Author Topic: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1  (Read 3449 times)

Offline Darth Depressis

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MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1
« on: December 07, 2010, 11:10:10 AM »

Mt. Corvast-Sarapin-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Dilbun Vont: (narration) there ain’t no coming back, atleast not without loosing a whole lotta ur self in whatever underhanded effort it tags to bring your keester back from death.

Three speeder bikes pursue another across a soot drenched landscape as a massive lava mine erupts causing a down pour of ash. The sudden distraction blinds the swoop rider, in a mere second he wrecks and is surrounded by a motley crew of burnt out spacers and pirates turned bounty hunters. Without pause the prize captive jumps to his feet and attempts to flee, only to be pistol whipped by an obese man.

Gir-Kybo-Ren Cha: get your bloomin act togetha ya lepi!, dis em a karkin run down. Plain an’ simple.

Jaxxon: least amaiza cut and run like I’d hoped she would, none of you be gitten within an inch of her while I still….

The lepi’s boastful claims are silenced by a savage thrashing by way of an blaster rifles butt to the face.

Gir-Kybo-Ren Cha: save it, da captain’s got plenty of questions for you to answer!

The emerald lepi is drug within the confines of a rusted landing craft before it lifts into the atmosphere of the volcanic energy planet.

The vessel speeds to an equally battered Victory II class Star Destroyer and docks.

Victory II class Star Destroyer-Ravager XIII-orbit of Sarapin-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Barely after settling upon its creaky landing gear, the swoop gang speeds from the craft and out into the confines of the nasty vessel. 

The speeders burst through rubbish filled hall ways, their vibrations causing great avalanches of trash heaps and the collapse of a many make shift camps set within technical alcoves. Dangling by a chain through the mad dash is the captive mercenary Jaxxon whom endures another thrashing along the way to the bridge.

The speeders maintain their break-neck velocity upon  entering the bridge. The two lesser swoop riders peel off into the technician bunkers and park as their chieftain continues towards the viewport, where stands a portly nerf hide bound middle-aged human looking down at the decomposing corpse of the vessels former captain, slain six years earlier above the moon of Gall.

Gir-Kybo-Ren Cha: here’s the bastage cap’in. that secure my boyz and I’s case of reserve?

Dilbun Vont: sure id doz! Go have a ride wit da theelin strum nests in the lower decks as well. Dis here lil lepi iz worth a lot.

Gir-Kybo-Ren Cha: oh thanks boss!

The obese pirate quickly remounts and speeds from the bridge, his cohorts follow. Without pause Vont kicks Jaxxon in the jaw while assuming a squat over his captive.

Jaxxon: wut the kriff is yur interest in me again already? Yur boys ran me down just three weeks ago!

Dilbun Vont: first ovv, I’m gonna deprive yous of the remainder of those creds you made hijackin ships with Niles Ferrier.

As a show of respect for the recently deceased ship thief, Dilbun pours some reserve on the deck.

Jaxxon: we earned every cred Thrawn paid, dats my whole retirement fund!

Dilbun Vont: fur seconds, I’m gonna need you to turn me in….

Star’s End-Mytus VII-Corporate Sector-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Jaxxon leads a shackled Dilbun Vont down a row of energy shielded cells, within the cells reside the dregs of the galaxy. The two are greeted by a corporate sector authority representative.  Before the prisoner can be processed an member of the bounty funds allocation agency must inspect the person in question.

Jaxxon: ok, transfer my funds. I want outta here before a price tag pops up on my head.

CSA Rep: all appears to be in order, splendid. But what funds where you expecting for a prisoner exchange?

Dilbun Vont: he ain’t talkin to you!

Without a seconds notice the shackles drop from vont’s arms and he’s driving a shive into the inspectors throat. Vont grabs Tyber Zann by the shoulder and hauls past Jaxxon whom scurries after the two.

Tyber Zann: wish you’d left me in the cling vont, only one reason you’d risk the csa’s wrath and I want no part in it!

CSA soldiers swarm after the three as they run up the ramp of a landing craft.

It lifts off while taking several bolts. As the vessel reaches space, it automatically blasts into light speed. Aboard Zann turns to Vont raising up his shackled hands. Vont sneers.

Dilbun Vont: partners we may be, but yous bein summoned by the emperor.

Tyber Zann: that’s a death march and you know it, I thought we where pals?

Dilbun Vont: trus me, there’s an angle here.

Jaxxon: I think you two need some kriffin privacy for this heart-wrenchin deal, so can I be’s on my way?

Dilbun Vont: almost forgot you were here, guess you’ll be wantin yur nest egg back.

Jaxxon: don’t be so sore Zann, kriffer held my life savings as chattel to get me in on this lil spring job.

In a blur of motion vont shoves the lepi in an escape pod and jettisons it.

Dilbun Vont: silly lepi, creds are fur me.

Tyber Zann: that’s pretty cruel Vont, even for the likes of Jabba. Escape pod adrift in a hyperspace tunnel? Odds are that kriffer will drift for the rest of his life!

