Author Topic: The Vratix  (Read 2409 times)

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The Vratix
« on: December 27, 2009, 09:44:37 PM »
INFO: The Vratix, also known as Thyferrans, were native to the planet of Thyferra. They were a hermaphroditic species who invented bacta. They were led by a Canir, their elected ruler.

RACE: Vratix
HEIGHT: 1.5 to 2 Meters Tall
SKIN: Greenish-gray
DISTINCTION: Two pairs of arms, insectoid

Thyferra was a hot, humid planet located in the Polith system on the Rimma Trade Route, on which most of the galaxy's bacta was produced. It was also a major political power as bacta production was an essential commodity.

Thyferra was the homeworld of the Vratix people. The Vratix had already colonized many celestial bodies in the Polith system when they were in first contact with the Galactic Republic. Since the Vratix had discovered how to create bacta from alazhi and kavam, the planet became an important Republic world, drawing profit-hungry human colonists. The Vratix shared the secret of bacta production with their Human neighbors, who eventually gained control of the bacta industry and hired many of the natives as workers in their bacta plants.

As a result, Thyferra was almost completely controlled by two Human-run corporations: Zaltin and Xucphra. These two corporations were chosen by Emperor Palpatine to supply the Empire's bacta, thus eliminating any real competition in the bacta market.

The Rebel Alliance's bacta supply on the planet was a target set by Grand Moff Kohl Seerdon. In 2 ABY, after setting a diversion on Sullust, he raided the planet to prevent Alliance bacta from reaching the group. However, the plot was thwarted by Rogue Squadron.

In 7 ABY, Ysanne Isard backed a coup that saw a pro-Imperial faction taking over Thyferra. The faction later elected her head of state, allowing her to remain in lawfull power, eliminate the Zaltin, control the bacta industry, and start a small but important conflict known as the Bacta War. During the Battle of Thyferra, Rogue Squadron and its allies, operating at the time independent from the New Republic—which for political reasons could not directly interfere—liberated Thyferra from the Empire and imperial loyalists using guerilla tactics, pluck, and native allies.

Thyferra later joined the Killiks in the Swarm War, the New Jedi Order being unable to defend it from a coup orchestrated by the Killiks. Following the end of the war, Thyferra reverted to Alliance control.

Vratix were an insectoid species with large compound eyes, long thin necks, and six limbs sprouting from a cylindrical thorax. They had two arms that were triple-jointed which extended from their shoulders. Small thin hairs covered their bodies and changed color to express emotion. Vratix excreted denin, a chemical that altered the color of their skin to reflect their mood, and was connected to their speech patterns of clicks also known as Vratix. Despite this, they could communicate with other beings via Basic when regarding trade. They were also slightly telepathic, capable of sending thoughts with other Vratix that they related to.

Vratix were a logical and straightforward species that had trouble grasping abstract concepts like art and music. However, they could solve a complex problem by examining every detail and angle. Culture was centered around the hive mentality. They generally referred to themselves as the plural we rather than I, and usually under their hive name. It should also be noted that the Vratix are generally a sociable species; they prefer all information to be delivered personally.

The Vratix also keep Knytix, a smaller insectoid species, as pets and for the creation of dwellings (their saliva is used to make a mud-like paste that is then dried to make bricks). The Vratix also eat the Knytix on certain occasions, when the owner of the Knytix offers his pet to another Vratix as a sign of high respect.

Vratix used bacta for thousands of years, and were not hesitant to share their secret with the galaxy at large. During the Galactic Republic a thriving business evolved around the sale and distribution of bacta.

During the New Order, Palpatine eliminated all but two bacta producers, the Zaltin and Xucphra factions. These two cartels would be the Galactic Empire's bacta supply. During this time some Vratix resorted to terrorism to beat out competition in the bacta market.

With the help of Rogue Squadron and the Vratix resistance group, the Ashern ("Black Claw", in the native language), the Vratix liberated their world from the cartels and asked the New Republic for admission as a member world.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Verachen sect of Vratix controlled bacta production, supplying the vitally needed bacta.

During the Swarm War, the Vratix became Joiners to the Killiks and led a revolt on the bacta cartels on Thyferra, bringing production of the healing liquid to a halt and causing a major blow to the forces of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.

A famous Vratix was Yopaxtul, who won the "six-legged being" category at the Mobquet Presents: Fastest Land Beings event held on Teyr in 22 BBY. It won the 100-meter race in a record breaking 6.132 seconds.

Cloak of Deception (Mentioned only)
New Galaxy's Fastest Hexaped—HoloNet News Vol. 531 52
Star Wars: Empire at War (Mentioned only)
Star Wars Missions 2: Escape from Thyferra
X-wing: Rogue Squadron (First mentioned)
X-wing: The Krytos Trap (First appearance)
X-wing: The Bacta War
"The Trouble with Squibs" - Star Wars Insider 67 (Mentioned only)
Star Wars Invasion 5: Refugees, Part 5
Emissaries of the Void
Star by Star
Destiny's Way (Mentioned only)
Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen (Mentioned only)
Dark Nest III: The Swarm War

Alien Encounters
Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Hoth Limited (Card: Bacta Tank)
The Essential Guide to Alien Species
The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons
Ultimate Alien Anthology
The New Essential Guide to Alien Species
Star Wars Insider 64
"The Business of Bacta" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 3
Thyferra: Bacta Basics on (article)
The Essential Atlas

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.