Author Topic: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 2  (Read 2749 times)

Offline Darth Depressis

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MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 2
« on: December 07, 2010, 11:14:56 AM »
Meditation Chamber-The Jedi Explorer-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Luke Skywalker restlessly attempts to center himself before entering into his force guided meditation. His effort is pointless, he is still tainted by the dark side, his common sense of justification lost while bowing before the clone emperor. The floating cybernetic ganathan king Empatajayos Brand bursts into his chamber, uninvited.

Empatajayos Brand: master skywalker, your unease is deafening in the force. You must suppress it or  the others will grow tired of your endured distraction.

Luke Skywalker: distraction? The Jedi knights cannot defeat the emperor with so few!

Empatajayos Brand: we fell as many before, and yet it took only one to defeat vader and his emperor. We are already legion by my count.

Luke Skywalker: Anakin Skywalker saved the galaxy…and his son. I was merely his cause to act. I cannot  defeat the emperor alone, we must expand.

Empatajayos Brand: the Jedi will rise again, but not without our stand against the sith. This is our test luke, with you in the lead. Not a shattered man, you are the leader of this era. You must stand firm, without you we are cast back into the dust, the light will be stomped out forever if you do not accept your…

Luke Skywalker: enough! I’ve already fulfilled my destiny. Ben and Yoda have turned away from me, my fall to the dark side was my undoing. I cannot lead us to victory. I cannot even focus on meditation.

Empatajayos Brand: most unfortunate, but not unheard of, are you vain enough to assume you’re the only Jedi to give into the dark side. I can assure you the road back is treacherous, but it exists for only those hardy enough to traverse it.

Luke Skywalker: then perhaps the holocron can be of assistance in this matter.

Empatajayos Brand: the true tedryn holocron it may be, and even if it is the sith may have tainted it. I do not want you to activate it while we search for your recruits.

Luke Skywalker: whose to say I’m not tainted as well!

Empatajayos Brand: the force!

The young tribesman of Ossus bursts into the chamber.

Rayf Ysanna: were approaching the system luke.

Luke Skywalker: thanks rayf…by the way would you care for a lesson from the holocron. Master brand is going to authenticate it for future use.

Empatajayos Brand: as underhanded as a high council member, and you doubt yourself. Very well, if this is what it takes.

Rayf Ysanna:  I’m lost..whats this all about.

Luke Skywalker: pay it no mind.

Vodo-Sia-Baas: I’ am the gatekeeper of the Tedryn, what knowledge do you seek?

Empatajayos Brand: by the force, I challenge your authenticity, and wish to expose the truth via an lore contest.

Vodo-Sias-Baas: such insolence; you carry much self importance master Brand. Far more since your trails under Yaddle to be certain, let us regale the students.

Empatajayos Brand: of what species was my master Yaddle?

Vodo-Sias-Baas: she was of an unknown tridactyl race, most commonly thought to be of relative to the Whills; the shamans whom are thought to reside on Tython; the Jedi planet of origin.

Empatajayos Brand: your cross-branching logic is in place, this must be the doing of Sidious!

Luke Skywalker: do you believe palpatine would have sought out the Whill shaman?

Empatajayos Brand: worse.

Vodo-Sias-Baas: little good they’d have been, much like the Rakata or the Celestials they’ve passed…

Luke Skywalker: is it trustworthy?

Empatajayos Brand: too fourth coming it is. We’ll come back to this after we’ve secured your recruit.

Emperor’s Citadel-Byss-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Dilbun Vont,Gaff, Gir-Kybo-Ren Cha and Tyber Zann kneel before the Clone Emperor.

Clone Emperor: and that is how it will be!

Tyber Zann: the guy that took down the first Death Star and three other Jedi! that’s asking way too…

Clone Emperor: don’t worry your cowardly Hyde zann, your task plays to your skill set. If your survival is possible you may go about your corrupt profession.

Dilbun Vont: well idz da be a walk in da park fur mesa huh? Augie.

Clone Emperor: in order to assure your success , I’ll be supplying some special..comrades.

Three warriors approach the dais, a heavily armored Gamorrean, a muscle bound Tusken Raider and a woman with the arm of a Juggernaut war droid. The trio are escorted by a group of Dark Troopers.

T’iaz: may I present the Masters of Teräs Käsi.

