bowling-ball roundness. They had close-cut orange fur and small noses. They had a peculiar odor that smelt of ginger mixed with sandalwood. Leia Organa Solo's copilot aboard the Alderaan Lt. Tchiery was a Farnym.

Faruun - were a sentient species of ship-builders. They lived in Companion Besh, a satellite galaxy near the south-west quadrant of the galaxy. They were conquered by the Tof, a species of giant and brutal humanoids. Faruun refugees eventually allied with other groups conquered by the Tofs, in particular the pale Nagai and the cyborg Maccabree. The Faruun provided a fleet for their allies, and with the guidance of the cyborg Lumiya, they fled Companion Besh and their Tof overlords. Their plan was a bold one: to conquer parts of the galaxy from the exhausted parties in the Galactic Civil War, build up their strength, and then return to Besh to destroy the Tofs.

Faust - were a tall, slender sentient species with pale blue skin. Fausts had a double set of eyelids. Doctor Nuvo Vindi was a member of this race.

Felacatians - were a race of polymorphic felines native to the planet Felacat. In its normal state, the average Felacatian was a tall, humanoid being with near-Human characteristics. The tell-tale signs of their alien lineage was their short fur and long tail, along with a sense of heightened sense of balance and speed. However, when a Felacatian was forced to stand hyperspace for an extended period of time, or when they experienced any level of stress, a Felacatian's body began to change. Without an outlet for their stress, the Felacatian's body shifted its form, becoming a huge, predatory cat. In this form, the Felacatian was extremely dangerous, and was protected by a row of heavy spikes along its back. With practice, a Felacatian could phase back and forth inbetween the two forms at will, and, with further practice, restrain himself from shifting when he didn't want to.

Felenar - were a species known only by the heavy armor they crafted, which bore their markings. The armor was crafted of minerals which were rare in the Old Republic.

Felin - were a sapient species.

Felinians - were primitive natives of Zoma V and appeared to be jungle cat-people. Sithless Leethe once smuggled Imperial weapons to the Felinians.

Fenelar - were a species of sentients exterminated by the Mandalorian Crusaders sometime between 5,000 and 4,000 BBY. Fenelar armor included the incredibly strong alloy phrik, and the resulting durability made the armor highly respected. They were originally from the Fenel system.

Fere - were a race of humanoids native to the world of Fere. They were considered to be master shipbuilders of their time. The average Fere was a tall, ivory-skinned being with six fingers on each hand. In 191 BBY, the entire species was wiped out by a planet-wide plague that struck their homeworld.

Ferroans - were pale-blue skinned humanoids with gold eyes. Most females had white hair but some had traditional black hair. They were from Ferro and had colonized the inner Ferro systems. They were known for their independence, reclusive manner, and for not often leaving their homes. A Ferroan year was equal to 3 standard years. On Zonama Sekot, they celebrated Uniting Day.

They were the colonists of Zonama Sekot and believed in the Potentium. When Luke Skywalker first met them he mistakenly called them Zonamans. The Ferroans of Zonama Sekot were also very attuned to the idea of a sentient planet, many having grown up very aware of the lifeforces around them. However, they weren't symbiotic to it, as the Yuuzhan Vong were presumed once to be. From their appearance, they may be related to the Chiss, Omwati or the Etti.

Fftssfft - were also known by the Ewoks as "dandelion warriors" or as the "Urchins", were a semi-sentient species of plant-like beings found on the Forest Moon of Endor. They protected their farmlands with great ferocity, using the strange quills that covered their heads, as well as spears, long axes and long sickles, as weapons against intruders. The Ewoks of Bright Tree Village faced the Dandelion Warriors on occasion.

Fiery Ones - were mysterious sapient photonic beings indigenous to Kathol. Unlike most of the planet's inhabitants, they were apparently not creations of the DarkStryder. In appearance, they looked like balls of light. Communicating through mental transmissions, they could use the Ta-Ree energy that came from the planet, and could use it as a weapon if needed.

Floubetteans - were an avian race known for their complex mating dance. It was considered an art form by other avians but revolted most Humans.

Fluggrians - were an amphibious species with high foreheads that lived on the planet Ploo IV. They had green skin and three fingered hands. Each finger had one large claw. They also had several spikes on their arms as well which were used as sensory inputs.

Fneebs - were a species of alien that could routinely be found wandering the streets of Mos Eisley on Tatooine circa 0 BBY. Some of them worked as bounty hunters.

Fnessians - were humanoids indigenous to Fnessal. They had two eye-stalks, while fleshy tendrils ran down their backs. Fnessians were known for having three genders; male, female, and thos. Exactly what role the thos plays in reproduction is unknown.

Fondorians - were a race of hairless Near Humans from Fondor. They were extremely intelligent and regal beings who believed themselves smarter than any other species in the galaxy. They were very sharp thinkers and were able to manipulate business deals to suit them. For this reason Fondor was one of the richest planets in the galaxy. One Fondorian was the Black Sun defector, Oolth. Senator Rodd and author Metrisse were Fondorian as well.

Force Demons - were a Pre-Republic era race with a reputation for evil.

Forshul (adj. Forshuliri)  - were member species of the New Republic from the Yminis Sector in the Outer Rim. During the Caamas Document crisis of 19 ABY, a Forshul represented the Yminis Sector's eighty-seven inhabited worlds in the Senate. This senator was a vocal supporter of punishing the Bothans for their involvement in the destruction of Caamas. This was partly due to both the vindictive nature of traditional Forshuliri justice, and partly due to the parallel they drew with their continuing tensions with their former oppressors, the Prosslee. Forshul had booming voices, long thin faces, and shaggy blue-green hair.

Fraii Wys - were a sentient alien race who was truly thought to be extinct for a very extended period of time. Then suddenly after nine thousand years, they reappeared in the galaxy and flourished. It was an extraordinary case brought up when considering the truth behind the disappearance of the Qella.

Fras - were a species of humanoid tigers who were aggressive but luxury-loving. They generally spent most of their time asleep or lazing about, only being active for about three or four hours a day although they generally spent this time being very active. In fights they were very aggressive and were liable to eat fallen foes.

Freckers - were small fur-covered rodents that, though wild, were capable of speech. Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Gru'um and Miramba went to Jabba's Palace, planning to assassinate the Hutt crimelord by unleashing a horde of freckers to bite and, eventually, kill him during his sleep. As it happened Bib Fortuna had plans of his own; he and his six co-conspirators, who hoped to capture Jabba alive so that they could pry all the secrets they could from the Hutt Lord before killing him. Instead of carrying out his plan, Fortuna ordered his men to kill the freckers; the rodents killed them all save for Nivek, who had been blinded and began yelling about "the plan". Fortuna, fearing discovery, shot the thug.

Freda - were a species from Freda. They were locked in an arms race against the nearby Jante until the Freda attacked Jante industrial plants on Rett II. The Galactic Empire, led by Moff Haveland ordered a ceasefire, which the Freda eventually withdrew from.

Frezhlix (sing. Frezh) - were a species that lived in the Sif'kric system. They began feuding with the Sif'kries soon after the Empire pulled out of the sector and the system that the two species shared. Concurrently with the Caamas Document crisis of 19 ABY, a Frezhlix fleet blockaded the Sif'krie homeworld of Sif'kric. The Frezhlix justification for this was the Sif'krie's opposition to the Drashtine Initiative in their sector assembly, demanding that the Bothans pay reparations for the destruction of Caamas. As a result, their common sectoral senator was unable to vote as the Frezhlix wished. This fleet included two Kruk battlewagons, five Lancer-class frigates and thirty Jompers pursuit ships. When the Frezhlix fleet fired on a New Republic task force under Generals Garm Bel Iblis and Wedge Antilles, who had broken through the Frezhlix battle line under pretext of investigating smugglers, the New Republic forces returned fire and ended the blockade.

Frid - were a water-breathing species indigenous to Mackar. Due to a natural disaster, a benevolent species (possibly the Celestials) relocated them to Iskalon where they became part of the Iskalonian school. In physical appearance, the Frid were the least humanoid Iskalonian species. They had a fishlike shape, with green scales and bulbous, violet eyes. They had skin flaps on both sides of their mouths, and long, scaly tails. Males had fins atop their heads, but females lacked such fins. The Frid communicated via telepathy; they were incapable of speech. They were pacifistic by nature; they would not even retaliate when attacked.

Froffli - were a species in the New Republic easily recognized by their prominent hair-spurs. While many Humans found their appearance ridiculous, others (such as Talon Karrde's associate Chin) arranged their own hair in a similar fashion. Froffli culture was quite vindictive. During the Caamas Document crisis, they were among the first to demand that the Bothans pay the Caamasi reparations. This was partly because they wanted justice for the Caamasi, and partly because Bothan trade policy since about 4 ABY had taken a heavy toll on Froffli industry.

Frog-Dogs - were obviously a dog-like, and also frog-like, species. These creatures sported large frog-like eyes and had long teeth which stuck out of their mouths. They were both sentient and highly intelligent, though they were often mistaken for unintelligent creatures. They did nothing to change this misconception, and sometimes even used to their advantage. One was Buboicullaar, a member of Jabba the Hutt's court, who eventually became a B'omarr monk.

Frost Sprites - were beings on the Forest Moon of Endor. They were associated with the Snow King, an Ewok god. It is unclear whether the Frost Sprites were corporeal beings (and thus a distinct race) or simply figures in the mythology of the Ewoks. Odra was a Frost Sprite.

Frunchettan-sai or Frunchies - were a peaceful race that enjoyed art and culture. They inhabited several colonies in the Outer Rim, had an extra joint (from a near-Human perspective) between their wrists and elbows, and saw in blue-ultraviolet light.

Fyyrsprus - were a reptilian race often thought of as clumsy. A number of them worked as mechanics on board the ship Starcat.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 07:28:48 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2009, 08:30:55 PM »
Gadons - were a race from Gadon 3.

Galacians - were humanoids from the planet Gala. They had pale bluish skin and were frequently called "moon people." They were known for their distinctive pale skin, a blueish tone they called "moonlight." Veda was a Galacian Queen. The Galacians consisted of three separate tribes; the city people, the hill people, and the sea people.

Galandans - were Near-Humans from Galand. A number of them emigrated to Rishi.

Gama-Senn - were a humanoid alien race from Gama. They were convinced to swear absolute loyalty to Palpatine after witnessing his Galaxy Gun. Palpatine scoffed at them for witholding their loyalty until swayed by fear.

Gamandars - were Near-Humans from Gamandar.

Garbage Rats - were a tiny yet sleek scavenger race that tended to set up warrens within the rubbish wastes that had accumlated in dirtier, less frequented byways. A sentient animal, they carried sharp but primitive digging equipment on their backs and spoke with a chatter, openly hostile toward larger species with whom they felt little empathy.

Garhoon - were a species of vampiric sentients. Bail Organa presided over a court case between the Garhoons and their prey. At the end of the case, the prey returned to the Garhoons, saddening Leia Organa.

Garoos (adj. Garoosh) - were a member species of the New Republic. They could be found in all levels of Republic society. At the same time that a Garoosh senator's voice was heard in debates on the Caamas Document and the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn, another Garoos named Cromf was an informant for the smuggler Mazzic. Garoos had ear clusters which could be opened and closed, and spoke Basic with an odd, whistling accent. They breathed through purple-tinged gillis flaps.

Gas Cloud - were a certain type of gas cloud in the galaxy was known to develop sentience.

Gathi - were an alien species. Can Lar was one.

Gaulians - were the species native to Gaulus.

Gektl - were a sentient species of lizards native to Hoszh Iszhir. They were known for being tough in a hand-to-hand fight, as they were capable of shedding not only their skin, but even parts of their body, such as their large tails, as a means of escaping danger. They were known for their artistry. Major Rahz was a member of this species.

Genians - were a species native to the planet also known as Genian. They had violet skin and were known as skilled diplomats.

Gensang - were a sentient race. They were members of the Trade Federation.

