See that is the thing, with the exception of Di Vinci Code I would call all your exampels pretty darn good. I have issues with the Di Vinci code (note nothing to do with the subject matter, some other stuff I will not exponge here cause it convolutes my point) but I never would say it was bad writing, just not appealing to me.
I have said several times I hate a book or a movie, but I know try not to get into the writing nessessarly.
But in this case the guy spent several sentaces talking about how great the visuals are, the poseing of the figures (Kind of chuckled since I have cheated several times on that one by just moving an arm for a figure), and how great the backgrounds are (I chuckled again cause I keep making sure to make jokes about how the whole thing is fake anyway), effect ect. then the comment on the writing. I could be reading into this but it was almost like just because I made it a comedy was the issue, maybe just me reading into things but I have gotten flak (that I have often ignored) for joking, but really how do you possibly explain Vader, deadpool, Spock, Hulk, Snake Eyes, Triple-H, ect in the same frame without it being a comedy and not have a mental breakdown trying to figure out the continuity. I wouldn't even want to try LOL.
Eh some people I guess love serious stuffs, just not what I feel like doing cause I wanna have fun.