Ok, so my latest completed piece of this team is finished, though I'm not entirely sure about her. Her costume is a dark purple, but it shows up as black in pictures.
Code Name: Port
Power: Teleportation, limited only to any place she has seen or been to, regardless of distance.
Port discovered her ability to teleport, albeit completely by accident, as a toddler. Able to open portals to any location she has been to, or seen in a picture of any kind, her parents found it incredibly difficult to keep tabs on their young daughter. Port teleported to Italy as a young teenager after reading all about it in History class in school, and when she returned home, her parents had left, leaving behind all of their possessions. Port was left on her own, and used her talents for her own personal goals. Having no family, no home, Port bounced around all over the globe, learning what she could, stealing when it was necessary, and eventually bumped into a charismatic young man who goes by the name Jolt, who has the ability to generate blasts of intensely powerful energy matter. Jolt took her under his wing and taught her to use her powers for for the benefit of mankind.

Additionally, here are some other members of this little experiment I'm working on. Bear in mind, the rest of these are far from done.
Code Name: Flashpoint
Powers: Able to conjure and manipulate fire, as well as conjure and direct lightning. Flashpoint is able to combine the two powers to create devastating electrified fireballs. Additionally, Flashpoint is able to ride lightning bolts, travelling to any destination he chooses at the speed of light.
It is unknown where Flashpoint got his powers. It is known, however, that he burnt off his own face while trying to learn to harness both powers simultaneously. Little else is known about him, as he is a very private, angry person who has no distaste for humans, though isn't really fond of them either. He does, however, get along VERY well with Smashrock, as their personalities are very similar.

Code Name: Jolt
Powers: Able to generate incredibly powerful blasts of energy matter, seemingly out of nowhere. Able to store such energies in his body, giving him enhanced strength and reflexes, and can focus his discharged powers into solid beams, or incredible blasts.
Jolt got his powers from a controlled chemical experiment that somehow went wrong, yet only resulted in his new powers. A brilliant biochemist with multiple Ph.Ds in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, his experiment was to only yield a new chemical that would power combustible mechanics with a cheap, lab created energy. Jolt is still looking for the cause of the error in his calculations. Seeking others of his kind with enhanced personas, Jolt feels he can better the whole World if the right people do the right thing.

Code Name: Aquos
Powers: Ability to pull any moisture within her immediate person to create any number of uses for the water, from focused beams able to slice through the most hardened metals, to force fields capable of withstanding incredible blasts. She can also ride waves of water anywhere she needs to go, and can create air pockets within the water in which she can travel below the surface of any body of water.
Aquos claims to be a Water Nymph, though no records of any such creatures ever existing on Earth throughout History. Aquos claims she is older beyond recorded history, again with no evidence to support or refute her claims. Mysterious, but incredibly powerful and smart, she eagerly follows along with Jolt, Port, Smashrock, and Flashpoint.

Unknown hero

Unknown Villain