Author Topic: MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 1  (Read 5058 times)

Offline Darth Depressis

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MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 1
« on: May 29, 2011, 06:47:48 PM »

Dilbun Vont: (narration) I’m gittin too old fur dis fodder….

Orbit of Iskalon-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

The Millennium Falcon is chased into the upper atmosphere of Iskalon by the massive form of a dilapidated Star Destroyer . The Ravager XIII spurts a barrage of laser fire across the Falcon’s erratic trajectory; all shots are ridiculously misplaced.

Cockpit of the Millennium Falcon-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Han Solo: you’d think these gunners would be a little better than imps!

Chewbacca: (growls)

Bey: it’s a fairly common dragnet formation, they want us in atmosphere.

Han Solo: (screaming) get your karkin force loving keesters to the guns!

As the Jedi sprint towards the gunner stations, a stun pulse disables the falcon’s power. The vessel ‘s controlled decent gives way to a rapid plummet towards a violent storm ridden aquatic world.

The Ravager XIII halts its pursuit and deposit’s a swarm of speeders that speed after the disabled freighter. 

Gir-Kybo-Ren Cha tows another Swoop bike alongside his own and leads the charge to the hull of the falcon.

As Dilbun sheds his space suit and free falls backwards onto the awaiting swoop bike, without a seconds hesitation Vont engages the muscle bike and pops a air wheelie while speeding to the vessel. The swoop swarm opens fire on the vessel at random.

Galley of the Millennium Falcon-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Han,Bey and Chewie frantically tear into the mechanical alcove of the freighter while Luke leads his warriors to the airlock of the ship.

Bey: this was old school, a kriffin stun pulse!

Chewbacca: (violently bashes replacement parts into place)

Han Solo: cool it chewie! Gotta replace all the flux regulators in the right sequence!

Luke Skywalker: (rushing to the airlock) artoo assist them!

In a blur of motion the aged Astromech extends a multitude of arms and proceeds to replace all the remaining devices, freeing up the three sentient life forms.

Artoo-Deeto: (whistles and beeps)

Han Solo: (sprinting from the alcove) just earned your charge lil buddy!

Bey: yeah we might just crash now, instead of getting pancaked on the ocean floor.

Hull of the Millennium Falcon-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

An veritable dance of chaos plays out around the spinning disabled freighter; Jedi spring into the air batting aside laser barrages as fired by the Swoop bike swarm. Personal battles are engaged at random, as the Force Sensitive’s launch themselves at the oncoming bikers and cleave off portions of the swoops while effortlessly returning to the hull of the falcon.

Rayf Ysanna: (deflecting laser bolts) direct it back at them ken!

Ken: (clumsily batting away bolts) I’m doing my best!

As the two young men engage in a mini haggle, a pack of swoops descend upon them and close in for the kill. Luke and Kam back flip towards the pack in tandem and crash the bikes together via the force, while landing next to the young men.

Luke Skywalker: we can kill in knowledge or defense! This is life or death ken! Use the force!

Ken: sure thing master!

Kam Solusar: (back flipping towards an oncoming speeder) just let the force guide you!

The Falcon continues to barrel roll amidst the chaotic battle, Dilbun Vont flies dangerously close to the ship while firing off both his swoops canon and his own blaster rifle. The bolts startle the small gathering of Jedi atop the hull, he is denied a certain kill by the self propelled cybernetic Ganathan king whom physically bashes Vont across the chest hurling him from the bike. The lunatic grabs a hold of Brand.

Empatajayos Brand: unhand me you scurvy thug!

Dilbun Vont: (struggling to keep attached to the bulky form) hows the stomach feelin there ya old blowhard!

At the sudden recognition, Brand thrashes Vont about as if juggling the man about him and catching him in his cybernetic and force assisted telekinetic hold. Vont is pinned by the throat to the hull of the Falcon by Brand’s metallic claws.

Empatajayos Brand: you, your..him!

Dilbun Vont: (experiencing the violent inertia) ain’t I more proper dare? Mista jeedai investgata!

Empatajayos Brand: eighteen sets of head tails! Eighteen shattered lives! What was the point of it!

