Thanks, Jeff! I had to find a compromise for the cabinets' height. The maximum height per floor is 11.3 cm. So unfortunately all Wookiees have to bend down a bit.
It's a tight fit, but I'm happy with them also because the depth of 7.5 cm allows some lightsaber/action-posing.
Fun story about the ROTS banner: I found it on an online fleamarket. I asked the seller if it was from Toys "R" Us. I knew it was never sold. It turned out that his mother worked for Hasbro back in the 90s. Her first brother worked for PARKER and her second brother for Kenner.
The whole family worked in the toys/game industry and every once in a while they were given some goodies. He remembered that his mom gave him the Sneak Preview items for The Phantom Menace back in 1998. He tried to figure out what this Mace Windu and STAP vehicle i green packaging were supposed to be. He had the toys before all his friends, which is why they loved to come over to play at his place. Lots of good memories he said.
The banner was given to his mom. I picked it up
on my way to Action.
He even had a second one, which he offered me for another 15€.
Another happy landing!