This was a walmart exclusive "under the helmet" two pack that originally cost $12.68
Celebrating the season 1 episode "Rookies", this pack includes a Captain Rex figure with blue paint apps on his right hand and forearm from the beast whose blood Rex marked Echo's armor with deeming him, "no longer a shiny". This Rex is pretty much identical to previous releases of Captain Rex and features a removable helmet, two pistols, and the normal superb articulation that all of the animated clone figures share.No ball jointed hips, though.
The Fives figure features a removable helmet, a blaster, and a nice looking #5 tattoo on his forehead. He has the same headsculpt as Echo but wears a stylish goatee. Fives' helmet is of the new style with the notch on his chin where Rex's is still the older style without the notch. Fives also has that great articulation without the ball jointed hips.
Not a bad set for the price and this is the only place where you can get a Fives.