Dilbun Vont: you’re half man, and you still be cryin ova kriffin twi’lek strums? Dose wenches where nuthin buty play dings, sumtimes the play ends in a gurgling mess of…

Empatajayos Brand: (tightening his grip) justice will be done upon you! By the force it will.

While the mighty vessel veers out of control and side swipes a portion of the air speeder gang, Luke engages several swoops telekinetically directing his light saber via the force.

Vont’s swoop gang flees just as the ship comes within range of the raging waters and a small band of mount riding warriors emerge from the sea pulling an bubble of oxygen around the falcon and pull it down into the depths.

Desolation Alley-Oovo IV-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

A study stream of guards are hacked, slashed and blasted at point blank range by the marauding Defilers as the Dark Acolyte T’iaz and the Stormtrooper Archetype Hayt march to the cell of their Quarry. Within the cell Tyber Zann stands with his back to the door holding a chopped blaster at the base of a man’s skull.

T’iaz: (igniting lightsaber) put that crude weapon away and rejoin your fleet!

Tyber Zann: (turning round)  just checking his eyesight.

As Zann retreats from the cell, an single tear drop from the eye on the back of the occupants head drips down his neck.

Hayt: (producing hologram projector) under normal circumstances, one would be required to turn round to interact with a hologram…

Triclops: (with back turned) perhaps you‘d care to sample my other abnormality…

A life sized hologram of the Clone Emperor flares to life, and paces around the occupant, instantly causing a physical display of fear.

Clone Emperor: (via hologram)…still so weak…still so ill-formed..

Triclops: (turning to stare at the hologram) here I was under the impression those where just familial qualities.

T’iaz: (raising saber) you will not!….

Clone Emperor: (via hologram) quit your speaking Acolyte!, and you mutant; dare not consider yourself my true progeny! Your nothing but a failed experiment….

Triclops: (spitting mad)….why bother me!

Clone Emperor: (via hologram) like all things in this realm, you have your purpose….oh yes, you have an inkling of what I speak do you not my unfortunate remnant?

Triclops: (rapid eye movement) such degeneration of tissue cannot be stemmed with Midi-Chlorian infusions….

Clone Emperor: (via hologram) sadly a parasitic organism this clone body has been stricken of and you lack altogether even after having been conceived via there usage; akin to my wise master Plagueuis’s prize broodmare Shmi Skywalker…

Triclops: (rapid eye movement) you intend to put me out to stud!? Like some prize Nerf?

Clone Emperor: (via hologram) what more could a simpering nutcase muto ask for?! desires don’t come into this!

The hologram flares out of existence as T’iaz lifts the mutant in the air via the force and levitates him out the cell.

Hayt: (marching down the hall) you where saying something about your..other abnormality?

Depths of Iskalon-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

The ship is pulled towards a massive shelled fortress overlooking the sea floor.

The mounted riders drag the Bubble encased Falcon along vacant swim ways and barnacle covered structures, the bubble is set down upon a landing berth. Within the oxygen bubble a small battalion of Nejema warriors haul Luke’s new Jedi Order and Han’s small band into another oxygen bubble, Several warriors tug the bubble out of the falcon’s and into the shelled castle.

Han Solo: atleast were not gonna get soggy.

Dilbun Vont: fraid of gittin wet? Ya karkin spice smuggler!

Chewbacca: (rages and moves towards vont)

Nejema Warrior: (slapping trident towards chewie)

The Jedi ignite their Sabers at the sight of the electrified tridents pointed at their wookiee friend. The bubble arrives at the throne of the Chuhyvi regent; Kiro. Whom quickly swims towards the bubble.

Luke Skywalker: yes, my friend. Please explain our being here…

Kiro: by what right do you risk my kingdom!

The entire group is taken aback by the sudden outburst.

Ken: hey there mister lets not have any…

Nejema Warrior: (in Iskalonian) silence!

Kiro: one would assume you of all people; would foresee the consequences of your actions! Half my subjects have reacted out of fear, and in a mass ceremony taken their lives.

Luke Skywalker: but…why!

Kiro: My life would also be forfeit, In fear of imperial slavery if I myself lacked the courage that stands here denying the Jedi order! 

Luke Skywalker: kiro…I need you, the order needs you! With you at my side we can defeat the emperor..forever.

