Author Topic: Redundancy - A Sarlacc Squad adventure  (Read 4045 times)

Offline Commander_Kurgan

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Re: Redundancy - A Sarlacc Squad adventure
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2011, 04:29:06 AM »
“I’m picking up more comm traffic.” Ander whispered. “It’s Renegade Squadron. Solo’s private army.“
“Holy crap!” Malice cursed. “More loose cannons to mess up a perfectly good OP.”
Ander reported: “Solo has bumped into more Imps. They have alerted the main base to send out troops.”
Rihann carefully coughed into her scarf. “Being good Imps, they will respond to that request with at least half a Battalion of Stormtroopers in repulsorcraft and some walkers.”
 “We’ll stick to the plan. If they don’t get it done within the necessary timeframe, we blow the generator up and head for the Exfil zone.”
They knew very well that there would be no exfil for them in case the attack on the Death Star would fail for whatever reason.

The situation for Solo’s strike team got even more out of hand when Skywalker reported the Princess as missing. They decided to split up the team into an assault force and a search team.
Quv Bannen grinned.
“Now they might even have a decent chance of blowing the generator up. Without the heroes things could work out after all. Let’s hope they won’t be at their RV point  in time.”
Rihann shook her head.
“Don’t forget that Major Derlin just got his job because he didn’t screw up too badly during the evacuation of Hoth.”
“Yeah.” Malice growled. “Because he was on the first transport out…”

At exactly 03.00 hrs. the Squad was in position.
Rihann Unda had her insect camera in the air to check the area around the bunker entrance.
Solo’s strike team was strung out in the undergrowth of the ridge adjacent to the armoured blast doors. They were accompanied by a dozen of the small furry beings they had seen in the forest on the previous day.
“So Solo has found himself some indigenous allies…” Ander whispered.
Rihann reported: “Blast door, 4 Imp Scouts.”
Malice clenched his fist and motioned the Squad to advance carefully.

“Crap!” Quv Bannen hissed.
One of the pelted beings crawled out of the undergrowth and heaved itself onto one of the Scout speeders. The imps had not noticed him, probably they were lost chatting it up in the privacy of the Squad comms built into their helmets.
However, as the being fired up the speeder’s engine after having played with the controls, they jumped into action and tried to reach the fuzzball. Before they could grab him and drag him off the expensive vehicle, the speeder shot off into the forest with the being hanging on to the steering handles for dear life.
Three Scouts jumped onto their speeders and dashed off in hot pursuit, leaving their comrade to guard the bunker entrance.
Cap Malice shook his head in disbelief.

Meanwhile Solo’s team had used the turmoil to advance up on the bunker.
Solo managed to sneak up behind the remaining Scout, tapped him on the shoulder and ran around the corner of the bunker. Incredibly enough the Scout followed Solo and ran right into the arms of the strike team who took him down in an instant. One Commando tore the lip mike out of the Scout’s helmet to prevent any distress calls.
Solo motioned his men to follow him to the blast door. They stacked up text-book style while Solo was tapping on the door control panel.
To everyone’s surprise, the doors slid open only moments later.
The team entered the bunker, leaving one man behind.
So far, everything had worked out well…

Rihann pointed into the direction of the landing platform. A squad of camouflaged Imps filtered out of the undergrowth and jumped the guard who was looking into the bunker trying to see what his comrades were doing.
A vicious blow to the side of his neck brought him down silently. Sarlacc Squad watched as one camouflaged Imp extended a vibro blade from his gauntlet and cut the unconscious man’s throat.
Moments after dozens of 501st troops were swarming the clearing and poured into the bunker.
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Offline Commander_Kurgan

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Re: Redundancy - A Sarlacc Squad adventure (The End)
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2011, 12:20:48 AM »
Malice glanced at his chronometer and pointed up into the sky.
The Alliance Fleet had just left hyperspace and was ready to commence their attack on the Death Star.

The clearing was now crowded with 501st troops supported by several Scout walkers.
Solo, the Princess, the Wookie and their team had been captured and were now surrounded by the Imps. This didn’t look good, but apparently the Imps were under orders not to kill them on sight.
All of a sudden, some of the troopers ran off to capture two droids which had been hiding in the forest, then strange horns sounded and a hail of primitive arrows rained down on the surprised Imps.
Cap didn’t wait to decide whether the missiles were hitting anything or not. If nothing else, they were a diversion.
“Let’s go!” he rasped.
Sarlacc Squad was going in.
Their target was not the main or the back door of the Beta-Type bunker, but the emergency escape hatch which allowed the bunker crew to exit the bunker through an underground tunnel if the bunker commander ordered evacuation of the strongpoint.
Way up in Space a battle was on and there was no time to be wasted.

Malice, Bannen and Ander had formed a defensive perimeter around Rihann as she doctored the escape hatch.
On the far side of the clearing a savage battle was being fought. The furry beings had drawn most of the Imps away into the forest and Solo and the Princess were frantically trying to open the blast door of the bunker. The sounds of war were echoing from the woods, re-echoed from the ridges.
“Do it, girl!” Malice growled.
“Can’t rush an artist, old man…” Rihann muttered.
The control panel showed a series of blinking lights.
As she bent down to rip open the hatch, a blaster bolt missed her head by a handwidth.

“Enemy  at nine!” Bannen shouted and sent a series of shots at one of those Imperial troopers in camouflaged armor who had slotted the Alliance commando a while ago.
One of his shots hit the trooper square in the chest, but the charge didn’t penetrate. These guys were equipped with some great quality gear.