Dilbun Vont: otay, the lepi’s nest egg- double or nutin he comes afta me wit the best bounty hunters creds can buy?

Tyber Zann: yur on bastage.

Victory II class Star Destroyer-Ravager XIII-Orbit of Byss-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

A small gathering of bandits stand at the viewport of the dilapidated Star Destroyer glimpsing the sheer scope of the Emperor’s Dark Empire-hidden at the very heart of the galaxy.

Gaff: hell the navigational charts to this place are worth more than even one of us are to be getting outta this!

Suddenly Dilbun draws a blaster rifle and aims it at the viewport.

Dilbun Vont: I recall a time when everyone in this group could git away wit murda! Krif knows I should talk knows. Wut I’m sayin is diz: this is the last chance the empire has, eder id rize again now or its be fadin into the dust. Us along wid id! By rebels turned politicians or by rivals. Dis is our last chance to stand tall.

Gaff: and we non-humanoids get to go back to bein looked down upon?

Tyber Zann: takin the good with the bad, like we used to sounds a hellva lot better than runnin from the rebels!

Gir-Kybo-Ren Cha: da bosses are right! Lifes easier for us under the emperor.

Vont lowers his blaster, as a hologram flares to life beside him.

T’iaz: welcome back lekku loper, have you assembled the needed party?

Tyber Zann: were here.

T’iaz: very well, his eminence will receive you at the citadel. Landing instructions transmitting. 

Emperor’s Citadel-Byss-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Dilbun Vont,Tyber Zann,Gir-Kybo-Ren Cha, Gaff approach the heavily guarded throne of the Clone Emperor.

T’iaz: may I present his eminence; the true ruler of the galaxy; empero…

Dilbun Vont: cut the malarky, here to offa my services to ya Augie, bein lost without ya, really.

Clone Emperor: do not impose familiarity with my person! A servant does not share common concern with its master.

A bolt of force lightening connects with Dilbun’s chest, hurling him to the ground. The clone sneers out at the remaining attendees.

Clone Emperor: secure our guests, do not deny them the slightest inspections. Traitors are everywhere.

Imperial sentinels seize the remaining bandits and hall them away. Dilbun attempts to regain his footing, only to be once again caught in the grasp of the clone emperor’s powers.

Dilbun Vont: wuts this more of the rewardz for service to yur arse!

Clone Emperor: oh, the ever faithful servant returns to my side. Oh! With what grace do you impose yourself into my cabal. Your identification checks out with my feeble network, but I know nothing of you nor do I intend to reevaluate myself!

Without hesitation the clone engages his light saber and takes a lethal swipe at Dilbun’s torso; the blade collides with the rare gungan cortosis craft vibro-axe gifted to Dilbun by Senator Palpatine eons earlier. At the sight of his disabled light saber, the clone stands in awe.

Dilbun Vont: dats rite augie, I saved you wit dis as my kriffin reward!

Clone Emperor: the naboo swamps, young Maul had failed me…and you could not be sensed in the force. Yes augie was my name!

Dilbun Vont: exactly, yur lil Zabrak couldn’t protect ya and I did!

Clone Emperor: the man; Palpatine died at Endor. The Sith Lord; Darth Sidious survived.

Dilbun Vont: so ya git my bein here now Augie?

Via the force, the clone emperor snatches the gungan vibro-axe from Vont’s grasp. The clone absorbs the events partaken with it via force enhanced Psychometry.

Clone Emperor: where is your son!

Vont is yet again thrust into the air via the clones control over the force.

Dilbun Vont: left that lil prisy bastage wit hiz gimped out motha of da surface of Gall six years ago and vaped the joint from orbit!

Clone Emperor: you knew I required your progeny!  Why then did you consign the child to certain death?

Dilbun Vont: yer kriffin arse wasa ded, wut good wuz tha whelp to ya as you wur blown to star dust?

The clone drops vont to the floor and despairs.

Clone Emperor: your return to my side, maybe short-lived vont, my essence cannot be endured for great lengths of time within a non-force sensitive body.

Dilbun Vont: you where gonna take over my son’s body?

Clone Emperor: yes, yes Dilbun. Your  sons body was to be my vessel. I myself do not have the knowledge of how to manipulate midi-chlorians…

Dilbun Vont: fazanatein, so where’s a dark sider willin to take you in?

Clone Emperor: you presume my adapts are of great strength, they merely serve my needs while in the thrall of the dark side.

Dilbun Vont: huh, huh. So kriffin jeti purge affects yur arse! Kinda funny. Huh, huh.

Clone Emperor: I have no need for an jester vont! You’ve sealed my permanent doom, without that child I cannot endure!

Dilbun Vont: wud bout yur karkin spawn! Eh? Can’t spill yur own blood?

The clone is physically taken aback at the mention of his own forgotten progeny.

Clone Emperor: do not jest Dilbun, do I have a child?

