Author Topic: The Spectre's Caribbean Adventure!  (Read 744 times)

Offline The Spectre

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The Spectre's Caribbean Adventure!
« on: August 27, 2011, 06:30:01 PM »
As many of you are probably aware, I have been incommunicado all last week. I was enjoying a vacation with my family in the island nation of Puerto Rico! Despite being hit by Hurricane Irene on Monday/Tuesday, we still went all over the island and experienced as much as we could during our week-long stay!

Here are a few random shots from the almost 800 pictures I took:

The very beginning of Hurricane Irene.

Me at the Aricebo Radio Telescope.

The Rio Cayun Caverns.

The famous El Morro fortress in Old San Juan.

A massive (I'm 6' so this gives you an idea how big this is, and yes, I know I have to lose some weight as I'm built more like Kilowog than Hal Jordan LOL) Tiano Indian head carving near Isabella.

If anyone is interested in seeing more of the pics, hit up my Facebook page, you'll find a link in my sig! :)
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Offline Phatty

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Re: The Spectre's Caribbean Adventure!
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2011, 07:16:09 PM »
Boy, that sure looks like it was a lot of fun!  Glad you and your family made it back before the storm got too bad.