Author Topic: The Ukian  (Read 1132 times)

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The Ukian
« on: December 27, 2009, 09:22:25 PM »
INFO: The Ukians were sapient humanoids indigenous to Ukio.

RACE: Ukian
HEIGHT: 1.7 Meters Tall
SKIN: Salmon pink
DISTINCTION: Gangly and awkward
LANGUAGE: Ukianese

Ukio was a well-known agriworld in the Ukio system of the Abrion sector, and homeworld of the Ukians. It served as one of the top producers of foodstuffs. It was a large planet with a gentle climate due to a low axial tilt, which allowed for nearly year-round growing season for agriculture. Nearly the entire planet had been converted to food production uses, and Ukian law even required crop rotation procedures to maximize output. The planet had three large continents, cut through by hundreds of rivers to provide for natural irrigation. The world was governed by the Overliege, a hereditary monarch.

The planet seceded from the Galactic Republic 22 BBY, shortly before the Clone Wars. At the time, it was ruled by Overliege Topas dosLa, who wanted his world to have better control over its exports and to no longer suffer under burdensome Republic tariffs. It was part of the Galactic Empire, and many native Humans joined the military, including Corporal Oberk, Corporal Janse, and Sergeant Narthax.

Ukio was one of the New Republic worlds attacked by Thrawn. This was where he first used the trick, coordinated by Joruus C'baoth, of firing turbolaser blasts at the shields and having cloaked ships, which had sneaked in with the planetary shields down, to fire. This caused the appearance that Thrawn was firing through the shields, and Ukio surrendered.Ukio was also located on the Triellus Trade Route.

Ukians are known as some of the most efficient farmers and horticulturists in the galaxy. They are also among one of the gentlest species in existence. The Ukians are hairless, bipedal humanoids with salmon pink skin and red eyes, which narrow to slits. They are humanoid, but to the average human, Ukians appear gangly and awkward - like mismatched arms and legs were attached to the wrong bodies. Their slight build hides impressive strength.

The Ukian people are firmly rooted in their agrarian traditions. Few Ukians ever leave their homeworld Ukio and the vast majority of these aliens pursue careers in agriculture. Most Ukians spend their time cultivating and organizing their harvest, and most have large farming complexes directed by the "Ukian Farming Bureau." The planet itself is run by the "Ukian Overliege," a selected office with a term of 10 years. The Overliege's responsibilities include finding ways of improving the total agricultural production of the planet, as well as determining the crops and production output of each community. The Ukian with the most productive harvest for the previous 10-year period is offered the position.

Ukians are a pragmatic species and share a cultural aversion to "the impossible;" if events are far removed from standard daily experience, Ukians become very agitated and frightened. This weakness is sometimes used by business execs and commanders; by seemingly accomplishing the impossible, the Ukians are thrown into disarray, placing them at a disadvantage.

On 9 ABY, Grand Admiral Thrawn studied Ukian art and was able to determine that the Ukian psyche did not like surprise and the unknown. As he predicted, they were quick to surrender after his cloaking device attack.

Abrion Sector Secedes; Separatists Get Agri-Worlds—HoloNet News Vol. 531 52
The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct
The Last Command (Mentioned only)

The Last Command Sourcebook
Alien Encounters
The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.