Geran - were a blue-skinned species of Near-Humans from the planet of Geran in the Mneon system. To survive offworld, they needed to carry special hydron-three filled containers. Their religion was based on a belief in the Sky Seraphs. Doallyn was one of the best known Gerans.

Geroons - were a species enslaved by the Vagaari. After the Jedi aboard Outbound Flight used the Force to disable the Vagaari in 27 BBY, the Geroons and their homeworld were subsequently freed by Chiss forces led by Chiss Admiral Ar'alani. In 22 ABY, not long before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the Vagaari survivors disguised themselves as their former slaves so that they could penetrate the Redoubt and exert their revenge on the Chiss Ascendancy and the remnants of the Galactic Republic's Outbound Flight Project. Since the Vagaari had not been seen ever since their defeat in 27 BBY, they were able to masquerade as peaceful Geroons and deceive the Chiss. They also claimed to be refugees and that their homeworld was destroyed by the Vagaari. Their Paskla-class cruiser was also disguised as a refugee ship. The Geroons then joined the expedition to the Redoubt with the Chiss, the Empire of the Hand, Dean Jinzler, and Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker. Shortly after their arrival, they tried to destroy the survivors of the Outbound Flight and the Chiss, though their plans eventually failed.

Gesarils - were small furred, six-limbed sapients indigenous to Gesaril, with a certain affinity for the Force, which they used to manipulate the environment around them. First glances aside, the Gesaril are hyperactive and playful creatures, and welcome most visitors who show no ill will. They are excellent carvers, using the Force to help them pull the inner beauty out of their works.

Ghawern - were a type of sentient species.

Ghishi - were insectoid aliens from the planet of the same name. The noted podracer Kraid Nemmeso was a Ghishi.

Ghostlings - were Near-Humans indigenous to Datar. They were a peaceful species ruled by a monarchy, but often troubled by slavers.
Ghostlings and Humans found each other extremely fascinating and attractive but due to the fragile structure of the Ghostlings, an intimate relationship between the two species would unavoidably result in the Ghostling's demise.

Glarsaurs - were reptilian sapients indigenous to Gelgelar. Brutes by nature, they had curled tails and sharp claws.

Glassferrans - were a sentient species. They had three expressionless eyes, each of which could focus on a different object. Kartill was a Glassferran.

Globblins - were carnivores of at least semi-sentience. Their vocalizations sounded not unlike the phrase "Feed Me". While these predators were not very fast in terms of running, they did have a means of capturing their prey without usage of their legs, and that means they were using their long, sticky, and prehensile tongue.

Gloorag - were a type of sentient snake species. Gloorags were large creatures that resembled over-sized snakes. Their bodies had dozens of tendrils, eyestalks and respiratory stalks along them. This allowed them to carry out many different conversations at once, with each respiratory stalk able to engage in an independent conversation to the other ones. Emthuul was a Gloorag and he owned a bar called Emthuul's on Byrsym around the time of the formation of the Galactic Empire.

Glottalphibs - were dragon-like sentients indigenous to Glottal that breathed fire. A notable Glottalphib was Nandreeson, a crime lord who resided on Skip 6, an asteroid in the Smuggler's Run. Glottalphibs were amphibious, but were most comfortable in water. They would shed their scales if out of water for too long, their gills becoming dry. As a result of this, Glottalphibs looked as if they were not getting enough air. Their scales were capable of deflecting Blaster fire to a certain degree. The only fast way to kill a Glottalphib was to shoot into its opened mouth. They also keep watumba bats, which were host to at least half a dozen known Glottalphib delicacies. Watumba bats could "eat" the fire the Glottalphibs breathed, following the flames to the mouth of the Glottalphib where they entered its mouth and were eaten alive. One such incident occurred on Skip 6 in Smuggler's Run when Han Solo and Chewbaca, along with four other smugglers rescued Lando Calrissian from Nandreeson, who was drowning Lando in revenge for some of his cache of valuables and credits being stolen by Lando some 20 years earlier. They reproduced by the females laying unfertilized eggs, that males would come along to fertilize.

Glymphids - were a rod-thin race of aliens that came from Ploo II. They were tan-skinned, and had long snouts. The frills on their necks and rounded nodules on their torso served an unknown purpose. They had fingers and toes which appeared to be suction cup-tipped. Aldar Beedo was a well known Glymphid bounty hunter and podracer pilot.

Gobindi - were the native people of the planet Gobindi. They were master architects, responsible for the huge ziggurats found in the deep jungles of the planet. These ziggurats were built to contain a deadly virus the Gobindi had discovered in the jungle. Despite this, the Gobindi were completely wiped out by the Gobindi virus. They managed to create an antidote, but it was too late save them. The formula for this antidote was carved into the walls of the ziggurats.

Godoans - were sapient humanoids indigenous to Godo. Their lives were mysteriously linked to the two statues, the Dancing Goddess and the Minstrel. Jabba Desilijic Tiure once stole the Dancing Goddess, causing a mysterious plague to break out across the world, killing many Godoans. After the Hutt's death, his former musician Doda Bodonawieedo sold the statue back to them, demanding an exorbitant price. They paid with the help of Lando Calrissian, and they were returned to health.

Golden Sun - was a Force-sensitive communal intelligence made up of thousands of coral polyps on the ocean planet Sedri. The native Sedrians worshiped Golden Sun, and built a dome to house its cave in the Sedrian capital city of Fitsay. The worship of Golden Sun was fundamental to Sedrian society, with the High Priest the leader of all Sedrians. Golden Sun, through the power of thousands of minds joined in the Force, was an energy source of great magnitude. Energy crystals from Golden Sun powered Sedrian devices, and the Force Healing powers of Golden Sun were the basis of Sedrian medicine. Golden Sun also output enough energy to affect Sedri's gravity readings, making the small planet appear as massive as a star. The Sedrians who worshiped Golden Sun did not realize its true nature as an intelligent, living being. Indeed, the High Priest during the Imperial era thought of Golden Sun as simply a tool for the Sedrian people. This priest also kept the dome housing Golden Sun closed, reducing the flow of water through Golden Sun. Since Golden Sun's polyps fed by filtering microorganisms from the water, this essentially starved it. Golden Sun tried to communicate telepathically with the priest to change this situation, but this only led to the priest having disturbing dreams which he did not understand.

Gorezh - were a species that had upward-slanting eyes.

Gorms - were a reptilian species from the moon Gormdin. Though they survived by hunting, they were known to be a peaceful race. The Galactic Empire legalized hunting Gorms for sport. When the New Republic came to power, Gorm hunting was made illegal.

Gorphs - were long-tongued sapient amphibians native to the Forest Moon of Endor. They lived in a cave known as the Gorphs' grotto.

Gorum - were a species of humanoids with prehensile tails. They used these tails to hang from trees when they went to sleep. They had large red eyes and forked tongues which could suck fluids from food.

Gosfamblings - were a delicately-furred sentient species native to Gosfambling who were soft spoken and had whiskers. C-Gosf was a Gosfambling senator in the New Republic. They were wary of losers, thus if one lost any type of election, they could not run again.

Govians - were a sentient species.

Graadorians - were an agrarian species native to the planet Graador.

Grannan - were a Near-Human species from Granna. Distinguishing features of the Grannan included skin cuffs that allowed them to retract their fingers and toes, respiratory sacs that allowed the breathing of methaogen and loose eye creases. Grannan naming conventions placed the surname before the personal name. A small community of Grannan lived on Polneye.

Grass Trekkers - were semi-sentient predatory mammals native to the forest moon of Endor. They were aggressive and warlike, attacking any groups with whom they came in contact. On one occasion shortly before the Battle of Yavin, the Grass Trekkers attacked a group of Gupins who lived in a fortress. The Gupin Punt gave them the key to the Guniepal Chest, which helped rejuvenate the Gupins' shapeshifting powers. The Gupins then asked for help from the Ewoks of Bright Tree Village, and together, they recaptured the key and drove the Grass Trekkers away.

Graygl - were a water-breathing species believed by some scientists to be indigenous to Danalbeth. Due to a natural disaster, a benevolent species (possibly the Celestials) relocated them to Iskalon where they became part of the Iskalonian school. In physical appearance, the Graygl had round fleshy heads, distinguished by red eyes, flaring nostrils, and a wide mouth filled with sharp teeth. Although appearing fierce, the Graygl were among the gentlest, most hospitable of the Iskalonians, going out of their way to help others. Nonetheless, their appearance allowed them to intimidate Iskalon's predators, the chiaki.

Griddek - were an alien species known for their belligerence and rigid social structure.

Grueshites - were an alien race.

Guudrians - were bipedal sapients. They resemble baboons with nostrils on top of their head.

Guineos - were a bipedal sentient species indigenous to the planet Dohlban, where they were often used for manual labor. Guineo were not particularly bright and lacked the ability to make complicated decisions, dooming the species to the most basic jobs, commonly including thugs for criminal organizations. They were quite tall and powerful.

Gulmarids - were a sapient reptilian species indigenous to Gulma. During the Galactic Civil War, Gulma was slated by the Galactic Empire for annihilation, and the Emperor dispatched the dreaded starship Azgoghk to Gulma. Commanded by Mir Tork and the sadistic "scientist" Leonis Murthé, the Imperial death ship arrived on Gulma and rounded up the native Gulmarids for the sole purpose of systematic extermination, furthering the Human-only New Order. The entire race was brought to the edge of extinction until a survivor, Slique Brighteyes, sought the aid of Boba Fett in ending the terrible existence of the Azgoghk in 10 ABY. Fett released numerous Gulmarids, although their numbers were so low that there was little hope that the Gulmarids could recover.

Gutretee - were crystalline sapients indigenous to Isis. The Gutretee were immune to blaster fire. Gutretee were a single gender race living in primative nomadic tribes, gaining nourishment from the minerial deposits growing on the surface, and from eating crystalline animals. Very aggressive in nature, most of their rituals and passage rites involve fighting. Some tribes were allied with the Rebel Alliance and worked in the mines helping to provide construction materials, while other tribes hated the Alliance, considering themselves at war with the off-worlders.

Gwngi - were a race or species known to have a ceremonial dialect.

Gwurrans - were a furry, small subspecies of Ansionians. The main difference were that their tails were as long as a Human's arm, their hair was brown and covered their entire body, not just their manes, and their eyes were slightly larger proportionately. Tooqui was a Gwurran. Looked down upon by other Ansionians, they had a pidgin dialect of Ansionian. Gwurrans lived in the hills of Ansion. They stole the food of people passing through the hills. Their deities included Miywondl and Kapchenaga.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 10:46:58 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2009, 08:49:34 PM »
Habassa - were an isolationist race and far from the interests of the Galactic Republic for millennia. Even the Galactic Empire didn't pursue them aggressively. Despite their isolationism, the Habassa used ships common throughout the galaxy, such as CR90 corvettes. Their first involvement in the Galactic Civil War was in a Rebel B-wing starfighter assembly area during an Imperial raid that had consisted of Assault Gunboats and CR90 corvettes. The Rebels stopped the attack, but needed to evacuate the assembly area. The Habassa sent the ship Habatok 2 to rescue the station crew. The evacuation was successful. Afterwards, the Rebel Alliance attempted to make the Habassa a new ally. After a meeting held on board the Independence, the Habassa were officially made a member of the Alliance, but wanted to show a neutral stance outward. However, this didn't stop the Empire from attacking them. The Empire enslaved a portion of the Habassa people, but the Alliance rescued them. Later, the two cooperated in order to destroy the Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless. The Habassa also directed the Alliance towards the Hoth system for their new base.

Habeen - were one of two sentient species that were native to the Mylok system. Along with the other species that shared their star system, the Nharwaak, the Habeen jointly designed and produced a new form of hyperdrive technology. Approximately 3 ABY, the Habeen and Nharwaak entered into a civil war over control of this technology. Soon after the conflict erupted, the Imperial Grand Admiral Demetrius Zaarin was dispatched to the Mylok system in order to end the war and gain the new technology for use in his advanced new TIE series starfighter, the TIE Avenger and TIE Defender. The Habeen appealed to the Empire for assistance in exchange for the technology. Zaarin agreed, and along with ace pilot Maarek Stele, decisively routed the combined forces of the Nharwaak and the Rebel Alliance.

