I love this speeder custom, not only for it's originality and the excellent paintwork but it is a perfect example of something that I've tried to explain to people for a long long time...
ANYTHING can be customized to fit into the star wars universe! this is a great example of someone going outside the box, looking at other toy lines and answering the age old question "Is this going to be usefull." I find myself purchasing items from allmost EVERY 3.75 inch toy line out there at one point or another for customs...
anyways, back to this one specifically. The added greeblies make this work IMHO. Without them it would look unfinished.
I only have one critique, I wouldn't have used the wheel wells on the bottom, I'd just left it flat. They do give it a nice elevated look but I personally don't like them. In all the other speeders we've seen they've always been flat bottomed and we assume that the "repulsor lift" is inside the vehicle somehow, not actually directed downward with any sort of nozzle or apparatus...