Author Topic: Podcast Idea--Something cool?!  (Read 1339 times)

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Podcast Idea--Something cool?!
« on: March 19, 2012, 12:52:20 AM »
Not sure if this is the right place for this...

I am, as I'm sure many of you are, a big fan of Kevin Smith's Comic Book Men (an new-ish reality TV show all about his personal comic store and the guys who run it for him). Basically it's a fairly simple concept, a group of guys (or girls), all with different backgrounds but a shared interest/hobby come together weekly to talk shop, shoot the breeze and recap the events of the past week (or month). I love this formula and naturally, being a customizer, and repetitively new to this world, but at the same time a life long collector, I think it could interesting to do a Customizing version of this. I know Tamer and Lucas Clones have their podcast, and that's awesome (keep up the great work guys!), and I don't want to diminish that, but I'm thinking of a regular group of customizers getting together to talk shop, get to know each other better, and find out what it is that makes us all drawn to this hobby/life style. Also feature guests, spotlight certain artists, etc. I'd like to see a diverse group of customizers, someone fairly new, an old salt with lots of experience, someone who does a very concentrated focus (only action fleet, only 12", etc.), and others.

Perhaps calling it "Custom Men" or Custom Beings? or Custom Chatter... open to suggestions.

Anyone interested? This could be awesome!

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Re: Podcast Idea--Something cool?!
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2012, 07:36:44 AM »
Sounds like Custom Action Figure News to me!

One of our goals is to expand the base of this to podcast once every two weeks and then do some features where we focus on specific customizing topics ( like Zombies, or accesories, or painting, or casting, etc). We also want to expand to do some roundtables exactly like what you are describing (collecting and focuses, TCW wrap ups, latest SW news, and things along those lines). Time, alas, is always my enemy.

The reality of podcasting is that it seems easy, but to do it right involves lots of legwork and editing and communication. Some weeks Chad and I do better than others. I will be honest, I think podcasting could be a full time job even if one were to only podcast once a week. Still, nothing wrong with podcasts. The more out there the better I would think.

If you could get a dedicated schedule and group, I would love to sit around and talk about some of these things. Are you going to have a Site that could host your audio shows?

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Re: Podcast Idea--Something cool?!
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 07:53:03 AM »
Oh well if you guys are going to do a regular round table that pretty much covers my idea. Wasn't sure if I should suggest it, or if anyone was already thinking along these lines. For some reason, round tables are always interesting. probably because it's neat to see/hear the different reactions everyone brings to things. I'd be down to be part of a regular group, but I don't want to invite myself or anything lol.

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Re: Podcast Idea--Something cool?!
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2012, 09:00:16 AM »
Nah, I think it would be cool. If any other folks here are interested in joining such a group that would be great. AFE, if you want to organize such a group all the better. Perhaps Chad and I could even alternate our podcasts and we could do these every other cast which would make it once a month. We could even let you guys come up with the topic you want to roundtable about. I would think probably the maximum number we would want is about that same number you see on the comic book show which is about four or five. I need to speak to Chad about this as I just came across this this morning, but I think he would love the idea.

You could count yourself as one and Chad as one so we need about two or three more. I would definitely have a few suggestions for those you might approach, but if you are going to organize this (I just don't have the time) then I can probably live with any of the Shipyarders we have here. You could even use this thread and pose your roundtable topics and see who wanted in for which ones and do it that way too.

Once we see what interest there is, we could go from there. I am sure Chad will chime in about this eventually too.

Offline ActionFigEmpire

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Re: Podcast Idea--Something cool?!
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2012, 03:09:21 PM »
Awesome! Thanks Tamer! I have never done a podcast, and never one with people in different areas around the country/globe. So any and all chiming in would be awesome!

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Re: Podcast Idea--Something cool?!
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2012, 05:26:01 AM »
The biggest thing we need to remember if we are going to make this a part of CAFN is that Chad and I will only be available on Thursday evenings from around 6:15 PM to 7:30 ish. It sometimes stinks for West Coast and our foreign friends, but so far this has been the best compromise we have come up with.

That being said AFE I think the next step is seeing if you can find a few more Yarders who are willing to podcast and then come up with a list of roundtable topics you want to talk about. I have a few ideas (per earlier posts), but it would probably be more interactive if the podcasters came up with the discussion topics. We definitely need to see what Chad thinks too as we have a pretty good system worked up (the best we could figure out anyhow) about how to make all of this mesh.

And thanks for being willing to take this on. I can imagine it will involve tons of communication.

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Re: Podcast Idea--Something cool?!
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2012, 10:40:33 AM »
I love the idea of more podcasts.  Lucasclones and Tamer's podcast is brilliant, and I'd always be down to see more great customizing chatter in my iTunes feed!
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Re: Podcast Idea--Something cool?!
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2012, 03:10:22 AM »
Finally found this threads guys. I was looking for it in the announcements area. I am willing to go with your ideas AFE. Honestly it cuts down on show prep for me and Shawn too. We are both so busy that its hard to get everything done although we usually do. Like Shawn says your next step is to get 2-3 people that want to be part of the rounndtable and then we can go from there.