Hello All,
We and my fellow pilots were sitting around in the ready room today and we were thinking, why don't Star Wars fighters have names like the fighters and other aircraft in use around the world? So I'm proposing The Fighter and Spacecraft Name Game, here's how it works, I'll start off with a list of Star Wars spacecraft that already have established names and names that my fellow fighter jocks and I came up with, along with fighters and spacecraft that still need names. When the spacecraft are named, I'll create custom insignias with those names giving credit to the member that came up up with name based on a poll that I'll start later on.
T-65C X-Wing "Switchblade"
I-7 "Howlrunner"
A-9 "Vigilance"
RU-1 LAAT-i "Assassin"
A-99 K-Wing "Thunderbolt"
RZ-1 A-Wing "Lightning"
T-16 "Skyhopper"
Now for the ones that need names,BTL-A4 Y-Wing "
T-72A E-Wing "
F/A-88 B-Wing "
TIE Ln Fighter "
TIE In Interceptor "
TIE Bm Bomber "
TIE Ad Advanced "
These are the ones that I could think of for now, I know I missed A LOT of them, so please add the ones that I missed to list and name them.
Have Fun, and enjoy!!!!