Author Topic: Onyx Squad  (Read 1638 times)

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Onyx Squad
« on: December 18, 2010, 12:46:10 PM »
I'm back, yarders, after months of waiting, a new story idea has come to me! Without any further ado, here is the first part of , "Onyx Squad"!

Captain Stark, once formerly an honorable Republic commando, now one of the few clones still serving the Empire. He used to be kind, only killing when it was needed. All that was knocked out of him after three months as an Imperial commando. The armor reminded him to much of the past, but he still wore is. The red paint on the armor represented death. Death to any who would resist the might of the Empire. He commanded a squad of commandos just like he did during the times of the Republic. His former comrades in Gamma squad had resigned from service, they were physically and emotionally wounded by Nagi Springfield. Their wounds were to great, so they left him without a squad to command. Stark did, however, love watching the new recruits train. Whenever he appeared to supervise them, they would salute him like he was a general. He liked that.

Stark was the MVP in the game of war. Any mission he partook in, it succeeded. His squad, Onyx Squad, was the best commando group in the entire Empire. Stark knew this was true because of the hard work of his squadmates. His second-in-command  Lieutenant Riley Birch was, is, and will always be the best demolitions expert in the history of the commandos. Ask him to storm a Rebel base and set charges by himself, he'd come back with the base a smoldering ruin in 5 minutes flat. Corporal Daniel Lockhart is one of the most accurate snipers in the galaxy. Give him a laser carbine and a target at 1000 yards, it's gone. Private Julianne Smith, one of the few female soldiers in the Empire, is the squad's medic. Usually half of the mission's success goes to Julianne's treating of injuries. Last, but certainly not least is Nathan Thornburg. As the squad's technician and engineer, he can hack a supercomputer in 2 minutes and hotwire a ship to use as a get away during operations on a Rebel cruiser. Now that you know about Onyx Squad, let's see how their next mission goes.

"Onyx Squad. Good to see you back in combat again," General Terra said over the holo projector. He saluted them, and Stark was the only one saluting, his prosthetic arm raised to his forehead. "Now, your objective is to do a little reconnaissance on a small rebel outpost on the planet of Ord Mantell. After you recon the base, return to the drop site immediately. A shuttle will be there to pick you up and the 501st will handle the rest. Good luck." Said Terra after he briefed them.

"Bloody 501st. They get all the glory just because they're in Vader's legion." Lieutenant Birch said with disgust.

"You must learn to respect your allies, or someday they may not be there when you need them the most." Corporal Lockhart said, polishing his sniper rifle.

"Thank you for enlightening us, philosopher," Private Thornburg said while chuckling.

"Are we expecting much resistance?" Private Smith asked.

"I wouldn't worry about it. We're going to destroy the base anyways. Birch is right, those buggers in the 501st get all the glory." Stark said.

"But, that goes against our orders, Captain," Private Thornburg said.

"I know that," Stark said hile pounding his prosthetic fist against the gunship doors, "I just want to prove us five can do what an entire battalion can do."

The doors of the gunship hissed open. "Onyx Squad," Stark said while putting on his helmet, "move out!"
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline wraithnine

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Re: Onyx Squad
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2010, 03:46:44 PM »
nice Jack   made good reading mate
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Onyx Squad
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2010, 04:06:40 PM »
Thanks, Jay!
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Onyx Squad
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2010, 05:06:06 PM »
Stark walked through the urban ruins of Ord Mantell, his prosthetic right arm's hand gripping his DC-17M blaster. After getting his arm cut off by a Jedi, it was replaced with this prosthetic one. He and his squad walked through the ruins. "Alright, squad. Keep an eye out, this area would be perfect for an ambush." Stark said while looking around for any rebels. The rain pelted against his armor. Suddenly, blaster fire flew from nearby buildings. "Get to cover!" Stark yelled.

Stark looked out from the doorframe he was taking cover behind. There were rebels eveywhere in the buildings in front of him. "Daniel, Nathan! Give me covering fire! Riley, come with me! We're going to get into those buildings." Stark yelled. Daniel, a lefty, fired a shot at a rebel in the farrest building and hit him right between the eyes, and Nathan fired his E-11 blaster at rebels in the nearest buildings.

"Riley, I'll take the building to the left, you go right!" I yelled to Riley, blaster shots whacking the ground near my feet. I ran into the the ruined building. Rebels piled down the stairs and pointed their blasters at me. I dropped my DC-17 and raised my hands above my head. "Take him away!" A rebel ordered, probably the commanding officer. Two of the five rebels approached him, then Stark pulled his knife and slit one's throat, then used him as a shield from the coming blaster fire. He pulled his pistol and shot at the rebels, and three of the four fell dead to the sound. The commander ran towards him and knocked him down, then he ran out the door. Then, Stark picked up his DC-17 and wiped the blood on his knife off against his black and red armor.

Then Stark ran to the farthest building. He fired his weapon as he ran, and rebels fell from the buildings to the ground. Stark armed his Anti-armor attachment and shot it at the rebels that  were in the building. Then, Stark saw the rebel officer. He stunned him, and he fell to the muddy ground. Then Stark saw an explosion, knowing that Riley had taken ccare of the rebels in his building. Stark dragged the officer back to the squad. The squad each had their own colored armor. Daniel's armor was black and green, Nathan's black and white, Julianne's black and teal, and Riley's black and gold.

Daniel tied him to a large block of rubble, Nathan held a gun to his head, and Stark interrogated him.

"What's your name?" Stark asked.

 The officer answered, "Tiberius Garlo. Sergeant. Serial number 8563427."

Stark then went behind him and asked. "Well it was nice meeting you, Sergeant Garlo. Nathan, kill him." Nathan nodded. He reloaded his weapon

":No please! Please spare me! Let me l-" Garlo's words were cut off by the blaster shot tyhat eneterd his head.

Stark looked at his squad, their armor covered with mud and blood. "Well done squad. Let's get  back to the gunship. The 501st will be glad with what we left them." Stark commanded. They trudged back to the gunship and they flew back to the Star Destroyer Abyss.
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?