Hey all,
Needed to take a break/ get inspired from the fan fics and what not so I figured I'd try my hand at creating a custom Sideshow scale version of my own character, Major Haide Valhallen aka Vallen.
Synopsis of his background is that he fights alongside clone in the GAR testing battle resolve and efficiency after groups have been through particularly disturbing events, for instance the incident on Umbara between the 501 and 212th. That's where my fic takes place:
http://theirishrogue.deviantart.com/gallery/40335026 (check the gallery for other cool stuff too!)
He's a non clone because I figured the Republic would have had an army already (nothing in comparison to the clone army) but it would have been integrated just as the Jedi were. That's where the admirals we all know, love, and hate came from so its logical the same would have occurred for the army.
Without further ado, Vallen
P.S. The holster isn't the typical clone holster, but I was paying homage to a commission that had been done for me a while back. (Still a work in progress!)