Hairy Savages - were primitive, violent, semi-sentient, predatory humanoids indigenous to Kuras III. The term was assigned to the species who was known to attack anything on sight.

Hamadryas - were a near-human species with green skin and slightly ape-like faces. They seemed to not possess the need to blink, and the species lacked a true carotid artery. The holoperformer Cebann Veekan was a notable member of this species. Senator Haydel Goravvus of Taris was a Human/Hamadryas hybrid.

Har Binade - were a sentient species or group or group of planets conquered by the Lahag Erli. The Lahag Erli left the Har worlds filled with exquisite architecture that would later attract tourists and no real memory of the suffering and misery at the hands of the Lahag Erli.

Hardex - were a sentient species.

Harf - were an alien species with long snouts and large red eyes.

Hassarian - were sentient members of the New Republic.

H'drachi - were cameloid sapients indigenous to M'haeli. They were able to see the future through the time-stream; the more that attempted to read it, the easier it became to see. The H'Drachi Seers resided here. A H'drachi that was particually good at "reading" the time-stream was Ch'no.

Hemes Arbora - were a species originating from Carrivar. They later migrated to the world of Osseriton by way of Umaren'k. It has been observed that their species had a noticeable influence on the Umaren'k'sa culture. The only known reference documents regarding the Hemes Arbora were found in the Chiss Expeditionary Library. They had encounted the planet Zonama Sekot while on Umaren'k.

Hendanyns - were a species known for the elaborate death masks they created. These masks were unique in that they established a mental link with the wearer and preserved the wearer's memories. When a Hendanyn died, the mask was removed and the memories used by future generations.

Hepsalum Tash (or simply "the Tash" as they were collectively known) -  were a species of forest giants native to the Dagobah system. A full-sized adult could grow to a height of over eight meters and had tough, leathery skin which hung in folds around their thick limbs. Their skins' coloration varied from pale yellow ochre to a deep sienna red-brown color. Additionally, they had tiger-stripe marks and spotting which indicated both their age as well as their sex. They had long flexible necks which ended in a broad, flat whiskered face which gave their head and neck a rather curious, worm-like appearance. They had claw-like right hands which were used for foraging for roots and ground nuts, which were important elements of their vegetarian diet. The Tash were very much a peace-loving species, and the impenetrable thicket of Dagobah's surface suited well their reclusive nature. Although they appeared incredibly cumbersome, they were in fact skilled craftsmen of utensils, clothing, and even musical instruments. They enjoyed nothing more than telling a story, singing a song, and smoking on a good pipe.

Hethas - were a species of humanoids with long faces and large craniums. The gangster Gornt Seron was a member of this species.

Hewett - were a sentient species.

Hill People - were humanoids from the planet Gala, one of three races of Galacians. Becoming a distinct race over a century before the Invasion of Naboo, the hill people were persecuted for having darker eyes than the so-called typical Galacian. Having fled the capital, Galu, they made dwellings in the low mountains outside the city. Not until Queen Veda of the Tallah Dynasty decreed in 44 BBY that a democratic election would choose her successor did the hill people re-assimilate. Elan, the leader of the hill people, was discovered to be the first child and heir of the former King Cana. Deciding to support Wila Prammi as opposed to running herself, Elan, along with the hill people, chose to remain in the mountains after the election, although they began building a better relationship with the citizens of Galu.

Hitakans - were a blue-skinned race of Humanoids found on the farming planet of Hitaka.

Hiitians (or Hiit) - were hulking, anthropomorphic avian sapients native to the moon Hiit, which orbited the gas giant Maal. Families of Hiitians lived in clan aeries. They were first contacted by the Trianii Rangers, after which millions of Hiitians left their homeworld to seek their fortunes in the galaxy at large. The Hiitians traded with the Trianii and the Kobok of Kobothi Space, but their relations with the Corporate Sector were characterized by wary hostility after the Sector annexed Hiit in 5 BBY. The Nikto Jedi Master Ma'kis'shaalas had a Hiitian Padawan. Another notable Hiitian was the bounty hunter Kar Yang. He was hired by Black Sun to capture the Human Replica Droid Guri. Also, at least one pirate band of Hiitians known as the Hiitite Ravagers came into conflict with the Trianii but were beaten back by the Trianii Rangers.

Hogusses - were sentient beings with heavy bodies. During the Mission to Ansion, sanctioned by the Jedi High Council and conducted by Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padawans Barriss Offee and Anakin Skywalker, a Hoguss wielding a killing ax attacked the two Mirialan Jedi at Cuipernam.

Holessians - were portly humanoids native to Holess, believed to be related to the Lannik. They were obsessed with law and regarded legal cases like a sport, although betting on outcomes was considered sacrilege. They revered judges like gods and regarded lawyers as celebrities.

Holwuff - were a species native to the planet Alliga, controlling powerful corporate interests. A Holwuff's upper appendages were very similar in appearance to those of the Sy Myrthians. They were large, furry aliens, and their eyes were black. Two small tusks protruded from the upper jaw. Once members of the Galactic Republic, the Holwuffs were represented by Senator Rogwa Wodrata in the Galactic Senate. Shortly before the Battle of Geonosis, they seceded from the Republic and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. They were represented in the Galactic Senate of the Republic by Rogwa Wodrata, and later joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems when Wodrata defected prior to the Battle of Geonosis.

Homanans - were a mysterious race of shape-changing sentients. They could change their size from anything the size of a Wookiee to that of an Ewok and were also slightly telepathic.

Hoojibs - were sentient, telepathic, energy feeding lagomorphs indigenous to Arbra, a planet which the Alliance to Restore the Republic used as a temporary headquarters after the Battle of Hoth. The Hoojibs allowed the Rebels to use their planet after the Alliance troops helped them defeat a being known as the Slivilith, who threatened their safety and their home, after the Hoojibs had drained all the Alliance's power from the camp. They also drained but later made friends with C-3PO. One of the best-known Hoojibs was Plif, who accompanied Luke Skywalker on several missions before and after the Battle of Endor. Plif later became a New Republic Senator. Hoojib were known to occasionally venture into the wider galaxy, including Zeltros and some Ithorian herdships.

Horobians - were the indigenous species of Horob. As of the Galactic Civil War, their civilization was just beginning to become industrialized.

Hortek - were a species of predatory humanoids that were covered with bony plates and had long necks and large unblinking eyes. They were among the few predatory races to join the New Republic. They were moderately telepathic, a skill that they developed to predict the actions of their prey. Many Hortek sympathized with the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. The skills of Hortek interrogators were a prized asset of the Alliance Special Forces. Colonel Ejagga Pakkpekatt, an intelligence officer in the New Republic, was a member of this species.

Howler Tree People - were a sapient species native to Bendone. They spoke a strange and difficult language which they spoke with ultrasonic voices. A team of translators were required to act as an intermediary between them and a speaker of Basic. Even then it would take a significant amount of time to exchange greetings. Their ultrasonic voices could also give non-Howlers a headache. In 23 ABY, New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo entertained Howler Tree People diplomats. Despite the difficulty in communicating with them, Leia realized that entertaining these diplomats was crucial to the survival of the New Republic.

Hrakians - were Near-Humans from Hraki. They had golden skin.

Hrasskis - were a sentient race from the planet of Hrasskis. They were distinguished by large, veined air sacs on their backs; they were represented in the New Republic Senate by the belligerent Senator Cian Marook. Hrasskis society believed strongly in the succession by seniority, with the highest social value being waiting one's turn.

Huloon - were a pliant species long enslaved by the Hutts. After being taken from their homeworld, the Huloons attempted to return every so often, only to be tortued for entertainment by their cruel Hutt masters.

Hummingbird - were small, winged sentient species native to the planet Criff. They were covered in tiny feathers. The podracer Biff was a hummingbird.

Huraloks - were sapient reptilians indigenous to Djurmo. They were known to be a vicious species that held long grudges with other beings and even their own. Huraloks were extremely long-lived, living to as old as the mid 300s. Their general demeanor was that of hatred, greed, deception, and manipulation. Very few had any good traits to them at all. Huraloks despised each other to the degree that only in times of immediate danger to their species would they mate. Most of the time, Huraloks would keep to themselves and order minions of theirs to commit their dirty deeds for them. On rare occasions, they would travel the galaxy as soldiers or self-serving scoundrels. Huraloks could become Force-sensitive, however they would never end up joining the Jedi Order due to a lack of dedication and selflessness. Holodramas of the Imperial Navy combating Huralok pirates were very popular.

Hurikaneans - were sapients made of rock and crystal, indigenous to Hurikane. In 58 BBY, while still a Padawan who had not built his own lightsaber, Mace Windu was sent to Hurikane to negotiate with these beings and possibly obtain special lightsaber crystals from them. The mission did not start out well, resulting in Windu being chased by several Hurikaneans. When one of his pursuers fell into a canyon, the young Padawan turned back to heal the being's broken body by using the Force. In gratitude, Mace received some of the crystals from the being's body—the very Hurrikane crystals he sought.

Hutlarians - were a sentient species of humanoids who possessed red eyes and orange skin. Native to the world of Hutlar, a small, dim and chilly planet located within the Mid Rim's Senex sector, Hutlarians had a reputation for being tough. For millennia members of the species served as bodyguards and shock troops for the Senex and Juvex lords.

Hyallp - were a sentient race of insectoid beings. They were multi-legged arthropods. Little is known of their planet of origin or culture.

Hysalrians - were a species of four-armed serpent-like sentients. The only known example of a Hysalrian was Jedi Master N'Kata Del Gormo who trained a young Yoda in the ways of the Force on an unknown swamp world.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 11:54:18 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2009, 09:22:22 PM »
Icarii - were a near-Human species native to Vestar who were wiped out in the so-called Icarii campaign by the Galactic Empire's Lightning Battalion under the command of General Nim and Abal Karda. Lightning Battalion employed a horrific biological agent to eradicate the Icarii after months of vicious fighting. Only one Icarii survived, later to be killed by Vader. Imperial forces referred to the Icarii as Ikies, a derogatory word. Due to the Icarii's unique biology, they could survive dismemberment, even decapitation and still remain alive. It was possible to kill an Icarii by severing the brain in half however. A common phrase, brought on by these abilities was that you had to kill an Icarii seven times.

Ierians - were Near-Humans from Ieria.

Ilosians - were a sentient species that evolved on the planet Ilos. They expanded to hundreds of nearby worlds such as Ilos Minor, before being enslaved by the Hutt species and engulfed within Hutt Space. They were able to retain more individual freedom that most Hutt client species due to their economical and technical prowess. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Ilosians suffered great losses at the hands of the extra-galactic invaders.

Ilwizzt - were a sentient species with mahogany skin and a prominent trunk. The trunk had two nostrils on the end which flared and vibrated when they spoke. Ilwizzt could speak Basic, but did so with a buzzing accent. Major Brco was an Ilwizzt and the boss of the militia on G'rho, an Outer Rim planet. Based in Boku Settlement, he was in charge when a Ssi-ruuk strike-force invaded the planet.

Imbats - were sentient beings known for their size and cruelty but not for their intelligence. As tall as trees, they had leathery skin and a comparatively small head with long drooping ears. They also had massive legs, accounting for their tree-like height, and grasping toes. They were used to guard the Ionite mines on Bandomeer. One individual also worked on Coruscant as a bartender in the Splendor Tavern.

Immolanoids - were a sentient species known for combusting. Some Immolanoids lived on Coruscant.

Imzig - were sapient humanoids. Utris M'Toc was an Imzig.

Inchichtok - were a xenophobic species. They were discovered by the Galactic Republic scout ship captained by Arnoll Draenell.

Indexers - were boneless sentients with crystalline eyes. They spoke through their prehensile trunks. These trunks had fine tendrils at the ends, and Indexers had at least five trunks. They formed a colony on Chalcedon.

