The only film i've seen in 3D was the last of the Nightmare On Elm Street films back in the 80's....3D is over-rated and it's just a marketing gimmick to get people through the doors. I won't see ANY film in 3D regardless of what it is. Here in Australia TPM 3D was a bit of a fizzer, the first few days it was okay then after that you could go and see it and be the only one in the theatre.
I just hope that when AOTC. ROTS and the OT get released in 3D that the action figures are something special...yes we'll get the usual suspects like Obi-Wan's, Anakins, Han Solo's, Boba Fetts etc etc etc BUT i hope we get figures from the Cantina, Jabba's Palace, Outlander Nightclub, Mos Espa, Mos Eisley, Alien Jedi (Coleman Trebor needs an update), Bespin (some new Ugnaughts wouldn't hurt), Hoth (Toryn Farr and a new Captain Piett) etc etc etc.....i have my doubts and don't want to get my hopes up to high because we all know what Hasbro is like don't we?