Cap drew the stock of his blaster rifle rightly into his shoulder and switched the fire selector to burst fire. In quick succession, sounding almost like a single shot, three shots left his weapon and punched right through the chest armor plating of the Imp.

His death howl confirmed Cap’s clean hit.
At once his comrades dropped back into cover and laid down a barrage of blaster fire.
Malice shouted his tactical orders: “Swing left!”

Garvin Ander increased the power on the repulsor of his heavy rotating blaster which allowed him to wield it like a sporting pistol. The small cannon spit blaster bolts and covered the movement of Bannen and Rihann who ducked and flanked the enemy.
Now they could pour it into them from two sides.
Rihann called out: “Changing clips!” and ejected the empty clip from her weapon.
As she reached for a fresh charger one of the camouflaged Imps rose right in front of her and smashed her weapon away. His right arm was raised over her head, the ejected vibroblade was humming with high intensity.
Without thinking. Rihann let go of her blaster rifle, dropped the charger and went for her pistol.

The weapon cleared the holster. Rihann dropped to the rear to create a bit more distance between her and the Imp and while falling let go a series of shots which caught the Imp in the neck seal. The rounds severed his head from the body, the helmet hit the forest soil with a dull thud. Blood spraying from the  uncauterized wound, his armoured body stood upright, then fell forward in apparent slow-motion.
Rihann rolled aside not to be buried under the weight of the dead Imp.

When she was back in a fighting crouch, Bannen was kicking the lifeless body of one Imp to make sure he was dead.
The trooper had lost his camouflage painted helmet during the firefight.
Bannen looked at the corpse. He was young and had severely short-cut blonde hair. If it hadn’t been for the battle scars on his face, he could have played in one of those Holoseries which the Imperial Holonet was broadcasting every day.

Ander gave the others a thumbs-up after he had checked out the fourth corpse. It had taken just a quick glance to confirm his death since his minigun had practically shredded the Imp and thrown him over several times.

Rihann ripped open the hatch.
Malice shouted: “RV Theta in zero four hours!” as he rolled himself into the tunnel.

He pulled the vision enhancement goggles over his eyes and followed the tunnel.
Behind him Ander and Bannen formed the wings of their formation, Rihann providing rear security. There would be no nasty surprise from some Imp who thought he could catch them unaware.

A blaster bolt raced past Cap’s right ear and destroyed a combined motion tracker and stun gun. Another blaster bolt shattered the mirroring device.
The squad did not even slow down.
They were moving in a well-rehearsed deadly ballet with defined fields of fire and responsibilities.
An intersection came up. Cap pressed himself against the metal wall. There was no time for techno gimmicks like Rihann’s insect camera so it came down to old school soldiering. He took a small piece of polished metal out of his pocket which allowed him to scout out what was waiting behind the intersection.

In good Imperial fashion there was a chokepoint manned by three Stormtroopers. In the dim light of the corridor their polished white armor looked a matt grey.
Cap motioned Bannen to take them out with a thermal detonator.
Bannen pulled the grenade from his harness and armed it. He hurled it across the corridor so that it bounced off the far wall and sailed over the barricade.
The grenade detonated with a deafening roar sending shrapnel, pieces of white armor, bones, flesh and blood all over the chokepoint.
Sarlacc Squad charged into this chaos adding blaster fire to complete the carnage and take out any possible Imperial resistance.

“That’s the entry to the control room!” Ander pointed out.
Quv Bannen pressed some det tape to the armoured door while his squadmates stacked up next to the door. He signalled the countdown, then a murderous yet finely tuned explosion ripped the blast door out of its frame.

They dashed on.
To their right, Solo, the Wookie and several of their strike team entered the control center while some Imps, obviously shocked and shaken by the explosion and the unexpected disappearance of the blast door, stood stunned at their consoles.

Bannen pushed a black-clad Imperial officer aside and planted his demo bag on the main control console.
Malice and Ander began herding the Imps towards Solo’s team to get them out of their way.

Solo turned towards Rihann: “Throw me another charge!”
She lobbed a sticky charge at him. Solo blinked irritatedly when he realized that Rihann was not part of his team and neither were the three other commandos.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“That’s classified General!” she replied.

Cap Malice whistled on his fingers. “Shift it!” and started for the rear bunker exit which stood wide open.
As they ran out, Bannen activated the remote detonator and shouted: “Big bang in ten, nine, eight…”

Behind them they heard Solo frantically crying: “Move! Move!”

They had barely reached the treeline when a series of explosions destroyed the bunker. The deflector shield of the Death Star collapsed. 
Sarlacc Squad headed for RV Theta.
Rihann sent a quick burst transmission to General Madine: "Mission accomplished. Waiting for Dustoff."

Crix Madine leaned back in his command chair as the burst message showed up on his commlink.
Redundancy, he thought, the duplication of critical components of a system with the intention of increasing reliability of the system, usually in the case of a backup or fail-safe.
And, in his experience, backup never hurts.
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Re: Redundancy - A Sarlacc Squad adventure
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2011, 08:57:03 AM »
Sweet! On the front page.

Offline Clonehead

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Re: Redundancy - A Sarlacc Squad adventure
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2011, 03:46:28 PM »
Would you believe that until now, I had completely missed this thread and all of the good action within? This is a great read, Volker. Your list of talents is growing.