Dilbun Vont: gotta be ovv yur kriffin roqqa augie! These bastages be total savages!

Clone Emperor: augie is dead, Darth Sidious is all that remains, we’ve been through this already.

Hoar: (Tusken battle cry)

T’iaz: (igniting light saber) restrain yourselves in the prescience of his galactic eminence.

Tyber Zann: if its muscle we need, why not get a hold of my crew? Utai Fenn and Silri are the best back up in the galaxy!

Clone Emperor: I will not entrust this mission to an barely sentient thug or a treacherous Dathomirian Witch!

Gaff: barely sentient?

Clone Emperor: all non-humanoids lucky enough to be in my service will remember their place! I will not tolerate the guttural sounds that pass for language leveled at me from a non-existent elevation!

Dilbun Vont: give the kriffa a break their augie, we’res to be puttin our karkin arses on the line to…

Clone Emperor: silence Vont! Your protectors do not require the facts!

Arden Lyn: aw, does the mighty reborn emperor have a soft spot? Do I detect a weakness to exploit.

Clone Emperor: all is never what it appears to be, my dear. Never assume yourself to be a threat to my person, you breath simply because I do not trust their martial abilities when stacked against these odds.

Arden Lyn: my place in this scheme is purely personal, all assumptions aside.

Clone Emperor: very well. This mission will be lead by T’iaz and the archetype of my new storm trooper class. May I present…Hayt.

A scantly clad female in sparse plastoid armor approaches the throne, Dilbun steps closer to her upon her entrance.

Dilbun Vont: (attempting a spank) well I’ll be suga…

The barely attired trooper disables vont in three movements, leaving the elder man on the floor.

Clone Emperor: as you understand Dilbun, almost every species in the galaxy is easily intoxicated, distracted and best of all subdued by the mere sight of an human female. 

Hayt:  subjugation can be pleasurable, do you not agree commander Vont?

Dilbun Vont: tage an army of strums over dweebie stormies anytime.

Clone Emperor: an entire garrison of women will be both welcomed and underestimated, at any cost we will have peace.

The entire group is lead from the throne room by Hayt as the Sith Lord sinks further into his throne.

Dilbun Vont: (narration) wut a peaceful galaxy we’d huff bein stuck with!

The Jedi Explorer- approaching Dagobah-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Kam Solusar: what a glorious magnet of the living force, no wonder your master hid here so easily.

Luke Skywalker: yes, but don’t let the currents of life dull your senses. The marsh planet is a perfect example of all aspects of the living force.

Artoo-Deeto: (beeps and whistles)

Luke Skywalker: and watch your step.

The interior flares an proximity warning, as the mammoth form of the Millennium Falcon soars above the simple Jedi Explorer, all aboard are rattled from the effectiveness of Solo’s surprise arrival.

Han Solo: (via intercom) thought you Jedi had sight beyond sight? Huh

Chewbacca: (in Shyriiwook) told you they’d be caught unawares, pay up ya scoundral!

Luke Skywalker: thanks han, we need the humility.

Rayf Ysaana: yes, master.

Han Solo: (via intercom) don’t go turnin into a zealot there kid!

Empatajayos Brand: captain solo is right, young Ysanna. Respect for your elder is one thing, blind allegiance is folly indeed.

Kam Solusar: now you’re certain you weren’t followed here?

Chewbacca: (via intercom) (wookiee growls and whines)

Han Solo: (via intercom) take it easy, there ain’t no kriffin homing beacon on this baby! Chill your followers out luke. Last thing we need is Jedi that are nervous in the service!

Luke Skywalker: we’re fine han, now that we’re here prepare for com-silence.

Han Solo: (via intercom) whatever.

The ships descend into the atmospehere of Dagobah, as the falcon goes through the re-entry phase of the decsent, a space suited form affixed to the hull can be seen.

Entrance to the Dark Cave-Dagobah-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

The Jedi Explorer lands adjacent to the cave and the already landed Falcon. Han,Chewie and Bey stand on the ramp with blasters drawn.

Han Solo: so hows everything shaping up their intel wise?

Bey: all our so called allies have either lied down their arms, joined the Dark Empire or worst of all gone silent.

Chewbacca: (in wookiee) the wookiees will fight for the republic, once the council convenes!

