Updated the pics for these figures.
These are alien commanders in my verse. It involves post global invasion of Earth by conglomerate of alien species under the flag of a central, prime alien race. Each behicle custom has its own story tied to this verse. Storyline has evolved in mind and paper over 20 years.
Fleet Premier, Zoav Vrackarru (Longest serving Premier in the expeditionary fleet. responsible for conquering numerous systems. His military successes expanded the borders, security, and resource allocation from new territories in the uncharted deep regions of space for their prime civilization. He commands the expeditionary fleet, strategy, and overall invasions. Maintains security until the larger invasion fleet and Planetary Premier take control of operations. This fleet is resupplied with troops, armor, supplies, and other resources.)
Planetary Ground Operations, Supreme General Tilkau Zabidra(known for his shere verocity and merciless nature in combat. Has knowledge in use of many forms of ground and fighter crafts. He commands all ground and air forces engaged in combat on Earth. He overseas planetary operations from base in the US Midwest. He was known to personally fight in battles in Southern US, China, Europe).
Region General, Xetur Zrathakus(body mutated as result of biological contaminant. At Xetur's behest, medical integrated into his body computer/DNA inhibitor preventing further spread of mutagen. He commanded assault and establishment of first ground base in Midwest. Significant location for open land to allow for landing transports, armor, mecha, from their Earth orbiting expeditionary fleet)
Imfamtry: Armored Infantry and Light Infantry, Special Operations (pulled from either infantry corps).
Armored Infantry Division Commander Calon ZuBarasLight Infantry Trooper (shown in standard urban uniform).Hope they look better. More to come on the vehicle and Figure front.
Older image of the mutated figure
Invader Field Flag Officer - Custom of general mutated by alien infection.