Doc, Thanks for the kind words, Luke was special for me too cause at the time he was anounced my financhial situation had finally improved and I was searching for the VTOC one, literally I was about to bid when I read the announcement. Serindipidious indeed.
WW Hulk (IMO) is the best hulk Hasbro has done. If only for the fact he has articulation, I heard a rumor of a Skar figure as well (probably recycle the mold and will be an easy pass for me). I relized Mark VI is everywhere and is practially pegwarming, but I still like it if just for color alone.
Thanks again, often I have a hard time tracking down stuff as well. As I have said I love putting these together each year, I tend to learn a great deal in photoshop )for example I learned a new technique to make lens flairs like on IM Mark VI more accurate and how to make the light stretch out into a flat "beam" are two prime examples of what I picked up on this year doing this, for another example of what I mean, look at rinzler's pic).
Phatty, thanks, not naming names but one thing that irritates me about the big review sites is the fact that they seem very detacted from the reviews, I collect cause I love it and I just don't understand those who don't (that love can manifest in many ways, thus I want to make it clear none of us have to be collectors who collect all the same stuff the same way). So saying there is a human element there makes me feel great that part of what I have to say comes accross. Anyway thanks for the kind words.