Han Solo: ya, haven’t they been trying to descide if their gonna give aid to us since before Thrawn’s surge? Good thing were not holdin our breath!

Bey: the greater concern is the sudden influx of Bothan units into our command structure, Fey’las eying the big job, no doubt bout it.

Han Solo: that guy’s slime, lucky us Mon Mothma welcomed Garm Bel Iblis back into the fold.

Bey: Iblis won’t take a seat long enough to sell an agenda, he’s no politican.

Empatajayos Brand: than perhaps bothan backstabbing will rule the aftermath of this diaster.

Luke Skywalker: I’m fairly certain Leia will be the barrier of Mothma’s torch han, leaving Jacen and Jaina in the tutledge of their uncle.

Han Solo: back off kid! My twins ain’t messin with all this force stuff till they can atleast fly an airspeeder!

Empatajayos Brand: but Jedi of the old republic where…

Han Solo: snacthed from their parents while infants! Not my kids luke!

Luke Skywalker: fine, now will you all wait here.

Rayf Ysanna: are you sure master? I could be of..

Kam Solusar: ease off kid, he needs to be the one to rally this one.

Luke desends into the dark cave while Artoo quivers an audible pang of fear. Upon luke’s decent he is greeted by a thick glowing vapor, a gust of frigidness engulfs him. Luke casts out a vaneer of force energy, shielding him from the passive illusions of the cave, but not from the all encompassing dark presence.

Luke engages his light saber as the vapor looses its luminosity. A twisted cackle sounds from the pervasive shadows and settles into a featureless set of flaming eyes and a gaping maw of broken teeth.

Darth Sidious: mine!

The ghostly vision dissipates as luke continues his journey to the bottom. From all around luke crackles dark side lightening, the miashma of dark power evaporates as he passes it.

Upon entering the final passage, luke is bombarded by an apparitional force vision; a tall black haired pony tailed figure burns in a dark spectral form over his unconscious body as a young man turns away from luke’s body and boards a gleaming cylindrical vessel. It lifts off into the skies of the fourth moon of Yavin Four.

The dire situation is washed away by the blinding radiance of several thousand lightsabers, the entire spectrum collides in a solid white that collapses upon a brown haired teenage human boy meditating while doing an handstand in the very center of the stalgatite ridden cave.

Ken: gee goly, master skywalker! Boy am I glad to see you.

Luke Skywalker: young ken, you’ve grown quite a bit, since our last meeting. Have you come to understand my meaning for insisting you study within this cave?

Ken: (standing) of course, but it only troubles me further master! This dark cave reflects nothing of myself. I’ve been here as you suggested for five years, and have found no trace of my grand fathers dark nature within myself.

Luke Skywalker: breath boy, I wish I shared your certain fate, but I understand your troubled conclusion, and regrettably must ask too much of you.

The boy in white stands stoically before his black clad master in prepartion for a mission.

Luke Skywalker: your wretched grand father has returned from the nether realm of the force and cast a terrible darkness upon the galaxy, and regrettably I fell to his side in an failed attempt to vanquish him.

Ken: (engaging lightsaber)  I will not serve him!

The reckless boy force hurls Skywalker through the cave wall, luke is sent flying towards a dammed swamp ledge. Upon regaining his footing, the dam ruptures and a wave of putrid mud water gushes down the hillside.

The young Jedi initiate lands atop an falling tree that plummets towards Skywalker whom settles the tree at the edge of the swamp fall.

Luke Skywalker: stretch out with your feelings ken, I mean to vanquish the emperor not serve him!

Ken: than why do you reek of the dark side!

The young boy takes a swipe at Skywalker with his light saber; whom engages his own blade as the boys connects with it. They stand facing one another with locked blades, as the tree begins to crack against the mighty currents.

Luke Skywalker: this darkness will pass, but only if the Jedi rise to quell its ascension! And only united will we succed!

Ken: I was taught every detail of our history in the lost city of the Jedi, we will fail. Palpatine was able to topple the guardians of peace and justice in a single rotation, it will be just the same for us!

Luke Skywalker: my sister and I have already defeated one of his clone bodies. With you at my side, we the decendents of darkness will triumph.

Ken: perhaps, we can.

Luke Skywalker: no, we will.