Ingoians - were the colonists who inhabited Ingo, a planet which lacked native sapients. Ingoians included a large number of races, including Humans.

Inleshat - were a water-breathing species indigenous to Drexel II. Due to a natural disaster, a benevolent species relocated them to Iskalon where they became part of the Iskalonian School. In physical appearance, the Inleshat were distinguished by their silky white hair, three-fingered hands, pointed ears, and wide, pupil-less eyes. They did not see well out of the water, but could hear underwater sounds kilometers away. The Inleshat were the most dominant of the Iskalonian school. They were a spiritual and principled people, ready to defend a cause they knew to be upright.

Ipharian-Da'Lor - were a species of reptilian beings with a truncated snake-like bodies. They had spiny ridges which extended down from the back of the head to the tip of the prehensile tail, from which a spike could be extended. This spike could be used in personal combat to deadly effect. Their skin was naturally gray, but they could change its color to match their surroundings. Their faces had elongated snouts, large slanted pupils and rows of sharp teeth. It was a custom of the Ipharian-Da'Lor to cover their faces. A notable member of this species was the bounty hunter Vallikor En-Vahdi.

Iphigini - were a species who came from the planet Iphigin, one of the main cargo transfer points for three sectors in the Core Worlds. In 19 ABY, they offered to help mediate a dispute between their neighbors, the Ishori and the Diamala. They were unable to do so, even with the help of Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker, and the Ishori/Diamala dispute soon became part of the greater Caamas Document crisis. Iphigini had craggy faces and melodious voices. Younger Iphigini often wore braided lip-beards.

Irrukiine - were four-armed sapients indigenous to Malrev IV. They were sometimes referred to as Irks. They are believed to have been influenced greatly by the Sith Temple hidden within the forests of Malrev IV. They developed a strong sense of ownership over the temple, attacking anything that entered the vicinity of the ancient structure. However, a being who learned how to wield the Sith magic that emanated from the temple would have been able to manipulate them, such as the mad Devaronian Cartariun. He armed them with Imperial blasters for ground assaults and even motivated them to fly TIE Fighters in aerial combat. Even under Cartariun's control, the Irrukiine retained their volatile nature.

Ishori - were a species indigenous to the planet Isht, were long-time rivals of the Diamala. Their disputes over commerce and resource-sharing were a common source of tension in their part of the Core Worlds. In 19 ABY, the Ishori refused to allow armed Diamalan vessels into their ports. An attempt by the Iphigini to resolve the dispute (with Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Luke Skywalker as mediators) was unsuccessful. Their dispute with the Diamala soon became a flashpoint in a larger dispute in the New Republic over the Caamas Document. While the Diamala took a "forgive and forget" approach, Ishori Senator Ghic Dx'ono was one of the leading voices in favor of making the Bothans pay for their complicity in the destruction of Caamas. The apparent return of Grand Admiral Thrawn at the same time did not concern the leadership of the Ishori Confederene, many of whom suspected it to be some sort of Bothan plot. Despite their anti-Bothan stance, the Ishori fleet participated in the Second Battle of Bothawui against three Imperial Star Destroyers, as fleeing from an enemy that the Diamala stayed to fight would have been too great an embarrassment. Psychologically, Ishori had what some called a "fight or think" response. They found it difficult to discuss any complicated issue without becoming emotional and agitated. Ishori had horn-tipped fists.

Iskalonian - was the general term for the different aquatic sentient species who lived in the oceans of the planet Iskalon. All seventeen of these species were relocated from their own homeworlds to Iskalon circa 5,000 BBY. Though they built the underwater city of Pavillion to interact with water-breathing visitors to Iskalon, it was destroyed in 4 ABY after an Imperial attack set off an enormous tidal wave. Afterwards, the Iskalonians withdrew from the galaxy's affairs. Kiro was an exception to this, as he briefly left his homeworld for several adventures alongside Luke Skywalker. The Iskalonians continued their isolationist ways, even after a brief invasion by the Nagai was driven off (thanks to Kiro and Skywalker). The Iskalonians did not join the New Republic. The six main species in the School were the Inleshat, Chuhkyvi, Stribers, Graygl, Nejma, and the Frid.

Isticians - were the native race of the irradiated planet Istic II. Due to radiation bombardment, the Isticians mutated into a variety of forms, sizes, and colors. When Istic II was colonized by the Galactic Empire, the Empire declared the Isticians subsentient; this allowed the local Imperial governor to encourage the hunting of Isticians to make room for Human settlers.

Ithullan - were a humanoid species that hailed from the planet Ithull. As natives of the Stenness Node, they were one of the 25 species collectively called "Nessies". Two-hundred years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, the Mandalorians waged war against the Ithullans and nearly wiped them out. By the time of the Battle of Yavin, there were very few Ithullans left, and only a few scattered members of the Ithullan race could be found wandering the streets of Mos Eisley on Tatooine. Both the bounty hunters Gorm and Dyyz Nataz were known to wear Ithullan armor.

Ixlls - were an intelligent race of flying creatures native to the moon Da Soocha V, also known as the Pinnacle Moon. Ixlls were descended from omnivorous predators, and had a well-developed feudal society that was generally peaceful; they also had an aptitude for tool and craft making, creating simple but elegant bags and ornaments, as well as black powder grenades they called "exploding stones." Their language consisted of high-pitched chirps, clicks, and whistles that carried over great distances in the thin air of the pinnacles. They lived in warrens at the tops of the flattened pinnacles, and often collected odds and ends to decorate them. To see in the dark, they had natural sonar. They could fly at speeds of up to 80 kilometers per hour, and glide at 40 miles per hour. Pinnacle Moon was home to Pinnacle Base, a New Republic fortification used after the fall of Coruscant to Imperial warlords prior to rebirth of the cloned Emperor. Ixlls often flew through the pinnacles of the moon and darted around New Republic ships. They also demonstrated great friendliness and playfulness with New Republic personnel, and were quickly learning about galactic technology, even learning to use their whistling speech to reprogram astromech droids as pranks. Their legends often centered around tumnors, large predators of their young. When the New Republic evacuated the world in advance of the Galaxy Gun's projectile, they took several Ixlls with them; eventually, they established a colony on one of the uninhabited moons of Endor.

Izi - were a sentient species known for their poetry. According to Evocar by Direus'Pei, they were made extinct by Xim.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 12:03:37 AM by Cimter »

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« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2009, 09:30:41 PM »
Jandoonians - were a mysterious race from the planet Jandoon. Centuries ago, they suddenly vanished without a trace, leaving much open to the realm of speculation. Their angry spirits were rumored to stalk the planet, keeping most travelers away from Jandoon.

Jante - were a species native to the planet Jante. They were locked in an arms race against the nearby Freda. The Freda eventually attacked Jante industrial plants on Rett II. The Galactic Empire, led by Moff Haveland ordered a ceasefire, from which the Freda eventually withdrew.

Jastaal - were an avian race who used their wings for walking as well as flying.

Jazbinans - were humanoid sentients with feline traits indigenous to Jazbina. They were ruled by an aristocratic family, headed by Lord Prepredenko in 0 ABY. Many Jazbinans were opposed to the rule of the Galactic Empire but resigned to its rule, doing little more than complaining among themselves over its transgressions. However, when Darth Vader had Prepredenko executed shortly after the Battle of Yavin and imposed direct Imperial rule, the masses rose against him, led by the former Lord's daughter, Princess Syayna and the Rebel hero Luke Skywalker.

Jeodu - were a tall, brown-skinned species. Their heads were topped with a conical white crystal; for this reason, the name "Dequc" (meaning "Whitehead") was common among them. A Dequc became the leader of Black Nebula in 3.5 ABY, and many Jeodu joined the organization. Besides Dequc, other Jeodu included Eoodso, Traff, Chackra, and Clomv.

Jerni - were an ancient species from Jerne. They supposedly created the Eternity crystal, but only scattered ruins remained of their once great empire by the time of the Galactic Civil War.

Jerrilekan - refers to a species that may have inhabited Jerrilek. Their structures were found underwater, indicating they were aquatic, but precious little else was known about them.

Jillsarians - were a species of muscular humanoids with four arms. Golben, a technician onboard Omze'kehr Kahr's Incredible Traveling Starport was a Jillsarian, as was Resik, a bartender on Reuss VIII. Resik went on to become an operative for the Rebel Alliance. Jillsarians were also known to live on Tatooine.

Jin - were sapients native to the Zchtek worlds of the Mid Rim. Rebel Alliance officer Dutra Zeneta was a Jin. Jin could see in the infrared spectrum, allowing them to see in complete darkness providing there were nearby heat sources. The Jin were also known to have a culture rich in arts and literature.

Jostrans - were a sentient species native to the planet Munlali Mafir. They were a type of arthropod that could grow up to as large as a Human arm, and resembled slow-moving centipedes. Their civilization was wiped out when the living planet Zonama Sekot passed through their star system and caused prolonged periods of seismic and volcanic activity that was almost responsible for their extinction. A small population of Jostrans did manage to survive the upheavals though, as they adapted to the new environment by becoming symbiotic with the native Krizlaw species, crawling into the mouths of their hosts and then burrowing into their abdominal cavity. Once there they would wrap themselves around the spine and use their legs and fine hairs to infiltrate neural tissue and take control of the body. Because of this unusual configuration, the resultant species had two minds, a controlling and intelligent "rider" and a primitive animal mind. Jedi who were following the trail of Zonama Sekot's retreat into the Unknown Regions soon learned how hard it was to influence the minds of these creatures because of how different both minds were and also because of the natural adaptive habit of the Krizlaws to form hunting packs of eleven hive-linked minds.

Jumerian - were sentient  members of the New Republic.

Juzzians - were an alien race with cone-shaped bodies and many teeth. There were both sedentary and mountain-hopping Juzzians. They made colony markers and presumably developed the Juzzian armlock.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 12:10:06 AM by Cimter »

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« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2009, 10:03:35 PM »
k'Jtari - were a sentient species. They created a martial art, which influenced its practitioners both mentally and physically. By the time of the Galactic Civil War, this martial art was considered ancient. The Human Dunan Par'Ell, who worked as head of security at the Ace of Sabres on Kluistar, was proficient in it.

Ka'aa - were a sapient species possibly native to Farlax Sector.

Kabieroun - were sapients indigenous to Kabieroun that had a long snout and green skin. They towered over most Humans.

Kadrillians - were semi-intelligent terrapins who colonized Kadril 6 BBY. They were the only inhabitants of Kadril to survive the Stenax Massacres.

Kagles - were a species of sentient, brown-furred brothers who lived on the Forest Moon of Endor. They lived near Bright Tree Village and the home of Larry the Shriek. The Kagles enjoyed gambling.

Kalaanites - were native to the planet Kalaan. Red-skinned humanoids with large red eyes and squarish snouts, they spoke the Kalaanite language. When their lush planet, which had served as a Rebel base, was conquered by the Empire, many Kalaanites joined the Kalaanite resistance movement.

Kalai - were a species who, during the Galactic Civil War suddenly appeared at Zirtran's Anchor aboard the starship Destiny. Among the Galaxy's most mysterious inhabitants, little was known of them outside of speculation. Among the rumors about them include that they were telepaths made of pure light who were the guiding force behind the Galactic Civil War.

Kalkals - were a sentient species. They had wide, flat nostrils and wide mouths. They possessed excellent vision, even during the night, and were famous for their ability to digest almost any substance and regurgitate the rest. Kalkals were somewhat inarticulate. Melvosh Bloor was a Kalkal.

Kalsunorans - were a species from the planet Kalsunor. They were defeated by the Sith Empire at the Battle of Kalsunor. They were the first race to document encounters with silooth.

Kalzerians - were a black leather-skinned near-Humans from the planet Kalzeron. They also had black teeth, and piercing yellow eyes.

Kardurans - were a sentient species native to the planet Kardura. They were slim humanoids known for their dancing troupes.

Karfs - were delicate, arboreal creatures that lived in the tisvollt forests of Barlok. They were a minority to the planet's Brolf inhabitants, and were also smaller.

