Okay, sorry for the double-post but here is my -brutal-, but very fair, analysis of the 6" Black Series as a whole. What makes this relevant is that it was done in the Summer of last year when ONLY ONE WAVE was out yet this critique still holds up today at Wave 4! It can be a little upsetting to watch because you can see comments there from people saying we need to be more patient and wait for Hasbro to build their skill-set up in this scale, but here we are in the 4th Wave and nothing has changed. People lost their minds when I first posted this vid but now this opinion is widely accepted. Collectors were actually suffering from cognitive dissonance. It was -that- bad!
The video analysis is almost 30 minutes long but it is -thorough- and utilizes tons of comparative examples and objective critique. I really do give TBS 6" a fair shot noting the advanced articulation and all. There are also a few 'Action Figure Posing' tips in there but I think I need to do a separate comprehensive video on that soon as well.
Hold onto your seats! Once you get past the nice articulation stuff in the beginning the rest is, like I said, pretty brutal.
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