I have to agree with Wookie Balls!
To all 2000ad & Judge Dredd fans out there!
If you have been unsure about seeing 'Dredd' after Stallones heresy, then worry not! 8 /10!!!
Consider Dredd as set in an almost pre 2000ad Mega City 1, the slums are real slums and this gives it even more gritty realism!
Joe Dredd is the real deal! No face shots! The helmet doesnt come off and he gives it the full Dirty Harry!
Anderson is having her first day, there is no PSI Dept yet and ok she isnt sex on a stick yet and every pubescent teenagers fantasy,
but she is very cute and lacking her usual confidence, but she becomes a Judge as the film progresses & she has plenty of time to grow into her 2000ad confident & sexy persona!
Roll on the proposed sequels 'The Cursed Earth' and 'Judge Death' I say!
This film if a success in the USA, will hopefully receive a bigger budget next time and allow it to grow!
The input from Wagner and Ezquerra brought this Anti Hero to life, at long last as he was meant to be!
Drokk it was good!