Karnak Alphans (alternately Karnak) - were the indigenous sapient species of the planet Karnak Alpha. Other than their hair, none of their bodies could be seen. The hair of young females was knotted into ribbons while young males had bells tied to strands of their hair. Children were highly prized and protected in Karnak Alphan culture, and having many was a status symbol. This respect of children was so great that they were allowed to participate in the government through a special children's council. In the galaxy at large, it was considered appropriate to honor a guest by serving him first at dinner. This was not so with the Karnak Alphans who considered it an honor for the guest's youngest child to be served by one of the host's children. Additionally, the most senior adult guest would consider himself to be most honored if the host's youngest child served him. Karnak Alphans were also fond of unusual animals and devoted much of their resources to creating and maintaining holographic dioramas and large alternate environment zoos. Because of Karnak Alpha's strategic importance, a banquet was held in honor of the arrival of a new Karnak Alphan ambassador in 23 ABY in the Imperial Palace. Among the attendees were Leia Organa Solo, Han Solo, Jacen Solo, Jaina Solo, Anakin Solo, Zekk, Tenel Ka Chume Ta' Djo, Lowbacca, C-3PO, the new Karnak Alphan ambassador, and her children. In the early stages of the banquet, a number of diplomatic gaffes on the New Republic's part were averted by Tenel Ka's knowledge of Karnak Alphan culture. As the evening progressed, Zekk mistook a bouquet for a salad and ate it. When he proclaimed his favorable opinion of the "salad," Leia Organa Solo, despite her lack of knowledge of Karnak Alphan culture, made sure that everyone else among her delegation would eat their "salad" as well. This turned out to be one of the factors in smoothing the way for an alliance and trade agreement with Karnak Alpha.

Kath - were a reptilian sentient species. One such Kath was the Rebel operative Thlan-sa, who was captured by the Shatras bounty hunter Ssach'thirix. It is likely that the Kath were defeated by the Empire during the Kath subjugations as both the species and the battle are mentioned in the same book, and the only known Kath was a Rebel agent.

Kathol (also known as the Precursors or Cthol) - were an ancient race who lived on the planet Kathol. It was believed that they were descendants of the Old Ones, who were the original inhabitants of the Kathol Sector. They possessed organic technology and were a highly advanced civilization, proven when they created the Codex. Thousands of years before the Battle of Yavin, several Dark Jedi attempted to conquer the Kathol. They were defeated, but the Kathol were almost wiped out. Most of the Kathol were able to store themselves in the Lifewell, guarded by DarkStryder. Unfortunately, DarkStryder refused to release the Kathol after the danger had passed, and the Kathol were trapped in a form of limbo. Their life force became the mystical Ta-Ree energy.

Kaump Heavyworlders - were native to Kaump III. Adapting to their planet's heavy gravity, they were short and dense, with characteristic flat faces. Chanchaz Iryt was a criminal of this species.

Kauronians - were a species of alien that could routinely be found wandering the streets of Mos Eisley on Tatooine circa 0 BBY. Some of them worked as bounty hunters. They presumably were from Kauron.

Kedorzhans - were a rotund, rodent-like species, native to Kedorzha in Senex-Juvex, who operated mines in SoroSuub Landing on the planet Taris in the years prior to its devastation by Darth Malak. Kedorzhans had excellent senses of smell, but were virtually blind after hours in the darkness of the mines.

Keed - were Near-Humans from Keedad.

Keitumites - were one of the seven species in the Keitumite Mutual Military Treaty.

Kemlans - were a race of sentient beings that were able to recognize a close relative just by their scent.

Kete - were large insectoid species that resided on the forest moon of Endor. It may have been related to the ruby-throated kete. A group of ketes lived inside a palace on the Endor moon.

Khoan - were a species who, though shorter than Humans, weighed twice the average Wookiee. They had yellow skin, a dorsal fin, and spikes on their faces. These spikes fanned around the face, forming a spiked collar around their faces. Khoan imagined themselves as the fairest of all intergalactic races. A Khoan played against Han Solo in fan-tan at the Fifteen Moons Casino on Ord Mantell, shortly after the Battle of Yavin.

Khotta - were a species native to Kho Nai. They had the ability to alter their perspective of the world around them.

Khormai - were the native species of the frozen planet Khorm. During the Clone Wars, an ambitious Khormai warlord named Gout made a deal with Count Dooku and began enslaving his own people to mine Agrocite for the Separatists. The Khormai bore a remarkable resemblance to the Aqualish. Khormai warriors wore thick metal suits that were powered by combustion engines similar to ones found on their Rail jet transports. Exhaust ports on their back released thick plumes of smoke. The suits may have given them increased physical abilities and may have offered protection from the extreme colds of Khorm.  

Killam - were a species native to Quas Killam.

Kilmaulsi - were sentient avians indigenous to Kilmaulsias. They possessed no wings, but had colorful ruffs of feathers under their jaws and along their arms. The Kilmaulsi were engaged in savage religious wars among rival tribes when they were first contacted by explorers from the Commonality, including Vorzydiaks, Paiguns, and Hrakians. Alien contact had a profound effect on the Kilmaulsi, prompting them to end their bitter rivalries and migrate offworld to seek their fortunes among the stars. They retained their warrior's ferocity, however. An average Kilmaulsi stood 1.7 meters and had a burly, muscular physique. They were prized as soldiers, mercenaries, and guards, as well as manual labor.

Kilmaulsi soldiers sometimes wore traditional suits of green battle armor, with ornate feathery patterns. Kilmaulsi were also known to enter a frenzied state in battle, much like the Wookiee berserkers.  

Kips - were a sapient race native to the planet also called Kip. They were small in stature. They imprisoned Zorba Desilijic Tiure for illegal ulikuo stone mining, but were in turn set upon by a group of pirates, who freed Zorba.

Kiughfids - were four-armed humanoids. A number of them were employed as sabacc dealers at the Outlander Club. Gormaanda may have been a Kiughfid.

Kivans - were the people native to the planet Kiva. They were a peaceful people, known by many as artists and architects. When life on Kiva was wiped out by an experiment, they remained as disembodied wraiths. They appeared as shadows with red eyes. They believed that Mammon Hoole, one of the scientists involved in the experiment, was responsible for their fate and tried to kill him when he arrived on the planet many years later. They later learned that Borborygmus Gog, Hoole's fellow scientist and the mastermind of Project Starscream, was truly to blame. They all converged upon him, and the Kivan wraiths, along with Gog vanished without a trace. They also seemed vulnerable to ion weapons.

Klee - were a sentient species. According to Evocar by Direus'Pei, they were made extinct by Xim.

Kler'terrian - were a species of four armed aliens with three eyes spaced evenly around their heads.

Kloodavians - were small, yellow-skinned reptilians. They had the ability to regenerate lost limbs and were immune to mind tricks.

Kloperians - were squat, gray-skinned beings with small, highly-dexterous tentacle-like appendages running along both sides of their bodies. They had extendable necks, wide mouths and large, bulbous eyes which collected large amounts of light to provide them with incredibly detailed vision. Kloperians as a race were known for their skills as engineers and mechanics, though they were also known to adopt a gruff and imperious attitude with other races. The New Republic employed a number of Kloperians on Coruscant to keep the home fleet in top condition. These were, however, in reality saboteurs in the pay of darksider Kueller that fitted the ships with remote-controlled detonite charges.

Klytonians - were a sentient species who communicated with one another through creating vibrations in electric fields using the leathery scales which covered their bodies. A group of Klytonians were present in the Mos Eisley Cantina when Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi entered looking for passage off Tatooine.

Kodaians - were a skittish race from Kodai who were nearly wiped out circa 132 BBY. Most of the survivors fled off planet rather than risk another calamity, and the ones that did remain became fearful of strangers, who they believed could cause disasters. Every 10 years, the Kodaians go to the beach to dig up ancient artifacts.

Kon'me - were a noisome reptilian species native to Bal'demnic. Upper-class Kon'me lived in glistening bubble-like structures in the oceanside cliffs, while others lived in simple thatch beachside dwellings. After CIS scouts discovered cortosis ore on Bal'demnic, the Kon'me were forced to allow the Commerce Guild to mine for it. The beachfront Kon'me were furious, and started many fights. This led to the Battle of Bal'demnic.

For planetary defense, they utilized powerful weapons sold to them by war profiteers. Aided by the Jedi, they successfully repelled Confederate forces from mining cortosis ore on their planet. Afterward, however, they forced the Jedi and Republic forces to leave their planet.

Kordans - were the technologically primitive natives of Korda 6. They were large simian creatures, approximately two meters tall, with four thick fingers and black or brown fur.

Kooroo - were a race of beings thought to have been the founders of the Fellowship of Kooroo. The species was never discovered by the Galactic Republic, and the location and name of their homeworld remained unknown to outsiders. Shrines possibly built by the Kooroo were found on many worlds in the Outer Rim Territories, including Boztrok, Gelgelar, Sufezz, and Branteez.

Korfani - were a sapient race.

Krakai - were sapients indigenous to Kathol. They were created by the DarkStryder.

Krevaaki - were a race of sentients native to Krevas. The Krevaaki people possessed an exoskeleton. The face of a Krevaaki was composed of a series of shifting, chitinous plates with a limited range of expression. During face-to-face communication, it was difficult (if not impossible) for anyone who was not a Krevaaki to read their facial expressions. Krevaaki used their tentacles in the same way bipeds used their arms and legs, although the tips of their tentacles lacked the dexterity of a humanoid finger.

Krieks - were a species of sentient tortoises that were indigenous to the world of Kriekaal.

Krikthasi - were amphibious sapients indigenous to Baralou.

Kroctari - were native to the planet Kroctar, the merchant center of the Shataum Sector. Though Kroctari could speak Basic, their nasal speech sounded very alien to Human ears, as it was interspersed with wheezing and burping noises. Despite having fought off Grand Admiral Thrawn's offensive in 9 ABY, the Kroctari were among the several species in the New Republic to ask to join the Imperial Remnant during the Caamas Document crisis of 19 ABY. Their leader, Lord Superior Bosmihi of the Unified Factions, took this action due to the New Republic's perceived inability to help defend them from possibly hostile neighbors. This move was made even though the Kroctari were fairly well-armed for a planetary government, and were deep in New Republic territory. It is not known if the Kroctari decided to continue to be associated with the Imperial Remnant after the unmasking of the Thrawn imposter Flim at the Battle of Yaga Minor and the subsequent signing of the Pellaeon-Gavrisom Treaty between the Imperial Remnant and the New Republic.

Krozurbian - was at war with itself for 200 years. A brutish, green-skinned reptilian people, the Krozurbian civil war would have raged longer if Master Zorneth hadn't slipped the leaders some savorium-laden thookah steaks. It was part of an experiment to verify to himself the potency of the herb. The Krozurbian leaders dropped their arms and immediately ceased their hostilities.

Kuarans - were the indigenous people of Kuar. Their species was wiped out between 5,000 and 4,000 BBY when the Mandalorian Crusaders conquered Kuar.

Kumumgah - were a technologically advanced race that lived on Tatooine who defied the Infinite Empire. The Rakata punished this by bombarding the surface of the once lush world of Tatooine into little more than fused glass. This eventually crumbled and became desert sand. The extreme climatic change split the Kumumgah into two races: the Ghorfas (who evolved into the Sand people) and the Jawas.

Kwa - were an ancient extragalactic species that built the Star Temples on Dathomir. The Kwa were an ancient civilization that were a dominant galactic power hundreds of thousands of years before the Galactic Republic. They used Infinity Gates as a weapon and as a means of interstellar travel. Kwa were bipedal, three-meter tall, cobalt-blue-skinned saurians with telepathic abilities. They also had the ability to run at incredible speeds. When their empire was at its height, about 100,000 BBY, they encountered the Gree Empire, leading to border disputes between them. The species later began to lose their influence on galactic politics. They sealed the Infinity Gates and Star Temples, and they set guardians to protect the Temples—giant wuffa worms with thick hides and an impressive turn of speed. Though it is unknown what happened to the rest of the Kwa around the galaxy, the original settlers of Dathomir eventually evolved—or rather degenerated—into the Kwi.

