Author Topic: Old 2000ish GI Joe fodder  (Read 1457 times)

Offline Joerhyno

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Old 2000ish GI Joe fodder
« on: December 18, 2009, 02:45:41 PM »

'Tis the season...

There were a couple people interested in some of this fodder, but can't really afford it or what not right now.. so I thought, what the heck... here's what I'll do. I'm gonna make some baggies up and I'll split it between about 6 guys here if they're interested(including the ones that I already talked to in PM) and then the rest is going in a fodder box that's going around on another message board when I get it.

Here's the rules.. and they're strict cause, well, it's free...

1. No complaining on what you get, lol.. it's free

2.No requesting a certain body part you see in the pics, they're just to show you what's all in there...

3. I know there's some overseas homies here.. but I'll have to do this US only right now to keep if free... if for some reason, you just have to have a baggie and you're over seas, you'll have to pay shipping.

4. Don't PM me, I'll PM you, just post here if you're interested and I'll go by who responds first.  Please don't respond just to get free stuff, please only if you'd use it(wouldn't be fare to ones who would).

5... that's it I guess, just felt like adding another number.

Fodder baggie lists:


There might be more, all depends on the size of the baggie and what I have, if so I'll post so...

To the mods, I hope this is cool, I mean, it's free... right?  vadsab

Offline Joerhyno

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Re: Old 2000ish GI Joe fodder
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2009, 02:46:59 PM »
Oh, and yes, I do see some modern and some SW parts in the pics, but doesn't mean that there's a lot, might be a couple pieces here an there... ;)

Offline Phatty

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Re: Old 2000ish GI Joe fodder
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2010, 10:07:14 AM »
Of course it is cool!  This thread belongs over in the Imperial Surplus Sales, and I'll move it over there, but this is awesome of you!  In fact, I'd love to be added to your list!

Offline Cimter

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Re: Old 2000ish GI Joe fodder
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2010, 01:00:10 PM »
I am interested if there's anything left, mainly interested in those Heads without the helmets, but I don't want to deprive someone of the other parts as they may need them, where I don't have any use for them, hell I would even purchase the helmet less heads if need be, and I am not even after all the helmet less heads either. But it's up to you Joe it's your gear.

However the heads I would be interested in if you are up for it are as follows:-

1) Bald guy (x1)
2) Blonde guy (x2)
3) Ginger guy (x1)
4) Black Bald guy (x1)
5) Scuba guy (x1)

Let me know if you are willing to part with these, thanks.