I just hope this ridiculous bill gets slammed to the ground. Artists won't benefit more when this happens. It's all about enormous amount of money, money from the big companies controlling the industry.
Do I download torrent files? Yes, I do, quite a bit. Is it wrong? Well, yes, I basically walk out of a cd store with a cd I haven't paid for

But actions like SOPA and PIPA just won't work. It's a good thing to try and protect copyrighted material, but with things like these there's too much collateral damage. It'll only backfire, because we all know why torrent sites came to be. Because they killed Kazaa. And Kazaa came when they killed Napster. The entertainment industry has been in the back of the field ever since internet started to flourish.
What I'm trying to say with my "diorama" is we all use copyrighted products to make "our own" creations. The worst case scenario could be LFL sending SOPA agents on our asses.
What if I made a video of my little girls playing with SW figures re-enacting the speeder bike chase and posted that on Youtube? And with a little bit of SW music underneath? I mean, where will it stop, right?
Final note: here in Holland we can tell public internetproviders which sites to allow and which to block (helloooooo, North Korea and China!), but we can't put a pedofile assosiation called "Martijn" to justice, because there's no criminal intent or some bs like that