Millennia later, many of the Kwa's descendants were slaughtered by the Nightsisters when the witches discovered the Gate. The surviving Kwi fled into the desert where they would form tribes, including the Blue Desert People and the Blue Mountain People.

Kwi - were the degenerated descendants of the saurian Kwa—Dathomir's first settlers. They resembled bipedal, cobalt-blue-skinned saurians and were four meters long. The Kwi did not have the ability to talk unlike the Kwa though they possessed a collective memory of their former glory and the importance of the protection of the ancient Star Temples. However, they could race at incredible speeds. In 31 BBY, many Kwi were slaughtered by the Nightsisters during their attempt to access the secrets of the Infinity Gate. The remaining Kwi disappeared into the deserts and would form tribes including the Blue Desert People and the Blue Mountain People, as well as the Rhoa Kwi. The Kwi also migrated every dawn and every dusk.

During the Galactic Civil War, Geonosian bio-engineers at the Geonosian Bio-Lab on Yavin 4 experimented with mutated Kwis. In 8 ABY, Luke Skywalker and Isolder encountered a group of Kwi who aided them before returning to their simple existence in the desert. In 23 ABY, while onboard the Off Chance, Tenel Ka and Luke Skywalker saw a herd of Kwi.

Kynachi - were the native species of the planet Kynachi in the Wild Space. The Kynachi were generally distinguished by their golden hair. Their golden hair was partially a result from their native diet, so those who were not raised on the planet of Kynachi did not share this particular trait. One example was the silver-haired, Coruscant-raised Jedi Master Ring-Sol Ambase. During the year 32 BBY the Trade Federation seized the world of the Kynachi under the force of the Skakoan Umbrag. In the year 22 BBY, the Kynachi were liberated from the Trade Federation occupation by the Galactic Republic Breakout Squad unit led by Padawan Nuru Kungurama.  
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 12:42:44 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2009, 10:22:37 PM »
Laerdocians - were a species who spoke Basic with an unusual accent (pronouncing "nothing" as "nothjing", for example.) A Laerdocian named Bodwae served under the smuggler Booster Terrik as a technician on the Errant Venture circa 19 ABY. They were presumably from the Laerdocia system.

Lafran - were a slender sentient species. One Lafran was present on Atzerri when Luke Skywalker visited there in 16 ABY.

Lakra (plural Lakran) - were a sentient species native to the Unknown Regions. They had torso plates and large hands, and were possibly insectile. At some point their species, or a group of their species were hired as mercenaries by the Warlord and aided him in conquering Kariek around 28 BBY. They served him until his defeat by the Eickarie's and the Empire of the Hand in the Battle of Kariek. Their language may have been known as Lakran.

Langehesi - were a race of red-skinned humanoids indigenous to the planet Langhesa. Like the Qella and the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong, the Langhesi could mold and shape life into new forms. They spoke Langhesan. In 129 BBY, their homeworld was conquered and the species was enslaved by the Tsinimals who saw their technology as a sin against their gods. Because of this, the Langhesi engaged in a mass migration across the galaxy. They specialized in producing unique pets for the rich of the Galactic Republic. In 89 BBY, some Langhesi migrated to the living world of Zonama Sekot. These were responsible for shaping Sekotan technology and building the massive hyperdrive on Zonama Sekot.

Langoonans - were a sentient species native to the planet Langoona located within Hutt Space. Enslaved by the Hutt species, they were once a favoured species among the Hutts until they rebelled against their overlords. The rebellion was a failure, and the Langoonans were punished by being stripped of all technology. The species was almost driven extinct but small numbers were kept alive for Hutt safaris. At one point, they were known for their construction of death-masks.

Lankorians - were an alien species native to the planet Lankor VI. They were bipedal, with skinny arms and a head shaped like a sugar-loaf. Their planet was temperate and had had established a feudal-level civilization by the period of the Galactic Empire. Their planet came under the control of the Flight Unlimited Group, an Imperial-aligned corporation. While the Lankorians were largely ambivalent about FUG control, it did give them access to rudimentary interstellar trade. The Lankorians established a number of towns, including Rham'Dhaam.

Leffingites - were a bipedal sentient species from the planet Almak. Magaloof was a Leffingite.

Lekuans - were a race from Lekua V.

Lemmers - were a species of small, sentient humanoids.

Leresai (adj. Leresen) - were a species of the Mid Rim which sided against the Bothans during the Caamas Document crisis in 19 ABY. When two Leresai were killed in a riot on Bothawui, the Leresen law (summarized as "Claw for claw, horn for horn, life for life") demanded vengeance. According to the Leresai, if they could not have the deaths of two guilty Bothans, they were entitled to kill twenty of their "tribe". They accomplished this by destroying a zero-gravity crystal factory in Bothawui orbit. General Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron attempted to stop the Leresai warships, but the weapons systems on their X-wings had been sabotaged by Leresai on Di'tai'ni. The Leresai openly admitted this sabotage - in their view, it was an honorable action that prevented neutral New Republic forces from harm. The Leresai were also noted for surprisingly melodious voices. Sordaan Xris onced claimed to have acquired a Kalranoos carbine in a wager with a Leresai bounty hunter.

Letaki - were a sentient species with eight tentacles and egglike heads. They also had air gills beneath their four eyes. As they were carnivores, they gutted their dinners. The performance artist Evar Orbus was a Letaki.

Lethagoes - were a mysterious hybrid species and a mix between Humans and Kalai. Lethagoes were Human in form but quite tall and thin. Nevertheless, they appeared to be of great physical strength. Their faces were thin and pale with a sharp nose, severe eyes and a jutting chin. Their appearance struck some as being quite birdlike, causing a theory to arise that the Kalai were an avian species. Not much was known about them, and often their Human parents were unaware of the existence of the Lethagoe offspring as was the case of the news reporter, Horatio Varn-Kezzler, who learned that a Lethagoe interviewee of his was actually his own son. The Lethargoes were primarily encountered at Zirtran's Anchor where they served as representatives of the mysterious Kalai.

Leviathans - were giant, one-eyed sentient squid indigenous to the ocean floor of Arrakan. They could live to be over a millennium old. One such Leviathan, named Kithnarrock, was believed by the Duors to be their creator.

Lexlar - were a short, hair-covered hominid species. Odeon Farnish was a member of this species.

Likash (adj. Likashan) - were members of the New Republic. During the last stages of the Galactic Civil War, their Senator took an aggressive stance, arguing that the New Republic military was powerful enough to utterly crush the Imperial Remnant, despite the apparent return of Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Likash had formerly been subjects of the Empire. Likashans had high-pitched voices.

Lisst'n - were a sentient species that continually shed their skin. They were active in the galaxy in the early years of the Galactic Empire. The Tion Hegemony's sole university, the University of Rudrig, had a number of luxury dermal autostripper services available for Lisst'n, as well as for members of the Pui-ui species.

Lizling - were a species of sentient reptiles that were known for their diminutive size.

Llewebum - were a sentient species with large bumps across their bodies, including a secondary series of bumps below their arms. The senator from Llewebum was severely injured in the explosion caused by Kueller in the Senate Hall on Coruscant.

Locans - were a hulking, muscular species from the planet Loce. They had blue skin and were covered in black spots.

Lomabuans - were an ancient species that built mysterious ruins on the planet Lomabu III.

Lomin - were a native race to the planet Pantolomin, the Lomins were an amphibious race which shared the administrative duties within the Panto system with their neighbors, the Tolos.

Lonjair - were a shy, self-centered species that primarily occupied a cluster of three systems in the South Arm. Lonjair each had four turquoise eyes, indigo skin, and a tuft of blue hair on top of one's head. During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Lonjair had a representative in Imperial Center.

Lontars - were powerful reptilians that nearly wiped out the Blood Carvers several hundred years prior to the Battle of Naboo.

Lowen - were a species of Near-Humans from the planet Low'n. They were distinguishable from baseline Humans by the fleshy tendrils that hung from their heads, their flat noses, and their loose, thick fleshy skin that bundled and folded up around their neck, shoulders, back, chest, and arms. Ostan Atur was a Lowen saboteur.

Luck Sprites - were beings native to the Forest Moon of Endor. They were capable of affecting another being's luck.

Luyals - were a sentient species.

Lyra - were an alien race.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 09:31:20 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2009, 08:59:25 AM »
Markul - were a species of sentient aliens. In Melvosh Bloor's opinion, they did not resemble Kowakian monkey-lizards. Darian Gli was a Markul.

Mavinans - created the cluster-wedding organ.

Mawan - were a species of humanoids from the planet Mawan. They had pale skin, two hearts, and blue blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. It was considered a mark of refinement for a Mawan's veins to show through the skin.

Meeks - were a primitive sentient species, with three eyes. A village of Meeks was afraid that a rancor would eat them.

Melters - were the name given to the energy based beings that lived in the meltmassif of the Taspan system. They were given this name because they "melted" out of the meltmassif at will, they used the meltmassif for their physical form. The melters could produce an energy discharge that had an effect much like a stun blast.

Menahuun - were sapient lemuroids indigenous to Lamaredd.They were discovered when a ship crash landed on Lamaredd. Soon the Menahuun were hunted for sport and retreated into the wilderness.

Mephitisians - were four-armed humanoids from the planet Mephitis. They had no noses, instead, their olfactory sensors were in the form of two horn-like projections on the top of their heads. Their eyes were protected by a membrane, shielding them from Mephitis' toxic atmosphere.

Mephouts - were sapients indigenous to Plintep. All Mephout politicians and diplomats were female due to the males being generally hot headed and unable to control their tempers. The RST Model Translator Droid was designed by the Mephout to resemble them.   

Mere - were sentient humanoids that hailed from the aquatic planet Maramere. They had orange fur covering their bodies, and could breathe underwater. They had both noses and gills.

Mermen (singular Merman) - were ocean-dwelling inhabitants of Mon Calamari. They were green-skinned beings whose legs fused to form a fish-like tail. The Holographic Zoo of Extinct Animals on Coruscant contained a holographic exhibit of a group of Mermen hunting a krabbex while armed with spears made of bone. Mermen were apparently present on the planet Iskalon during the Iskalon Effect disaster, and many innocent mermen were killed by the tidal wave. However, "mermen" may have only been a term to describe Iskalonians.

Meshakians - were a sentient alien species. They were famed for making exquisite jewelry.

Mhingxin - were a species of rodent-faced sentients with a reputation for high-pitched voices. They tended a have a low opinion of themselves, since their appearance was similar to the sewer rats and such scum that beings all over the galaxy despised, hated, and strived to exterminate. They were easily provoked because of this.

Mielps - were a race of small beings. They lived on Ansion and did shopping there.

Mikans - were creatures native to Jellyfish Cove. They took the form of beautiful near-Human women with pink skin and pure-white eyes; however, once they had attracted someone to them, they turned into huge jellyfish-like creatures and consumed their targets. They could only come out in night or on foggy days, as when the sun came out, the light reacted with their tissue and froze them into statue-like rocks. Bara was a Mikan.

Mikoans - were a race of sentient green-skinned humanoids from the planet Miko. If not for their unusual skin pigmentation, they would be able to pass as standard Humans. They refused to bow to the Emperors will and so Moff Delurin responded to their insolence by bombarding their planet from his new starship, the Galaxy Dragon. After this show of force, the Mikoans begged for peace and reluctantley joined the Empire. After the foundation of the New Republic, the Mikoans were approached by diplomats who tried to convince them to join the Republic. Unfortunately the Dragon appeared just before they could agree to join, paralyzing them with fear. Some of the Republic diplomats then left the planet to gain military help while others helped the Mikoans defend themselves. When the joint New Republic/Mikoan forces pushed back Delurin's ship, the Mikoans finally joined the New Republic.

Millinarians - were a hermaphroditic species from the planet Millinar. They were rumored to be keepers of Force techniques long lost to the galaxy due to the Emperor's purges.