Kiro: from where I stand your order appears to be swelling with willing recruits; whom all lack the same foresight as you when attempting to fulfill the will of the force. Did it not occur to anyone of you that if I desired to serve your new Jedi order that I’d already be at your side! I have no interest beyond this world.

Luke Skywalker: very well, may the…

Kiro: not so fast; in an effort to retain neutrality I decree the release of your captive.

Empatajayos Brand: whatever wickedness vont does from here on in will be upon your head, kiro!

Kiro: may I remind you of the lives you Jedi now carry upon your heads for merely seeking me out? Therefore this captives release will restore the balance!

Frustrated by the neutral act, Han fires off a stun beam on Vont. As the elderly man begins to slip out of the bubble, he is caught by the mighty Chewbacca whom cradles the man.

Kiro: may you quit inferring your own desires unto the galaxy, via the force.

The Nejema warriors drag the bubble containing our heroes back to the Falcon. Chewbacca drags the still unconscious Vont up the ramp as Luke and his followers look back at the shelled fortress.

Bey: (going up the ramp) I’ll call in a Assault Frigate, we can atleast protect Iskalon from space.

Ken: maybe King Kiro’ll join us once he sees how much the Republic will protect him.

Han Solo: (stopping at the base of the ramp) don’t count on it kid, were lucky if we get off this sponge unskinned.

Rayf Ysanna: (running up ramp) I’ll secure the prisoner!

Solusar follows the younger Recruits up the ramp, leaving Brand and Skywalker behind still regarding the massive shelled fortress.

Empatajayos Brand: this is precisely why the old order only excepted infantile candidates. If only we where strong enough to leave an watchmen behind for this sector, your friend could turn to the dark side and…

Luke Skywalker: and what then em I supposed to do strike him down like a womp rat! He saved me from Lumiya! He’d never turn to the..

Empatajayos Brand: your friend he may be, but once one has tasted fruit from the tree of evil, forever will it dominate their destiny!

Luke Skywalker: (violently turning to confront brand) then why do you entrust me with the new Jedi order! The only reason my father was able to bring balance to the force was because I subdued him while giving into the dark side!

Empatajayos Brand: (floating up the ramp) I place my trust in you, because the force bids me to do so master Skywalker. Regardless of your past flirtations with the dark side; you are the one who will return righteousness to the galaxy..I have foreseen it.

Skywalker follows the cybernetic master aboard the falcon, immediately after the vessel blasts its way free of the bubble. the falcon escapes the water world unscathed, and docks with a newly arrived New Republic assault craft.

Dilbun Vont: (narration) nuthin worse dan a stanky wookiee…

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 1
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2011, 07:10:58 PM »
Great to see you still in the game! I've not read this latest offering yet as I'm just heading to the land of Nod! but I'm looking forward to reading some good old Depressis tomorrow!!!

Always great to see you posting here.


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Re: MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 1
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2011, 05:41:58 AM »
Wow, what a great new chapter. I love all of the new effects. On the front page.

I also am very intrigued by some of your characters. I am loving the Hayt Stormtrooper Archetype by the way.

Offline Darth Depressis

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Re: MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 1
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2011, 06:57:52 AM »
thanks for the kudos guys,
part 1 of memoirs 9 is an holiday
exclusive to the shipyards, hope it
leaves you wanting more...

Production of Part 2 is still underway...

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 1
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2011, 09:25:13 AM »
Very cool, I love it! Man this must be soooooooooo much work to do something like this! I am blown away!

Offline Kualan

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Re: MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 1
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2011, 11:21:53 PM »
Very nice! I particularly love the rain and lightsaber-flurry effects, great stuff!

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 1
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2011, 04:54:37 AM »
As usual reading this brought a wicked smile to my certainly have a way with words Depressis....

The fight scene on the falcon was amazing, and again you have created some wonderful worlds in the Star Wars universe. As exciting and unusual as ever, and thoroughly enjoyable!

Offline halnarthax87

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Re: MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 1
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2011, 04:25:26 AM »
Wow, very cool effects and setting. They look like they could be movie screencaps. Awesome.
The exploits of my life are less canonical than they are legendary.