Dilbun Vont: well you sure don’t remember yer karkin past life do you?

Coruscant-19 years before the Battle of Yavin IV

Darth Sidious stands with his hand crackling dark force lightening above the stomach of a restrained woman.

Niobi: you will not have my heart! What you do is against nature! Ahhh!

Darth Sidious: silence!

Suddenly a ball of dark force energy is hurled into the woman. Upon it’s introduction upon her body she is visibly pregnant. However the experiment is a failure as the young woman vomits up the forced impregnation. An mutant infant gurgles in its own fluids as it is telekinetically lifted into the air for the sith lords inspection.

Darth Sidious: alas, my masters secret midi-chlorian skill eludes me. A weakling mutant! Not even powerful in the force!

Niobi: see yourself in your child!

The restrained woman springs from the bolted table and leaps out the window at force propelled speeds. The sith lord cradles the mutant infant in lieu of slaying the unwilling mother. Sidious summons holographic forms of his aides; Sly Moore and Mas Amedda.

Mas Amedda: my lord, an heir!

Darth Sidious: nothing but an inferior mutant! Cast it from my sight…like the others! Summon vont. It is his duty.

Emperor’s Citadel-Byss-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Clone Emperor: so you didn’t kill him, why?

Dilbun Vont: bacuz, waste iz a thief.

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2010, 06:06:31 PM »
Darth, an excellent start.

Again, you have wowed me with your imaginative locations, I especially liked Vont's personal beat up Star Destroyer. Vont is such an unusual character...I'd be interested to know what made you choose him head your novels.

You are building up the story well, and as usual I have no idea what is around the corner. The scene with the Emperor and the mutant child is like something from a Frankenstein horror movie, the whole thing was very dark and quite shocking (in a good way).

As always it's a real coup having you here and I really appreciate the effort you put into these novels.

I'd better get reading part 2...


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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2010, 09:45:55 PM »
This is really cool man!

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2010, 06:16:11 AM »
Darth, you made it to the front page my friend! thanks so much for creating such a wonderful piece of work and for sharing it with us here at the Yards. 


Offline Darth Depressis

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2010, 07:34:57 AM »
wow, thanks alot jules that's an awesome spread. looks great, deeply honored to
be noticed.

in regards to the whole Palpatine/Niobi scene, its actually been briefly
mentioned in source books as a way to retcon much of the backstory to
the reviled "jedi prince" series and always left me with that visual.

on a side note; no action figures where used in the creation of
that entire scene. (even the holograms of Palpatine's aides where pictures
obtained from rebelscum)

On using Dilbun as the focal point of a series;
In truth his entire character was created as a parable about
The archetypal Abusive parent, and how such a being cannot
Be redeemed or brought to task when confronted with their
Past offenses. Unlike say the fairy-tale resolution between Darth
Vader & his kin, so I’ve used Dilbun to some extent as a means of
Purging myself of all remaining resentments towards certain family
Members; (although I no longer interact with said person) in the later
Half of the series we’ll see thee proverbial reckoning between Father
& Son go down (not in a garish display of Saber rattling) and we’ll see
Thee pinnacle of atonement for crimes committed against a particular
group. Now with all that mush outta the way, another part of Dilbun is
Greatly based after past friends I’ve had and perhaps saw in a brotherly
Lite, but have since outgrown; so whenever humor can be wrung out of
Him, its coming from that area. The character was officially born on the
Pages of the Star wars Fanon wiki, alongside Cittro on the biography for
Their son Cas-Lo Vont; one of the supporting Jedi characters in my
Sequel Trilogy scripts which have been partially adapted to Photo-Novel.

Anyways; always willing to answer a question with a short-story….

« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 08:01:17 AM by Darth Depressis »

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2010, 12:03:32 PM »
wow DD  this is seriously cool  i like the darkness to it
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2010, 04:19:05 PM »
DD, I didn't realise that all of the figures were renders, WOW that's quite an achievement!

With regards to the character references, I guess that's why your story seems so authentic. Thankfully I didn't have such a difficult  family life, but I have put myself in some stupid situations around some nasty characters, which is why Vont seems to follow certain characteristics that I recognise. Luckily I grew up and got out of trouble, but reading your story does stir the emotions, which may sound weird since it's a Star Wars story, but I seem to have latched onto your project because of it.


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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2010, 06:46:18 PM »
Great story. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Offline Darth Depressis

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2010, 08:04:46 AM »
thanks for the support guys, the gears are already rolling
on Memoirs9 so that should be hitting the forums sometime
in the new year.

(on a sidenote julian, just the Palpatine/Niobi scene
where all digital models. if i had a 3d scanner they'd all
be digital.)

hope to hear feedback..

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Re: MOAWP S1/E8: "Madness of the Clone Emperor" Part 1
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2010, 08:19:07 AM »
DD, I should be sitting down to digest part2 this weekend. In the meantime you got a mention on our Christmas Card video that's featured on the Front Page...