I think that Lance has some good points -- there's a ton of political discussions here -- which I personally don't mind -- I think what makes it flow so well is partially how it's written, but mostly due to the amazing photography. Some photonovel series could not get away with so much "down time discussions" between senators, Jedi, etc.
That being said, I actually enjoy the back and forth discussions between the characters -- action scenes are a lot of fun, but I like when storytelling doesn't rely on explosions and all that. As long as it's easy to read, at least.
If there was one thing that I'd change, it would be the Chancellor's desk. I think with some experimenting with styrene you could make something that looks much more smooth and fitting in with the rest of your chapter. I'd also invest in another Stormtrooper or two so they are uniform if you have any other "visions of the future."
Other than that, I loved it!!