Author Topic: Coach Carter  (Read 1107 times)

Offline CloneCaptainV2224

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Coach Carter
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:15:11 AM »
Starring Samuel L. Jackson, it is about a basketball team leading it's way to the top of the local state's Highschool's league. The Coach isn't just training those young players but he also educates them. he makes them sign contracts where they have to promise that every of them will pass the exams or they will not play anymore.  If one was failing there was no match for the whole team. At the end the coach makes them pass all the exams and make a good life for each of em'. Every player goes to a top college and the coach's mission was fulfilled.

I would definitely recommend this movie. I love it's story and i can't say i had some dislikes.

rate: 9,5/ 10

Vlad I.