The two Jedi disengage their weapons and spring from the log, they quickly reappear above the dark cave.

Han Solo: well I’ll be..

Chewbacca: (quickly grabs and huggs the boy)

Ken: nice seein you again chewie.

Luke Skywalker: may I present our comrades; Rayf Ysanna of Ossus, Kam Solusar of Nespis VIII and Empatajayos Brand, King of Ganath as well as an Jedi of the Old Republic.

Ken: Astral!

Han Solo: oh yea, thrilling stuff. How bout we ditch that lil tike Jedi craft here and everybody pile aboard the falcon for the rest of this party?

Kam Solusar: I don’t know han…

Ken: sure thing captain solo, come on gang!

The young boy bolts up the ramp of the falcon as followed by the mighty Chewbacca,Artoo-Detoo leaving the elder men in their wake.

Han Solo: (walking after him) see the kid knows best.

Bey: (following) falcon’s anti-tracking package is even better than most New Republic espionage craft, take him up on his offer before he charges you for the lift.

The falcon blasts off into the atmosphere of the Swamp world shortly after the Jedi are aboard, as the vessel reaches space the space suit clad figure affixed to the hull sqiurms about attempting a slip stream com-burst.

Dilbun Vont: (within space suit) merchaindize iz aboard, navicomputer jump iz included with dis burst, be ready ta pounce on dis bastage upon reversion from hyperspace. Loper out.

Offline beige-4

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 2
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2010, 11:49:46 AM »
niiiiiiccceeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline wraithnine

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 2
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2010, 12:24:14 PM »
awesome! simply awesome!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline Darth Depressis

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 2
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2010, 08:05:32 AM »
thanks guys..hope you enjoyed it.

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 2
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2010, 02:20:48 PM »
DD, I've just had a quick glimpse and I daren't look at any more as the images look absolutely superb and I don't want top ruin the experience. There really is a noticeable improvement in the angles, ships and characters and I'm dying to get a chance to sit and read this one....


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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 2
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2010, 02:42:05 PM »
Woow this is awesome, the falcon looks so cool!

Offline B.R. Steel

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 2
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2010, 03:29:32 PM »
I'm really impressed with some of these photos.  I'm assuming many of the backgrounds and environments are CGI, and you've pulled off some great shots where the figures truly look immersed in those environments. 

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 2
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2010, 04:45:54 AM »
DD, as I've not read all of your novels I don't know if you've included other movie characters before, so this was quite a surprise.

Did I enjoy it....HELL YEA! Han, Chewie, R2, Luke...what's not to like??? this was a great chapter as you were developing the characters and relationships, a job you have done superbly. This has been a most enjoyable Sunday read...Croissants, Coffee and Depressis...ahhhh!

The story is evolving very nicely, your images are wonderful and the atmosphere is true Star Wars...I love the way you set up the cliffhangar at the end. Bravo DD, this really is top knotch.....
« Last Edit: December 12, 2010, 04:51:57 AM by hangarbay94 »

Offline Darth Depressis

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 2
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2010, 07:34:09 AM »
"..Croissants, Coffee"

gawd, that does sound

I'm very happy to see this part has been accepted
so well, i personally feared it might not hold up next
to the first part of this story...but i forget the
weight the mere sight of original trilogy heroes
still carries. (since i had thee inner child going crazy
when photographing it..)

glad to say, the OG heroes are gonna ride this trilogy
of episodes through to Memoirs10. (although Luke has a
cameo in Memoirs11) and there have been alot more
EU charcther appearances than Film,
but ofcourse there has been quite a few:

Tarkin (Memoirs 0,1,3,5)
Palpatine (Memoirs 0,1,2,3,4,5,8)
Mas Amedda (Memoirs 0,1,3,5)
Dexter Jettster (Memoirs 0,5)
Jango Fett (Memoirs 1)
Lama Su (Memoirs 1)
Count Dooku (Memoirs 1,2,3)
Yoda (Memoirs 1,3)
Wat Tambor (Memoirs 1)
Poggle the Lesser (Memoirs 1)
Darth Vader (Memoirs 4,5)
Jabba The Hutt (Memoirs 5)

And I’ll not spoil the upcoming ones….

Well thanks again everyone, hope you guys enjoy the past & future
Episodes of this series well into the holidays and the new year…..