Mimbanites - were one of the native races of the planet Mimban. Unwilling or unable to retreat to caves deep in the swamplands like their cousins, the Coway, when the Galactic Empire set up their mining operations, Mimbanites were reduced to scavenging garbage heaps and begging for alcohol. This once proud race was held in contempt by the Imperial troops and miners. Like the Coway, Mimbanites were humanoids with short fur, but they were smaller and less robust. Their fur was green rather than gray, hence the derogatory nickname Greenies. (This derogatory term was also applied toward Rodians). The term "Mimbanite" also refers to a race of furry quadrupeds which inhabited the planet. It is unclear if the quadrupeds were sentient, non-sentient, or semi-sentient.

Mimphs - were diminutive sapients found on the forest moon of Endor. The tooth of a Mimph was often seen on Wicket's Belt of Honor.

Mind-witches - were vampire-like creatures who used Force illusions to fool their victims. It is not known whether this ability was inherent, Force-related or even mystical. These unique near-Humans possessed potent mental abilities which they would use to probe the mind of another beings and see their desires. Once this was done, they developed a relationship with the individual at which point they developed a psychic link with the person. Through this link, they would create illusionary environments which were highly desirable to the individual. This was done with only one purpose in mind; to leech the mental life energies of the person to replenish their own. Though they were usually powerful telepaths, some well skilled mind witches could also develop telekinetic powers. The only known mind-witch was S'ybll, who tried to seduce Luke Skywalker. However, he was able to break through her illusions and escape. S'ybll died when Luke drew his lightsaber to him and accidentally stabbed her.

Mishtak People - were New Republic members. Some of them were part of the non-Bothan community present on Bothawui. In 19 ABY, during an anti-Bothan demonstration set off by the discovery of the Caamas Document, a Mishtak was hit by a blaster bolt. Though the blaster bolt was blamed by the crowd on either Han Solo or a Bothan clan leader named Rayl'skar, it was later discovered that the bolt was set off by an Imperial Remnant agent (part of the "Vengeance" cell) using a Xerrol Nightstinger.

Mixtwirk - were a small insectoid alien race with sensitive antennae on their heads which they used to hear. They communicated in squawks.

Mizx - were a species of sentient humanoids that were indigenous to the swamp world of Randorn 2.

Mlukis - were sapient primates indigenous to Belsavis. They grew to adolescensce at the age of seven and were considered old at the age of thirty. Jevax was a Mluki.

Modbreks - were a species of pale-skinned humanoids (or possibly Near-Humans). They had small noses and mouths, sharp facial features and large eyes. They were hairless, save for a mane of blue hair. At least one family of Modbreks lived in Mos Eisley on the desert world of Tatooine.
Some Human males found female Modbreks physically attractive, though the Gotal tax collector Feltipern Trevagg found them to be wispy and insubstantial in appearance, and merely semi-sentient in intellect.

Moggonites of Arorua - were better known as one of the most obnoxious and treacherous species in the galaxy. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi experienced a sour encounter with a Moggonite named Mosko Bolpa on the planet Arorua in 44 BBY. Some have speculated that Big Gizz may have been a Moggonite, or of a related species, based on his appearance.

Molavarans - were sentients indigenous to Molavar. They had caramel colored skin and a long face. Their scalps had multiple tendrils on the sides and back of their head. They bore pointed teeth and large cheek bones.

Mole Creatures -  were sapient moles living underground on Tatooine. Occasionally, surface dwellers would fall through the surface into the mole creatures' tunnels. The mole creatures would feed these unfortunate beings to Gotar the acid lizard.

Molemen - were white-skinned, blind humanoids who lived in underground caverns. Three molemen were touring the Outlander Club when Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker confronted Zam Wesell there.

Moloskians - were a sentient species with eyes in the backs of their heads, which gave them a distinct advantage as pilots.

Monduths - were a sentient race. They were sensitive to the Bogan, or dark side. They had mutiple eyes, stood larger than most Humans, and were physically formidable, able to throw an adult male Human across a room. Luke Skywalker had a run-in with a Monduth at the Mos Eisley Cantina. The Monduth, along with a Human and a small, rodent-like alien, tried to pick a fight with him. Han Solo made an effort to intervene, though the fight ended abruptly when Starkiller killed two of the thugs with his laser sword.

Mongo Beefhead Tribesmen - were a friendly tribe on the edge of extinction. The group was native to the Outer Rim planet of Tatooine and were members of the Rebel Alliance.

Moochers - were small, sentient, fur-covered lizards of Abregado-rae. They were believed to be somehow related to the Atzerrian Meek. They lived in dens with populations in the thousands, all birthed by a single queen. This queen was extremely intelligent, but birthed offspring that were comparably unintelligent. Often, the queen would expel Moochers she was displeased with, and they would branch off to form their own dens, or turn to a life of panhandling in the planet’s spaceports, the latter being considered a nuisance by most inhabitants. Moochers were also susceptible to the Veizen Fever which could drive them mad. When an outbreak seemed possible, the Tundei regime allowed the extermination of nearly all the Moochers, to prevent it from spreading to the Gado.

Mooloolians - were a tribal species native to the planet Janguine. They overran the Janguine speakers around 275 BBY.

Moorin - was the name of a sentient species which was often characterized as being intelligent, but vicious. It was said that when meeting with a Moorin, music would help keep them agreeable. Obron Mettlo, a mercenary who once worked for Jabba Desilijic Tiure, was a Moorin.

Moralan - were a sentient species native to the planet Moralan. The species was enslaved by the Hutts but revolted and their off their overlords, initially founding an independent republic, led by the Parliament of Moralan. Boonta the Hutt conquered their republic in its early stages, driving the species extinct.

Moras - were a faction that imprisoned Ebenn Q3 Baobab and forced him to serve in the Mora Infantry. It is unknown if the Moras were their own unique species, a government, or something else altogether.

Morath - were a sentient species found near the Koornacht Cluster: their name was probably connected to that of the Morath Nebula. Under the New Order, they established two mining colonies a little way inside the Koornacht Cluster, on the planets of Elcorth and Kojash. Both colonies were wiped out during the Great Purge by the Yevetha. A few survivors were apparently taken as hostages, such as Jara ba Nylra and Liekas Tendo. However, Enara, who claimed to have been a pholikite miner on Elcorth, was actually a Fallanassi.

Morellians - were near-Humans native to the planet Morellia. They had very long lifespans proportionate to Humans, although it seemed that by the Galactic Civil War, they had all died out save one, Barosa Warren.

Morganians - were a species of slender, white-skinned Humanoids. They had elfin ears and were renowned for their beauty.

Morish - were a short, furry, loud-voiced species from the planet Morishim, near what eventually became the Imperial Remnant. During the rule of the Galactic Empire, the Imperials set up a secret communications center in a cave on Morishim. After the Empire pulled out, a Morish known as the Old Recluse found the abandoned communications link, and used its newsfeeds to fool others into believing he had clairvoyant abilities. Morish were perfectly capable of speaking Basic, but those Morish who did speak Basic often pretended not to.

Morodin - were enormous, sentient herbivores. They were mottled yellow with spoonbill snouts, stubby legs and wide teeth. They left a slime trail on the ground as they walked. They colonized the planet Varonat after their homeworld became uninhabitable. They were exploited by the Galactic Empire and hunted in safaris. Eventually, the hunting of Morodin became outlawed under the New Republic.

Morses - were humanoids indigenous to Karlatt. They were a species with a spatial level of technology. The Morses were forced to adapt when they became subjects of the xenophobic Galactic Empire. A peaceful, charismatic people by nature, they developed two principal exports: ambassadors and commercial representatives, many of whom went to Coruscant to work for the government. Morses could live to be 250 or even 300 years of age. Their hair change color throughout life, eventually being purple in their final years. They had blue antennae like those of insects that gave them excellent abilities of perception. They were similar enough to Humans that the latter species could find them attractive. Under the Galactic Empire, most Morses were fluent in Basic, and it is unknown if they still spoke any unique languages. However, their capital city, Grand Nord, was sometimes called Kamaib, its name in an ancient Morse dialect.

Mostlaa - were a species of short, mammalian humanoids.

Mudmen - were silicon-based semi-sentient beings found on Roon. A strong spray of condensed air or water could separate mudmen into small forms. Smaller mudmen could be kept as pets and exported throughout the galaxy. They were harmless and loved shiny things. Unlike most of the organisms found on the planet, they were believed to be native to Roon. They were not intelligent enough to be a threat, or interfere, with colonists, and only would be a disturbance if a particularly shiny object was loose.

Mugaari - were a species of humanoids native to Mugaar in the Javin Sector. They were heavy-browed and lantern-jawed, with slate-colored skin. They resented Humans for ending their reign in the Javin Sector. A pirate faction of the Mugaari known as the Mugaari Pirates also fought as a resistance movement on Javin Sector against the new established Galactic Empire but more specially after the Battle of Hoth aiding the Rebellion forces leaving from Anoat Sector.

Mungra - was a sentient species native to the Shelsha Sector. They were furred creatures with orange eyes who had already established numerous colonies prior to the Great Exploration. They seemed to use a strict tier system similar to that used by the Adarians. Ydor Vokkoli and Vicria were notable Mungras.

M'ust - were peaceful, simplistic subterrestrial-dwelling humanoids who encountered Cody Sunn-Childe when he fell into the fires of their cave dwellings and remained unharmed. Following this, they took him in as their heaven-sent master and allowed him to remain with them for many years. The M'ust were pale-skinned humanoids with long fangs and head crests.

Mutant - were an individual, organism, or new genetic character arising or resulting from an instance of mutation, which is a sudden structural change within the DNA of a gene or chromosome of an organism resulting in the creation of a new character or trait not found in the parental type. In some cases, mutants were created through genetic engineering, radiation or the dark side of the Force, most notably Sith alchemy and magic. Subjects were often remade into mutants to be more brutal, more cunning, and, in some cases, more intelligent. In other cases, individuals of a wide range of species were born mutants most notably Triclops and the Keeramak.

Muttani - were a species from the planet Kalidorn out in between Wild Space and the Outer Rim Territories. This race had sickly appearance and a peculiar body odor. Their bodies were generally hairless, and their mouths were filled with sharp teeth. Perhaps the most infamous of all Muttani was Meeko Ghintee. He was captured and sent to Desolation Alley, one of the most secure prisons in the galaxy, but actually managed to escape. He was later recaptured by Jango Fett and sent back to Oovo IV.

Muur - were a sentient species who had a large number of strong tentacles. One individual who was known to be of this species was in the employ of Mogroch.

Muza - were a primitive species native to the planet Muzara. The Muza were large, strong aliens with overbites and scoop-like teeth. Their forearms were highly muscular. They were descendants of migratory grazing creatures. The Muza exterminated all large predators from their world as their civilization evolved. Muza religious beliefs denoted certain topographies as sacred or unholy. The ruins of Kabus-Dabeh, for instance, were believed (probably correctly) to be evil. As nomadic herd creatures, they had no sense of individual property or territory. In 4,000 BBY, Humans from Brentaal colonized Muzara, barely avoiding a conflict with the Muza.

Myill - were a blue-furred mammalian race. They were used as slave labor by the Ghawern pirates.

Mykes - were Near-Humans under the rule of the Galactic Empire. Norym Kim, a member of the Imperial Interim Ruling Council was a Myke. Mykes closely resembled Humans, with the exception of a fairly pale complexion and facial differences. Their hair was often a shade of black or dark brown, with eye colors typically ranging anywhere from dark blue to dark purple, dark green, dark brown or dark gray. The species had distinctive fleshy "chin tufts" at the sides of their chins, giving them their unique look.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2010, 10:06:25 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2009, 09:10:37 AM »
Nalrithians - were a species of sapient insectoids native to the Outer Rim Territories. Nalrithians born from the same clutch of eggs were known as eggmates and were known to share a hive mind, which meant that their memories would be shared among them. Notable members of the species included the notorious bounty hunter Cypher Bos who almost killed Han Solo on Ord Mantell during the Rebel Alliance's first mission to Ord Mantell.

