Alrighty guys thought I would pop in with a little review here as there has finally been something new in my neck of the swamp to review. I went last week to Target and found the new Darth Maul Returns set and grabbed it up as this was a pack i had been highly anticipating. I will start with Savage Oppress first:

Savage is a repack of the single carded armored Savage from last year. Hasbro enters with their "Lame factor"(my term I am coining to describe dumb stuff they do ) here by not including his double saber like the fig should come with and instead giving him the gimmicky Staff sans the missle! I was hoping to not open my single carded Savage in case of possibly selling or trading him due to the fact that i could have a double of him with this pack. Because of the lame factor I had to open him up for the saber. The good part of this is now I have a Oppress to customize with ( the removable shoulder armor pads need to be casted as it they are awesome bits to have around for so many ideas ). Other than that I prefer this SO because the paint is slightly more rich in tone so I gave him the saber and he's good to maul Jedi. Same arty as the previous armored SO too. Lame no artyed ankles.
Next up is Good old Red and Black Demonic looking chicken walker Maul:

Ok, so i think a lot of dudes were anticipating this fig for a lot of reasons. One was that the awesome Expanded Universe Maul was too tough to get and this fig is a nice cheaper alternative to him. I will start off by saying this: This is a nice figure but it is not untouched by the lame factor. Case and point: NO ARTICULATED WRISTS!! C'mon Hasbro shouldn't this be as super articulated out of any of the figs in the pack?? I will say that the legs are well aartyed but Maul cannot even two hand his saber. He comes with the saber that breaks in two and i think its the same one that came with the vintage Maul. I have a soft spot for this character as i think he has been done wrong in the SW universe and am glad they brought him back. I want this to be my ultimate Maul with the cool legs. All I can say is I will have to do some work to modify him so that he IS that. Stay tuned to my customs thread to see how i accomplish this. His wrists are so thin that I think i am going to have to break down and actually purchase a pin vise (something I have been putting off for a while) to be able to fix. Arty rundown: Ball joints: Head, hip Ball hinge: shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles and he has a swivel waist and again no wrist articulation. He also has this weird red doodad that you can hook his saber into. Kinda reminds me of the Grevious lightsaber thing that twirls around.

I think Raph is going to win!

Easily takes the pack. While not being exactly Talzin I think she is close enough. I know a few people (Darth Daddy for one) are modifying this figure to make her more accurate but I dont think its that necessary plus i kinda like the feathers

Shes great with a fully articulated body like SWs figs should be sans ball jointed hips. And yes she has ankle articulation!!!! Yippee. Now all I gotta do is make a few of those cool Ninja looking chics to stand on either sdie of her! (Darth Daddy you could make some and send them to me

i hope you guys enjoyed this review as it was a lot of typing! lol!