Honestly, I've heard about these "cease and desist" letters concerning customs, and I'm not 100% buying those either. Honestly, there's nothing they can do about it legally. Unless a person is mass producing something, which to my knowledge no one has a factory in their garage, they can't stop art, it's a matter of Constitutional rights at that point. Besides, the money wasted in court for something like that is astronomically redundant.
Well, It's been a few days, and no cat let out of the bag about it being a hoax, so it appears as though I have to eat my words. I'm ok with it. The timing, low-ball selling price, and announcement of a 2015 movie are still completely insane, to me, but I'm no Hollywood exec, either. So with that in mind, I have no idea what to think. I really don't think we'll see a change in much of anything, other than an onslaught of new avenues and merchandising. I don't see them trying to shut down fan sites, or telling people they can't customize anymore, etc. Remember, the internet is NOT formally governed by any sanctioned policiing agency, there is no law on the internet. They'd again waste SO much money trying to fight them all, and while they obviously have that kind of money, it'd really put a hurting on their popularity of their new franchise.