Nami - were a nomadic species of sapients in the Outer Rim Territories. Originally from the Galactic Core, they were driven into the Rim during the Clone Wars and largely forgotten. Years later, a female Nami leader named Ali Tarrak came to power. Forces under her command captured a prototype of the new TIE Defender starfighter produced by the Galactic Empire, and very nearly precipitated an arms race by attempting to sell that technology to the Rebels. Eventually she was captured and sent to Coruscant, where she would be trained to serve the Emperor. Deprived of their production centers and their leader, the Nami species sank back into obscurity. The Nami were Human-sized, if not Humans themselves, as they could comfortably fly TIE Defenders produced to Human pilot standards. Tarrak's voice over the radio comlink during the prototype-capture conflict sounded very Human and accentless.

Naplousean - described as a tangle of flesh, the Naplousean walked on three legs and possessed many glittering eyes. It is theorized that when they also relied on pheromones to commmunicate, evidenced as a dull smell would accompany their anger.

Narvath - were long-limbed humanoids hailing from the planet Narvath.

Nazren - were an alien race native to the planet Nizon in Maldrood Sector. They were occupied by the Galactic Empire and enslaved by Trandoshan slavers after the end of the Clone Wars, but an anti-Imperial group helped the local resistance free their world.

Nduuati - were a reptilian sentient species. Feyyaz Ferdusi was a Nduuati bounty hunter and swoop racer.

Nediji - were a species of bird-like sentients that were distinguished by a stubby, keratinous beak and skin that was covered in light, azure-colored down. They stood about 1.5 meters tall, had hollow bones, and had excellent long-range vision, which extended into infrared, ultraviolet, and beyond, and was capable of scanning up-and-down and side-to-side simultaneously. Their homeworld was the outlying world of Nedij, where their traditional prey, the rath-scurrier, were found on the hillsides. They also preyed on a species of humanoids native to Nedij. Nediji were extremely fast and appeared to be very adept at disguises, and they exuded a peculiar but pleasant odor. They were excellent at making surgical strikes. Only those who had forsaken the fellowship of their home nest ever left Nedij, resulting in the species having little contact with the rest of the galaxy. Their collective society was called the Flock. They worshiped the Cosmic Egg. The planet itself was very insular, being one of the more remote worlds on the eastern arm of the galaxy. During the Clone Wars, the criminal organization Black Sun employed a Nediji operative named Kaird.

Neelabi - were a shy, fish-like species from Neelabi who could only breathe in water. They can be easily identified by their beady eyes, and short stature. The Podracer Occo Ninebar was forced to race in a podracer with a water filled bubble. Because of this, if he crashed he could not escape quickly if his cockpit was thrust into a wall.

Nejma - were a water-breathing species indigenous to Eriscot. Due to a natural disaster, a benevolent species (possibly the Celestials) relocated them to Iskalon, where they became part of the Iskalonian school. In physical appearance, the Nejma were very tall, with brown skin, wild shocks of orange hair, and red eyes. They had a long dorsal fin running down their backs.

Although they tended to isolate themselves from the School, they were given a place of honor and known as the Honored Ones. The Nejma were well known for their organic sculptures, turning living coral reefs into works of art. Sadly, the artwork drew thieves as much as tourists.

Neolians - were a sentient alien species.

Neonans - were an ancient race from Neona. Little was known about them, as all of their structures were swallowed up by Neona's seas.

Nerrians - were a sentient race.

Nessie - The term Nessies was used to refer to the twenty five native humanoid populations of the three system Stenness Node, a group of mining worlds in the Outer Rim Territories. The Nessies operated the mines in the region and traded with outworlders. They also used Ithullian Ore Haulers, which were made from the carapaces of the colossus wasps of Ithull.

Nevoota - were sentient bee-like insectoids native to Nevoota. They were wiped out by the Mandalorian Crusaders.

Nharwaak - were a sentient species that, along with the Habeen, populated the Outer Rim world of Mylok IV in the Mylok system. The Nharwaak were heavily dependent on Corellian Engineering Corporation CR90 Corvettes to form the backbone of their capital ship fleet. They also used older starfighters, such as the Y-wing.

Nhoras - were a sentient species that had been enemies of their neighbors the Clatear since around 580 BBY. They both lived in a sector perhaps near Cilpar. Five generations Jedi unsuccessfully tried to resolve their vendetta. When the Clatear came under Imperial occupation, the Nhoras enjoyed the benefits of being ignored by the Empire as well as the Clatear. Unfortunately for the Nhoras, when the Empire pulled out, the Clatear found themselves with a well-armed military force. During the Caamas Document crisis, with the New Republic apparently either unwilling or unable to interfere with local conflicts, the Clatear-Nhoras conflict began to heat up once more. The Nhoras hired mercenaries, such as the Dhashaan Shield, the retired pirate Dharus, and possibly the Soskin Guard, to help even the odds.

Nightmare Demons - were small, fur-covered, two-tailed sentients. Their cranium, unlike the rest of their body, was hairless, exposing the creature's apparent exoskeleton. They demonstrated telepathic abilities, able to enter a being's mind and immobilize them with their worst fears (hence their name). A curious feature of this telepathy was that it could apparently be blocked by lead.

Nightmare Demons were said to have been wiped out "before the Clone Wars", but the circumstances of this are unknown. At least one survivor by the name of Reist was encountered by Luke Skywalker after the Battle of Hoth.

Nish - were a near-Human species from the planet Nishr. During the time of the Galactic Empire, they remained largely in a feudal society, but industrial cities and steam technology were developing in the southern regions of Feldt. Their homeworld was garrisoned in 2 BBY by the Empire, and tensions between the natives and the Imperial troops led to an uprising, defeated in the bloody Nishr Suppression in 0 ABY. Many Nish were killed, and their three largest cities were bombed. The Rebel Alliance subsequently deployed the Nishr Taskforce to support local resistance, but the majority of the Nish remained afraid of further reprisals by the Imperial Army. Nevertheless, some did join the Rebels in the Nishr Campaign, and effective Imperial control was eventually confined to the mountains around their garrison base. It is not known what the eventual outcome of the war was, as the Rebels and the Nish lacked the raw strength or specialist skill to challenge the garrison directly, while the Imperials did not consider Nishr valuable enough to send reinforcements to restore control.

Nixors - were a race from the planet Nixor in the Nixor system. They were in a longstanding feud with the rest of the system during the early years of the Galactic Empire. The Nixors operated the decrepit Nixor Spaceport.

Noolans - were a race of telepathic sentients.

Noorians - were a species from the planet Noori. They had dark skin and gold-striped eyes.

Norak Tull - were sapient, segmented insectoids and possessed an armor-like exoskeleton. Grekk 9 was a Norak Tull Commodore in the New Republic.

Norats - were an alien race. Their government was destroyed by the Yevetha.

Nord - were a species native to Nordra. Buran Borsil was a Nord.

Nuffins - were sapient humanoids, noted for their cleanliness and gentle nature. Princess Nampi's ship was a converted Nuffin freighter, and she kept a Nuffin slave on board in order to fool would-be pirates into boarding, whereupon they would be ambushed by the Princess' soldiers.

Nulls - were tall Near-Humans who inhabited the planet of Null. They had a culture of hunters and tourists. Their planet became part of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, although much of the populace had a great respect for Jedi. Following the Battle of Endor, a Null Imperial Intelligence agent was employed by the Church of the Dark Side as an imitator of the Emperor's Mage Jedgar, an imposingly tall Human who matched Nulls in height.

Nynans - were a race from Nyny. New Republic members, they were one of the few sapient races to have three heads.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 08:45:26 PM by Cimter »

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« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2009, 09:33:04 AM »
Oblee - were three-armed sapients indigenous to Oblis, although originally from the Unknown Regions. Each Oblee had four eyes, in two rows. The color of each row could vary, as was the case with well-known Oblee Nirama. In cases of little sleep, the Oblee would show wrinkles under all of her eyes. Some members of the species found the Sith artifact known as the Darkstaff. The device eventually destroyed their homeworld, leaving the Oblee survivors adrift in the galaxy as spirit creatures that were referred to as shadow lurkers. They would sometimes try to interact with the physical world by sucking the life out of sentient beings and inhabiting their bodies.

The Oblee had spread their DNA throughout the galaxy and eventually one called Nirama was born and he believed that he was the only member of his species in existence. Common Oblee names included Azbedal, Flef, Kiffel, Nirama, and Ronorra.

Obroan - an inhabitant of the planet Obroa-skai is called an Obroan.

Ocsinin (also known as Ocsin) - were a Near-Human species from planet Saclas. Ocsinins were identified by their black pupil-less eyes; white, translucent skin and complexion, and being too slender for Humans.

Odenji - were sapients indigenous to Issor.

Offen - was a species that was relatively new to the concept of space travel by the time of the New Republic. They were ruled by a 6000-year-old queen who died in a tragic starship-accident.

Ogemite - were a humanoid species indigenous to the planet Ogem. They had yellow skin and large frills of hair on their heads. They were known as traders throughout the galaxy. The Rebel operative Anduvil was an Ogemite.

Okfili - were a deeply religious race. At one point during the Galactic Civil War, an an art object of great importance to them was stolen from them by pirates and taken to the planet Sayblohn.

Oku - were a primitive sentient race native to the planet Tokmia.

Okyaabi - were the inhabitants of Okyaab 6. They were peaceful farmers and artisans.

Old Ones - were the original inhabitants of the Kathol Sector.

Oni - were an alien species native to the planet Uru. They were a militant race who were often known to work off-planet as mercenaries. Female Oni could store static electricity in a unique gland on their bodies.

Oolids - were native to Oolidi and were affiliated with the New Republic. Tolik Yar was their senator.  

Ootoolans - were a species of amphibious sentients indigenous to the aquatic world of Ootoola. Due to their fish-like appearance, the members of this race were given the unappealing nickname of "fishface" by the Devaronian smuggler Vilmarh Grahrk. The Ootoolans lived under a theocratic monarchy in which the planetary ruler also acted as the chief priest of their religion. Because of this dual role, many of the inhabitants considered the king to be "impure", and as such they murdered him along with his wife in 33 BBY, nearly extinguishing the royal line. These radical reformists replaced the aristocrats with the Revolutionary Purist Council and elected their own leader.

Princess Foolookoola, daughter of the murdered monarchs, was the last heir to the throne. Since she would be the purists' next target, Vilmarh Grahrk was hired by the remaining loyalists to aid in her evacuation. With his help, along with that of her assistant, Naradan D'ulin, the princess escaped to Dur Sabon. After Grahrk decimated the grand palace, then occupied by the revolutionaries, the royal house was re-established, and the purist rebellion was forever silenced.

Opquis - were members of the New Republic. During the Caamas Document crisis, the Opquis senator took an anti-Bothan position, eventually resulting in the Opquis sending six warships to the Both system.

Orgons - were intelligent plants, and the native sapient species of Gorsh. Their vital organs were housed in a hard shell usually a half meter in diameter. Around the shell were six to eight tentacles, which were used for locomotion as well as the absorption of nutrients. The latter was done through the use of powerful poisons and strong adhesives to trap prey within the tentacle. Once their prey was captured, they would begin secreting powerful acids and slowly digest their food. They lacked eyes, but had the ability to sense light around them. The Orgons often laid clusters of red goo on berries and other plants. These clusters ruptured upon contact, causing irritation to Human skin.

This sentient race of mobile plants was often sought after by the Genetech Corporation, who wished to study them and use them for their commercial value. However, the company had failed in procuring a usable specimen.

Orlak - were sentient humanoids with red fur. They also had pointy ears and "nasty-looking" tails.  

Orrananans - were a sentient species. According to Evocar by Direus'Pei, they were made extinct by Xim.

Orryxians - were a felinoid species from Orryxia. They were encountered often enough by Rebel SpecOps teams to acquire the nickname "Cats," though no Orryxian would have appreciated the moniker. They were also the source of the inebriating drink Orryxian Catsblood.

Orthellins - were a race native to the Binarran Cloud.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 11:28:52 AM by Cimter »