One of the owners of our Indy toy company has had a passion project in the works for a few years. Said owner and youngest daughter have a massive love for the Mission Fleet series. Join us on our journey as we create the toys that Hasbro is failing to give us. Please keep in mind that all this is done on our dime and our time. If you are interested in getting to know more or investing in the project please reach out. Now without further Ado we give you our Fleet Friends Line brought to you by your friends at Toysatsu.com
Weather Hasbro continues the line or let it die our plan is to keep it alive with unique and or upgraded goodies. With an emphasis on unique items that improve on articulation, playability, and expand your collection. There are many different projects running at one time. The first few projects are just getting ready to hit the market with many more planned shortly after.

In our figures section we have been slowly prototyping and improving on the already released figures that are out there from the series. Upgraded articulation and such. Our initial plan is to create army builder collections of clones, pilots, droids, jedi, sith, and mandalorians. Also, upgrading and rescaling previously released items throughout Star Wars history. We plan on offering quite a few different tiers of product purchases. Basic figure collection, army build collections, and you're more premium figures that would have extra accessories. This line has everything from figures to aliens in production right now.

If Hasbro has dropped the ball on anything the most it would have to be the ships. Besides promising us things that never show or completely missing the mark. If they won't do it then we will. There are quite a few very secretive projects going on right now in regards to scale accurate Fleet additions. Upgraded previous releases all the way up to 100% from scratch productions that will guarantee to the show stopping pieces. Can't give away too much right now but just know we're about to put Hasbro to shame. One of our longest running productions is a definitely labor of love. The figure comes first but we have been prototyping this item to complete perfection for almost a year now. Below is our sneak peek schematic.

First off we would like to thank everyone who took the time to read this and all who share the love for star wars, toys, and anything from a galaxy far far away. We look forward to building this line and greatly welcome all questions, suggestions, and constructive criticisms. We do second constructive criticisms because there's no sense to tear somebody down. Please keep in mind that this is a passion project ran by a father and his young daughter. We're just here to share our love of the items and give everyone the ability to expand their collections with truly amazing pieces. We can't wait to hear what everybody has to say and let's get this conversation going. Stay tuned everybody dropping fire real soon! May the force be with you whether it be the light or the dark side 😁😈