Author Topic: The Trianii  (Read 2410 times)

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The Trianii
« on: December 27, 2009, 07:30:16 PM »
INFO: The Trianii were an advanced, adventurous felinoid species that inhabited the outermost portion of the Tingel Arm bordering the Corporate Sector. Their homeworld was Trian.

RACE: Trianii
HEIGHT: 2 Meters Tall
SKIN (FUR): Variable
DISTINCTION: Prehensile tails

Trian was a planet located within the Trian system of the Wild Space.

Their general form was in some ways similar to the Togorians, Cathar, and Catuman Warriors (indeed, many Trianii that were found on other worlds were mistaken for the aforementioned species), and like them, Trianii had excellent balance and eyesight, and a talent for leaping, jumping, and acrobatics. Unlike most other feline species, however, Trianii had prehensile tails. They had fur, which could come in a variety of colors and patterns. Adult Trianii averaged two meters in height.

Trianii females were generally stronger than their male counterparts, as well as being more dexterous and mindful of artistic values. For this reason, tribunals of females called yu'nar governed their society. Trianii culture was organized around their religious beliefs, with dance, art, music, literature, and even industry and commerce all revolving around spirituality. At one time, the Trianii had many different religions, but the leaders of these different faiths all agreed upon a specific moral code of conduct and brought together a religious coalition that lasted for thousands of years. Most Trianii were still active in the traditional faith of their families, though, and all religious figures were held in great regard.

The Trianii usually wore no clothing, except when it was needed for utility or protection. The one common garment of the species was a belt, used to carry tools, weapons, or other items. Ceremonial garb was usually limited to jewelry, ribbons, and other such adornments.

The Trianii were a fiercely independent people. They were constantly driven to explore, and being technologically advanced, they established colonies in no less than six neighboring systems, including Brochiib, Pypin, Ekibo, and Fibuli. Each of these colonies was organized as a completely independent civilization, founded by Trianii who were seeking a different way of life.

Because of their determination and forbearance, they ferociously resisted Corporate Sector Authority expansion into their territories. Colonists assisted by the Trianii Rangers (an independent space force of the Trianii people) pushed the invaders out of their colonies.

Very little is actually mentioned of the Trianii Rangers, but it is garnered that they are presumably adept combatants in space, with training also in practical warfare, something the CSA took note of when they encountered unnaturally stiff resistance from the sentients. During the skirmishes between the two, a few Trianii were captured and interrogated- some were sent to the asteroid prison facility of Stars' End, before its destruction.

Trian remained independent and unhindered throughout the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire. After the Empire fell, the Trianii indicated no desire to join the New Republic.

The Trianii produced a number of starship designs, such as the RX4 Patrol Ship.

Star Wars Dark Times 5: The Path to Nowhere, Part 5
Star Wars Dark Times: Blue Harvest, Part 1
Han Solo at Stars' End (First appearance)
Han Solo at Stars' End comic
"Galaxywide NewsNets" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 7
Balance Point
The Unifying Force

A Guide to the Star Wars Universe (First Edition)
Star Wars Adventure Journal 12
Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook
Pirates & Privateers
The Essential Guide to Alien Species
Alien Encounters
Ultimate Alien Anthology
Galaxy at War
Trianii on (article)
Atuarre in the Databank
Corporate Sector Authority in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.