Mr Quazzar you have pulled me out of retirement...
Thanks very, very much for your detailed and thoughtful comments!
You have done an amazing job on this, absolutely superb storytelling and I simply cannot fault the photography and editing. Right from the start the way you merged the Paramount Pictures logo with the pyramid (I loved that by the way) you had me hooked.
Thanks! I'm glad I did that logo dissolve, as it seemed to go over very well!
Figured it was such an iconic part of Indy, I should try my own version.
Some of the camera angles had me really impressed and I seriously forgot that these were action figures, I followed the frames as if it were a movie. I loved your very subtle humor as well, especially the part where Jones (I'm assuming the sergeant is Jones) tells the Nazi he's overdressed, I laughed out loud at that one.
The sergeant is actually Short Round.
(See conversation upthread!) Indy will appear in the next installment!
Photography: You deserve a firm pat on the back for the production quality there, not a blur or blemish in sight. You seem to have used a touch of HDR to the images which makes everything look really sharp, I am impressed.
I did buy a new camera, so the quality is notably better than my last effort. I confess to not knowing how to do HDR, so I guess that was a lucky coincidence. I did do some standard, simple photoshop manipulation, though.
Thanks for your advice from last month, btw, regarding photography. I used photoshop to move the characters closer together in frame at least once. The camera really does amplify the distance between figures, you have to jam 'em as close together as possible!
Dioramas: I needn't have to tell you how good a job you have done creating the ambiance needed, you've aced it straight off the bat.
So in conclusion... A really pleasant surprise and a thoroughly enjoyable read. If you leave it as-is you really should be proud of yourself, if you continue then I have to wish you the best of luck as you are going to have your work cut out topping this first production. I'm really impressed!
Thanks again. I think the dios here are okay....not spectacular, but serviceable enough.
There will be another chapter posted later this week, it's already finished, so stay tuned. The plan is to tell a complete story in roughly four chapters which I'll roll out over the next month or so.