This will be a list of stuff I'd like to get, not so much in a rush on it as I have more ideas than I could actually put together. Prefer used as these will be customized. Money is tight, so trades would work best for me. I have 25th Anniversary Joe, a few ROC Joe, SW, and Transformers.
Could use:
Anakin Pod Racer Engines
A-Wing Fighter
Clone Wars Animated Mace Windu Armor pieces
Clone Wars Animated Kit Fisto Head Sculpt with Lightsaber
Clone Wars Animated ARF Trooper
Republic Commando (any of them)
Mandalore Head (from the fett legacy pack)
AT-TE Gunner
Commander Cody
Trebor coleman (blue jedi that gets killed by jango fett)
Jango Fett from the Fett legacy pack or similiar
Rise Of Cobra G.I. Joe Flash (do not need the guns)
Rise Of Cobra Red Fang Ninja
Rise Of Cobra Accelerator Suit Helmet
Rise Of Cobra Laptops
25th Anniversary G.I. Joe
Zartan v2 (the one with the skimmer vehicle)